

单词 shoot

US   UK  
shoot vi: (fire a gun)
SC 射击 shè jī
TC 射擊
Robert's father taught him to shoot when he was a little boy.

shoot at [sth/sb] vi + prep: (fire a gun at)
SC 射击 shè jī
TC 射擊
SC 开枪射击 shè jī,kāi qiāng shè jī
TC 開槍射擊
The soldiers shot at the enemy.

shoot [sth] vtr: (gun: fire)
SC 开枪 kāi qiāng
TC 開槍
He shot the gun.

shoot [sb/sth] vtr: (kill with gun, etc.)
SC 枪杀 qiāng shā
SC 射死 qiāng shā ,shè sǐ
Where did you shoot that deer?

shoot [sb/sth] in [sth] vtr + prep: (wound by firing gun, etc.)
SC 射中 shè zhòng
SC 射伤 shè zhòng ,shè shāng
The soldier was shot in the leg.

shoot [sb] vtr: (execute by gunfire)
SC 枪毙 qiāng bì
TC 槍斃
The prisoner was shot by the firing squad.

shoot [sth] vtr: (film)
SC 拍摄 pāi shè
TC 拍攝
They are shooting the movie in Canada.

shoot [sth] vtr: (photo: take) (照片)
SC 拍摄 pāi shè
TC 拍攝
The photographer shot 50 photos.

shoot! interj: US, slang, euphemism (annoyance)
SC 哇!可恶!哎呀! wā !kě wù !āi yɑ !
Shoot! I forgot his birthday!

shoot n: (botany: sprout) (植物)
SC 芽,苗 yá,miáo
TC 芽,苗
SC 嫩枝 nèn zhī
SC 发芽,出苗,抽枝 fā yá,chū miáo,chōu zhī
TC 發芽,出苗
From the eight seeds we got five shoots growing.

shoot n: (hunt)
SC 打猎 dǎ liè
TC 打獵
SC 狩猎 dǎ liè,shòu liè
They went on a turkey shoot.

shoot n: informal (filming session) (电影)
SC 拍摄 pāi shè
TC 拍攝
The shoot will be on location in Iceland.

shoot n: informal (photo shoot: photography session)
SC 摄影 shè yǐng
TC 攝影
SC 拍照 shè yǐng,pāi zhào
Zelda is at the shoot working as a camera assistant.

shoot vi: (sport: aim at goal) (篮球、足球等)
SC 投篮, 射门
The basketball player decided to pass instead of shoot.

shoot vi: (pool, billiards: play, hit) (台球等)
SC 击球 jī qiú
TC 擊球
It's your turn to shoot. Try to knock the 7-ball in.

shoot vi: (play marbles) (弹子游戏)
SC 用手指弹 yòng shǒu zhǐ tán
TC 用手指彈
The experienced marble player was able to shoot very well.

shoot vi: informal (move quickly)
SC 快速移动 kuài sù yí dòng
TC 快速移動
SC 飞奔 kuài sù yí dòng,fēi bēn
SC 飞驰 kuài sù yí dòng,fēi chí
The kid shot across the field to get the ball.

shoot vi: (photograph)
SC 摄影 shè yǐng
TC 攝影
SC 拍照 shè yǐng,pāi zhào
You better shoot before it gets too dark!

shoot vi: (film) (电影)
SC 拍摄 pāi shè
TC 拍攝
They shot all day long, but got the scenes that they wanted.

shoot vi: (ball: propel toward [sb/sth]) (体育运动)
SC 射门,投篮 shè mén ,tóu lán
TC 射門,投籃
The player shot, but the ball hit the net.

shoot vi: (pain: pass through body) (疼痛等)
SC 穿过,穿刺,穿透 chuān guò ,chuān cì,chuān tòu
The pain shot up his arm after he hit his elbow.

shoot vi: slang (speak) (俚语)
SC 说,发言 fā yán
TC 說,發言
I want to hear your opinion. When you're ready, shoot.

shoot [sth] vtr: (take seismic reading)
SC 读取地震数据
The geologists will shoot and interpret the seismic data for you.

shoot [sth] vtr: (star, planet: site) (用六分仪)
SC 测量…的高度
The captain used a sextant to shoot the sun.

shoot [sth] vtr: (dice: throw) (骰子)
SC 投 tóu
SC 掷 tóu,zhì
It's your turn. Shoot the dice!

shoot [sth] vtr: (golf: play, hit) (高尔夫)
SC 击出…杆 jī chū gān
TC 擊出…桿
I shot a 69 yesterday!

shoot [sth/sb] vtr: (take a photo of)
SC 给…拍照 gěi … pāi zhào
TC 給…拍照
The fashion model allows only a few photographers to shoot pictures of her.

shoot [sth] vtr: (ball: aim at goal) (足球)
SC 踢, 射
SC 投 tóu
TC 投(篮球)
The footballer shot the ball between the posts.

shoot [sth] vtr: (drug: inject) (药物)
SC 注射 zhù shè
TC 注射
The addict had been shooting heroin for years.

shoot back vi phrasal: informal, figurative (retort)
SC 反击 fǎn jī
TC 反擊
SC 还嘴 fǎn jī,huán zuǐ
"I didn't steal her purse!", the street kid shot back.

shoot back vi phrasal: (object: return) (如回飞镖)
SC 飞回来,返回来
He tossed the boomerang, which shot right back to him.

shoot [sth] back, shoot back [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (reply: send)
SC (生气地)回复(邮件等)
I read Ken's email, then shot back an angry reply.

shoot [sth] down, shoot down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (aircraft: attack with gunfire)
SC 击落、
We were ordered to shoot down the military aircraft.

shoot [sb] down, shoot down [sb] vtr phrasal sep: informal (kill with gun)
SC 击毙 jī bì
TC 擊斃
The sheriff's posse shot down the outlaws as they tried to make their getaway.

shoot [sb/sth] down, shoot down [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (discredit)
SC 击破…的论点 jī pò de lùn diǎn
SC 驳倒 jī pò de lùn diǎn,bó dǎo
His idea was immediately shot down by the director.

shoot out of [sth], shoot out from [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (appear suddenly, rapidly)
SC 从...忽然射出
SC 从...突然生出
SC 突然发生 tū rán fā shēng
TC 突然發生
A mouse shot out of the hole and scuttled across the kitchen floor.

shoot through vi phrasal: AU, informal (depart quickly)
SC 迅速离开 xùn sù lí kāi
TC 迅速離開

shoot up vi phrasal: slang (inject drugs intravenously) (俚语)
SC 注射毒品 zhù shè dú pǐn
The marks on his arm indicated he shot up frequently.

shoot [sth] up, shoot up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: US, slang (riddle with bullets)
SC 开枪扫射
The killer threatened to shoot up the place if anyone approached him.

bamboo shoot, bamboo sprout n: often plural (edible sprout)
SC 笋 sǔn
SC 竹笋 sǔn,zhú sǔn
We ordered chicken sauteed with broccoli and bamboo shoots.

photo shoot n: informal (photography session) (缩略形式)
SC 摄影,拍照 shè yǐng,pāi zhào
TC 攝影

shoot a glance at [sb], dart a glance at [sb], cast a glance at [sb] v expr: (look quickly at)
SC 瞟了某人一眼

shoot [sb] a glance, cast [sb] a glance v expr: (look quickly at)
SC 瞟了某人一眼

shoot for [sth] vi + prep: US, slang, figurative (aspire to)
SC 争取得到
SC 为...而努力

shoot for the moon v expr: mainly US, figurative (strive for the best)
SC 远大志向
SC 远大抱负

shoot from the hip v expr: figurative (speak or act hastily)
SC 信口开河
SC 举止轻率

shoot the breeze, bat the breeze v expr: slang, figurative (chat)
SC 闲聊 xián liáo
We didn't talk about anything important that night - we were just shooting the breeze.

shoot the rapids v expr: (canoe down fast river)
SC 快速穿过急流
SC 迅速冲过激流
Marc and his friends are going to shoot the rapids this weekend.

shoot up vi + adv: (size, quantity: increase)
SC 迅速增长 xùn sù zēng zhǎng
TC 迅速增長
SC 猛增 xùn sù zēng zhǎng,měng zēng
Buy as much as you can now, because in the summer prices will shoot up!

shoot up vi + adv: informal (child: get taller) (儿童长高)
SC 迅速成长 xùn sù chéng zhǎng
TC 迅速成長
He was small until his teens, when all of a sudden he shot up.

shoot-'em-up n: (film: involves shooting)
SC 枪战片

shoot-'em-up adj: (film: involves shooting)
SC 枪战片的

shoot-'em-up n: (video game: involves shooting)
SC 枪战游戏

shoot-'em-up adj: (video game: involves shooting)
SC 枪战游戏的

shootout, shoot-out n: (gunfight)
SC 枪战 qiāng zhàn
SC 交火 qiāng zhàn,jiāo huǒ
The fight ended in a shootout in which one man was injured.

shootout, shoot-out n: historical (gunfight: Old West) (美国西牛仔之间的)
SC 决斗,枪战 jué dòu ,qiāng zhàn
There are numerous shootouts in the film, often inside saloons.

shootout, shoot-out n: (sport: quickfire contest)
SC 射门决胜 shè mén jué shèng
TC 射門決勝
The team failed in the shootout, losing 3-2.




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