

单词 netted

net n: (mesh to catch things) (如渔网等)
SC 网,罗网 wǎng,luó wǎng
The fisherman caught a few fish in his net.

net n: (tennis, volleyball, etc.) (体育运动,羽毛球等的配备)
SC 球网 qiú wǎng
SC 落网球,擦网球 luò wǎng qiú,cā wǎng qiú(体育运动,羽毛球等的术语)
The tennis player hit the net.

net n: (soccer: goal) (体育运动)
SC 球门网,球门 qiú mén wǎng,qiú mén
TC 球門
The soccer player got the ball into the net.

the net n: mainly US, informal, abbreviation (internet)
SC 互联网 hù lián wǎng
TC 網路
SC 网络 hù lián wǎng,wǎng luò
TC 網絡
Rachel got on the net to send an email.

net adj: (finance: after deductions) (金融)
SC 净的,纯的 jìng de,chún de
Last year the company made a net loss of $5m.

net n: (profit)
SC 净值 jìng zhí
SC 净收入 jìng zhí,jìng shōu rù
The business's net was too low to attract investors.

net n: (openwork fabric)
SC 网状织物
TC 網狀織物
Kate wore a sweater made of wool net over her dress.

net n: figurative (police, etc.: attempt to catch [sb])
SC 追捕网络
TC 追捕網絡
SC 罗网 luó wǎng
SC 天罗地网
The criminal slipped through the police's net.

net n: informal (cricket: practice session) (板球)
SC 训练 xùn liàn
TC 訓練
Jim went for a net with a few of his teammates.

net n: abbreviation (network)
SC 互联网 hù lián wǎng
TC 網路
SC 网络 hù lián wǎng,wǎng luò
TC 網絡
The IT guy hooked Sam's work computer up to the local net.

nets npl: (cricket: practice area) (板球)
SC 训练场
TC 訓練場
The cricket player went into the nets to practice his swing.

net [sth] vtr: (catch with net)
SC 用网捕捉 yòng wǎng bǔ zhuō
TC 用網捕捉
Brian netted a fish out of the stream.

net [sth] vtr: (finance) (金融)
SC 净得 jìng dé
SC 净获 jìng dé ,jìng huò
SC 净赚 jìng dé ,jìng zhuàn
Ben's business netted about twenty thousand dollars at the end of the first year.

net [sth] vtr: figurative (collect, catch) (用网)
SC 捕捉,抓捕 bǔ zhuō
TC 捕捉
The exterminator netted a large number of rats and then laid traps.

net [sth] vtr: (make a net)
SC 把…织成网
The fisherman sat on a stool netting string all morning.

basketball net n: (mesh goal in basketball)
SC 篮球网
To score, the ball must pass through the goal rim and into the basketball net.

butterfly net n: (for catching butterflies)
SC 捕蝶网 bǔ dié wǎng
TC 捕蝶網
Jan ran through the field with a butterfly net in hopes of catching a swallowtail.

cast a wide net, cast your net wide v expr: figurative (search over a large area)
SC 大范围搜索
The police cast a wide net whilst searching for the missing fugitive.

cast a wide net, cast your net wide v expr: figurative (use wide range of resources)
SC 广泛撒网
The company is casting its net wide in its search for exactly the right person for the job.

driftnet, drift net n: (large net for catching fish)
SC (捕鱼用)漂网 bǔ yú yòng piāo wǎng
SC 流网 bǔ yú yòng piāo wǎng,liú wǎng

fishnet, fishing net n: (mesh used for catching fish)
SC 捕鱼网 bǔ yú wǎng
TC 捕魚網
The ship is equipped with various fishnets.

gill net n: (fishing) (渔业)
SC 刺网

hairnet, hair net n: (mesh head covering) (以防止头发散乱的)
SC 发网 fā wǎng
It is required for cafeteria staff to wear hair nets.

high net worth n: (possession of valuable assets)
SC 高净值

high net worth, high-net-worth n as adj: (company, individual: wealthy) (公司、个人)
SC 高净值的

mosquito net n: (mesh that keeps out biting insects)
SC 蚊帐 wén zhàng

net assets npl: (business: equity, worth)
SC 净资产 jìng zī chǎn
TC 淨資產
SC 资产净额 jìng zī chǎn,zī chǎn jìng é

net debt n: (amount owed minus assets)
SC 净负债,净债务,负债净额

net earnings npl: (income after tax)
SC 净收益 jìng shōu yì
These days my net earnings are barely enough to live on.

net income n: (earnings after tax)
SC 净收入 jìng shōu rù
The company's net income is quite low in comparison to last year.

net pay n: (total pay after tax)
SC 工资净额 gōng zī jìng é
TC 工資淨額

net price n: (price after tax)
SC 净价 jìng jià
SC 实价 jìng jià,shí jià

net profit n: (profit after tax, etc.) (金融)
SC 净利润,纯利润

net result, net effect n: (outcome)
SC 最终结果 zuì zhōng jié guǒ
TC 最終結果
The net result of all the conflict was poverty and more instability.

net revenue n: (profit: income minus expenses) (利润:收入减去支出)
SC 净收入,净收益,纯收入 jìng shōu rù,jìng shōu yì

net salary n: (earnings after tax)
SC 实发工资,税后工资

net value n: (value after tax)
SC 净值 jìng zhí

net weight n: (goods minus packaging)
SC 净重 jìng zhòng
The ship carried a net weight of ten thousand tons.

net worth n: (value after tax)
SC 净值 jìng zhí
This vlogger has a net worth of 2 million dollars.

PSNCR n: UK, initialism (Public Sector Net Cash Requirement)
SC 公共部门收支短差

safety net n: (mesh that prevents injury)
SC 安全网 ān quán wǎng
TC 安全網
A safety net had been rigged below the high wire.

safety net n: figurative (security measure)
SC 安全网 ān quán wǎng
TC 安全網
SC 安全措施 ān quán wǎng,ān quán cuò shī
The social security system is a safety net for people who are unable to work or who lose their jobs.

surf the web, also US: surf the net v expr: informal (browse the internet) (非正式用语)
SC 网上冲浪 wǎng shàng chōng làng
TC 網上瀏覽
SC 上网 wǎng shàng chōng làng,shàng wǎng
I generally surf the web instead of watching television.

tennis net n: (mesh that divides tennis court in half)
SC 网球球网

trawl, trawl net n: (large fishing net) (捕鱼用的)
SC 拖网 tuō wǎng
The fishing boat was equipped with two trawls, coolers, and other supplies.




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