

单词 voices

voice n: (human sound) (人)
SC 声音 shēng yīn
TC 聲音
His voice was loud and strong.

voice n: (ability to speak)
SC 说话的能力 shuō huà de néng lì
SC 发声能力 shuō huà de néng lì,fā shēng néng lì
After yelling so much at the basketball game, he lost his voice for the next two days.

voice n: (grammar) (语法)
SC 语态 yǔ tài
This sentence is written in the passive voice.

voice n: (ability to sing)
SC 嗓音 sǎng yīn
TC 嗓音
SC 唱歌的能力 sǎng yīn,chàng gé de néng lì
SC 歌喉 sǎng yīn,gē hóu
She has one of the best voices in the group.

voice n: (music: role) (音乐)
SC 声部 shēng bù
She sang third voice.

voice [sth] vtr: (express, state)
SC 表达 biǎo dá
TC 表達
SC 表露 biǎo dá,biǎo lù
The Senator voiced his opposition to the legislation.

beautiful voice n: (talent for singing)
SC 优美的声音
SC 天籁之声
She has a beautiful voice but unfortunately, she drags a beat behind the rest of the choir.

catch in the throat, catch in your throat, catch in your voice n: (sob, etc. that interrupts speaking)
SC 哽咽

have a voice in [sth] v expr: (have opinion heard)
SC 对…发表意见 duì … fā biǎo yì jiàn
SC 提出自己的看法 duì … fā biǎo yì jiàn ,tí chū zì jǐ de kàn fǎ
Everyone had a voice in the decision-making process.

high voice n: (voice which is high pitched)
SC 高音 gāo yīn
SC 尖声 gāo yīn ,jiān shēng
SC 大嗓门 gāo yīn ,dà sǎng mén
The young man's beautiful high voice began to deepen with the onset of puberty.

lift your voice v expr: (sing louder)
SC 提高音量
The singers lifted their voices in the last verse.

lose your voice v expr: (be unable to speak)
SC 失声
SC 无法发声

low voice n: (subdued voice: murmur or whisper)
SC 低声耳语 dī shēng ěr yǔ
TC 低聲耳語
SC 轻声说话 dī shēng ěr yǔ,qīng shēng shuō huà
He revealed his plan in a low voice so as not to be overheard.
He spoke in such a low voice that I could barely hear him.

low voice n: (voice lower end of sound range)
SC 低音量 dī yīn liàng
Men typically have low voices and women have higher ones.

make your voice heard v expr: (speak loudly)
SC 高声说话以让别人听见
Clive likes to make his voice heard in the class discussions.

make your voice heard v expr: figurative (share opinion)
SC 发表意见 fā biǎo yì jiàn
TC 發表意見
Citizens should make their voices heard by writing their Congressmen.

passive voice n: (grammar: verb form takes when subject acted upon) (语法形式)
SC 被动语态 bèi dòng yǔ tài
TC 被動語態
Some style manuals recommend that you avoid the passive voice whenever you can.

raise your voice v expr: (speak more loudly)
SC 提高嗓门 tí gāo sǎng mén
TC 提高嗓門
SC 放大音量 tí gāo sǎng mén,fàng dà yīn liàng
Please raise your voice - I can't hear you very well.

raise your voice v expr: (shout)
SC 大喊大叫 dà hǎn dà jiào
SC 大声嚷嚷 dà hǎn dà jiào,dà shēng rāng rāng
SC 大声叫嚷 dà hǎn dà jiào,dà shēng jiào rāng
Don't raise your voice at your mother, young man.

soft voice n: (gentle or quiet speech)
SC 柔和的声音 róu hé de shēng yīn
SC 轻声的话语 róu hé de shēng yīn,qīng shēng de huà yǔ
SC 温柔的声音 róu hé de shēng yīn,wēn róu de shēng yīn
My brother has a very soft voice; sometimes I can't hear what he's saying.

tone of voice n: (vocal quality or intonation)
SC 音色 yīn sè
TC 音色
He could sense she was really angry from her tone of voice.

voice actor n: (provides voiceover)
SC 配音演员,声优 pèi yīn yǎn yuán
TC 配音演員

voice assistant n: (software: responds to commands)
SC 语音助理
SC 语音助手

voice box n: informal (larynx)
SC 喉 hóu
Cats have two separate voice boxes: one for meowing and one for purring.

voice of reason n: figurative (person providing a sensible opinion)
SC 理智的声音,理智的代表

voice quality n: (vocal tone or timbre)
SC 声音品质 shēng yīn pǐn zhì
TC 聲音品質
SC 音质 shēng yīn pǐn zhì,yīn zhì
TC 音質
Many actors and actresses are known for their musical voice quality.

voice recognition: (computers)
SC 语音识别

voice recorder n: (dictaphone: device for recording)
SC 录音机 lù yīn jī
TC 錄音機

voice vote n: (vote: loudest wins)
SC 口头表决 kǒu tóu biǎo jué
TC 口頭表決
The government won the motion in the assembly through a voice vote.

voice-activated adj: (operates at sound of voice)
SC 声控的

voice-over n: (TV, film: offscreen narration)
SC 旁白 páng bái
SC 解说 páng bái,jiě shuō
TC 解說
SC 画外音
TC 畫外音
Onscreen we see images of war, while in a voice-over the narrator reads from soldiers' diaries.

voicemail, voice mail, voice-mail n: (answerphone service)
SC 语音邮件 yǔ yīn yóu jiàn
TC 語音郵件
Peter left a message on my voicemail.

with one voice adv: figurative (unanimously)
SC 异口同声 yì kǒu tóng shēng
TC 異口同聲
SC 一致地 yì kǒu tóng shēng ,yí zhì de
SC 众口一词地 yì kǒu tóng shēng ,zhòng kǒu yì cí de
When asked to vote for the resolution, we responded in favor with one voice.

with one voice adv: figurative (in unison)
SC 异口同声 yì kǒu tóng shēng
TC 異口同聲
SC 一致地 yì kǒu tóng shēng ,yí zhì de
SC 众口一词地 yì kǒu tóng shēng ,zhòng kǒu yì cí de
The crowd shouted with one voice, "Long live the king!"




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