单词 | sharp |
释义 | sharp US ![]() ![]() sharp adj: (able to cut or pierce) SC 锋利的 fēng lì de TC 鋒利的 SC 锐利的 fēng lì de ,ruì lì de TC 銳利的 The new knife was sharp. 这把新刀很是锋利。 sharp adj: (vision: not blurry) (视力、视野等) SC 清楚的,清晰的 qīng chǔ de ,qīng xī de With his glasses on, his vision was sharp. 戴上眼镜,他就能看得很清楚。 sharp adj: (image: distinct) (图像) SC 清晰的,清楚的 qīng xī de ,qīng chǔ de The image gradually came into focus until it was perfectly sharp. 图片逐渐进入焦点直到完全清晰。 sharp adj: figurative (person: witty) SC 机智的 jī zhì de TC 機智的 SC 敏锐的 jī zhì de ,mǐn ruì de TC 敏銳的 He was really sharp - always making funny comments. 他非常机智,总是会说些有趣的话。 sharp adj: figurative (intelligent) SC 思维敏捷的 sī wéi mǐn jié de SC 精明的 sī wéi mǐn jié de ,jīng míng de They decided to hire the sharpest of the candidates. 他们决定聘用候选人中思维最敏捷的那个。 sharp adj: figurative (comment: hurtful) (言语等) SC 尖锐的,刻薄的 jiān ruì de ,kè bó de TC 尖銳的 His sharp comments really hurt her feelings. 他刻薄的评论着实伤了她的心。 sharp adj: figurative (feeling, pain: intense) SC 急剧的 jí jù de TC 劇烈的 SC 强烈的 jí jù de ,qiáng liè de SC 剧烈的 jí jù de ,jù liè de TC 劇烈的 I have a sharp pain in my back. 我感到背上一阵剧痛。 sharp adj: figurative (quick to see) SC 目光敏锐的 mù guāng mǐn ruì de SC 目光锐利的 mù guāng mǐn ruì de ,mù guāng ruì lì de My editor's eye for typos is sharp. 我的编辑目光敏锐,总能发现文章里的错别字。 sharp adj: figurative (brisk, cold) SC 寒冷的 hán lěng de SC 刺骨的 hán lěng de ,cì gǔ de There was a sharp wind that a light jacket couldn't guard against. 一整刺骨的寒风吹来,薄夹克根本无法抵御那种寒冷。 sharp adj: figurative, informal (clean-cut, well-dressed) SC 轮廓清楚的 lún kuò qīng chǔ de SC 线条分明的 lún kuò qīng chǔ de,xiàn tiáo fēn míng de His sharp new look included short hair and an Italian suit. sharp adj: figurative (abrupt) SC 突然的 tū rán de SC 意外的 tū rán de ,yì wài de Next, you need to make a sharp right turn onto the next street. sharp adj: figurative, informal (dishonest, sly) SC 狡猾的 jiǎo huá de SC 不诚实的 jiǎo huá de ,bù chéng shí de TC 不誠實的 John is a sharp one - you can't really trust him. sharp adj: figurative (temper: severe) SC 强烈的 qiáng liè de SC 剧烈的 qiáng liè de ,jù liè de TC 劇烈的 SC 暴烈的 qiáng liè de ,bào liè de His sharp temper lost him his last job. 他的暴脾气让自己丢了上一份工作。 sharp adj: figurative (strongly flavored) SC 口味重的 kǒu wèi zhòng de SC 味道浓烈的 kǒu wèi zhòng de,wèi dào nóng liè de This is a really sharp cheese; I prefer something milder. sharp adj: (high-pitched and loud) (声音) SC 尖利的,刺耳的 jiān lì de ,cì ěr de There was a sharp sound coming from the car's engine. 汽车的引擎传来了刺耳的声音。 sharp adj: (music: F sharp, etc.) (音乐) SC 升半音的 shēng bàn yīn de Let's change that note from A to A sharp. 让我们把A音符变为升A。 sharp adj: (with too high a pitch) (音高) SC 偏高的 piān gāo de The piano sounds too sharp; we need to get it tuned. 钢琴音高偏高,需要调音。 sharp adv: (time: precisely) (时刻) SC …正 Please be at the meeting at three o'clock sharp. 请于3点正出席会议。 sharp adv: (abruptly) SC 突然地 tū rán de SC 陡然地 tū rán de ,dǒu rán de He turned the car sharp right. 他突然地将车右转。 sharp n: (musical note) (音乐) SC 半升音调 bàn shēng yīn diào You need to play a sharp here, not a natural. 你在演奏时这里不能是本位,得升高半个音。 sharp n: (musical symbol: #) (音乐) SC 升音符号 shēng yīn fú hào TC 升音符號 The pianist did not notice the sharp at the top of page two, and played the wrong note. 钢琴师没有注意到第二页顶部的那个升音符号,弹错了音。 sharp n: dated, informal (expert) (口语) SC 专家 zhuān jiā TC 專家 We better bring in the sharps to analyse this. sharp n: (needle) SC 细长针 xì cháng zhēn TC 細長針 SC 长的缝衣针 xì cháng zhēn,cháng de féng yī zhēn Please deposit all sharps in a special container. 请将所有的细长针存放到一个专门的容器内。 sharp vi: US (music: be half a tone too high) SC 升音演奏 shēng yīn yǎn zòu SC 升音演唱 shēng yīn yǎn zòu,shēng yīn yǎn chàng You sharped all through the first twenty bars. 你升音演奏了开始的前20个小节。 sharp [sth] vtr: US (music: raise half a tone) SC 使升半音 shǐ shēng bàn yīn SC 提高...半音 You need to sharp that F at bar sixteen. card sharp n: informal (swindler) (俚语) SC 老千 lǎo qiān My friend lost all his money in a poker game with a card sharp. cardsharp, card sharp, cardsharper, also US: cardshark, card shark n: (card-playing trickster) SC 玩牌作弊者 wán pái zuò bì zhě SC 老千 wán pái zuò bì zhě,lǎo qiān(俚语) My friend lost all his money in a poker game with a cardsharp. cardsharp, card sharp, cardsharper, also US: cardshark, card shark n: (skilled card player) SC 扑克高手 SC 玩牌高手 SC 纸牌老手 Look sharp! interj: UK, figurative, slang (hurry) SC 赶紧 gǎn jǐn TC 趕緊 SC 赶快 gǎn jǐn,gǎn kuài TC 趕快 Look sharp! I want to get there on time. look sharp vi + adj: UK, figurative, slang (hurry) SC 赶紧 gǎn jǐn TC 趕緊 SC 赶快 gǎn jǐn,gǎn kuài TC 趕快 You'll need to look sharp if we're going to be at that bus stop in time. look sharp vi + adj: figurative, informal (be stylish) SC 看起来很潮 SC 打扮得很时尚 Everyone looked sharp at the awards ceremony. quick-witted, sharp-witted adj: (showing intelligence, fast thought) SC 机敏的, 机智的 Ray's quick-witted comment made the room laugh. Luckily, Thelma was quick-witted enough to realise what was happening before it was too late. razor-sharp adj: (blade, etc.: dangerously sharp) (刀等) SC 锋利的 fēng lì de TC 鋒利的 razor-sharp adj: figurative (quick-thinking) (思维) SC 敏捷的,敏锐的 mǐn jié de ,mǐn ruì de TC 敏銳的 razor-sharp adj: figurative (image, etc: very clear) (图像等) SC 清晰的 qīng xī de sharp as a tack adj: informal (intelligent, quick witted) SC 思维敏捷的 sī wéi mǐn jié de SC 聪明的 sī wéi mǐn jié de ,cōng míng de TC 聰明的 sharp end n: (point of a blade) SC 刀尖,尖端 jiān duān TC 尖端 sharp end n: UK, informal, figurative (difficult part, part most affected by problems) SC 难点 sharp eye n: figurative (keen powers of observation) (比喻) SC 尖锐的眼力 jiān ruì de yǎn lì He has a sharp eye for spelling mistakes. sharp note n: (music: note that is a semitone higher) SC 升半音 SC 升半音符 sharp pain n: (acute and severe physical discomfort) SC 剧痛 jù tòng The sharp pain in his chest indicated a possible heart attack. sharp rise n: (sudden and dramatic increase) SC 突涨,激增,陡然上升 jī zēng sharp turn n: (abrupt curve in a road) SC 急转弯 jí zhuǎn wān TC 急轉彎 The house is located just past the sharp turn in the road. sharp-edged adj: (with thin tapered edges) SC 锋利的 fēng lì de TC 鋒利的 sharp-eyed adj: figurative (having keen sight, observant) SC 目光敏锐的 mù guāng mǐn ruì de SC 眼尖的(口语) sharp-faced adj: (facial features) SC 面部棱角分明的 sharp-sighted adj: literal (having keen eyesight, observant) SC 目光敏锐的,眼光锐利的 mù guāng mǐn ruì de ,yǎn guāng ruì lì de SC 善于观察的,观察力敏锐的 shàn yú guān chá de,guān chá lì mǐn ruì de sharp-sighted adj: figurative (perceptive, insightful) SC 有洞察力的,有见地的 yǒu dòng chá lì de sharp-tempered adj: (becomes angry suddenly) SC 暴躁的 bào zào de sharp-tongued adj: figurative (person, criticism: harsh) (比喻,人) SC 刻薄的,尖刻的,尖酸刻薄的 kè bó de ,jiān kè de ,jiān suān kè bó de |
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