

单词 vests

vest n: UK (sleeveless undershirt)
SC 背心 bèi xīn
It was cold, so Roger put on a vest under his shirt.

vest n: UK (tank top: sleeveless T-shirt)
SC 无袖T恤
TC 無袖T恤
SC 背心 bèi xīn
A vest is cooler on a summer's day than a long-sleeved top.

vest n: US, AU (waistcoat) (美国)
SC 男士西装马甲 nán shì xī zhuāng mǎ jiǎ
The man was smartly dressed in a suit with a vest.

vest [sth] in [sb] vtr + prep: usually passive (endow [sb] with authority) (以权威)
SC 赋予某人某物
SC 将某物赐予某人
The US Constitution vests power in the President to command the armed forces.

vest [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep: usually passive (endow [sb] with authority)
SC 赋予某人
SC 授予某人
The judge is vested with the authority to decide on the punishment that a guilty party should receive.

vest yourself vtr + refl: formal (put on ecclesiastical clothes) (专指基督教士的衣服)
SC 穿上衣服 chuān shàng yī fú
The priest vested himself to say mass.

bulletproof vest, also UK: bullet-proof vest n: (protective jacket)
SC 防弹衣 fáng dàn yī
TC 防彈衣
He is alive today because a bulletproof vest stopped the bullet that was meant to kill him.

life jacket, life vest, life preserver, lifesaver, life saver n: (inflatable safety vest)
SC 救生衣 jiù shēng yī
Some of the crewmen weren't wearing life jackets. When the ship hit the rocks we were all ordered to put on our life jackets.

life vest, life jacket, also US: life preserver n: (wearable flotation device)
SC 救生衣 jiù shēng yī
Boats are required to have enough life vests for all the passengers. Under boating regulations, you must wear a life jacket when out fishing.

running vest n: (athlete's sleeveless top)
SC 跑步背心

sweater vest n: US (sleeveless pullover)
SC 背心 bèi xīn

vest top n: UK (woman's strappy top)
SC 吊带背心
TC 吊帶背心
It was a hot day and Agatha was wearing a light summer skirt with a vest top.




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