

单词 engined

engine n: (vehicle: motor)
SC 发动机 fā dòng jī
TC 發動機
SC 马达 fā dòng jī,mǎ dá
TC 馬達
Fiona turned the key in the ignition and heard the engine come to life.

engine n: (fire truck)
SC 消防车 xiāo fáng chē
TC 消防車
Three engines attended yesterday's house fire.

engine n: (train: locomotive)
SC 火车头 huǒ chē tóu
TC 火車頭
There were three carriages behind the engine.

the engine of [sth], an engine for [sth] n: figurative (stimulus) (比喻)
SC 刺激, 刺激物
SC 导火索, 加速器(比喻)
This latest government policy is likely to prove the engine of the party's destruction.

aircraft engine n: (motor of plane or helicopter)
SC 飞机引擎 fēi jī yǐn qíng
TC 飛機引擎

beer pump, also UK: beer engine n: (draws beer from keg)
SC 啤酒泵

diesel engine n: (engine type)
SC 柴油内燃机 chái yóu nèi rán jī
SC 狄塞尔内燃机 chái yóu nèi rán jī,dí sāi ěr nèi rán jī
The car has a diesel engine.

displacement, engine displacement n: (piston stroke: volume of space) (活塞等)
SC 排量 pái liàng

engine driver n: ([sb] who drives a train)
SC 火车司机 huǒ chē sī jī
TC 火車司機
One of the two engine drivers was killed when the trains collided.

engine room n: (ship: room containing the engine)
SC 轮机房,引擎室 lún jī fáng,yǐn qíng shì

fire truck (US), fire engine (UK) n: (fire fighting vehicle)
SC 救火车 jiù huǒ chē
TC 救火車
SC 消防车 jiù huǒ chē,xiāo fáng chē
TC 消防車
Most fire trucks are painted red.

firetruck, fire truck (US), fire engine (UK) n: (firefighters' vehicle) (美式拼法)
SC 救火车,消防车 jiù huǒ chē,xiāo fáng chē
TC 救火車,消防車
A red firetruck went speeding down the street with the siren on.

four-stroke engine, also US: four-cycle engine n: (internal combustion engine) (一种内燃机)
SC 四行程引擎

gas engine n: (motor powered by gas combustion)
SC 燃气发动机 rán qì fā dòng jī
SC 气体引擎 rán qì fā dòng jī,qì tǐ yǐn qíng

gasoline engine (US), petrol engine (UK) n: (motor that runs on petrol)
SC 汽油引擎
TC 汽油引擎
SC 汽油发动机 qì yóu fā dòng jī
The gasoline engines in cars are one of the causes of global warming.
Our lawn mower has a petrol engine.

hydraulic engine n: (motor powered by water energy)
SC 水力发动机 shuǐ lì fā dòng jī
SC 液压发动机 shuǐ lì fā dòng jī,yè yā fā dòng jī

jet engine n: (engine)
SC 喷气发动机 pēn qì fā dòng jī
TC 噴氣發動機
The airplane had two jet engines.

jet engine n: (uses jet propulsion)
SC 喷气发动机,喷气式发动机 pēn qì fā dòng jī
TC 噴氣發動機

rocket motor, rocket engine, rocket n: (engine of a spacecraft)
SC 火箭发动机 huǒ jiàn fā dòng jī

search engine n: (internet searches)
SC 搜索引擎 sōu suǒ yǐn qíng
Type a keyword into your search engine and view the results.

single-engine, single-engined adj: (aircraft: with one engine)
SC 单引擎的

steam engine, steam-engine n: (engine powered by steam)
SC 蒸汽驱动的发动机 zhēng qì qū dòng de fā dòng jī
SC 蒸汽机 zhēng qì qū dòng de fā dòng jī,zhēng qì jī
TC 蒸汽機
SC 蒸汽引擎 zhēng qì qū dòng de fā dòng jī,zhēng qì yǐn qíng

switcher, switch engine, switching locomotive n: US (train)
SC 转轨机车 zhuǎn guǐ jī chē
TC 轉軌機車
SC 转轨火车头 zhuǎn guǐ jī chē,zhuǎn guǐ huǒ chē tóu

tank engine n: (locomotive train)
SC 蒸汽火车头 zhēng qì huǒ chē tóu
SC 蒸汽机车 zhēng qì huǒ chē tóu,zhēng qì jī chē
TC 蒸汽機車

two-stroke engine, also US: two-cycle engine n: (internal-combustion engine)
SC 二冲程发动机




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