

单词 mudded

mud n: (dirt and water)
SC 泥 ní
SC 淤泥 ní ,yū ní
SC 泥浆 ní ,ní jiāng
TC 泥漿
Tom's shoe got stuck in the mud.

mud n: figurative (defamation) (尤指政治上,不真实性的指控)
SC 污蔑,诽谤,恶意中伤 wū miè,fěi bàng,è yì zhòng shāng
TC 污蔑 / 汙蔑 / 污衊 / 汙衊,誹謗
SC 抹黑,恶意攻击 mǒ hēi,è yì gōng jī(尤指政治上,具真实性的指控)
The politicians were just slinging mud at each other during the campaign.

mud [sth] vtr: (put mud on)
SC 用泥涂
TC 用泥塗
SC 用泥糊
The villager mudded the straw hut to seal it.

drag [sb] through the mud v expr: informal, figurative (dirty [sb]'s reputation) (名誉)
SC 诋毁 dǐ huǐ
SC 玷污 dǐ huǐ,diàn wū
The biased reporter dragged the senator's name through the mud.

footscraper (US), foot scraper, mud-scraper (UK) n: (tool that removes mud from shoes)
SC 刮鞋板
SC 刮足垫

mud bath n: (skin treatment: soaking in mud)
SC 泥浴 ní yù
SC 泥疗 ní yù,ní liáo
A mud bath is good for the skin and the spirit.

mud flap, mudflap n: (anti-dirt guard on a vehicle)
SC 挡泥板 dǎng ní bǎn
TC 擋泥板
We installed mudflaps on the truck to help keep the trailer clean.

mud pie n: US (Mississippi mud pie: chocolate dessert) (一种巧克力甜点)
SC 泥馅饼 ní xiàn bǐng
TC 泥餡餅
My daughter likes eating mud pie.

mud pie n: informal, literal (mud that is played with by a child)
SC 小泥饼,泥团 xiǎo ní bǐng,ní tuán
Nina decorated her mud pie with lilac flowers and rose petals.

mud puddle n: (small pool of dirty water)
SC 泥潭 ní tán
I ruined a pair of very expensive shoes when I stepped in a mud puddle.

mud colored, mud-colored (US), mud coloured, mud-coloured (UK) adj: (brown)
SC 泥色的

mudflat, mud flat n: often plural (muddy wetland)
SC 泥滩 ní tān
SC 泥地 ní tān,ní dì

mudroom, mud room n: US, Can (lobby, small room) (加拿大用法)
SC (刚进门的)衣帽间,储物室 gāng jìn mén de yī mào jiān,chǔ wù shì

mudslinging, mud-slinging n: figurative, informal (attacking [sb]'s reputation) (非正式用语)
SC 抹黑,诽谤 mǒ hēi,fěi bàng
TC 誹謗
SC 诋毁 dǐ huǐ

stick-in-the-mud n: figurative, pejorative, informal (person: unadventurous)
SC 顽固保守者
SC 墨守成规的人




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