

单词 earing

ear n: (facial feature) (面貌的一部分)
SC 耳,耳朵 ěr,ěr duǒ
TC 耳,耳朵
His left ear was sunburned.

ear n: (hearing organ) (听觉器官)
SC 耳,耳朵 ěr,ěr duǒ
TC 耳,耳朵
He was deaf in one ear.

ear n: figurative (sense: music, language) (对音乐)
SC 乐感 yuè gǎn
She has a good ear and can reproduce any musical note after hearing it.

ear n: (botany: corn) (谷物)
SC 穗,玉米穗 suì,yù mǐ suì
This seed variety will produce a fine ear of corn.

ear n: (sense of hearing)
SC 听觉 tīng jué
TC 聽覺
This multimedia exhibit is meant to please not only the eye but also the ear.

ear, nose, and throat (US), ear, nose and throat (UK) n as adj: (ENT: relating to otorhinolaryngology)
SC 耳鼻喉的
SC 耳鼻喉科的

play [sth] by ear vtr phrasal sep: (music: not follow a score)
SC 不看乐谱演奏 bú kàn yuè pǔ yǎn zòu
SC 凭记忆演奏 bú kàn yuè pǔ yǎn zòu,píng jì yì yǎn zòu
I read music well, but I have a hard time playing by ear. He's amazing; he never learned to read music, he just plays by ear.

dog-ear n: figurative, informal (turned-down page corner)
SC 书页的折角

dog-ear [sth] vtr: informal (page: turn down corner)
SC 将...折起角

ear canal n: (auditory passage)
SC 耳孔 ěr kǒng
SC 耳道 ěr kǒng,ěr dào
Your ear canal is clogged with wax.

ear drops: (medicine)
SC 滴耳液

ear for music n: (musical aptitude)
SC 乐感好的 yuè gǎn hǎo de
TC 樂感好的
SC 懂得欣赏音乐的 yuè gǎn hǎo de ,dǒng dé xīn shǎng yīn yuè de
Colin has an ear for music, and can play several instruments.

ear lobe n: (soft fleshy lower part of ear)
SC 耳垂 ěr chuí
Melissa had her ear lobes pierced so she could wear studs.

ear muffs npl: (item worn to keep ears warm)
SC 耳罩 ěr zhào

ear of corn n: (seed bearing spike of corn)
SC 玉米穗 yù mǐ suì
She was so hungry that she ate three ears of corn.

ear piercing n: (hole in ear for jewellery)
SC 耳洞

ear piercing n: (making holes in ears for jewellery)
SC 打耳洞

ear-piercing, ear-splitting adj: figurative (scream, etc.: high-pitched)
SC 刺耳的 cì ěr de

ear stretcher n: (plug for enlarging ear piercing)
SC 耳扩

ear tag: (agriculture)
SC 耳标

earplug, ear plug, ear-plug n: usually plural (plug worn in ears to block noise)
SC 耳栓
SC 耳塞 ěr sāi
Remember to put earplugs in before entering the woodshop.

earring n: often plural (jewellery worn in ear)
SC 耳环 ěr huán
SC 耳饰 ěr huán,ěr shì
Elizabeth was searching the floor for her lost earring.

earwax, ear wax n: (substance secreted by the ear)
SC 耳垢 ěr gòu
Mites in the ears can cause increased amounts of earwax in cats.

ENT n as adj: initialism (medicine: ear, nose, and throat)
SC 耳鼻喉
SC 耳鼻喉科

go in one ear and out the other v expr: figurative, informal (instructions, advice: be ignored)
SC 一个耳朵进,另一个耳朵出
SC 当耳旁风

hearing dog, hearing-ear dog n: (canine: assists a deaf person)
SC 导聋犬

inner ear n: (anatomy: transmits sound to brain)
SC 内耳 nèi ěr
Years of boxing have caused extensive damage to his inner ear.

lend an ear v expr: figurative, dated (listen to [sb])
SC 听 tīng
SC 倾听 tīng,qīng tīng
TC 傾聽
When I need someone to talk to, Patricia is always willing to lend an ear.

lend an ear to [sb], lend [sb] an ear v expr: figurative, dated (listen)
SC 听某人说
TC 聽某人說
SC 倾听 qīng tīng
TC 傾聽
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears." - William Shakespeare

middle ear n: (middle portion of the ear)
SC 中耳 zhōng ěr

ormer, sea ear n: chiefly UK (abalone: Channel Island) (海峡群岛)
SC 鲍鱼 bào yú

outer ear n: (external parts of the ear)
SC 外耳 wài ěr
The outer ear is one of the first parts of the body to get frostbite in very cold weather.

pierced ear n: (ear with hole for wearing jewellery)
SC 打耳洞的耳朵
You often see a man with one pierced ear, but women usually pierce both ears.

pig's ear n: (ear of a pig)
SC 猪耳朵

pig's ear n: UK, figurative (mess, botched job)
SC 一团糟,混乱 yì tuán zāo,hùn luàn
TC 混亂

play it by ear v expr: figurative (improvise) (没有预定计划)
SC 即席决定,临时再做打算
What will we do tomorrow? Let's play it by ear.

turn a deaf ear v expr: figurative (be unwilling to listen) (比喻)
SC 假装没听见,置若罔闻,充耳不闻 jiǎ zhuāng méi tīng jiàn,zhì ruò wǎng wén,chōng ěr bù wén

turn a deaf ear to [sb/sth] v expr: figurative (be unwilling to listen to)
SC 对...置之不理
He needs to believe in himself and turn a deaf ear to his critics.

you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear expr: (poor materials make poor products)
SC 朽木不可雕
SC 烂泥扶不上墙




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