

单词 money

money n: uncountable (currency)
SC 钱 qián
SC 货币 qián,huò bì
TC 貨幣
I don't have much money--just three dollars. I need to go to the bank.

money n: (medium of exchange)
SC 货币 huò bì
TC 貨幣
SC 流通手段 huò bì,liú tōng shǒu duàn
Many European countries have the same money now: the Euro.

money n: uncountable (a sum or amount)
SC 款项 kuǎn xiàng
TC 款項
SC 金额 kuǎn xiàng,jīn é
TC 金額
How much money is it? Three hundred dollars!

money n: informal, uncountable (profits)
SC 利润 lì rùn
TC 利潤
SC 收益 lì rùn,shōu yì
TC 收益
The money is in selling computer services, not software.

money n: figurative, uncountable (those with money)
SC 富翁 fù wēng
SC 有钱人 fù wēng,yǒu qián rén
TC 有錢人
It's obvious from the way Geraldine talks and dresses that she comes from money.

big money n: figurative, informal (finance: large sums)
SC 大笔资金
There's big money in real estate.

blood money n: (payment to a hired killer)
SC 雇佣杀手的钱 gù yōng shā shǒu de qián
The assassin never told his wife that the money he gave her was blood money; he lied about it.

blood money n: (payment to murder victim's kin)
SC 抚恤金, 补偿金

blood money n: figurative (earned by sacrificing others)
SC 血腥钱,沾满了他人鲜血的钱 xiě xīng qián / xuè xīng qián,zhān mǎn le tā rén xiān xiě de qián / zhān mǎn le tā rén xiān xuè de qián
Judas received blood money when he betrayed Jesus. She considered money earned at the cost of so many people's lives 'blood money' and refused to accept it.

cost money v expr: (be expensive)
SC 耗费金钱 hào fèi jīn qián
TC 耗費金錢
SC 费钱 hào fèi jīn qián,fèi qián
SC 代价昂贵
If you want the product delivered tomorrow, it'll cost money.

counterfeit money n: (fake money)
SC 假币 jiǎ bì
SC 伪钞 jiǎ bì,wěi chāo
The cashier wouldn't accept the payment because it was made with counterfeit money.

deposit money n: (banking)
SC 存款货币

dirty money n: figurative (money obtained by immoral means) (比喻)
SC 脏钱,黑钱,不法渠道取得的收入 zāng qián,hēi qián,bù fǎ qú dào qǔ dé de shōu rù
The gangsters used various dummy businesses to launder their dirty money.

easy money n: informal (earned with little effort) (非正式用语)
SC 不费力得来的钱,容易得来的钱 bú fèi lì dé lái de qián,róng yì dé lái de qián
The job offer which promised easy money turned out to be fake.

extort money from [sb] v expr: (by blackmail, coercion)
SC 向…勒索钱财 xiàng lè suǒ qián cái
SC 敲诈...的钱

fiat money n: (paper currency)
SC 法定货币 fǎ dìng huò bì
TC 法定貨幣

for money adv: (in exchange for money)
SC 为了钱 wèi le qián
TC 為了錢
SC 以金钱为代价 wèi le qián,yǐ jīn qián wéi dài jià
I'm in this business for money, not because I like it.

for my money expr: figurative, informal (in my opinion) (非正式用语)
SC 依我看来
SC 要我说

foreign money n: (currency of another country)
SC 外国货币 wài guó huò bì
TC 外國貨幣
I'm sorry, we don't accept foreign money in this shop.

funny money n: informal (counterfeit currency)
SC 假币 jiǎ bì

funny money n: informal, humorous (foreign currency)
SC 外币 wài bì

get your money's worth v expr: (get good value)
SC 投资等获得相当的收益 tóu zī děng huò dé xiāng dāng de shōu yì
SC 付出得到回报 tóu zī děng huò dé xiāng dāng de shōu yì,fù chū dé dào huí bào(比喻)
When buying a computer, you need to do your research if you want to get your money's worth.

have money v expr: (not be penniless)
SC 有钱 yǒu qián
TC 有錢
It's wise to have money in the bank.

have money v expr: (be wealthy)
SC 很富有 hěn fù yǒu
SC 有的是钱 hěn fù yǒu,yǒu de shì qián

have money to burn v expr: figurative (have more money than you need)
SC 有花不完的钱
SC 够挥霍的钱

hemorrhage money (US), haemorrhage money (UK) v expr: figurative (lose money)
SC 大出血 dà chū xuè
SC 金钱损失惨重
The company is just hemorrhaging money at this point; it's only a matter of time before it closes.

hoard money v expr: (accumulate money)
SC 攒钱 zǎn qián
Some people hoard money all their lives and die rich.

hush money, hush-money n: slang (money paid to keep a secret) (俚语)
SC 封口钱,封口费 fēng kǒu qián,fēng kǒu fèi
I had to give my sister hush money to stop her telling my mother where I'd been.

in the money adj: slang (rich, prosperous) (俚语)
SC 富裕的,有钱的 fù yù de ,yǒu qián de
TC 有錢的
He won the lottery last week so he's in the money now.

a load of money, loads of money n: informal (large sum)
SC 很多钱 hěn duō qián
TC 很多錢
He won a load of money playing cards.

be made of money v expr: figurative, informal (rich) (非正式用语)
SC 富得流油 fù de liú yóu
My daughter's Christmas list is four pages long; she must think we're made of money!

make money v expr: (make a profit)
SC 赚钱 zhuàn qián
SC 盈利 zhuàn qián,yíng lì
TC 盈利
With each ticket we sell, we make money.

make money v expr: (earn a living)
SC 挣钱 zhèng qián
She couldn't get a job in the theatre and was forced to make money doing TV commercials.

MO, M.O., mo, m.o. n: initialism (money order)
SC 汇票 huì piào
SC 汇款单

money belt n: (pouch worn round the waist)
SC 系在腰间的钱袋 jì zài yāo jiān de qián dài
SC 带腰带的钱包 jì zài yāo jiān de qián dài,dài yāo dài de qián bāo
SC 腰包 jì zài yāo jiān de qián dài,yāo bāo
Whenever he travelled he wore a money belt hidden beneath his trousers.

money changer, moneychanger, money-changer n: (currency trader)
SC 货币兑换商 huò bì duì huàn shāng
SC 兑汇商
Money changers will greet you as soon as you cross the border.

Money doesn't grow on trees. expr: (Do not spend wastefully.)
SC 钱不是树上长的
SC 钱不是大风刮来的
No, you can't have a bicycle, money doesn't grow on trees!

money laundering n: figurative (illegal finances) (比喻)
SC 洗钱,洗黑钱 xǐ qián
That bank's notorious for its money laundering activities.

money management n: (skill or activity of budgeting)
SC 资金管理,理财

money market n: (global financial market)
SC 金融市场 jīn róng shì chǎng
TC 金融市場
Financial instruments with short-term maturities are traded on the money market.

money matters npl: (finances)
SC 金钱方面的问题 jīn qián fāng miàn de wèn tí
SC 金钱问题 jīn qián fāng miàn de wèn tí,jīn qián wèn tí
SC 财务问题
He lets his wife handle all the money matters, like paying the mortgage and the bills.

money order n: US (finance: check)
SC 汇票 huì piào
Please send your payment by check or money order.
Many companies sell money orders, but only the postal service sells postal orders.

money pit n: figurative, informal ([sth] continually costing money) (比喻义)
SC 金钱陷阱,资金无底洞
He bought a cheap house which ended up being a money pit.

money supply: (economics)
SC 货币供应

money to burn n: figurative (more money than you need)
SC 有花不完的钱
SC 烧得起的钱
Expensive kitchen gadgets are fine for those with money to burn.

money-spinner n: mainly UK, figurative ([sth] that earns money)
SC 摇钱树,赚钱的事情
TC 搖錢樹

money box, moneybox n: UK (piggy bank: container for coins)
SC 存钱罐 cún qián guàn
TC 存錢罐
SC 储钱盒 cún qián guàn,chǔ qián hé
SC 储蓄罐 cún qián guàn,chǔ xù guàn

moneygrubber, money-grubber, money grubber, moneygrabber, money-grabber, money grabber n: ([sb] greedy, mercenary) (人)
SC 财迷,守财奴 cái mí,shǒu cái nú
TC 守財奴

moneygrubbing, money-grubbing, money grubbing, moneygrabbing, money-grabbing, money grabbing adj: (greedy, mercenary)
SC 爱财如命的 ài cái rú mìng de
SC 守财奴的 ài cái rú mìng de,shǒu cái nú de

moneymaking, also UK: money-making n: (business, earning)
SC 赚钱 zhuàn qián

moneymaking, also UK: money-making adj: (lucrative, profitable)
SC 赚钱的 zhuàn qián de
TC 賺錢的
SC 盈利的 zhuàn qián de ,yíng lì de

not for love or money adv: (impossible to obtain by any means)
SC 无论如何都不 wú lùn rú hé dōu bù
SC 怎么样也不 wú lùn rú hé dōu bù,zěn me yàng yě bú / zěn me yàng yě bù
You can't get a table in that restaurant for love or money.

old money n: (family that has inherited wealth)
SC 贵族世家
SC 家财万贯
The Farquhars are old money; the family have been wealthy since the time of Henry VIII.

old money n: (inherited wealth)
SC 继承的财富
The crumbling manor house and classic car were clear signs of old money.

old-money n as adj: (relating to inherited wealth)
SC 继承财富的
The Rockefellers are a famous example of an old-money family.

old money n: UK (pre-decimal currency)
SC 古钱

on the money adj: slang (correct, accurate)
SC 非常准确 fēi cháng zhǔn què
TC 非常準確
Her predictions are usually right on the money.
Wow, you called that one, right on the money.

out of money adj: (short of cash)
SC 缺钱的,贫穷的 quē qián de ,pín qióng de
TC 貧窮的
I can't go out this weekend because I'm out of money.

paper money n: (bank notes, bills)
SC 纸币 zhǐ bì
TC 紙幣
SC 纸钞 zhǐ bì,zhǐ chāo
When travelling abroad, I always prefer to use a credit card instead of paper money.

pay good money for [sth] v expr: informal (pay a considerable sum for [sth])
SC 花大价钱购买
I paid good money for this, but now I find it's a worthless piece of junk.

pin money n: (small sum set aside)
SC 零花钱,零用钱 líng huā qián,líng yòng qián
TC 零花錢,零用錢

plastic money n: (credit cards)
SC 信用卡 xìn yòng kǎ

pocket money n: (child's allowance) (给小孩子的)
SC 零花钱 líng huā qián
TC 零花錢
When I was a child I got ten cents a week in pocket money, which I usually spent on candy.

pocket money n: (small amount of spending money) (日常的)
SC 零用钱 líng yòng qián
TC 零用錢
Laura had worked for what amounted to pocket money.

prize money n: (money received as prize)
SC 奖金 jiǎng jīn
TC 奬金
SC 奖励资金
If I win the competition, I'll spend the prize money on a new car.

provide money for [sth/sb] v expr: (support financially)
SC 为…提供资金 wèi … tí gōng zī jīn
SC 给…提供经济上的支持 wèi … tí gōng zī jīn,gěi tí gōng jīng jì shàng de zhī chí
My parents provided money for my studies abroad.

put money in v expr: (deposit a sum: in a bank)
SC 将钱存入 jiāng qián cún rù
TC 將錢存入
SC 存钱 jiāng qián cún rù,cún qián
Make sure you put money in before the end of the month.

put money in [sth] v expr: (make a financial contribution)
SC 把钱投入
SC 投资 tóu zī
TC 投資
I put some money in my friend's new business, but I've yet to see any return on my investment.

put up the money v expr: informal (make a financial offer) (非正式用语)
SC 提供资金,拨款,出钱 tí gōng zī jīn,bō kuǎn,chū qián
TC 撥款
I was ready to put up the money, but the seller withdrew at the last minute.

Put your money where your mouth is. expr: (prove [sth])
SC 说到做到,付诸行动 shuō dào zuò dào
You think you can run faster than Tim? Put your money where your mouth is!

raise money v expr: (generate funds: for a cause)
SC 筹款 chóu kuǎn
We're raising money for the earthquake relief effort.

ransom money n: (payment demanded for hostage)
SC 赎金 shú jīn

ready cash, ready money n: (available money)
SC 现款 xiàn kuǎn

rent money n: (sum paid by a tenant)
SC 租金 zū jīn
Our landlord put the rent money up this month.
I did not get paid on time, so I have no idea where I'm going to get rent money this month.

rolling in money adj: figurative, informal (rich)
SC 非常富有 fēi cháng fù yǒu
After she won the lottery, she was rolling in money.

save money vtr + n: (economize, make savings)
SC 省钱 shěng qián
SC 存钱 shěng qián,cún qián
Budgeting, among other methods, is an effective way to save money.

seed money n: (to start a business)
SC 本金,原始资本 běn jīn
Paul managed to obtain the seed money to set up a business.

soft money n: figurative (politics: indirect contribution) (政治捐款)
SC 软钱
Because this is soft money, we can't use it directly for the candidate.

spend money vtr + n: (use money, buy things)
SC 消费 xiāo fèi
TC 消費
SC 购物 xiāo fèi,gòu wù

spend money on [sth] v expr: (use money to buy)
SC 在...上花钱,为...花钱
SC 花钱给...,花钱买...

spending money n: (cash for everyday expenses)
SC 零花钱 líng huā qián
TC 零花錢
SC 零用钱 líng huā qián,líng yòng qián
TC 零用錢
Ian always has to ask his father for spending money.

spending money n: (cash to spend on luxuries)
SC 够买(奢侈品)的钱
I saved up so I'd have spending money for a diamond ring.

sum of money n: (amount of money)
SC 一笔钱 yì bǐ qián
TC 一筆錢
Three trillion dollars is an enormous sum of money, even for the government.

tax money n: (money paid in taxes)
SC 税款 shuì kuǎn
SC 纳税钱

time is money interj: (don't waste time)
SC 时间就是金钱 shí jiān jiù shì jīn qián
SC 一寸光阴一寸金 shí jiān jiù shì jīn qián,yí cùn guāng yīn yí cùn jīn
Wake up, you guys! Time is money!

use money v expr: (manage one's finances)
SC 使用金钱 shǐ yòng jīn qián
TC 使用金錢
SC 管理资金 shǐ yòng jīn qián,guǎn lǐ zī jīn
Use money wisely.

use money v expr: (acquire by paying for)
SC 花钱 huā qián
If you want to buy this, you'll need to use money; they don't accept credit cards.

value for money n: (good quality at cheap price)
SC 合算,划算 hé suàn
SC 物有所值,物美价廉 wù yǒu suǒ zhí
The holiday was great value for money.

waste of money, a waste of money n: (spending money uselessly)
SC 浪费金钱

wire money v expr: (send a money order)
SC 电汇款项 diàn huì kuǎn xiàng
TC 電匯款項
SC 电汇 diàn huì kuǎn xiàng,diàn huì
Many of the foreign workers wire money home to their families.

worth the money adj: (good enough to merit its cost)
SC 值这些钱的 zhí zhè xiē qián de
SC 物有所值的 zhí zhè xiē qián de,wù yǒu suǒ zhí de
Flying may be more expensive, but it's worth the money if you want to avoid traffic.




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