单词 | driving |
释义 | driving US ![]() ![]() driving n: (operating a road vehicle) SC 驾驶 jià shǐ TC 駕駛 SC 开车 jià shǐ,kāi chē TC 開車 Driving is a very useful skill to learn. 学习驾驶技能非常有用。 driving adj: (operating a vehicle) SC 驾驶的 TC 駕駛的 SC 开车的 She went to driving school because no one in her family would teach her how to drive. 因为家里没人想教她开车,她去了驾驶学校。 driving adj: figurative (that motivates, propels) SC 推动的 TC 推動的 SC 驱动的 qū dòng de TC 驅動的 When he became a doctor, his driving motivation was his wish to help his community. 当了医生后,他的驱动动机是想要帮助自己的社群。 driving adj: (rain, wind: forceful) (风、雨) SC 猛烈的,狂暴的 měng liè de ,kuáng bào de The driving rain soaked Dan in just a few minutes. 雨下得猛烈,几分钟就把丹淋透了。 drive vi: (operate a vehicle) SC 开车 kāi chē TC 開車 I can't drive yet. I'm only 15. We've been driving for hours; aren't we there yet? You're driving too fast! 我才15岁,我还不能开车。// 我们都开了好几个小时的车了,还没到地方吗?// 你车速太快了! drive [sth] vtr: (operate: a vehicle) SC 开(车) kāi ( chē ) TC 開(車) SC 驾驶 kāi ( chē ),jià shǐ TC 駕駛 Would you like to drive my new car? 你想开我的新车吗? drive [sb] vtr: (passenger: transport) SC 驾车运送 jià chē yùn sòng TC 駕車運送 SC 载人 jià chē yùn sòng,zài rén SC 开车送 jià chē yùn sòng,kāi chē sòng TC 開車送 I'll be late to the show unless you can drive me. 除非你开车送我,否则我看节目就会迟到了。 drive [sth] vtr: (cause movement) SC 驱使 qū shǐ TC 驅使 SC 驱动 qū shǐ,qū dòng TC 驅動 Wind drives the fan and creates electricity. 风驱动风扇,产生电力。 drive [sb] to [sth] vtr: (passenger: transport) SC 开车送…到…去 Could you drive me to the station? 你能开车送我到车站么? drive [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep: figurative (compel, cause) SC 驱使,迫使 qū shǐ,pò shǐ TC 驅使,迫使 The addiction drove him to a life of crime and misery. 毒品上瘾驱使他走上犯罪道路,生活凄惨。 drive [sb] to do [sth] vtr + prep: figurative (compel, cause) SC 强迫某人做某事 qiáng pò mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì The desire to make her parents proud is what drives her to succeed. 想让父母为自己感到骄傲的心就是驱使她成功的动力。 drive [sth] vtr: figurative (push, power) SC 推动 tuī dòng TC 推動 Spending drives the economy. 消费推动经济。 drive adj: (part of machine) SC 驱动的 qū dòng de TC 驅動的 SC 动力的 qū dòng de,dòng lì de TC 動力的 There's a problem in the drive train. 动力传动系统有问题。 drive n: (journey by car) SC 驾驶 jià shǐ TC 駕駛 SC 驾车 jià shǐ,jià chē The drive was really tiring. 这一路驾驶过来真的很累。 drive n: (pleasure trip) SC 驾车旅行 jià chē lǚ xíng TC 駕車旅行 Let's go for a drive in the country. 咱们开车去乡下兜兜风吧。 drive n: (push) (内部的,内心的) SC 动力,推动力 dòng lì,tuī dòng lì TC 動力,推動力 His drive to succeed led him into business. 他要成功的动力驱使他进入了商界。 drive n: ([sth] driven: animals, cargo) (指被运送的货物或牲畜) SC 一车 The whole drive of cattle fell ill and nearly died en route. 整车的牛全部生病,在路上几乎死光了。 drive n: (psychology: urge) SC 欲望 yù wàng TC 慾望 SC 冲动 yù wàng,chōng dòng TC 衝動 He has difficulty controlling his drives. 他很难控制自己的欲望。 drive n: (forward course) SC 冲刺 chōng cì SC 猛进 chōng cì ,měng jìn They somehow found the energy for a final drive for the finish line. 不知道怎么回事,他们又满血复活,向着终点线进行最后冲刺。 drive n: (military thrust) (军事) SC 强攻 The army's drive into enemy territory was a great success. 部队攻入敌方领地,这是一大胜利。 drive n: (charity) SC 活动 huó dòng TC 活動 SC 运动 huó dòng,yùn dòng TC 運動 The spring fund-raising drive was very successful. 春节筹款活动大获成功。 drive n: (energy) SC 干劲 gàn jìn TC 幹勁 SC 精神 gàn jìn ,jīng shén TC 精神 She's got a lot of drive and that motivates everyone. 她干劲十足,大家都深受鼓舞。 drive n: (machinery) SC 传动装置 chuán dòng zhuāng zhì TC 傳動裝置 The belt drive is poorly designed. 这个传送带设计得很差。 drive n: (automobiles) SC 驾驶档 jià shǐ dàng TC 駕駛檔 Move the car from neutral to drive and release the brakes. 把车从空档挂为驾驶档,然后放开刹车。 drive n: (sports: hitting) (体育运动术语) SC 猛击,猛抽,猛踢 měng jī,měng chōu,měng tī Her drive sent the ball right past her opponent. 她一记抽球, 球从对手身边飞过。 drive n: (computing) (计算机) SC 驱动器 qū dòng qì TC 驅動器 Insert the CD into the drive. 将CD放入驱动器中。 Drive n: (road name) (路名) SC 路,大道 lù,dà dào TC 路,大道 Jane's address is 65 Poplar Drive. 简的住址是帕普勒街65号。 drive, driveway n: (driveway: path from house to road) SC 私人车道 TC 私人車道 An expensive-looking sports car turned into the drive. Sarah parked her car in the driveway. 一辆看起来很贵的跑车拐进了那家的私人车道。//萨拉将她的车停在了私人车道上。 drive [sb] to do [sth] v expr: figurative (motivate) SC 促使某人做某事 cù shǐ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì SC 驱使某人做某事 What drives her to succeed is a desire to make her parents proud. 想让父母自豪,这是促使她取得成功的动力。 drive vi: (be impelled) SC 急驶 jí shǐ The yacht drove before the strong wind. 风很大,快艇顺风疾驶。 drive vi: (go forward vigorously) SC 猛进 měng jìn SC 前冲 měng jìn,qián chōng The storm drove onwards, gathering strength. 风暴向前迅猛推进,一路积蓄着力量。 drive vi: (travel by vehicle) SC 驾车出行 jià chē chū xíng TC 駕車出行 SC 开车出行 jià chē chū xíng,kāi chē chū xíng Shall we drive or take the train? 我们是开车去还是坐火车去? drive vi: (sports: hit or kick) (体育运动术语) SC 击,踢 jī,tī TC 擊,踢 In golf, I find driving easier than putting. 我发现打高尔夫发球比推球入洞容易。 drive [sth] vtr: (sport: hit, kick) (体育比赛术语) SC 猛踢,猛击 měng tī,měng jī Kane drove a low shot past the goalkeeper. 凯恩一记低射,球飞过守门员入网。 drive [sth] vtr: (baseball: advance) (棒球) SC 使(跑垒)得分 shǐ pǎo lěi dé fēn He drove the runner home with a hit. drive [sth] vtr: (logs: float down river) SC 使漂流 shǐ piāo liú They drove the logs down the river. drive [sb] vtr: figurative (motivate) SC 推动 tuī dòng TC 推動 SC 促进 tuī dòng,cù jìn TC 促進 SC 驱使 tuī dòng,qū shǐ TC 驅使 Ian's desire to be the best is what drives him. 伊安想出人头地,这就是他的动力。 drive [sb] to [sth] vtr: figurative (provoke) SC 把…逼到(某种程度) SC 逼得 Her children always drive her to the point of madness. 她家孩子经常把她搞得快疯掉。 drive [sth] to [sth] vtr: figurative (push) SC 把…推动到 SC 将…推进到 She drove the conversation to a certain topic. 她把谈话推动到某个话题上。 drive [sth] into [sth/sb] vtr + prep: (nail, blade: hammer) SC 将...钉进 SC 把...敲进 He drove the nail into the wall. drive [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep: (sport: hit, kick) (体育运动) SC 抽,猛击 chōu,měng jī TC 抽 She drove the ball into the net. drive away vi phrasal: (depart in a vehicle) SC 驱车离开 qū chē lí kāi TC 驅車離開 She wiped a tear from her eye as he drove away. 看着他驱车离开,她擦拭了眼角的泪水。 drive by vi phrasal: (go past in a vehicle) SC 飞车经过 fēi chē jīng guò TC 飛車經過 Ray drove by in his truck. drive [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: figurative (force to decrease) SC 压低 yā dī TC 壓低 The current economic crisis will drive down house prices. drive [sth] forward vtr phrasal sep: figurative (propel) SC 推进 tuī jìn TC 推進 The new legislation was driven forward by fears of mass immigration. drive forward vi phrasal: (steer ahead) SC 驱车向前 qū chē xiàng qián TC 驅車向前 Instead of reversing, he drove forward into a tree. drive [sth] forward vtr phrasal sep: (vehicle: steer ahead) SC 向前开... drive in vi phrasal: (go by car) SC 驱车到达 qū chē dào dá TC 驅車到達 SC 驾驶进 If we take the train we don't have to drive in and face all that traffic. drive into [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (enter: in a vehicle) SC 开车进入 kāi chē jìn rù TC 開車進入 SC 驶入 kāi chē jìn rù,shǐ rù You will receive a ticket when you drive into the parking garage. drive into [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (crash: a vehicle) SC 开车撞上 kāi chē zhuàng shàng TC 開車撞上 The drunk driver drove into a wall. drive [sb] mad vtr phrasal sep: (make insane) SC 使…发疯 drive [sb] mad vtr phrasal sep: (annoy) (烦躁) SC 把...逼疯 TC 把…逼瘋 drive [sb] mad vtr phrasal sep: (arouse sexually) (激起性欲) SC 令…欲罢不能 drive off vi phrasal: (vehicle: pull out, move off) SC 驶出 shǐ chū I sadly watched him drive off, knowing I wouldn't see him again. 我伤感地看着他驾车离开,知道我们不会再见了。 drive [sth/sb] out vtr phrasal sep: (force to leave) SC 赶走 gǎn zǒu TC 趕走 SC 驱逐出去 gǎn zǒu,qū zhú chū qù The natives were driven out of their villages by the foreign invaders. 当地居民被外来侵略者赶出了自己的村庄。 drive up vi phrasal: (arrive in a vehicle) SC 驱车来到 qū chē lái dào TC 驅車來到 I was surprised to see him drive up in a flashy sportscar. 他开了一辆炫酷的跑车前来,让我颇为惊讶。 drive [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: figurative (price: cause to rise) (价格) SC 使…上涨,抬高… Demand for housing is driving house prices up. 对住房的需求正在推动房价上涨。 be in the driver's seat, take the driver's seat, have the driver's seat, be in the driving seat v expr: figurative (have control) SC 掌控 zhǎng kòng SC 处于控制地位 If he thinks he can lead the team better, let him have the driver's seat. clean driving licence n: UK (driver's permit: no penalty points) SC 无扣分驾照 A clean driving licence lowers insurance costs. dangerous driving n: (law: unsafe vehicular operation) (法律) SC 危险驾驶 driver's license (US), driving licence (UK), driver's licence (Can) n: (permit to drive) SC 驾驶证 jià shǐ zhèng TC 駕駛證 SC 驾照 jià shǐ zhèng,jià zhào I've had my driver's license for 15 years. 我拿驾照已经15年了。 driver's test (US), driving test (UK) n: (exam for learner drivers) SC 驾照考试 TC 駕照考試 Gina failed her driver's test several times before finally passing. driving directions npl: (how to get somewhere by road) SC 驾车路线,行车路线 driving force n: (impetus) SC 强劲的力量 qiáng jìng de lì liàng The actress was the driving force behind the renovation of the theatre. driving examiner, also US: driving inspector n: (person who tests drivers for license) SC 驾照考官 TC 駕照考官 driving instructor n: ([sb] who teaches people to drive) SC 驾车教练 jià chē jiāo liàn TC 駕車教練 driving range n: (golf practice area) (高尔夫) SC 练习场,练球场 liàn xí chǎng ,liàn qiú chǎng Tony was out on the driving range practising his golf swing. driving school n: (vehicle operation lessons) SC 驾校 driving under the influence n: (operating a vehicle while drunk) SC 不清醒驾驶 SC 酒后驾驶 jiǔ hòu jià shǐ TC 酒後駕駛 drunk driving (US), drink driving (UK) n: colloquial (driving while intoxicated) (口语) SC 酒后驾驶 jiǔ hòu jià shǐ TC 酒後駕駛 SC 酒后驾车 jiǔ hòu jià shǐ,jiǔ hòu jià chē TC 酒後駕車 SC 醉驾 Rich was arrested for drunk driving. 里奇因为醉驾被逮捕了 DUI n: US, uncountable, written, initialism (driving under the influence) (driving under the influence缩写) SC 酒后驾驶,醉酒驾车,酒驾 jiǔ hòu jià shǐ,zuì jiǔ jià chē TC 酒後駕駛 SC 吸食毒品后驾驶,毒驾 xī shí dú pǐn hòu jià shǐ In this state, driving under the influence is punishable by up to a year in jail. DWI n: uncountable, written, initialism (driving while intoxicated) SC 醉驾 hard-driving adj: (aggressive, pushy) SC 咄咄逼人的 duō duō bī rén de keep driving vi: (drive straight ahead) SC 一直向前驾驶 yì zhí xiàng qián jià shǐ When you see a hitchhiker, do you stop to pick him up or just keep driving? rearview mirror, rear-view mirror, driving mirror n: (vehicle: mirror showing view behind) (车辆) SC 后视镜 hòu shì jìng TC 後視鏡 Good drivers regularly check their rearview mirrors to see what's happening behind them. 一个好的司机会经常看后视镜,检查后方情况。 reckless driving n: US (law: traffic violation) (违法行为) SC 鲁莽驾驶 self-driving, driverless adj: (vehicle: fully automated) SC 自动驾驶的 SC 无人驾驶的 self-driving car, driverless car n: (autonomous vehicle) SC 自动驾驶汽车 SC 无人驾驶汽车 |
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