

单词 drinking

US   UK  
drinking n: (alcoholism)
SC 酗酒 xù jiǔ
His drinking eventually broke up their marriage.

drinking adj: (water: safe to drink)
SC 可饮用的 kě yǐn yòng de
TC 可飲用的
People had to buy drinking water when the public system failed.

drinking n: (consumption of liquid)
SC 喝饮料 hē yǐn liào
TC 喝飲料
SC 喝酒 hē yǐn liào,hē jiǔ
TC 喝酒
SC 喝水
Eating and drinking are necessary to survival.

drink [sth] vtr: (liquid: take by mouth) (水、饮料)
SC 喝, 饮
Drink some water if you're thirsty.

drink vi: (consume liquid)
SC 饮 yǐn
You need to eat and drink if you are to stay alive and healthy.

drink vi: informal (consume alcohol)
SC 喝酒 hē jiǔ
TC 喝酒
We need orange juice for those who don't drink.

drink n: (beverage)
SC 饮料 yǐn liào
TC 飲料
We've got lots of drinks to choose from.

drink n: (serving of a beverage)
SC 饮料的一杯(一份、一瓶) yǐn liào de yì bēi yí fèn yì píng
I'll have one more drink before I leave.

drink n: informal, uncountable (alcoholic beverage)
SC 酒,烈性酒 jiǔ,liè xìng jiǔ
We need some drink for this party.

drink n: (swallow of liquid) (喝水等)
SC 一口 yì kǒu
TC 一口
He took a drink from the fountain.

the drink n: figurative, dated (body of water) (比喻,过时用语)
SC 水域,湖,海 shuǐ yù,hú,hǎi
TC 水域,湖,海
He leaned over the railing and fell into the drink.

drink to [sth/sb] vi + prep: (toast with alcohol)
SC 敬酒 jìng jiǔ
SC 干杯 jìng jiǔ,gān bēi
Let's drink to the bride and groom!

drink [sth] vtr: figurative (absorb)
SC 吸收 xī shōu
TC 吸收
The sponge drank all the water.

drink [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: (beverage: finish quickly)
SC 把…一饮而尽,把…一口喝下
I know the medicine tastes bad, but drink it down and then you can have some candy.

drink [sth] in vtr phrasal sep: figurative (absorb attentively) (比喻)
SC 陶醉于,沉醉于 táo zuì yú,chén zuì yú
The lecture was fascinating and the audience drank in every word.

drink up vi phrasal: (finish beverage)
SC 喝完 hē wán
SC 喝光 hē wán,hē guāng
SC 一饮而尽 hē wán,yì yǐn ér jìn
TC 一飲而盡
Drink up, we have to go!

drink [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (beverage: finish)
SC 喝光 hē guāng
SC 喝完 hē guāng,hē wán
Drink up your juice - it's time to go.

binge drinking n: (excessive alcohol consumption)
SC 酗酒 xù jiǔ
A lot of college students ruin their academic record because of binge drinking on the weekends.

drinking age n: (legal age to drink alcohol)
SC 法律规定可以喝酒的年龄 fǎ lǜ guī dìng kě yǐ hē jiǔ de nián líng
The drinking age in New York is 21 years old.

drinking cup n: (cup for drinking)
SC 酒杯 jiǔ bēi
Everybody shared the blue metal drinking cup that hung by the pump.

drinking glass n: (glass for drinking)
SC 玻璃酒杯 bō lí jiǔ bēi
TC 玻璃酒杯
She served me lukewarm water in a chipped drinking glass.

drinking straw n: (for sucking up liquids)
SC 吸管 xī guǎn
We prefer paper drinking straws because they're environmentally friendly.

drinking water n: (water that is safe to drink)
SC 饮用水 yǐn yòng shuǐ
TC 飲用水
The pioneers only settled in areas where they could find safe drinking water.

hard-drinking adj: (consumes a lot of alcohol)
SC 酗酒的, 喝酒成瘾的

problem drinking n: (alcoholism)
SC 酗酒 xù jiǔ
Problem drinking is rife in the United Kingdom.

problem drinking n: (binge drinking, excess alcohol consumption)
SC 过量饮酒 guò liàng yǐn jiǔ
TC 過量飲酒
According to the study, sorority life for college students often leads to problem drinking.

underage drinking, under-age n: (alcohol consumption by minors)
SC 未成年人饮酒
This leaflet on underage drinking contains advice for parents of teenage children.

water fountain, drinking fountain n: (tap dispensing drinking water)
SC 饮水处 yǐn shuǐ chù
TC 飲水處
SC 喷泉式饮水机 yǐn shuǐ chù,pēn quán shì yǐn shuǐ jī
After gym class the children lined up for a sip of water at the water fountain.
The drinking fountain is a fine example of Victorian decorative street furniture.




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