

单词 miss

miss vi: (not hit target, mark) (体育运动)
SC 没有击中目标 méi yǒu jī zhòng mù biāo
Bob tried to make the putt, but he missed.

miss [sth/sb] vtr: (fail to hit: target, mark)
SC 未打中,未击中 wèi dǎ zhòng ,wèi jī zhòng
TC 未擊中
The batsman missed the ball.

miss [sth] vtr: (sport: fail to catch) (体育运动)
SC 未接到(球等) wèi jiē dào qiú děng
The goalkeeper missed the ball.

miss [sb] vtr: (long for)
SC 挂念 guà niàn
SC 想念 guà niàn,xiǎng niàn
TC 想念
The children miss their father when he is away on business.

miss [sth] vtr: (long for)
SC 思念 sī niàn
SC 渴望 sī niàn,kě wàng
TC 渴望
I miss the mountains of home.

miss [sth] vtr: (fail to land on)
SC 未打中 wèi dǎ zhòng
SC 未击中 wèi dǎ zhòng ,wèi jī zhòng
TC 未擊中
SC 未达到 wèi dǎ zhòng ,wèi dá dào
SC 错过 wèi dǎ zhòng ,cuò guò
The bomb missed its target.

miss [sth] vtr: (fail to be present for)
SC 错过 cuò guò
SC 未出席 cuò guò ,wèi chū xí
SC 未参加 cuò guò ,wèi cān jiā
Pete slept late and missed the meeting.

miss [sth] vtr: (fail to be on time for)
SC 错过 cuò guò
SC 误了
The delay caused Audrey to miss her train.

Miss n: (title: unmarried woman) (用于未婚女性姓名前)
SC 小姐 xiǎo jiě
TC 小姐
SC 小姐 xiǎo jiě ,xiǎo jiě
TC 小姐(与其他名词连用,特定称谓)
Miss Johnson is well liked.
这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 今年的世界小姐没有去年的漂亮啊。

miss n: (sports: failure to hit) (运动)
SC 未击中,未抓住,未达到,失误 wèi jī zhòng ,wèi zhuā zhù,wèi dá dào,shī wù
TC 未擊中,失誤
His second swing was a miss.

miss vi: (fail to catch)
SC 未做到 wèi zuò dào
SC 错过 wèi zuò dào,cuò guò
Brian tried to kick the ball and missed.

miss [sb] vtr: (fail to meet: [sb])
SC 错过 cuò guò
SC 未接到 cuò guò ,wèi jiē dào
I'm really sorry I missed you at the station.

miss [sth] vtr: (fail to hear)
SC 没听到 méi tīng dào
TC 沒聽到
SC 错过 méi tīng dào,cuò guò
I'm sorry, I missed what you said.

miss [sth] vtr: (fail to understand)
SC 没理解
SC 未领会 wèi lǐng huì
I can't see how these two issues are connected; am I missing something?

miss [sth] vtr: (fail to take advantage of)
SC 错过 cuò guò
SC 未抓住 cuò guò ,wèi zhuā zhù
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to save money!

miss [sth] vtr: (escape or avoid)
SC 逃开 táo kāi
SC 躲掉
SC 避免 táo kāi,bì miǎn
TC 避免
He narrowly missed crashing into a tree.

Miss interj: (term of address: female teacher) (称呼用语)
SC 老师 lǎo shī
TC 老師
Miss, would you give me a paper, please?

misses npl: US (women's garments)
SC 女装 nǚ zhuāng
Excuse me, which floor will I find the misses on?

MS, Miss, Miss. n: written, abbreviation (US state: Mississippi) (美国的一个州,缩写)
SC 密西西比州 mì xī xī bǐ zhōu
Tom lived in Jackson, MS for four years.

MS, M.S., MSc., M.Sc. n: initialism (degree: Master of Science) (学位)
SC 理学硕士, 科学硕士
It took me two years to finish my MSc.

MS n: initialism (multiple sclerosis) (医学)
SC 多发性硬化 duō fā xìng yìng huà
Rob suffered from MS.

MS, M.S., MSc., M.Sc. n: initialism (holder of Master of Science degree) (头衔)
SC 理学硕士 lǐ xué shuò shì
TC 理學碩士
John Smith, MSc., will be awarded for his outstanding achievements in biomedical science.

MS, ms n: initialism (manuscript)
SC 手稿 shǒu gǎo
SC 原稿 shǒu gǎo,yuán gǎo
TC 原稿
The passage was from MS B 21 from the church's records.

MS n: initialism (memoriae sacrum) (刻在墓碑上)
SC 纪念 jì niàn
TC 紀念
John's father's gravestone read: "M.S. Ernest Clark. 1923-2002"

miss out vi phrasal: informal (be denied an opportunity)
SC 错过 cuò guò
SC 错过…的好机会 cuò guò ,cuò guò … de hǎo jī huì
Are you sure you don't want to come? I wouldn't want you to miss out.

miss out vi phrasal: informal (fail to get an opportunity)
SC 错过机会 cuò guò jī huì
TC 錯過機會
Josh meant to enter the competition, but he missed out; he simply forgot!

miss out on [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (be denied: an opportunity, etc.)
SC 错失 cuò shī
Milly was laid up with the flu, so she had to miss out on the party.

miss out on [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (fail to get: an opportunity, etc.)
SC 错失 cuò shī
SC 没有得到(机会等)
I missed out on the teaching job I wanted, but I'm sure there'll be other opportunities.

hit and miss, hit-and-miss, hit or miss, hit-or-miss adj: (unpredictable, unreliable)
SC 有时命中有时没有命中的 yǒu shí mìng zhòng yǒu shí méi yǒu mìng zhòng de
SC 不论成功与否 yǒu shí mìng zhòng yǒu shí méi yǒu mìng zhòng de,bú lùn chéng gōng yǔ fǒu
SC 胡乱地 yǒu shí mìng zhòng yǒu shí méi yǒu mìng zhòng de,hú luàn de
The weather is very hit and miss for July - rain one day, sunshine the next.

I miss you interj: (I feel your absence)
SC 我想你 wǒ xiǎng nǐ
SC 我想念你
SC 我思念你 wǒ xiǎng nǐ,wǒ sī niàn nǐ
I miss you, my darling. Come home soon.

I will miss you, I'll miss you interj: (I will feel your absence)
SC 我会想念你的 wǒ huì xiǎng niàn nǐ de
Goodbye, son. I'll miss you.

miss a cue, miss your cue v expr: (actor: forget lines, etc.)
SC 忘记台词

miss a cue v expr: figurative, informal (not get the point)
SC 没能理解 méi néng lǐ jiě
I kept dropping hints to my husband that I wanted to leave the party, but he missed every cue.

miss an opportunity v expr: (not take or get the chance)
SC 错过机会 cuò guò jī huì
TC 錯過機會
I never miss an opportunity to travel abroad.

miss the boat v expr: figurative (lose your chance for [sth])
SC 错过机会,坐失良机 cuò guò jī huì
TC 錯過機會

miss the bus v expr: informal, figurative (lose opportunity)
SC 错过机会 cuò guò jī huì
TC 錯過機會
You seriously missed the bus when you didn't ask Jane to the dance.

miss the bus v expr: (fail to catch bus)
SC 错过汽车 cuò guò qì chē
TC 錯過汽車
SC 没赶上公交车 cuò guò qì chē ,méi gǎn shàng gōng jiāo chē
I was late to work because I missed the bus.

miss the chance v expr: (not take or get the opportunity)
SC 错过机会 cuò guò jī huì
TC 錯過機會
I missed the chance to hear that band when they last performed here, but I will catch them next time.

miss the mark v expr: figurative (fail to achieve intended aim)
SC 未达到目的
SC 未实现目标
The essay misses the mark because it doesn't directly answer the question.

miss the mark v expr: (fail to hit target)
SC 未击中目标
SC 偏离目标
The soccer player's shot missed the mark and went out for a goal kick.

miss the point v expr: (fail to understand)
SC 没能理解 méi néng lǐ jiě
You're missing the point: this isn't about pay - it's about conditions.

near miss n: (almost a collision)
SC 侥幸免撞
That was a near miss; those two cars almost collided.

near miss n: (health and safety: almost an accident)
SC 几乎发生事故
SC 侥幸免于事故

near miss n: (shot that almost hit its target)
SC 近距脱靶 jìn jù tuō bǎ

near-miss n as adj: (almost colliding)
SC 差点撞上的
SC 差点碰上的

near miss n as adj: (health and safety: almost an accident)
SC 几乎发生事故的
SC 侥幸免于事故的

near-miss n as adj: (almost hitting the target)
SC 差点打中的
SC 差点击中的




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