

单词 downwith

down adv: (from higher to lower)
SC 向下 xiàng xià
TC 向下
SC 往下 xiàng xià,wǎng xià
He climbed down from the tree.

down adv: (on the bottom)
SC 在底部 zài dǐ bù
SC 在尽头 zài dǐ bù,zài jìn tóu
There's a house down there in the valley.

down adv: (away from here)
SC 离开此处 lí kāi cǐ chù
TC 離開此處
Are you coming down to the pub with us?

down prep: (from higher to lower place)
SC 下行
TC 下行
SC 往下 wǎng xià
They walked down the mountain.

down prep: (further along)
SC 在…的一端,在…的尽头
The restaurant is just down the street.

down prep: (near body of water)
SC 在(河流)的下游
They live about 20 miles down river.

down prep: (throughout: years, ages, etc.)
SC …以来
Philosophers have sought answers down the ages.

down adv: (southward)
SC 向南 xiàng nán
SC 往南 xiàng nán,wǎng nán
We're going down to Italy for our holidays this year.

down adj: (lower)
SC 降低的 jiàng dī de
SC 下跌的 jiàng dī de ,xià diē de
SC 下跌的 jiàng dī de ,xià diē de
The price of oil is down this week.

down adj: (level: reduced) (水平面等)
SC 下降了的,降低了的 xià jiàng le de,jiàng dī le de
The water level is down. We should add some more.

down adj: figurative, informal (sad or depressed)
SC 心情抑郁的 xīn qíng yì yù de
SC 心情沮丧的
I feel a little down, but I'll be alright.

down adj: (to the south)
SC 南下的 nán xià de
SC 向南的 nán xià de,xiàng nán de
They're down on the south coast all week.

down adj: (American football: stopped) (橄榄球术语)
SC 被阻截的 bèi zǔ jié de
The referee declared the ball down.

down adj: (sports: behind in score) (体育比赛术语)
SC 比分落后的 bǐ fēn luò hòu de
The Danish team is down ten points.

down adj: UK (trains: away from capital) (指火车)
SC 驶离首都的 shǐ lí shǒu dōu de
The down train leaves from this platform.

down adj: informal (not working, out of order)
SC 停止运行的 tíng zhǐ yùn xíng de
SC 出故障的 tíng zhǐ yùn xíng de,chū gù zhàng de
The server's down. You'll have to try again later.

down adj: informal (learned)
SC 掌握了的
SC 背下来的
Have you got your lines down for the school play yet?

down adj: informal (gambling: with losses of) (赌博)
SC 输钱的 shū qián de
TC 輸錢的
I'm down three hundred dollars.

down adj: informal (finished)
SC 做完的 zuò wán de
SC 完成的 zuò wán de,wán chéng de
We've got three reports down, one to go!

down adj: (crossword puzzles: vertical) (猜字游戏)
SC 竖行的
TC 豎行的
I can't work out the answer to 7 down.

down with [sth] adj + prep: US, informal (sick with, suffering from)
SC 生...病的
SC 患...病的
She's down with the flu and can't come to the party.

down to [sth/sb] adj + prep: informal (determined by)
SC 由…负责
TC 由…負責
SC 由…决定
Whether he goes free or not is down to the judge's decision.

down to [sth] adj + prep: (left with only)
SC 只剩下
We're down to the last of the coffee, so could you buy some more while you're out?

down to [sth/sb] adj + prep: informal (caused by)
SC 是…的责任 shì de zé rèn
SC 由…引起 shì de zé rèn,yóu … yǐn qǐ
TC 由…引起
The accident was entirely down to driver error.

down adv: (written)
SC (写)下 xiě xià
SC (记)下 xiě xià,jì xià
Have you got that down yet?

down adv: (sitting or lying)
SC 坐下 zuò xià
SC 躺下 zuò xià,tǎng xià
I put her down for her nap.

down adv: (to lower value)
SC 价值变低 jià zhí biàn dī
TC 價值變低
Prices have come down in recent weeks.

down adv: (reduced: in volume, amount, etc.)
SC 音量由大到小地 yīn liàng yóu dà dào xiǎo de
We've got our luggage down to one suitcase each.

down adv: (time: earlier to later) (时间)
SC 从以前往后 cóng yǐ qián wǎng hòu
Language changes down through the ages.

down adv: (to lesser strength)
SC 变弱 biàn ruò
SC 变淡 biàn ruò,biàn dàn
The beer tastes watered down.

down adv: (cash payment)
SC 现金支付 xiàn jīn zhī fù
TC 現金支付
How much money can you put down?

down adv: (into submission)
SC 屈服地 qū fú de
He shouted down his opponent.

down adv: (fixed state)
SC 处于被固定的状态 chǔ yú bèi gù dìng de zhuàng tài
The antenna was tied down with ropes.

down adv: (to the source)
SC 溯源 sù yuán
He tracked down his natural father.

down adv: (suppressed)
SC 被抑制 bèi yì zhì
SC 被压制 bèi yì zhì,bèi yā zhì
He choked down his emotions.

down with [sth], down with doing [sth], down to do [sth], down for [sth], down for doing [sth] expr: slang (keen to do [sth])
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
Sure, I'm down for going hiking this weekend.

down interj: (command to a dog) (对动物发出的口令)
SC 坐下! zuò xià
Down, boy! Get back to your kennel.

down n: (bird: soft feathers)
SC 羽毛 yǔ máo
TC 羽毛
SC 羽绒 yǔ máo,yǔ róng
These pillows are filled with goose down.

down n: (person: soft hair)
SC 软毛 ruǎn máo
SC 绒毛 ruǎn máo,róng máo
TC 絨毛
He was sixteen and had down on his chin.

down n: (botany: fuzz) (植物)
SC 绒毛 róng máo
TC 絨毛
Peaches have a layer of down on their skin.

The Downs n: UK (range of low ridges in England) (英国)
SC 唐斯丘陵
Bill took his children to fly their kites on the Downs.

The Downs n: UK (sea area in England) (英国)
SC 唐斯海域, 唐斯锚地
The Downs are an area of the sea off the east coast of Kent.

down n as adj: (made with soft feathers)
SC 绒羽的
TC 絨羽的
I find a down pillow more comfortable than a synthetic one.

the downs npl: UK (rolling country)
SC 延绵起伏的山丘 yán mián qǐ fú de shān qiū
Sheep were grazing on the downs.

downs npl: informal (negative events, experiences)
SC 低谷 dī gǔ vtr
SC 低落 dī gǔ ,dī luò
TC 低落
Life has been hard on me lately; I've had more downs than ups this past year.

down prep: UK, informal (at, to)
SC 去 qù
SC 到 qù,dào
Were you down the pub last night?

down vi: informal (fall)
SC 降下 jiàng xià
The road ups and downs all the way to the sea.

down [sth] vtr: informal (drink) (非正式用语)
SC 喝光 hē guāng
He downed his beer and left.

down [sth] vtr: (shoot from the sky)
SC 击落 jī luò
TC 擊落
SC 打落 jī luò,dǎ luò
They downed a helicopter with just a rifle.

down [sb/sth] vtr: informal (fell, knock to the ground) (非正式用语)
SC 打倒 dǎ dǎo
TC 打倒
SC 击倒 dǎ dǎo ,jī dǎo
That wrestler could down anyone in thirty seconds.

down with expr: (+ noun: used to show disapproval)
SC 打倒 dǎ dǎo
TC 打倒
Down with the king!

be down with [sth] v expr: slang (agree with)
SC 同意… tóng yì

back down vi phrasal: (give in, yield)
SC 放弃 fàng qì
TC 放棄
SC 退让 fàng qì,tuì ràng
Despite the evidence, he refused to back down.

batten [sth] down, batten down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (batten: close securely)
SC 将…封起来

batter [sth] down, batter down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (hit until it collapses)
SC 击垮 jī kuǎ
SC 击溃 jī kuǎ,jī kuì
TC 擊潰

bear down vi phrasal: (labor: push baby out) (指女性自然分娩时)
SC 用力,使劲 yòng lì
TC 用力,使勁

bear down vi phrasal: US (apply pressure, concentrate)
SC 努力,尽力,发挥 nǔ lì,jìn lì,fā huī
TC 努力,盡力,發揮
You have to know when to conserve your strength and when to bear down with every bit of energy you have.

bear down on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: (push, press on)
SC 用力压在…上 yòng lì yā zài … shàng
SC 加压力于 yòng lì yā zài … shàng ,jiā yā lì yú
Bear down on the pen to make clear carbon copies.

bear down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (weigh heavily upon)
SC 沉重地压在…心头
SC 让...难以承受
Emma felt the full weight of her financial worries bearing down on her.

bear down on [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep: UK (rush towards)
SC 冲向,撞向 chōng xiàng
The truck came bearing down on the brothers as they were crossing the street.

bear down on [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (approach threateningly)
SC 气势汹汹地向…进逼
The man was bearing down on Jim along the path.

beat down vi phrasal: (sun: shine brightly and hot) (太阳)
SC 火辣辣地照射 huǒ là là de zhào shè
SC 强烈地照射
The sun was beating down on our backs.

beat down vi phrasal: (rain: pour heavily) (雨)
SC 倾盆而下 qīng pén ér xià
TC 傾盆而下
The rain beat down so hard on the apple tree that in the morning half of the apples were on the ground.

beat [sb] down vtr phrasal sep: informal, figurative (negotiate lower price from)
SC 杀价 shā jià
SC 还价 shā jià,huán jià
SC 砍价 shā jià,kǎn jià
Amy beat the seller down to £20 for the vase.

beat [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: informal, figurative (price: negotiate lower) (价格)
SC 把…压低
TC 把…壓低
We beat the price down to $45.

beat [sb] down vtr phrasal sep: informal, figurative (demoralize)
SC 使…受挫
SC 使…泄气 shǐ xiè qì
TC 使…洩氣
Doris admitted that life was beating her down.

beat [sth] down, beat down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (suppress)
SC 抑制 yì zhì
TC 抑制
SC 克制 yì zhì,kè zhì
TC 克制
Deborah beat down her fear of flying and got on the plane to visit her daughter in Australia.

bed down vi phrasal: (go to bed)
SC 上床睡觉 shàng chuáng shuì jiào
TC 上床睡覺
I usually bed down at about eleven o'clock.

bed [sb] down vtr phrasal sep: (provide bed for)
SC 为…提供住宿 wèi … tí gōng zhù sù
SC 给…安排住宿
SC 安排…睡下
Emily fed, bathed, and bedded down the children.

belt down vi phrasal: (rain: fall heavily) (雨)
SC 倾盆落下

bend down vi phrasal: (lean over)
SC 弯腰 wān yāo
SC 屈身 wān yāo,qū shēn
The mother bent down to tie the child's shoe laces.

bog [sth] down, bog down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: usually passive, informal (vehicle: mire)
SC 使…止步不前,使…陷入泥潭 shǐ zhǐ bù bù qián,shǐ xiàn rù ní tán
The jeep got bogged down in a huge mud puddle.

bog [sb] down vtr phrasal sep: figurative, usually passive, informal (person: hinder, burden)
SC 使...陷入困境,使...陷入停滞
SC 阻碍,阻挠 zǔ ài,zǔ náo
TC 阻礙,阻撓
Work is really bogging me down lately.

boil [sth] down, boil down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (liquid: reduce) (液体)
SC 把 ... 煮稠,把…煮浓
The cook boiled the drippings down to a rich gravy.

boil down vi phrasal: (liquid: be reduced) (液体)
SC 浓缩,煮浓 nóng suō
TC 濃縮
Heat the water until it boils down to a volume of about 10ml.

boil down to [sth] vi phrasal + prep: figurative, informal (be essentially)
SC 归结为 guī jié wéi
TC 歸結為
SC 归根结底到
What it all boils down to is a failure to plan.

boil [sth] down, boil down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (information, argument: reduce) (信息,论点)
SC 缩短,压缩 suō duǎn,yā suō
TC 縮短,壓縮
If you boil down Machiavelli's philosophy, he is saying that the end justifies the means.

bolt [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: (fasten, secure [sth])
SC 用螺栓拧紧 yòng luó shuān níng jǐn
Bolt down that metal plate so that it doesn't vibrate.

bolt [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: slang, figurative (eat [sth] quickly)
SC 狼吞虎咽 láng tūn hǔ yàn
TC 狼吞虎嚥
Jerry was late for class, so he bolted down his breakfast.

bow down vi phrasal: (bend, kneel in respect)
SC 鞠躬 jū gōng
SC 服从 jū gōng,fú cóng
TC 服從
SC 顺从 jū gōng,shùn cóng
TC 順從
She was asked to bow down in front of a statue of their god.

bow down before [sb] vi phrasal + prep: literal (bow in deference to)
SC 向…鞠躬 xiàng jū gōng
It is customary to bow down before the Emperor of Japan.

bow down before [sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (show deference to)
SC 对…表示敬意 duì biǎo shì jìng yì
He is so arrogant that he thinks everyone should bow down before him.

break down vi phrasal: (machine: stop working)
SC 坏掉,抛锚 huài diào,pāo máo
SC 发生故障 fā shēng gù zhàng
The car broke down on the way home.

break down vi phrasal: figurative (person: cry)
SC 精神崩溃 jīng shén bēng kuì
SC 情绪失控
Stella broke down when the police told her about her husband's accident.

break down vi phrasal: figurative (collapse, become weak)
SC 崩溃,瓦解,破裂 bēng kuì ,wǎ jiě ,pò liè
TC 崩潰,瓦解,破裂
SC 垮掉,衰弱 kuǎ diào,shuāi ruò
TC 衰弱(身体)
The union called a strike after talks broke down over retirement benefits.

break [sth] down, break down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (door, wall: knock down) (将门、墙等)
SC 摧毁,捣毁,破坏 cuī huǐ,dǎo huǐ,pò huài
TC 摧毀,搗毀,破壞
The police broke down the door when they raided the house.

break [sth] down, break down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (substance: disintegrate)
SC 将…分解成化学成分
Stomach acid breaks down food during digestion.

break [sth] down, break down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (analyze)
SC 对…进行分解分析
We can break down the process into a number of separate stages.

bring [sb/sth] down vtr phrasal sep: figurative, informal (cause demise)
SC 打倒 dǎ dǎo
TC 打倒
SC 击败 dǎ dǎo ,jī bài
TC 擊敗
The scandal brought down the government.

bring [sb] down vtr phrasal sep: US, figurative, slang (make sad)
SC 挫伤…,使沮丧 cuò shāng,shǐ jǔ sàng
TC 使沮喪
If you keep criticizing Michael, you'll just bring him down.

bucket down, bucket vi phrasal: informal, figurative (rain heavily)
SC 下大雨 xià dà yǔ
Don't forget your umbrella - it's bucketing down out there.

buckle [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: informal (fasten: shoe, seatbelt)
SC 用搭扣扣紧 yòng dā kòu kòu jǐn
Will you please buckle down the car seat so it doesn't move around?

buckle down vi phrasal: informal, figurative (set to work)
SC 开始认真工作 kāi shǐ rèn zhēn gōng zuò
I've got to buckle down and finish planting the vegetable seeds.

buckle down vi phrasal: informal, figurative (work diligently)
SC 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù
TC 全力以赴
I have to buckle down and finish this term paper.

call [sb] down vtr phrasal sep: US, informal (reprimand [sb], tell [sb] off)
SC 训斥 xùn chì
SC 斥责 xùn chì,chì zé
TC 斥責

calm down vi phrasal: (become calmer)
SC 平静下来 píng jìng xià lái
SC 镇静下来 píng jìng xià lái,zhèn jìng xià lái
The street market is closed until the weather has calmed down.

calm [sb] down, calm down [sb] vtr phrasal sep: (make calmer)
SC 使平静 shǐ píng jìng
SC 使镇静 shǐ píng jìng,shǐ zhèn jìng
TC 使鎮靜
SC 使安静 shǐ píng jìng,shǐ ān jìng
She gave the baby a bottle to calm him down.

cast off, cast down vi phrasal: (country dancing)
SC 乡村舞
TC 鄉村舞
The dancers cast off and moved to the end of the line.

change down vi phrasal: (vehicle: shift to lower gear) (车辆)
SC 降档 jiàng dǎng
SC 减速 jiàng dǎng,jiǎn sù

choke [sth] down, choke down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (eat with difficulty)
SC 强咽…下去

choke [sth] down, choke down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (suppress: words, feelings)
SC 将…抑制

chomp down vi phrasal: (bite forcefully)
SC 猛咬

chomp down on [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (bite [sth] forcefully)
SC 把...猛咬一口

chop [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: (tree: fell, cut down) (树)
SC 砍倒 kǎn dǎo
Pioneers would chop down trees to build their homes.

clamp down vi phrasal: figurative (be strict, enforce rules)
SC 严厉压制 yán lì yā zhì
TC 嚴厲壓制
SC 严厉打击 yán lì yā zhì,yán lì dǎ jī
There is a big problem with dangerous driving on this stretch of road, but the police are clamping down.

clamp down on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (be strict, enforce rules)
SC 严厉打击,严格压制 yán lì dǎ jī
SC 严厉扼制
The city is clamping down on gang violence.

climb down vi phrasal: UK, figurative (accept defeat)
SC 屈服, 妥协, 认输
There was a public outcry at the proposals and the government was forced to climb down.

close down vi phrasal: (business: cease trading)
SC 停业 tíng yè
When the doctor was killed, the clinic was forced to close down.

close [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: (prevent [sth] from operating)
SC 使停业 shǐ tíng yè
TC 使停業
SC 关闭,关掉 guān bì,guān diào
The Women's Anti-Exploitation League vowed to close down the porno shop.

come down with [sth] vi phrasal + prep: figurative, informal (fall ill) (比喻,非正式用语)
SC 染上…病,患…病 rǎn shàng bìng,huàn … bìng
I've just come down with a cold.

go down with [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: (be defeated with [sb/sth])
SC 与…一起被打败,与…一起被打倒
If our company goes down, our subsidiaries will go down with us.

go down with [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (become ill)
SC 因…而病倒
SC 感染上 gǎn rǎn shàng
SC 染上 rǎn shàng
Roger went down with flu.

sit down with [sb] vi phrasal + prep: figurative (enter negotiations with)
SC 和…谈判
In 1993 the Israelis sat down with the PLO in Oslo; the treaty was signed in Washington.

a long way down adv: (far below)
SC 远低于地
It's a long way down from the top of the cliff.

a long way down prep: (a significant distance along)
SC 很长一段路
SC 慢慢长路
The climber fell a long way down the mountain, but luckily landed in deep snow.

abseil down [sth] vi + prep: (descend using a rope)
SC 绳降 shéng jiàng
SC 绕绳下降
TC 繞繩下降
Sharon abseiled down the side of a skyscraper to raise money for charity.

batten down the hatches, batten the hatches v expr: figurative (prepare defenses)
SC 未雨绸缪

be bogged down in/by [sth] v expr: figurative (encumbered or oppressed) (比喻)
SC 陷入,被陷在 xiàn rù
TC 陷入
The lawyer was bogged down in paper work.

be down with the kids v expr: informal (know about youth trends)
SC 跟上年轻一代的步伐
SC 赶时髦
Dad thinks he's down with the kids; it's so embarrassing!

be turned down v expr: (be rejected or refused)
SC 被拒绝
He applied for a job as a flight attendant but was turned down.

be washed down v expr: figurative, informal (food: be accompanied by a drink) (食物)
SC 被灌下肚
The chicken wings and potato skins were washed down with beer.

be washed down v expr: (be cleaned with water)
SC 被用水清洗
After driving through all the mud, my car had to be washed down.

blow [sth] down, blow down [sth] vtr + adv: (wind: knock over)
SC 刮倒 guā dǎo
SC 吹倒 guā dǎo,chuī dǎo
The wind blew down our swing set and shade umbrella.

blow me down interj: informal (expressing amazement) (非正式用语,表示惊讶的感叹语)
SC 太惊人了!太厉害了! tài jīng rén le tài lì hài le
Well, blow me down! You won the lottery!

bob, bob along, bob up and down vi: used in compounds (move up and down: on water) (水面上)
SC 上下摆动,上下晃动
The toy boat bobbed along on the surface of the lake.

bog [sb] down in [sth] v expr: figurative, usually passive, informal (person: mire in [sth])
SC 让...陷入
SC 让...困在
SC 让...淹溺在
My boss is bogging me down in work!

boil it down, boil it all down v expr: figurative (reduce to essence)
SC 精简 jīng jiǎn
SC 压缩 jīng jiǎn,yā suō
TC 壓縮
When you boil it all down, you have two choices: In or out.

bowed down adj: figurative (weighed down, oppressed)
SC 被压弯的 bèi yā wān de
TC 被壓彎的
SC 被压倒的 bèi yā wān de ,bèi yā dǎo de
Jack was bowed down by troubles after he lost his job.

break down and cry v expr: (burst into tears)
SC 崩溃而哭 bēng kuì ér kū
TC 崩潰而哭
Helen broke down and cried when she heard the sad news.

break it down v expr: figurative, informal (analyze the situation)
SC 分析情况
SC 分解 fēn jiě
TC 分解

break it down interj: AU, slang (stop it)
SC 停止 tíng zhǐ
TC 停止
SC 停下来 tíng zhǐ,tíng xià lái
TC 停下來
"Break it down, will ya?" said Alf. "I've had enough of your whingeing!"

breakdown n: (car, machine: failure) (汽车)
SC 抛锚 pāo máo
SC 故障 pāo máo,gù zhàng
TC 故障(机器)
Mary had a breakdown on the way to work, which caused her to be late.

breakdown n: (chemical decomposition) (化学)
SC 分解 fēn jiě
TC 分解
In just a few days, the breakdown of the cell structure was apparent.

breakdown n: (mental collapse)
SC 心理崩溃,精神崩溃 jīng shén bēng kuì
Apparently, Dr. Harris had a breakdown, so Dr. Watts is taking over his scheduled surgeries.

breakdown n: (analysis into parts)
SC 细目分类,细目,分类分析 xì mù fēn lèi,xì mù
A breakdown of the study, its findings, and its implications can be found on page 10.

breakdown n: (finance: itemization) (财务)
SC 逐条账目,分类细目
The breakdown of the department's spending budget is shown in this graph.

breakdown n: (disrupted communication) (对话、谈判等)
SC 失败,破裂 shī bài,pò liè
TC 破裂
There's been a breakdown in negotiations between the two countries.

breaking down n: (disintegration)
SC 破裂 pò liè
TC 破裂

bring down the house, bring the house down v expr: (make audience laugh or cheer)
SC 掌声雷动
SC 博得满堂喝彩

broken-down adj: (dilapidated) (建筑物)
SC 破败不堪的,坍塌的 tān tā de
The house was old and its broken-down roof was letting in the rain.

bucket, bucket along [sth], bucket down [sth] vi + prep: UK (travel quickly)
SC 沿着…快速前进
SC 沿着…高速行进,沿着…高速行驶
The car was bucketing along the road.

burn down vi + adv: (be destroyed by fire)
SC 被烧毁 bèi shāo huǐ
TC 被燒毀
SC 被焚毁 bèi shāo huǐ,bèi fén huǐ
The factory burnt down in a fire that killed 11 workers.

burn [sth] down vtr + adv: (destroy by fire)
SC 烧毁 shāo huǐ
TC 燒毀
SC 焚毁 shāo huǐ,fén huǐ
A fire burnt the hotel down.

burned-down, also UK: burnt-down adj: (destroyed by fire)
SC 烧毁的 shāo huǐ de
TC 燒毀的
The burned-down hotel is being rebuilt.

button-down shirt n: (has buttons on collar)
SC 领尖用领扣系上的衬衫 lǐng jiān yòng lǐng kòu jì shàng de chèn shān
He's always neatly dressed in a freshly-pressed suit and a button-down shirt.

buttoned-down, button-down adj: (shirt: with collar buttons) (衬衫)
SC 有衣领扣的 yǒu yī lǐng kòu de

buttoned-down, button-down adj: (shirt collar: with buttons) (衬衫领)
SC 有扣的 yǒu kòu de

buttoned-down adj: informal, figurative (conservative) (非正式用法)
SC 保守的,守旧的 bǎo shǒu de ,shǒu jiù de
TC 守舊的
The new boss seems more buttoned-down than the old one.

buy [sth] down, buy down [sth] vtr: (rate: lower with a subsidy) (利率)
SC 买低

Calm down! interj: (don't panic)
SC 冷静!
Calm down! The matter has been resolved.

chow down vi: US, informal (eat)
SC 吃 chī

chow down on [sth] vi + prep: US, informal (eat [sth])
SC 吃…

climb down [sth] vi + prep: (descend by grasping) (登山等)
SC 下,爬下 xià
She managed to climb down the mountain to fetch help for her injured friend.

climb down vi + adv: (descend [sth] by grasping)
SC 爬下来 pá xià lái
If the cat climbed up the tree, I'm sure he can climb down.

climbdown, climb-down n: UK, figurative (retreat from an argument)
SC 让步 ràng bù
TC 讓步
SC 改变立场 ràng bù,gǎi biàn lì chǎng
TC 改變立場

closed down, closed-down adj: (gone out of business)
SC 停止营业的 tíng zhǐ yíng yè de
SC 关门的 tíng zhǐ yíng yè de ,guān mén de
They are going to open a clothing store on the site of that closed-down restaurant.




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