单词 | dogs |
释义 | dogs dog n: (pet: canine) SC 宠物狗 chǒng wù gǒu TC 寵物狗 / 玩賞犬 She got a dog for Christmas. 她得到一条狗作圣诞节礼物。 dog n: (species: canis familiaris) SC 犬类 quǎn lèi There are many different breeds of dog. 这里有许多不同品种的犬类。 dog n: (animal: canine) SC 犬科动物 quǎn kē dòng wù TC 犬科動物 Wolves, coyotes and dingoes are all dogs. 狼、土狼和澳洲土狗都是全科动物。 dog n: slang, figurative, pejorative (contemptible person) SC 卑鄙的人 bēi bǐ de rén SC 可鄙的人 bēi bǐ de rén,kě bǐ de rén I'll get you back for that, you dog! dog n: US, slang, figurative (male friend) (俚语) SC 朋友, 哥们儿, 伙计 So how are you doing, you old dog! 老伙计,你过得怎么样? dog n: slang, figurative, pejorative (unattractive woman) SC 丑女人,没有吸引力的女人 chǒu nǚ rén,méi yǒu xī yǐn lì de nǚ rén TC 醜女人 I wouldn't go out with her. She's a dog! dog n: US, slang, figurative (object: worthless) SC 没有用处的东西 méi yǒu yòng chù de dōng xī That car of yours is a dog! 你那就是辆没用的破车。 dog n: US, slang, figurative (failure) SC 失败,不成功 shī bài,bù chéng gōng His latest film was a dog. dog n: (mechanics: piece of locking mechanism) (狗锁式火枪上的制动闭锁装置) SC 狗锁 When the dog engages, the gear is locked. DOG n: UK, NZ, acronym (digital on-screen graphic) (首字母缩略语) SC 数字屏显图案 dog [sth] vtr: (chase with hounds) SC 带着猎狗追猎 dài zhe liè gǒu zhuī liè They dogged the fox through the woods. dog [sb] vtr: figurative, informal, often passive (trouble) SC 困扰 kùn rǎo SC 使苦恼 kùn rǎo,shǐ kǔ nǎo TC 使苦惱 SC 烦扰 kùn rǎo,fán rǎo The problem has been dogging me for days. 这个问题已经困扰我好些天了。 dog [sb] vtr: informal, figurative (follow) SC 跟随 gēn suí TC 跟隨 SC 紧跟 gēn suí,jǐn gēn They dogged him all the way home. Beware of the dog expr: written (on sign: dangerous dog lives here) SC 当心恶犬 bird dog n: (retriever: used in hunting) SC 捕鸟猎犬 bǔ niǎo liè quǎn TC 捕鳥獵犬 bird dog n: US, informal (dog: pointer, setter) SC 特指指示犬,塞特猎犬等猎犬 bird-dog vi: US, informal (investigate) SC 调查研究 diào chá yán jiū TC 調查研究 bird-dog [sb/sth] vtr: US, informal (investigate) SC 调查 diào chá TC 調查 bird-dog [sb/sth] vtr: US, informal (seek out) SC 寻找, 找出 black dog n: figurative (depression) SC 沮丧,抑郁 jǔ sàng ,yì yù cattle dog n: (dog that herds cows) SC 牧牛犬 corn dog n: US (battered sausage) SC 玉米热狗 SC 美式热狗 dachshund n: German (short-legged dog) (一种短腿长身的德国猎犬) SC 达克斯狗 dá kè sī gǒu TC 達克斯狗 Nina loves dogs and has three dachshunds and one pug. dingo, wild dog n: (Australian wild dog) (一种澳洲野狗) SC 澳洲犬 ào zhōu quǎn The area has seen an increase in the number of attacks by dingoes. 这一地区的澳洲犬伤人事件有所增加。 dog and pony show n: informal, figurative, pejorative (event: to gain support) (习语) SC (为取得人们支持而进行的)表演,展示 wèi qǔ dé rén mén zhī chí ér jìn xíng de biǎo yǎn,zhǎn shì TC 展示 dog bed n: (basket for canine) SC 狗床 dog biscuit n: (biscuit for dogs) SC 狗饼干 gǒu bǐng gān TC 狗餅乾 dog collar n: (band worn around a dog's neck) SC 狗项圈 gǒu xiàng quān TC 狗項圈 Her poodle has a dog collar with real diamonds in it! 她的贵宾犬戴着一个真钻石项圈! dog collar n: figurative (clergyman's collar) (比喻,神父所带的) SC 硬白领 yìng bái lǐng TC 教士領 He only wore his dog collar when acting in a clerical capacity. dog days npl: (hot summer period) SC 大热天 dà rè tiān TC 大熱天 SC 三伏天 dà rè tiān,sān fú tiān The dog days of summer were dangerous times as tempers were easily provoked. dog eat dog, dog-eat-dog adj: figurative (merciless, fierce) SC 残酷无情的,自相残杀的,狗咬狗的 zì xiāng cán shā de It's dog eat dog in the music business. It's a dog-eat-dog world; you have to be tough to succeed. dog food n: (processed food product for dogs) SC 狗粮 gǒu liáng I'm going to try a different brand of dog food to see if he'll eat that. dog groomer n: (person who tends dogs' coats) SC 狗美容师 TC 狗美容師 dog in the manger n: figurative (person: mean) SC 自己不享用又不让别人享用的人 SC 占着茅坑不拉屎的人 You have lost interest in her but you won't let your brother ask her out, aren't you being a bit of a dog in the manger? dog-in-the-manger adj: figurative (mean spirited) SC 损人不利己的 SC 占着茅坑不拉屎的 dog kennel n: (temporary housing for dogs) SC 狗舍 gǒu shè dog leash, also UK: dog lead n: (lead for a canine) SC 牵狗带 SC 狗栓 As Jack was always running off with other dogs, we have to put him on a dog leash when we take him for a walk now. dog license (US), dog licence (UK) n: (permit to own a dog) SC 养狗许可 yǎng gǒu xǔ kě TC 養狗許可證 dog lover n: (person who likes dogs) SC 喜欢狗的人 xǐ huān gǒu de rén SC 爱狗人 Amanda has five wonderful huskies and is a true dog lover. 阿曼达是个真正的爱狗人,养了五只超棒的哈士奇。 dog owner n: (person who owns one or more dogs) SC 狗主人 Dog owners are requested not to allow their animals to foul the park. 按照规定,狗主人不能放任自己的宠物在公园中大小便。 dog pound n: (shelter for stray dogs) SC (为圈存无主认领的狗而设的)狗槛 wèi quān cún wú zhǔ rèn lǐng de gǒu ér shè de gǒu jiàn dog rose, dog-rose n: (flowering plant, wild rose) SC 野蔷薇, 犬蔷薇 dog shelter n: (rescue home for canines) SC 狗收容所 We got our pet from the local dog shelter and he has become a part of our family. dog show n: (competition involving dogs) SC 犬展 quǎn zhǎn dog sitter, dogsitter n: (takes care of [sb]'s dog) SC 狗保姆 dog sled n: (sledge pulled by huskies) SC 狗拉雪橇 dog tag n: (dog's identification tag) SC 狗牌 gǒu pái According to the dog tag his name's Mephistopheles. 狗牌上写着他的名字:墨菲斯托。 dog tag n: figurative (soldier's identification tag) (比喻) SC 士兵的身份识别牌 shì bīng de shēn fèn shí bié pái Soldiers on secret operations have to remove their dog tags. dog tired, dog-tired adj: slang (person: exhausted) (俚语) SC 筋疲力尽的 jīn pí lì jìn de SC 累得像狗一样 I worked 12 hours today and I'm dog tired. 我每天工作12个小时,累得像狗一样。 dog track n: (racing circuit for dogs) SC 赛狗跑道 sài gǒu pǎo dào TC 賽狗跑道 dog track n: (dog's paw print) SC 狗爪印 gǒu zhǎo yìn / gǒu zhuǎ yìn You should have left him outside - now there are dog tracks all over my nice clean floor! dog trainer n: (teaches dogs good behavior) SC 训狗者 xùn gǒu zhě TC 馴狗者 SC 训练狗的人 xùn gǒu zhě,xùn liàn gǒu de rén dog trainer n: (trains dogs for a role) SC 训狗师 xùn gǒu shī TC 馴狗師 I've always admired the patience shown by dog trainers. 我总是很倾慕训狗师的耐心。 dog walker, dogwalker n: (person walking a dog) SC 遛狗人 dog walker, dogwalker n: (person employed to walk dogs) SC 帮人遛狗的人 dog whistle n: (whistle audible only to dogs) SC 狗哨 SC 犬笛 dog whistle n: figurative (politics: coded language) SC 狗哨政治用语 dog-whistle n as adj: figurative (politics: using coded language) SC 采用狗哨政治 dog-catcher n: ([sb] who captures stray dogs) (美国) SC 捕获失狗的官员 dog-ear n: figurative, informal (turned-down page corner) SC 书页的折角 dog-ear [sth] vtr: informal (page: turn down corner) SC 将...折起角 dog-eared adj: (page: folded corner) (书页) SC 折角的 Several pages of the catalog were dog-eared. dog-end n: UK, informal (cigarette end) SC 烟头 yān tóu dog-sit vi: (mind [sb] else's pet dog) SC 代人临时照看狗 the dog's bollocks, the mutt's nuts npl: UK, vulgar, figurative, slang (top quality, the best) (形容非常棒,粗俗语) SC 屌炸天 TC 屌! dog's dinner, dog's breakfast n: UK, figurative, slang (mess, failure) SC 大杂烩 dà zá huì TC 大雜燴 SC 糟糕的局面 dogcatcher, dog catcher, dog-catcher n: mainly US (person who captures stray dogs) SC 捕狗人, 捕狗员 doghouse n: (kennel for a dog) SC 狗窝 gǒu wō SC 犬舍 Gwen built a doghouse for her new puppy to sleep in. 格温做了一个狗窝,给自己的新狗崽睡觉用。 doglike, dog-like adj: (resembling a dog) SC 像狗的 dogsled, dog sled n: (sled pulled by huskies) SC 狗拉雪撬 People living in remote areas of the Arctic sometimes use dogsleds to travel long distances. downward dog n: (yoga position) (瑜伽) SC 下犬式 Every dog has his day, Every dog has its day expr: figurative (everyone will succeed) SC 每个人都有出头之日 SC 风水轮流转 game dog n: (for hunting) SC 猎狗 liè gǒu SC 猎犬 liè gǒu,liè quǎn Hounds and setters make some of the best game dogs. give a dog a bad name and hang him expr: (a bad reputation is hurtful) SC 有事说事,别拿狗撒气 SC 欲加之罪,何患无辞 good dog interj: (used to praise a canine) (赞美狗的用语) SC 真乖 SC 真听话 groomer n: (person who tends dogs' coats) SC 犬类美容师 We're taking our dog to the groomer today for a flea bath. guard dog n: (watch dog) SC 看门狗 kān mén gǒu TC 看門狗 SC 看家犬 kān mén gǒu,kān jiā quǎn German shepherds make excellent guard dogs. guide dog, also US: seeing-eye dog n: (blind person's assistance dog) SC 导盲犬 dǎo máng quǎn Labradors have traditionally been used as guide dogs. 传统上,拉布拉多犬一直被用作导盲犬。 hair of the dog n: figurative, informal (alcohol drunk to cure a hangover) SC 解醉酒 hearing dog, hearing-ear dog n: (canine: assists a deaf person) SC 导聋犬 hot dog n: (frankfurter sausage in a bun) (一种夹有红肠的面包) SC 热狗 rè gǒu A hot dog and a soda is a classic American meal. 热狗搭配苏打水是经典的美国餐。 hot dog n: (frankfurter sausage) (法兰克福香肠) SC 热狗肠 TC 熱狗 I ate the hot dog but left the bun. 我吃了热狗肠,但留下了面包。 hot dog n: US, informal (person who does stunts to attract attention) SC 卖弄技巧的人 mài nòng jì qiǎo de rén See that guy on crutches; yesterday he was the biggest hot dog on the slopes. 看到那个拄着拐杖的家伙吗。他是昨天斜坡上最会卖弄的人。 Hot dog! interj: US, slang (enthusiasm, pleasure) (表示高兴或惊讶的感叹词) SC 好极了,棒极了 hǎo jí le ,bàng jí le TC 好極了,棒透了 Hot dog! You're looking good! hot-dog vi: US, informal (sports: do a spectacular maneuver) (运动) SC 表演特技 Look at those skiers hot-dogging! 快看那些滑雪选手正在表演特技! hot-dog n as adj: US, informal (skillful, esp. in sports) (尤其在运动方面) SC 娴熟的,技术高超的 xián shú de,jì shù gāo chāo de Ben is a hot-dog surfer. 本的冲浪技术高超。 hot-dog stand, hot dog stand n: (kiosk or counter selling hot dogs) SC 热狗摊儿 rè gǒu tān er TC 熱狗攤 Whenever I pass through Chicago, I try to stop at a hot-dog stand to pick up lunch. hound dog, hound-dog n: (type of dog) SC 猎犬 liè quǎn hound dog, hound-dog n: US (type of missile) SC 猎犬导弹 house dog n: (domestic canine, pet dog) SC 家犬 jiā quǎn One of the best house dogs, in the opinion of some people, is the poodle. hunting dog n: (retriever, gun dog) SC 猎狗 liè gǒu When you go out to shoot rabbits, you need to take a hunting dog to retrieve them. in a dog's age, for a dog's age adv: figurative, informal, US (for a long time) SC 很长时间 hěn cháng shí jiān TC 很長時間 SC 很久 hěn cháng shí jiān ,hěn jiǔ in the doghouse expr: figurative, informal (in disgrace) (比喻) SC 被打入冷宫 SC 失宠 shī chǒng SC 受冷落 My husband embarrassed me in front of my friends; he's in the doghouse tonight. kennel n: (small outdoor house for a dog) (多在住宅外面) SC 狗屋,狗房 gǒu wū,gǒu fáng He's happy to sleep in his kennel unless it's too cold. lapdog, lap dog n: (small dog) SC 小狗 xiǎo gǒu SC 宠物狗 xiǎo gǒu,chǒng wù gǒu TC 寵物狗 / 玩賞犬 SC 供玩赏的小狗 xiǎo gǒu,gōng wán shǎng de xiǎo gǒu I love my lapdog, but sometimes I wish I had a pit bull instead. lapdog, lap dog n: figurative, disparaging (person: controlled by another) SC 走狗, 趋炎附势的人 mad dog n: (rabid canine) SC 疯狗 I was bitten by a mad dog when taking a walk yesterday. mad dog n: (plant: herb) (药草) SC 偏花黄芩 mess, dog mess n: informal (dog, etc.: faeces) (动物的) SC 粪便,排泄物 fèn biàn ,pái xiè wù TC 糞便 Puppies are cute, but if you want one, you have to be prepared to clean up mess sometimes. 小狗很可爱,不过如果你想养一只的话,那就得做好时不时要清理粪便的准备。 police dog n: (trained dog used in police work) SC 警犬 jǐng quǎn He didn't want the police dog sniffing around his flat. poodle dog n: (curly-haired breed of dog) SC 狮子狗 shī zi gǒu TC 獅子狗 prairie dog, prairie-dog n: US (small wild North American rodent) SC 草原犬鼠 cǎo yuán quǎn shǔ Prairie dogs have a complex social structure. puppy n: (baby dog) SC 小狗 xiǎo gǒu SC 幼犬 xiǎo gǒu,yòu quǎn Jenny wants a puppy, but her parents won't let her have one. 詹妮想要一只小狗,但父母不会让她养狗。 Scottie, Scottie dog n: (breed of small dog) SC 苏格兰梗犬 sea dog, seadog n: figurative (veteran sailor) SC 老水手 lǎo shuǐ shǒu Captain Ahab, whose face was scarred by lightning, was the ultimate sea dog. sea dog, sea-dog n: (heraldry: beast) SC 狗形神兽 shaggy dog story n: figurative, informal (long wordy anecdote) SC 冗长无趣的笑话 sheepdog, sheep dog n: (dog that herds sheep) SC 牧羊犬 mù yáng quǎn A huge sheepdog suddenly jumped over the fence. shepherd, shepherd dog n: (breed of dog) SC 牧羊犬 mù yáng quǎn SC 牧羊狗 The farm was guarded by three large shepherds. sled dog n: (husky that pulls a sledge) SC 雪橇犬 sniffer dog n: informal (canine trained to detect) SC 嗅探犬 top dog n: figurative, slang ([sb] in authority) (比喻,俚语) SC 领导人,发号施令者,首领 lǐng dǎo rén,fā hào shī lìng zhě,shǒu lǐng TC 首領 Joe's the top dog at work, but his wife's the top dog at home! top-dog n as adj: (relating to [sb] in power) SC 掌权者的 TC 掌權者的 SC 权贵的 |
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