

单词 scene

US   UK  
scene n: (setting, location) (事情发生的地点)
SC 现场 xiàn chǎng
TC 現場
The ambulance arrived at the scene of the accident within 5 minutes.

scene n: (division of a play or film) (电影、戏剧等的)
SC 一个场面,一个场景,一个片断,一个镜头 yí gè chǎng miàn,yí gè chǎng jǐng ,yí gè piàn duàn,yí gè jìng tóu
TC 一個鏡頭
SC 场 chǎng
TC 場(戏剧或歌剧)
The first scene of the play takes place in the bedroom.
这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 这是《哈姆雷特》的第二幕第一场。

scene n: (fuss, scandal)
SC 大吵大闹 dà chǎo dà nào
TC 大吵大鬧
SC 争吵 dà chǎo dà nào,zhēng chǎo
SC 吵闹 dà chǎo dà nào,chǎo nào
His son created a big scene over his desire for ice cream. He didn't stop crying till they got home.

scene n: (crime scene)
SC (犯罪)现场 fàn zuì xiàn chǎng
The police kept everybody away from the scene.

scene n: (visual arrangement)
SC 景象 jǐng xiàng
TC 景象
SC 场景 jǐng xiàng,chǎng jǐng
The family makes a lovely scene with their dog and cat.

scene n: (theatre: scenery) (戏剧)
SC 布景 bù jǐng
Between the second and the third act, the crew had to remove the city scene and put in the mountain scene.

scene n: (episode in a work of fiction) (小说等)
SC 一节,一个场景,一幕 yì jié ,yí gè chǎng jǐng ,yí mù
Scene 4: The dinner.

scene n: (group, interests)
SC 界 jiè
SC 圈子 jiè,quān zi
TC 圈子
We got into the music scene here about a year ago.

scene n: slang (taste, liking) (俚语)
SC 爱好,喜好,兴趣 ài hào ,xǐ hào ,xìng qù
TC 愛好,興趣
Doing drugs? No, that's not my scene.

scena, plural: scene n: Italian (opera: dramatic scene) (歌剧)
SC 戏剧场景
The audience rose to their feet and applauded at the end of the scena.

change of scene n: figurative (refreshing deviation)
SC 转换环境 zhuǎn huàn huán jìng
TC 轉換環境
Jake was looking for a change of scene, and decided to apply for a job abroad.

crime scene n: (where a crime occurred)
SC 犯罪现场
TC 犯罪現場
Entry to the house was forbidden by the police as it was a crime scene.

enter the scene v expr: (appear or come into play) (戏剧)
SC 入场 rù chǎng
Hamlet enters the scene from stage left, not stage right!

lay the scene v expr: (set: a scene)
SC 设定场景
TC 設定場景
He laid the scene for the audience with his description.

leave the scene of v expr: (flee the location of: accident or crime)
SC 离开…的现场 lí kāi … de xiàn chǎng
The hit-and-run driver was charged with leaving the scene of the accident.

make a scene v expr: informal (overreact)
SC 当众大吵大闹

make the scene v expr: US, informal (attend) (俚语)
SC 到场,露面 dào chǎng ,lòu miàn
TC 到場
SC 出风头 chū fēng tou
TC 出風頭

movie scene, also UK: film scene n: (set piece in a film)
SC 电影场景 diàn yǐng chǎng jǐng
TC 電影場景

Nativity, nativity scene n: (model of Jesus's birth)
SC 耶稣降生图/模型 yē sū jiàng shēng tú mó xíng
Every Christmas my mother puts a Nativity in our front yard.

on the scene adv: (present, on site)
SC 在场 zài chǎng
TC 在場

scene of action n: (sports venue)
SC 体育比赛场所 tǐ yù bǐ sài chǎng suǒ
The teams were ready to enter the scene of action to play their match.

scene of the crime n: (law: where crime happened)
SC 犯罪现场
TC 犯罪現場

sceneshifter, also UK: scene-shifter, scene shifter n: (stagehand: moves scenery)
SC 换布景者
The sceneshifters quickly changed the set between scenes.

set the scene v expr: (establish a certain setting)
SC 做好布置
SC 做好准备 zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi
TC 做好準備
SC 设置场景

steal the show, steal the scene v expr: figurative (be the most impressive)
SC 抢风头 qiǎng fēng tou
TC 搶鋒頭
At the 2010 Oscars, "The Hurt Locker" stole the show.




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