

单词 glasses

glass n: (material)
SC 玻璃 bō li
TC 玻璃
The tabletop was made of glass.

glass n: (container for drinks)
SC 玻璃杯 bō li bēi
SC 玻璃器皿 bō li bēi,bō li qì mǐn
TC 玻璃器皿
Can I have a glass for my milk?

glasses npl: (spectacles)
SC 眼镜 yǎn jìng
TC 眼鏡
SC 框架眼镜 yǎn jìng,kuàng jià yǎn jìng
I took out my contact lenses and put on my glasses.

glass n as adj: (made of glass)
SC 玻璃的 bō li de
SC 用玻璃制的 bō li de ,yòng bō li zhì de
The glass vase broke when it fell.

glass n: (count of drinks) (量词)
SC 杯 bēi
I was so thirsty that I drank three glasses of water.

glass n: (mirror)
SC 镜子 jìng zi
TC 鏡子
She is so vain; always looking in the glass at herself.

glass n: dated (hourglass)
SC 计时沙漏 jì shí shā lòu
TC 計時沙漏
When the sand has reached the bottom of the glass, an hour will have passed.

glass n: dated (magnifying glass)
SC 放大镜 fàng dà jìng
TC 放大鏡
I can't possibly see that small print without a glass.

glasses npl: dated (binoculars)
SC 望远镜 wàng yuǎn jìng
TC 望遠鏡
The general took the glasses to get a view of the battlefield.

glass [sb] vtr: UK, informal (hit [sb] with a glass)
SC 用玻璃杯打
The thug glassed Steven for accidentally spilling his pint.

beer glass n: (drinking vessel)
SC 啤酒杯 pí jiǔ bēi
If you don't like drinking beer from the bottle, you ask for a beer glass.

walk on broken glass, tread on broken glass v expr: figurative (delicate situation, subject)
SC 复杂微妙的情况 fù zá wēi miào de qíng kuàng
If you try to discuss his drinking problem, you will be walking on broken glass.

cocktail glass n: (cone-shaped drinking glass)
SC 鸡尾酒酒杯 jī wěi jiǔ jiǔ bēi
The dessert was elegantly presented in a cocktail glass.

cut glass n: (etched crystal)
SC 雕花玻璃

cut-glass n as adj: (crystal: etched)
SC 雕花的

drinking glass n: (glass for drinking)
SC 玻璃酒杯 bō lí jiǔ bēi
TC 玻璃酒杯
She served me lukewarm water in a chipped drinking glass.

elver, glass eel n: (young eel)
SC 幼鳗 yòu mán
SC 小鳗鱼 yòu mán,xiǎo mán yú
SC 鳗鱼的幼苗 yòu mán,mán yú de yòu miáo

fiberglass (US), fibreglass (UK), fiber glass (US), fibre glass (UK) n: (material from glass fibres)
SC 玻璃纤维, 玻璃丝, 玻璃棉
Fiberglass has largely replaced wood as a boat-building material.

frosted glass n: (translucent glass)
SC 毛玻璃 máo bō lí
TC 磨砂玻璃
SC 磨砂玻璃 máo bō lí,mó shā bō lí
A lot of bathrooms have frosted glass windows.

glass case n: (display container made of glass)
SC 玻璃展示柜 bō lí zhǎn shì guì

glass ceiling n: figurative (limit on ability to raise in work hierarchy) (比喻)
SC (职场的)玻璃天花板,(工作晋升的)无形障碍 zhí chǎng de bō lí tiān huā bǎn,gōng zuò jìn shēng de wú xíng zhàng ài
Though we've come a long way, there's still a glass ceiling for women in many industries.

glass door n: (door made of glass)
SC 玻璃门

glass eye n: (false eyeball)
SC 玻璃制的假眼 bō lí zhì de jiǎ yǎn
Every night before I go to bed I take out my glass eye and put it in a bowl of water by the bed.

glass of wine n: (wine served in a glass)
SC (盛在玻璃杯里的)一杯酒 chéng zài bō lí bēi lǐ de yì bēi jiǔ
I like to have a glass of wine with my meal.

glassblower (US), glass-blower (UK) n: (craftsperson who shapes glass)
SC 吹玻璃工匠 chuī bō lí gōng jiàng

glassblowing (US), glass-blowing (UK) n: (art of shaping glass)
SC 吹玻璃工艺 chuī bō lí gōng yì

glassblowing (US), glass-blowing (UK) n as adj: (relating to glassblowing)
SC 玻璃吹制的

glasscutter n: (hand tool)
SC 玻璃刀
SC 玻璃切割机

glasscutter n: ([sb] who cuts glass)
SC 玻璃切割工

glassmaking, glass-making n: (making of glassware)
SC 玻璃制造,玻璃制作

ground glass n: (optics: polished glass)
SC 磨砂玻璃 mó shā bō lí
SC 毛玻璃 mó shā bō lí,máo bō lí
TC 磨砂玻璃

ground glass n: (glass in fine particles)
SC 玻璃砂
SC 碎玻璃 suì bō lí

hand lens, hand glass n: (magnifying glass)
SC 放大镜 fàng dà jìng
TC 放大鏡

highball glass n: (tall cocktail glass) (一种鸡尾酒杯)
SC 高球杯,海波杯 gāo qiú bēi,hǎi bō bēi
The waiter brought her a gin and tonic in a highball glass.

looking glass, looking-glass n: obsolete (mirror) (过时用语)
SC 镜子 jìng zi
TC 鏡子
The princess peered at her reflection in the looking glass.

magnifying glass n: (handheld lens that makes things appear larger)
SC 放大镜 fàng dà jìng
TC 放大鏡
Her eyesight was so bad that she needed a magnifying glass to read small print.

pane of glass n: (glass panel for window)
SC 玻璃窗格

Pilsner, pilsner glass n: (tapered beer glass)
SC 比尔森型高脚啤酒杯

plate glass n: (strong, flat glass)
SC 厚玻璃板
The shop window was made of plate glass.

plate-glass n as adj: (window: having flat glass) (窗)
SC 厚玻璃的
Daniel was seriously injured when he ran into a plate-glass window.

safety glass n: (reinforced glass)
SC 安全玻璃

sea glass n: (glass fragment worn smooth by the tide)
SC 海玻璃

sheet, sheet of glass n: (pane of glass) (玻璃)
SC 一大张 yí dà zhāng
TC 一大張
Because the window had an odd shape, we had to cut a new windowpane out of a larger sheet.

sheet glass n: (glass in flat sheet form)
SC 玻璃片 bō lí piàn
Cutting sheet glass is best left to expert professionals.

shot glass n: (small glass for serving spirits)
SC 小酒杯 xiǎo jiǔ bēi

stained glass n: (colored window glass)
SC 彩色窗玻璃,花窗玻璃
Tourists visit York Minster to see its beautiful stained glass.

stained glass window, stained-glass window n: (painted pane)
SC 彩色玻璃窗

stained-glass n as adj: (of painted glass)
SC 彩色玻璃
The church was decorated with stained-glass panels depicting stories from the Bible.

tempered glass n: (glass strengthened by heat treatment)
SC 钢化玻璃 gāng huà bō lí
TC 鋼化玻璃
SC 淬火玻璃 gāng huà bō lí,cuì huǒ bō lí

tempered safety glass n: (glass strengthened by heat treatment)
SC 钢化安全玻璃 gāng huà ān quán bō lí
The principal feature of tempered safety glass is its strength.

water glass n: (drinking glass)
SC 水杯 shuǐ bēi

water glass n: (glass storage container)
SC 盛水的玻璃容器

water glass n: (engineering: glass tube)
SC 水位计

water glass n: ([sth] for observing underwater)
SC 水底观察镜

water glass n: (chemical compound: sodium silicate)
SC 硅酸钠

wine glass n: (stemmed glass drinking vessel)
SC 酒杯 jiǔ bēi




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