

单词 die for
die for

die vi: (cease to live)
SC 死 sǐ
SC 死亡 sǐ,sǐ wáng
TC 死亡
Marina's husband died yesterday.

die of [sth] vi + prep: (be killed by: illness, etc.)
SC 死于
SC 因…而死
Joe's grandfather died of a heart attack last Friday.

die vi: figurative (disappear, end)
SC 消失 xiāo shī
TC 消失
SC 逝去 xiāo shī,shì qù
SC 死去, 消亡(比喻)
My love for you will never die.

die vi: figurative, informal (stop working)
SC 坏了 huài le
SC 不能用了 huài le ,bù néng yòng le
I think the toaster has died.

die vi: figurative (stop burning)
SC 熄灭 xī miè
TC 熄滅
The flame died after three hours.

die on [sb] vi + prep: informal (abandon [sb] by dying)
SC 死在…眼前
"Don't you die on me!" she pleaded tearfully.

die for [sth/sb] vi + prep: (give your life for a cause, person)
SC 为…而死
TC 為…而死
I love my children so much, I would die for them.

die n: (cube with dots for games)
SC 骰子 tóu zi
It's your turn to throw the die.

die n: (tool for stamping)
SC 模具 mú jù
SC 压模 mú jù,yā mó
The die was ready to start stamping the metal into disks.

die n: (tool for threading screws)
SC 螺纹板牙 luó wén bǎn yá
TC 螺紋板牙
You need a three eighth inch die for that job.

die vi: figurative (languish)
SC 逐渐消亡 zhú jiàn xiāo wáng
TC 逐漸消亡
SC 停止 zhú jiàn xiāo wáng,tíng zhǐ
TC 停止
The project died when everybody lost interest in it.

die vi: (run out of charge)
SC 没电
SC 用完电
I'm sorry I didn't call you back; my battery died.

die [sth] vtr: (suffer a given kind of death)
SC 死于
He died a painful death.

die [sth] vtr: (shape or stamp with die)
SC 用模具制作 yòng mú jù zhì zuò
SC 用模具浇铸

die away vi phrasal: (fade, diminish)
SC 逐渐消失 zhú jiàn xiāo shī
TC 逐漸消失

die back vi phrasal: (plant: die from tips of leaves) (植物)
SC 顶梢枯死

die down vi phrasal: (diminish, subside)
SC 逐渐变弱 zhú jiàn biàn ruò
TC 逐漸變弱
The shouting died down when the rock star began singing.

die off vi phrasal: (disappear gradually)
SC 渐渐消失 jiàn jiàn xiāo shī
As the older generation begins to die, their ideas and traditions die off with them.

die out vi phrasal: (become extinct: organisms) (物种)
SC 灭绝 miè jué
Most of the polar bears will die out by 2050 as a result of global warming.

die out vi phrasal: figurative (tradition: disappear gradually) (习俗、声音等)
SC 逐渐消失,逐渐消亡 zhú jiàn xiāo shī,zhú jiàn xiāo wáng
TC 逐漸消失,逐漸消亡
Our language and our traditions will die out as our people become absorbed by the mainstream culture.

die for your country v expr: (soldier: be killed)
SC 为国捐躯 wèi guó juān qū
TC 為國捐軀
My great-grandfather died for his country in 1915.

to die for adj: informal, figurative (extremely desirable)
SC 不惜一切要得到的
SC 极想得到的




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