

单词 rubbered

rubber n: uncountable (latex material)
SC 橡胶 xiàng jiāo
TC 橡膠
Tyres are made of rubber.

rubber n: UK (eraser for mistakes)
SC 橡皮
TC 橡皮
Betty used a rubber to erase her mistake.

rubber n: slang (condom)
SC 避孕套 bì yùn tào
Lily always carries a rubber in her purse, just in case.

rubber n as adj: (made of rubber)
SC 橡胶制的 xiàng jiāo zhì de
TC 橡膠制的
Robert wears rubber gloves to do the washing up.

rubbers npl: US, Can (waterproof boots)
SC 橡胶套鞋 xiàng jiāo tào xié
TC 橡膠套鞋
SC 雨鞋
Ted was wearing his rubbers because of the rain.

rubber n: (set of games) (牌戏)
SC 一盘胜局 yì pán shèng jú
TC 一盤勝局
SC 三局定胜
After dinner, they sat at the card table to play a few rubbers.

rubber n: (rubber game, rubber match) (在平局时为决定胜负进行的)
SC 决胜局比赛
The score was even, so they played a rubber.

chalkboard eraser, blackboard eraser, also UK: chalkboard rubber, board rubber n: (eraser for blackboard)
SC 黑板擦
We slapped the chalkboard erasers together to get rid of the chalk dust.

consistency of rubber n: informal (food: chewiness)
SC 像橡胶一样难嚼,很难嚼
Everything was excellent except for the calamari, which had the consistency of rubber.

dental dam, rubber dam n: (dental sheet) (牙科)
SC 橡皮障

foam rubber n: (spongy material used as stuffing)
SC 海绵乳胶 hǎi mián rǔ jiāo
TC 海綿乳膠
SC 泡沫橡胶 hǎi mián rǔ jiāo,pào mò xiàng jiāo
The seat cushions were filled with foam rubber.

hard rubber n: (vulcanized rubber)
SC 硫化橡皮 liú huà xiàng pí
SC 硬橡皮 liú huà xiàng pí,yìng xiàng pí
The truck's tires were made of hard rubber.

India rubber n: (natural rubber)
SC 印度橡胶
SC 天然橡胶 tiān rán xiàng jiāo
TC 天然橡膠

India rubber n: US (eraser)
SC 橡皮
TC 橡皮

India rubber n: US (rubber overshoe)
SC 橡皮靴

natural rubber n: (latex made from sap of the rubber tree)
SC 天然橡胶 tiān rán xiàng jiāo
TC 天然橡膠
These gloves are made from plastic, but those are natural rubber.

neoprene rubber n: (water-resistant synthetic material) (一种合成材料,可防水)
SC 氯丁橡胶 lǜ dīng xiàng jiāo
TC 氯丁橡膠
My wetsuit is made from neoprene rubber.

rubber ball n: (bouncy ball made of rubber)
SC 皮球
SC 橡皮球

rubber band n: (elastic band)
SC 橡皮筋 xiàng pí jīn
The postman uses rubber bands to bundle together letters for the same address.

rubber boots npl: (wellingtons: footwear worn in rain)
SC 雨靴
When I walk in the rain, I wear rubber boots so I can splash right through the puddles.

rubber cement n: (adhesive)
SC 橡胶粘合剂

rubber chicken n: (comedy prop: latex model of a chicken) (喜剧道具)
SC 塑料鸡
At the circus, one clown used a rubber chicken to hit another one on the head.

rubber chicken n: figurative, disparaging (characteristic food served at large gatherings)
SC 巡回鸡宴
I refuse to go to another banquet where I have to listen to boring speeches and eat rubber chicken.

rubber dam n: (dental sheet)
SC 橡皮隔栅
SC 橡胶坝
When I go to the dentist I don't mind the shot of novocaine; it's the rubber dam I can't stand.

rubber dinghy n: (small inflated boat)
SC 橡皮艇
SC 橡皮舟

rubber duck n: (duck-shaped bath toy)
SC 橡胶鸭子 xiàng jiāo yā zi
TC 黃色(橡膠)小鴨
Children often play with rubber ducks at bathtime.

rubber ducky, rubber duckie n: informal (duck-shaped bath toy) (非正式用语)
SC 橡胶鸭子 xiàng jiāo yā zi
TC 黃色(橡膠)小鴨

rubber glove n: usually plural (glove made of rubber)
SC 橡胶手套

rubber ring n: (seal)
SC 橡胶圈

rubber ring n: UK (flotation aid)
SC 救生圈 jiù shēng quān

rubber spatula n: (kitchen utensil) (厨具)
SC 橡胶刮刀
The pastry chef used a rubber spatula to spread icing on the cake.

rubber stamp n: (handheld printing tool)
SC 橡皮图章 xiàng pí tú zhāng
TC 橡皮圖章
Rubber stamps are often used to mark packages "fragile".

rubber stamp n: figurative ([sb] approving automatically)
SC 不加思索而盖章批准的人

rubber stamp n: figurative (automatic approval)
SC 不加思索而盖章批准

rubber tree n: (rubber-yielding tree)
SC 橡胶树

rubber-soled adj: (shoes: rubber bottoms) (鞋子)
SC 橡胶底的

rubber-stamp [sth] vtr: (mark with rubber stamp)
SC 盖公章

rubber-stamp [sth] vtr: figurative (approve automatically) (未加思考)
SC 盖章批准
SC 正式通过

synthetic rubber n: (artificial, flexible material)
SC 合成橡胶 hé chéng xiàng jiāo
TC 合成橡膠

vulcanized rubber, also UK: vulcanised rubber n: (strengthened rubber for tyres, etc.)
SC 硫化橡胶 liú huà xiàng jiāo
TC 硫化橡膠
SC 硬化橡胶 liú huà xiàng jiāo,yìng huà xiàng jiāo
Automobile tires are made of a strong vulcanized rubber.




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