

单词 rounds

round adj: (circular)
SC 圆形的 yuán xíng de
TC 圓形的
Almost all coins are round.

round adj: (spherical)
SC 球形的 qiú xíng de
SC 圆的 qiú xíng de ,yuán de
Tennis balls are round, but rugby balls are not.

round prep: (around, encircling)
SC 绕着 rào zhe
SC 环绕着 rào zhe,huán rào zhe
TC 環繞著
He tied the belt round his waist.

round prep: (beyond: a bend or corner)
SC 在…附近 zài … fù jìn
SC 在…周围 zài … fù jìn,zài … zhōu wéi
There's a supermarket just round this corner.

round adj: (curved)
SC 弧形的 hú xíng de
SC 圆弧形的 hú xíng de,yuán hú xíng de
TC 圓弧形的
The table has round corners.

round adv: (through, from beginning to end)
SC 从头至尾地 cóng tóu zhì wěi de
SC 一年到头 cóng tóu zhì wěi de,yì nián dào tóu
He would eat ice cream all year round.

round n: (series: of talks, protests, etc.)
SC 轮次 lún cì
The foreign ministers entered their third round of negotiations.

round n: (sports competition: stage) (体育比赛)
SC 回合,轮次 huí hé,lún cì
This is the third round in the playoffs.

round n: (weapons discharge) (武器)
SC 一轮齐射,一次齐发 yì lún qí shè,yí cì qí fā
I probably fired 100 rounds at the target.

round adj: (not angular) (书法)
SC 圆润的 yuán rùn de
TC 圓潤的
She had beautiful round handwriting.

round adj: (number: whole, without fractions)
SC 整数的 zhěng shù de
TC 整數的
3.14 is not a round number, but 3 is.

round adj: (person: plump) (体型)
SC 丰满的,圆润的 fēng mǎn de ,yuán rùn de
TC 豐滿的,圓潤的
Fat? I prefer to say that she is round.

round n: (steak, cut of beef)
SC 牛股肉 niú gǔ ròu
SC 牛腿肉 niú gǔ ròu,niú tuǐ ròu
Ground round is generally preferred over general ground beef.

round n: (munitions, bullet)
SC (子弹)一发 zǐ dàn yì fā
SC 一发子弹 zǐ dàn yì fā,yì fā zǐ dàn
SC 一枚子弹
Each round has a titanium tip.

round n: often plural (circuit)
SC 巡视 xún shì
SC 巡查 xún shì,xún chá
SC 巡逻 xún shì,xún luó
TC 巡邏
SC 巡回
TC 巡迴
I said hi to the paperboy as he cycled past on his daily round.

round n: (serving of drinks) (酒、饮料等)
SC 一巡 yì xún
Waiter! Another round of drinks!

round n: (music: rhythmical canon) (音乐)
SC 轮唱 lún chàng
The children sang 'London's Burning' in a round.

round n: (golf: complete play) (高尔夫比赛)
SC 一轮,一回合,一局 yì lún,yì huí hé,yì jú
I played two rounds of golf yesterday.

round n: (boxing: section of match) (拳击)
SC 回合 huí hé
The boxer lasted just two rounds against the reigning champion.

rounds npl: (routine check on hospital patients) (住院医生的)
SC 巡视,巡房 xún shì
The doctor is making his rounds right now.

round vi: (become round)
SC 变圆 biàn yuán
SC 变胖 biàn yuán,biàn pàng
His face and body are beginning to round out now he is getting proper food.

round [sth] vtr: (make less pointy) (尖角等)
SC 将...修圆
SC 使…圆滑 shǐ yuán huá
She rounded the corners of the table to make it less dangerous.

round [sth] vtr: (turn: a bend or corner)
SC 绕过 rào guò
SC 过弯
The sports car rounded the corner quickly.

round [sth] vtr: (math: increase or decrease number) (数学)
SC 取整
SC 四舍五入 sì shě wǔ rù
Round your answer to the nearest whole number.

ask [sb] round vtr phrasal sep: UK (invite to [sb]'s house)
SC 请…来家

bring [sb] round vtr phrasal sep: informal (make conscious)
SC 使…苏醒过来 shǐ sū xǐng guò lái
Victorians used smelling salts to bring round someone who had fainted.

bring [sb] round vtr phrasal sep: figurative, informal (persuade)
SC 说服 shuō fú
TC 說服
Wendy wasn't sure about moving to Florida, but her husband's talk of beaches brought her round.

call round vi phrasal: (visit)
SC 过来 guò lái
TC 過來
SC 来访 guò lái,lái fǎng
TC 來訪
Peter said that he would call round sometime this afternoon.

come around, also UK: come round vi phrasal: informal (recover consciousness)
SC 苏醒 sū xǐng
The patient came around soon after his operation.

come around, also UK: come round vi phrasal: figurative (be persuaded)
SC 改变观点,改变看法 gǎi biàn kàn fǎ
TC 改變觀點
SC 被说服
My parents aren't keen on my new boyfriend, but they'll come round when they get to know him.

come around, also UK: come round to [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (revise your opinion)
SC 改变观点
TC 改變觀點
SC 改而接受…的观点
Steve eventually came round to my opinion.

come around, also UK: come round vi phrasal: (date, event: occur again)
SC 再次到来
SC 再次发生 zài cì fā shēng
TC 再次發生
Jill always feels sad when the anniversary of her husband's death comes around.

drop around, also UK: drop round vi phrasal: informal (visit [sb]'s house)
SC 串门 chuàn mén
Steve dropped round earlier, while you were out; I said you'd phone him when you got back.

drop around, also UK: drop [sth] round vtr phrasal sep: informal (bring [sth])
SC 把...带来
TC 把…帶來
As you'll be passing my house anyway, could you drop that paperwork around?

gather round, US: gather around vi phrasal: (congregate)
SC 聚拢 jù lǒng
SC 围聚 jù lǒng,wéi jù
Gather round everybody! Richard has something to say!

get around [sth], also UK: get round [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (circumvent)
SC 绕道而行 rào dào ér xíng
TC 繞道而行
SC 绕开 rào dào ér xíng,rào kāi
SC 规避 rào dào ér xíng,guī bì
TC 規避
You can't get around the problem by pretending it doesn't exist.

get around, also UK: get round, get about vi phrasal: informal (circulate)
SC 散布,传播 sàn bù,chuán bō
TC 散布 / 散佈,傳播
When word got around that she was baking cookies, all the children appeared at her door.

get around to [sth], also UK: get round to [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (find time)
SC 抽出时间
TC 抽出時間
Bill eventually got round to the washing-up.

get around to doing [sth], also UK: get round to doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (find time)
SC 抽出时间做某事
One of these days, I will get around to making the trip to Paris.

get round [sb] vtr phrasal insep: informal (cajole)
SC 说服某人 shuō fú mǒu rén
TC 說服某人
SC 哄骗某人改变想法
You can't get round me with flattery - you're not getting a bike for Christmas, and that's final!

go around, also UK: go round vi phrasal: (rotate, revolve)
SC 旋转 xuán zhuǎn
TC 旋轉
SC 转圈 xuán zhuǎn ,zhuàn quān
The baby watched the top go round and laughed.
Each of the beautifully painted horses became visible as the carousel went around.
宝宝看着陀螺旋转,呵呵地笑。 // 随着木马开始旋转,一匹匹精致绘制的木马都变得清晰可见。

go around, also UK: go round vi phrasal: (be shared by all)
SC 够分 gòu fēn
SC 分给所有人
SC 每个人都能分到 gòu fēn,měi gè rén dōu néng fēn dào
Do you think there'll be enough loaves and fishes to go around?

go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal: (illness: be transmitted) (疾病)
SC 传染,传播 chuán rǎn,chuán bō
TC 傳染,傳播
SC 流行,肆虐 liú xíng
TC 流行
There's a nasty strain of flu going around.

go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal: (be in a state habitually)
SC 经常处于(某个状态)
He goes around looking filthy.
She goes about as if she owns the place.
他一直都邋里邋遢的。// 她举止大摇大摆,神气活现,好像这里是她家似得。

go around, also UK: go round, go about vi phrasal: figurative, informal (circulate, spread)
SC 传播,流传,四起 chuán bō,liú chuán
TC 傳播,流傳
SC 散布 sàn bù
TC 散布 / 散佈
There's a rumour going round that you're cheating on Tim.

go around, also UK: go round vi phrasal: informal (pay a visit to [sb])
SC 顺便拜访 shùn biàn bài fǎng
TC 順便拜訪
SC 顺便走访
I'll go round to your place when I'm done.

have [sb] over, also UK: have [sb] round, have [sb] around vtr phrasal sep: informal (receive as a guest)
SC 邀请…来做客

have [sb] round vtr phrasal sep: UK (invite to home)
SC 邀请…来做客

look around for [sb/sth], also UK: look round for [sb/sth], look about for [sb/sth] vi phrasal + prep: (seek in surrounding area)
SC 四处寻找 sì chù xún zhǎo
TC 四處尋找
I misplaced my keys, so I'll have to look around for them.

phone round, phone around vi phrasal: UK (call people by phone)
SC 给…打电话 gěi dǎ diàn huà
I need to borrow an electric drill, so I'm going to phone round my friends and see if anyone has one they can lend me.

rally around, also UK: rally round vi phrasal: (show solidarity)
SC 团结在一起 tuán jié zài yì qǐ
SC 把…团结在一起 tuán jié zài yì qǐ,bǎ … tuán jié zài yì qǐ
The neighbours rallied around to help Janet while her husband was sick.

rally around, also UK: rally round [sb] vtr phrasal insep: (support [sb])
SC 团结在…的周围
SC 团结在…身边
Everyone rallied round the mayor in his moment of crisis.

round [sth] down, round [sth] down to [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (express as previous whole number) (数字)
SC 把…向下舍入
The answer was 5.1, so I rounded it down to 5.

round [sth] off, round [sth] off with [sth], round [sth] off by doing [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (end, conclude)
SC 使圆满结束 shǐ yuán mǎn jié shù
He rounded off his speech with a joke, leaving the audience in a good mood.

round [sth] off, round [sth] off to [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (express as nearest whole number)
SC 以整数计 yǐ zhěng shù jì
TC 以整數計
SC 四舍五入 yǐ zhěng shù jì,sì shě wǔ rù
The price was eighty-seven euros, but the clerk rounded it off to eighty-five.

round [sth] off, round off [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (make [sth] less jagged)
SC 弄圆滑
TC 弄圓滑
SC 磨圆滑
Lana trimmed her fingernails, then used an emery board to round off the ends.

round [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: figurative (make fuller or more complete)
SC 使饱满 shǐ bǎo mǎn
TC 使飽滿
SC 使丰满起来 shǐ bǎo mǎn,shǐ fēng mǎn qǐ lái
The volunteer work Dave did last summer really rounded out his resume.

round [sth] up, round up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (animals: herd) (指动物)
SC 使聚拢,驱拢 shǐ jù lǒng
SC 赶到一起(指动物)
The sheep have scattered, so we must round them up again.

round [sth/sb] up, round up [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep: figurative (people: bring together) (指人群)
SC 集合,召集 jí hé ,zhào jí
TC 集合,召集
If we want to play football we must first round up some players.

round [sth] up to [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (express as next whole number)
SC 将…取整为
Round the answer up to the nearest 10.

arse about, arse around vi phrasal: UK, vulgar, slang (behave in a frivolous way)
SC 鬼混 guǐ hùn

bandy [sth] about, bandy about [sth], bandy [sth] around, bandy around [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (spread ideas about [sth/sb])
SC 四处散播

bandy [sth] around vtr phrasal sep: (word, term: use carelessly)
SC 将…丢来丢去
SC 来回投掷 lái huí tóu zhì

bang around, also UK: bang about vi phrasal: (move about clumsily)
SC 乒乒乓乓地搬动东西
SC 笨手笨脚地发出声响
The baby woke up in the middle of the night, crying, because Joe was banging around in the kitchen.

bat [sth] around, also UK: bat [sth] about vtr phrasal sep: figurative, informal (discuss casually)
SC 随便谈论
TC 隨便談論
SC 非正式地讨论

bat around vi phrasal: US, informal (travel)
SC 漫游 màn yóu

blunder about, blunder around vi phrasal: (move clumsily)
SC 踉踉跄跄地走
SC 跌跌撞撞地走 diē diē zhuàng zhuàng de zǒu

boss [sb] around, boss around [sb] vtr phrasal sep: informal (order about)
SC 使唤…
TC 使喚...
SC 差遣…
My manager likes to boss people around.

build [sth] around [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (base on)
SC 以…为基础建立

bum around vi phrasal: US, slang (be idle)
SC 游荡,闲混,无所事事 yóu dàng,xián hùn,wú suǒ shì shì
TC 無所事事
Over the holidays, I just bummed around and watched TV.

bum around vi phrasal: US, slang (live as vagrant)
SC 流浪, 四处游荡

buzz around vi phrasal: (bee: fly with humming sound) (蜜蜂)
SC 嗡嗡地飞来飞去

buzz around vi phrasal: informal, figurative ([sb]: move busily) (人)
SC 匆忙地行动
He's always buzzing around doing chores.

carry [sth] around vtr phrasal sep: (take everywhere)
SC 随身携带 suí shēn xié dài
TC 隨身攜帶

cat around vi phrasal: slang (look for sex)
SC 寻欢问柳
TC 尋歡問柳
SC 拈花惹草
Wives don't want their husbands to cat around with other women.

center around [sth] (US), centre around [sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep: (be based on, concerned with)
SC 围绕 wéi rào
TC 圍繞
SC 以...为中心

clown around, also UK: clown about vi phrasal: informal (play the fool, behave in a silly way)
SC 扮小丑 bàn xiǎo chǒu
One can never take him seriously; he's always clowning around.

diddle around vi phrasal: US, informal (waste time)
SC 闲荡 xián dàng
SC 游荡 xián dàng,yóu dàng

diddle around with [sth] vi phrasal + prep: US, informal (waste time on [sth])
SC 在…上浪费时间
The teenager spent the afternoon diddling around with his phone.

drag around vi phrasal: (move, act slowly)
SC 慢腾腾地走动
SC 缓慢地行动
She didn't feel like doing anything, so she just dragged around all day.

faff around vi phrasal: UK, informal (waste time doing [sth] trivial)
SC 瞎忙活
SC 浪费时间 làng fèi shí jiān
TC 浪費時間

fart around, also UK: fart about vi phrasal: vulgar, slang (spend time foolishly)
SC 游手好闲 yóu shǒu hào xián
TC 遊手好閒
SC 闲荡 yóu shǒu hào xián,xián dàng

fiddle around, also UK: fiddle about vi phrasal: informal (waste time doing [sth] trivial)
SC 闲荡 xián dàng
SC 虚度时光 xián dàng,xū dù shí guāng
He began to fiddle around doing crossword puzzles, but soon noticed his English was improving.

fiddle around with [sth], also UK: fiddle about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep: informal (play absent-mindedly with)
SC 心不在焉地拨弄
She fiddled around with the things on her desk while I was talking.

fiddle around with [sth], also UK: fiddle about with [sth] vi phrasal + prep: informal (alter or adjust unhelpfully)
SC 摆弄..., 捣鼓...
He loved to fiddle about with old cars, but never actually fixed them up.

flail around, also UK: flail about vi phrasal: (thrash about) (四肢)
SC 剧烈扭动,猛烈摆动,拼命乱挥

float around, float about vi phrasal: (idea: widely discussed) (消息)
SC 广为流传

float around, float about vi phrasal: (be somewhere unknown)
SC 四处飘散,自由漂浮

follow [sb] around vtr phrasal sep: (trail [sb])
SC 跟踪,追踪 gēn zōng,zhuī zōng
TC 跟蹤 / 跟踪
He followed me around all day.

fool around, fool about vi phrasal: informal (act in silly way)
SC 吊儿郎当
TC 吊兒郎當
SC 傻了吧唧,胡闹 hú nào
The teacher told Bobby to stop fooling around in class.

fool around, fool about vi phrasal: informal (not be productive)
SC 游手好闲 yóu shǒu hào xián
TC 遊手好閒
SC 闲荡 yóu shǒu hào xián,xián dàng
The boss doesn't like people fooling around when they should be working.

fool around vi phrasal: slang (have casual sex)
SC 胡搞 hú gǎo
SC 乱来 hú gǎo,luàn lái
SC 乱搞男女关系 hú gǎo,luàn gǎo nán nǚ guān xì
Helen suspects that her husband has been fooling around.

fool around with [sb] vtr phrasal insep: slang (have casual sex)
SC 与…胡搞 yǔ … hú gǎo
TC 與…瞎搞
SC 与…乱搞男女关系
He had fooled around with every girl in town before he met Helen.

fool around with [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (amuse yourself)
SC 拿…玩乐,拿…自娱
Ben spent the afternoon fooling around with his new camera.

f*** around, also UK: f*** about vi phrasal: vulgar, offensive, slang (waste time) (俚语)
SC 混日子,瞎混 hùn rì zi ,xiā hùn
Stop f***ing about and get on with your work!

f*** around vi phrasal: vulgar, offensive, slang (have casual sex) (指随意发生性行为)
SC 寻花问柳,乱搞
Stan was devastated when he discovered his girlfriend had been f***ing around behind his back.

fumble around, UK: fumble about vi phrasal: (do things clumsily)
SC 瞎摸
SC 乱动 luàn dòng
SC 胡乱摸索
He's fumbling around in the kitchen; can't you hear the noise?

gad around [sth], gad about [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (wander or travel around a place)
SC 游荡 yóu dàng
SC 闲逛 yóu dàng,xián guàng
We decided to gad around town for a while.

get around vi phrasal: informal (travel)
SC 到处旅游, 四处游览
I certainly get around in my job. This year, I've travelled to Korea, Australia and South Africa.

get around vi phrasal: (move about)
SC 走动 zǒu dòng
TC 走動
His arthritis makes it difficult for him to get around.

goof around vi phrasal: US, slang (behave in a silly way)
SC 瞎闹,犯傻
If you're done goofing around, maybe we could get some work done?

a millstone around your neck (US), a millstone round your neck (UK) expr: figurative (burden: mental or emotional)
SC 如同套在脖子上的磨盘
SC 成为沉重负担

all around (US), all round (UK) adv: (everywhere)
SC 各个方面 gè gè fāng miàn
TC 各個方面
SC 各个地方
Prices have increased all around.

all around (US), all round (UK) adv: informal (for everyone)
SC 所有人 suǒ yǒu rén
SC 每个人 suǒ yǒu rén,měi gè rén
TC 每個人
Joe called for drinks all around to celebrate his good news.

all around (US), all round (UK) adv: (in all aspects)
SC 在各方面
This is a better solution all round.

all around [sth/sb] (US), all round [sth/sb] (UK) prep: (surrounding)
SC 周围 zhōu wéi
TC 周圍
SC 四周 zhōu wéi,sì zhōu
TC 四周
David looked all around him, but Eleanor was nowhere to be seen.

all year round, all the year round adv: (throughout the year)
SC 全年,整年,一年四季
TC 全年
SC 一年到头 yì nián dào tóu(口语)
I'd love to live in a climate where I could garden all year round.

all-around (US), all-round (UK) adj: (versatile, multi-skilled)
SC 多才多艺的 duō cái duō yì de
SC 全能的 duō cái duō yì de,quán néng de
Joe has developed into an all-around player for the basketball team.

all-around (US), all-round (UK) adj: (comprehensive, overall)
SC 全面的 quán miàn de
SC 各个方面的 quán miàn de ,gè gè fāng miàn de
The school aims to provide an all-around education for its students.

bottom round: (beef cut)
SC 底中圆腿肉

change [sth] around, change around [sth] (US), change [sth] round, change [sth] round (UK) vtr + adv: (rearrange [sth])
SC 重新排列…
SC 重排…
You can change around the icons on your computer to make them more convenient.
The coach changed the players around to balance out the teams.

change around, changearound, change round n: (rearrangement, shift)
SC 重整 chóng zhěng
SC 变动 chóng zhěng,biàn dòng
TC 變動
The change around in the team's coaching has helped them win many more games this year.

come around, also UK: come round vi + adv: (visit [sb])
SC 短暂访问 duǎn zàn fǎng wèn
TC 短暫訪問
SC 顺便拜访 duǎn zàn fǎng wèn,shùn biàn bài fǎng
TC 順便拜訪
If you come round later, we can do our homework together.

drive [sb] round the bend v expr: slang, figurative (make insane) (俚语)
SC 把....逼疯
You're driving me round the bend!

get around doing [sth], also UK: get round doing [sth] v expr: (avoid doing)
SC 规避 guī bì
TC 規避
SC 逃避 guī bì,táo bì
TC 逃避
SC 避开 guī bì,bì kāi
TC 避開
The politician got around answering the question by changing the subject.
The businessman got around paying his taxes by using a loophole in the law.

get round to [sth], get around to [sth] v expr: (find time for)
SC 为…抽出时间
I didn't get round to any of the tasks on my to-do list today.

get round to doing [sth], get around to doing [sth] v expr: (find time to do)
SC 抽时间做
TC 抽時間做
SC 抽空做
This wall is so grubby; I must get round to repainting it.

get your head around [sth], get your head round [sth] v expr: informal (understand)
SC 搞不懂
SC 搞不明白
I'm trying to get my head around the subjunctive, but I'm still not sure when to use it.

go around [sth], also UK: go round [sth] vi + prep: (encircle, surround)
SC 环绕,围绕 huán rào ,wéi rào
TC 環繞,圍繞
I had grown so fat that none of my belts would go around my waist.

go around [sth], also UK: go round [sth] vi + prep: (change path to avoid hitting [sth])
SC 绕开 rào kāi
SC 避开 rào kāi,bì kāi
TC 避開
The radio advised of heavy traffic downtown, so we went around the city instead.

go round the bend v expr: slang, figurative (become insane) (俚语)
SC 发疯 fā fēng
SC 陷入疯狂
I'm going round the bend trying to get through all this work! I can't solve the last crossword clue, and it's making me go round the bend.

in the round adv: (theatre: with audience surrounding stage) (剧院、剧场)
SC 环形 huán xíng
TC 環形

in the round adv: (sculpture: three dimensional, freestanding) (雕塑)
SC 三维,立体
TC 立體
After she mastered working with flat surfaces, the artist decided to try carving a statue in the round.

in the round adv: figurative (in detail, considering all aspects)
SC 全面地,全方位地 quán miàn de
She asked the judge to consider the matter in the round.

last round n: (sport: final bout)
SC 最后一回合 zuì hòu yì huí hé
SC 终局 zuì hòu yì huí hé,zhōng jú
He did not take the lead until the very last round of the contest.

last round n: informal (most recent, final, serving drinks to a group) (非正式用语,酒的供应)
SC 最后一轮 zuì hòu yì lún
TC 最後一輪
You bought the last round, so now it's my turn.
We paid for the last round of drinks.

look around, also UK: look round, look about vi + adv: (seek [sth] in surrounding area)
SC 四处寻找 sì chù xún zhǎo
TC 四處尋找
I've been looking around everywhere, but I can't find my reading glasses.

look around [sth], also UK: look round [sth] vi + prep: (inspect)
SC 检查 jiǎn chá
TC 檢查
Safety inspectors will be looking around the factory today.

look around, also UK: look round vi + prep: (browse)
SC 四处浏览
SC 四处看看 sì chù kàn kàn
Sarah spent the afternoon looking around the local shops.

merry-go-round n: (carousel, roundabout)
SC 旋转木马 xuán zhuǎn mù mǎ
TC 旋轉木馬
They giggled as they rode the horses on the merry-go-round.

paper route (US), paper round (UK) n: (job delivering newspapers)
SC 送报的工作
SC 送报 sòng bào
A lot of teenagers do paper rounds to earn some extra pocket money.

pass [sth] around, pass around [sth], also UK: pass [sth] round, pass round [sth] vtr + adv: (distribute)
SC 分发 fēn fā
TC 分發
SC 发放 fēn fā ,fā fàng
TC 發放
They passed around sandwiches and drinks at the party.

pass [sth] around [sth], also UK: pass [sth] round [sth] vtr + prep: (circulate)
SC 传递, 传阅
Please sign the petition and pass it round the office.

pass the hat, pass the hat round v expr: (ask for contributions of money)
SC 募捐 mù juān
After the buskers had stopped playing, they passed the hat round.

perigon, round angle n: (mathematics: 360˚ angle)
SC 周角

round and round adv: (in circles)
SC 绕圈
The gerbil ran round and round in its wheel.

round and round prep: (circling repeatedly)
SC 不停绕圈,一圈又一圈
The puppy ran round and round the garden.

round character: (character in fiction)
SC 立体人物
SC 圆润的角色

round of applause n: (burst of clapping to show approval)
SC 一阵掌声
Ladies and gentlemen, please give him a round of applause!

round-off n: (gymnastics move) (体操动作)
SC 腱子
SC 回旋 huí xuán
The gymnast did a perfect round-off, landing without a wobble.

round-off n: (expression as nearest whole number)
SC 舍入
SC 四舍五入 sì shě wǔ rù
The round-off of 47 to the nearest ten is 50.

round on [sb] vtr phasal insep: (verbally assault)
SC 骂,叱骂 mà
SC 叱责,责骂 chì zé ,zé mà

round robin, round-robin n: (circulated message)
SC 群发邮件 qún fā yóu jiàn
TC 群發郵件
SC 群发信息 qún fā yóu jiàn,qún fā xìn xī
Every year I send out a round robin with my Christmas cards.

round robin, round-robin n: (sports contest)
SC 循环赛

round robin, round-robin n: (petition containing signatures)
SC 联名信

round-robin n as adj: (in turn)
SC 轮流的 lún liú de
The teacher uses a round-robin approach to ensure all the students answer a question.

in a round robin expr: (in turn)
SC 轮流地 lún liú de
TC 輪流地
Tasks are assigned in a round robin.

round table, round-table n: (conference, meeting)
SC 圆桌会议 yuán zhuō huì yì
TC 圓桌會議
He was an expert in his subject, and participated in round tables.

round the bend adj: slang, figurative (crazy, insane)
SC 疯狂的 fēng kuáng de
TC 瘋狂的
What on earth are you doing? Are you completely round the bend?

round the clock adv: (throughout the day and night)
SC 夜以继日 yè yǐ jì rì
TC 夜以繼日
The suspected terrorist's house was under surveillance round the clock.

round trip n: (journey to a destination and back)
SC 往返旅行 wǎng fǎn lǚ xíng
The round trip only takes four hours by car.

round-trip n as adj: (to a place and back again)
SC 往返 wǎng fǎn
TC 往返
A round-trip ticket is usually cheaper than two one-way tickets.

round-trip ticket (US), return ticket (UK) n: (ticket for going and returning)
SC 往返票 wǎng fǎn piào
TC 往返票
SC 来回票

round-eyed adj: (having round eyes)
SC 圆眼的
SC 长着圆眼睛的

round-eyed adj: (with eyes wide in surprise)
SC 两眼圆睁的

round-faced adj: (face: circular-shaped)
SC 圆脸的

round-shouldered adj: (having a hunched posture)
SC 驼背的

round-the-clock adj: (throughout the day and night)
SC 全天候的

roundabout, merry-go-round n: (fairground: carousel)
SC 旋转木马 xuán zhuǎn mù mǎ
TC 旋轉木馬
The children were riding on the roundabout.

roundtable, round-table adj: (involving discussion)
SC 圆桌会议的 yuán zhuō huì yì de

roundup, also UK: round-up n: (cattle drive)
SC 聚拢牲口 jù lǒng shēng kǒu
TC 聚攏牲口
The cowboy was in the middle of a roundup when it started to rain.

roundup, also UK: round-up n: (summary)
SC 综述 zōng shù
The family watched the sports roundup on the evening news.

roundup, also UK: round-up n: (gathering up)
SC 召集 zhào jí
TC 召集
SC 聚合 zhào jí,jù hé
TC 聚合
The police's roundup of suspects didn't result in an arrest.

run in circles, go around in circles, also UK: go round in circles v expr: figurative, informal (make no progress) (比喻未取得进展)
SC 原地打转 yuán dì dǎ zhuàn
SC 没有进展 yuán dì dǎ zhuàn,méi yǒu jìn zhǎn
This conversation just keeps going around in circles; we're not getting anywhere.

send [sth] round, US: send [sth] around vtr + adv: (circulate, distribute)
SC 流通,分发 liú tōng ,fēn fā
TC 流通,分發

about (UK), around (US) adv: (in the opposing direction)
SC 掉头,掉转方向,往反方向 diào tóu,diào zhuǎn fāng xiàng,wǎng fǎn fāng xiàng
He whirled about and saw that his girlfriend was behind him.

about (UK), around (US) adv: (in circumference)
SC 按周长算 àn zhōu cháng suàn
TC 按周長算
The lake is approximately three miles about.

around fifty adj: (about 50 in number)
SC 大约50个 dà yuē gè
SC 50个左右
There were around fifty different tables at the job fair.

around the clock adv: (all the time)
SC 不分日夜 bù fēn rì yè
SC 日以继夜 bù fēn rì yè,rì yǐ jì yè
The engineers are working around the clock to get the project finished on time.

around-the-clock adj: (constant)
SC 连续不停地 lián xù bù tíng de
SC 日夜不断地 lián xù bù tíng de,rì yè bú duàn de
His mother is very sick and needs around-the-clock care.

around the corner adv: figurative (in the near future)
SC 在不久的将来 zài bù jiǔ de jiāng lái
SC 在近期
It's best to be prepared because you never know what's around the corner.

around the corner adv: (nearby)
SC 在附近 zài fù jìn
A new bakery opened recently around the corner.

around the world adv: (in many countries)
SC 在全球 zài quán qiú
SC 在全世界 zài quán qiú,zài quán shì jiè
The Internet allows people around the world to share information.

around the world adv: (circumnavigating the world)
SC 环绕全球 huán rào quán qiú
TC 環繞全球
Ferdinand Magellan's ship sailed around the world in the 1500s.

ask around v expr: (consult many people)
SC 四处打听 sì chù dǎ tīng
TC 四處打聽
SC 四处询问

be lugged around vi: informal ([sth] heavy: be carried)
SC 被到处拖着走
The heavy suitcase was lugged around the airport by my mother.

beat around the bush, also UK: beat about the bush v expr: figurative (avoid getting to the point)
SC 旁敲侧击 páng qiāo cè jī
TC 旁敲側擊
Stop beating around the bush and give me the real reason!

beating around the bush, beating about the bush n: (not getting to the point)
SC 旁敲侧击,拐弯抹角,绕圈子 páng qiāo cè jī,rào quān zi
TC 旁敲側擊
All this beating around the bush is starting to annoy me; just say yes or no!

buzz around [sth] vi + prep: (bee: fly with humming sound) (蜜蜂)
SC 嗡嗡地在...周围飞来飞去
I don't like it when bees buzz around my head.

buzz around [sth] vi + prep: informal, figurative ([sb]: move busily) (人)
SC 匆忙地做
She buzzed around the office, completing task after task.

cart [sth] around vtr + adv: (move by cart)
SC 用推车载送

center on [sth] (US), center around [sth], centre on [sth], centre around [sth] (UK) vi + prep: (focus on)
SC 聚焦
SC 集中精力于
SC 注重 zhù zhòng
TC 注重

center around [sth] (US), centre around [sth] (UK) vi + prep: (cluster around)
SC 围绕 wéi rào
TC 圍繞
SC 以...为中心
SC 包围 wéi rào ,bāo wéi
TC 包圍

chauffeur [sb] around vtr: informal, figurative (transport: [sb] by car)
SC 开车四处逛
Mike's mom chauffeured him around to all of his activities..

cluster around [sb/sth] vi + prep: (gather)
SC 紧紧环绕着,聚集在…周围
During story time, the students clustered around their teacher and listened intently.

dab [sth] around [sth] vtr + prep: (apply by dabbing)
SC 轻轻涂抹 qīng qīng tú mǒ
TC 輕輕塗抹
Dab the pieces of butter around the top of the pie.

d***ing around n: slang (frivolous or time wasting activity)
SC 游手好闲 yóu shǒu hào xián
TC 遊手好閒
SC 瞎玩
He got fired because d***ing around was his only real skill.

dodge around [sth/sb] vi + prep: (move quickly around)
SC 躲让, 躲开
The runner dodged around the people in his path.

ferret around vi + adv: informal (search)
SC 搜查 sōu chá
TC 搜查
SC 搜索 sōu chá ,sōu suǒ
TC 搜索
Jim ferreted around in the records.

ferret around for [sth] v expr: informal (search)
SC 搜查 sōu chá
TC 搜查
The lawyer ferreted around for any evidence that the police might have missed.

futz, futz around vi: US, slang (waste time) (俚语)
SC 混日子,闲散,到处晃荡 hùn rì zi ,xián sǎn ,dào chù huàng dàng




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