

单词 roots

roots npl: (plant: part in the soil)
SC 根 gēn
It's important for plants to have strong roots.

root n: figurative (origin, source)
SC 根源 gēn yuán
SC 根由
SC 原由
The root of the problem is that Lauren simply can't see Tina's point of view.

root n: (tooth: part in the gum)
SC 牙根 yá gēn
Healthy roots are important for strong teeth.

root n: (word: base form)
SC 词根 cí gēn
A root is the base from which other words are formed.

roots npl: figurative (origin, lineage)
SC 血统 xuè tǒng
SC 宗系 xuè tǒng,zōng xì
Adam's red hair suggests he has Celtic roots.

roots npl: figurative (ancestral place of origin)
SC 祖籍 zǔ jí
SC 根 zǔ jí,gēn
The family have their roots in Devon.

roots npl: (hair close to scalp)
SC 发根
SC 靠近头皮的头发
My roots are growing back; I need to dye my hair again.

root n: (of tooth, nail, hair) (头发、牙齿、指甲等的)
SC 根,根部 gēn
Emily plucked her eyebrows, taking care to pull the hairs out by the root.

root n: (root of a number) (数学)
SC 根 gēn
Two is the root of four.

root, root note n: (music: fundamental note) (音乐)
SC 基音
C is the root of a C major chord.

root vi: (plant) (植物)
SC 生根 shēng gēn
TC 生根
I planted the rose bush in the garden last week and it seems to have rooted well.

root vi: (animal: search ground with nose) (动物)
SC 翻土觅食
SC 翻找 fān zhǎo
The hungry sow rooted in the dirt.

root n as adj: (cause: original)
SC 根源的
SC 原因的 yuán yīn de
The root cause of Rachel's unhappiness is her own unwillingness to change her situation.

root vi: AU, vulgar, slang (have sex)
SC 做爱 zuò ài

root [sb] vtr: AU, vulgar, slang (have sex with)
SC 与...做爱

root [sth] in [sth] vtr + prep: figurative, usually passive (originate, base)
SC 源于 yuán yú
Jung rooted his ideas in the theories of Plato.
Petra's fear of flying is rooted in a traumatic childhood experience.

root around vi phrasal: (rummage)
SC 四处翻找 sì chù fān zhǎo
I'll root around and see if I can find that old photo album.

root around in [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (rummage in [sth])
SC 在...四下翻找
He spent hours rooting around in the shed just to find a flowerpot.

root around for [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (rummage, search)
SC 四下里翻找

root for [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (support, cheer on) (非正式用语)
SC 支持 zhī chí
TC 支持
He always rooted for the underdog.

root [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: (find and eliminate)
SC 搜寻,找出 sōu xún ,zhǎo chū
SC 根除 gēn chú
It's almost impossible to root out the causes of poverty.

root [sth/sb] out vtr phrasal sep: (hunt down)
SC 找出 zhǎo chū
SC 挖出 zhǎo chū,wā chū
TC 挖出
The Prime Minister was determined to root out the terrorists and bring them to justice.

root through [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (search through many things)
SC 翻遍

cube root n: (mathematics)
SC 立方根
TC 立方根

dorsal root n: (anatomy: spinal nerves)
SC 背根 bēi gēn
SC 后根神经 bēi gēn,hòu gēn shén jīng

ginger root n: (plant eaten as a spice)
SC 姜根

licorice (US), licorice root (US), liquorice (UK), liquorice root (UK) n: (root used to flavor confection)
SC 甘草 gān cǎo
SC 甘草根
Despite their similar smells, licorice and anise are not related.

lotus root n: (vegetable with white flesh)
SC 莲藕

root and branch adv: (thoroughly)
SC 完全地 wán quán de
SC 彻底地 wán quán de ,chè dǐ de
TC 徹底地

root and branch, root-and-branch adj: (thorough)
SC 完全的 wán quán de
SC 彻底的 wán quán de ,chè dǐ de
TC 徹底的

root beer n: US (carbonated soft drink)
SC 根汁汽水 gēn zhī qì shuǐ
TC 沙士
I quite like root beer even though it tastes a bit like soap.

root canal n: (tooth: nerve cavity) (牙齿的)
SC 根管 gēn guǎn
An infected root canal can be very painful.

root canal n: informal (dental treatment) (非正式用语)
SC 牙根管填充手术 yá gēn guǎn tián chōng shǒu shù
It took the dentist four hours to do a root canal on my molar.

root canal treatment n: (dental treatment)
SC 根管治疗
Doctor Gottadrille is an expert providing root canal treatment.

root cause n: (origin)
SC 根本原因 gēn běn yuán yīn
SC 根源 gēn běn yuán yīn,gēn yuán
The root cause of most of the world's problems is overpopulation.

root cellar: (vegetable store)
SC 储藏蔬菜的地窖

root crop n: (crop grown for edible roots)
SC 根茎作物
SC 块根农作物
Beetroot and carrots are both root crops.

root hair: (botany) (植物)
SC 根毛
TC 根毛

root mean square n: (mathematics)
SC 均方根
The students learnt how to calculate the root mean square of a set of numbers.

root of all evil n: figurative (cause of all that is bad) (比喻)
SC 万恶之源 wàn è zhī yuán
TC 萬惡之源
Drugs are the root of all evil.
Money is the root of all evil.

root out the evil v expr: (eliminate bad influences)
SC 根除祸患 gēn chú huò huàn
TC 根除禍患
The second grade teacher saw it as her duty to root out the evil in her pupils.

root rot n: (fungal disease of plant roots)
SC 烂根 làn gēn
The farmer lost his whole crop when it was attacked by root rot.

root [sth] up, root up [sth] vtr + adv: (dig [sth] up at roots)
SC 根除 gēn chú
SC 彻底清除

root vegetable n: (edible starchy tuber)
SC 根菜类蔬菜
SC 块根类蔬菜
Roasted root vegetables like rutabaga, turnips, carrots, and parsnips make a tasty side dish.

root word n: (basic word form without prefix or suffix) (语言学)
SC 根词

rootstock n: (root: propagates plants)
SC 根状茎

square root n: (mathematics)
SC 平方根 píng fāng gēn
TC 平方根
The square root of 64 is 8.

take root v expr: (plant) (植物)
SC 生根,扎根 shēng gēn,zhā gēn
TC 生根,紮根

take root v expr: figurative (idea: become established) (想法)
SC 生根 shēng gēn
TC 生根
SC 扎根 shēng gēn,zhā gēn
TC 紮根
SC 深入人心 shēng gēn,shēn rù rén xīn
Suspicions about her husband took root in her mind.




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