

单词 roof

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roof n: (covering on house, building)
SC 屋顶 wū dǐng
TC 屋頂
SC 房顶 wū dǐng,fáng dǐng
The roof needs patching to stop the rain from coming in.

roof n: (top of a vehicle)
SC 车顶
Paolo put his shopping on the roof of the car to search for his keys.

roof n: figurative (home)
SC 家, 栖身之处
While you're under my roof, you'll do as I say, young man!

roof [sth] vtr: (cover with a roof)
SC 给…盖上屋顶 gěi gài shàng wū dǐng
I asked the workmen how long it would take them to roof the house.

flat roof n: (top of building: flat, horizontal)
SC 平顶

gable roof n: (sloping roof)
SC 山墙屋顶

go through the roof expr: (price, number: rise dramatically) (价格、数字)
SC 猛增,飞涨,暴涨 měng zēng,fēi zhǎng ,bào zhǎng

hit the roof, hit the ceiling v expr: figurative, informal (person: get angry)
SC 暴跳如雷 bào tiào rú léi
TC 暴跳如雷
SC 狂怒 bào tiào rú léi,kuáng nù
When I told my boss what had happened, he hit the roof.

mansard, mansard roof n: (sloping roof)
SC 有双重斜坡的屋顶 yǒu shuāng chóng xié pō de wū dǐng
SC 复折屋顶 yǒu shuāng chóng xié pō de wū dǐng,fù zhé wū dǐng

pitched roof n: (roof sloped on both sides)
SC 斜屋顶 xié wū dǐng
TC 斜屋頂
A pitched roof is better at shedding rainwater than a flat roof.

rack, roof rack n: (fixture on car) (轿车等)
SC 车顶行李架
Mark secured his canoe to the roof rack with heavy straps.

reroof [sth], re-roof [sth] vtr: (put a new roof on [sth])
SC 给…翻新屋顶

roof deck n: (open area on top of a building)
SC 屋顶平台,天台

roof garden n: (garden on flat roof of building)
SC 楼顶花园
TC 樓頂花園
SC 屋顶花园

roof garden n: (top storey having a garden)
SC 花园楼顶

roof leak n: (rain entering through hole in a roof)
SC 屋顶漏水
A damp patch appeared on the ceiling where the roof leak was letting in rain.

roof of the mouth n: (top of the mouth)
SC 上颚 shàng è
SC 上膛
SC 上口盖
The hot food burned the roof of his mouth.

roof of the world n: figurative (Himalayas) (比喻,指喜马拉雅山脉)
SC 世界屋脊

roof over your head n: informal (place to live)
SC 栖身之处 qī shēn zhī chù
TC 棲身之處
SC 片瓦遮头 qī shēn zhī chù ,piàn wǎ zhē tóu
Your house may not be fancy, but at least it's a roof over your head.
The earthquake refugees don't have a roof over their heads.

roof tile, roofing tile n: (slab for covering a roof)
SC 瓦 wǎ
SC 屋瓦
He needs to replace some broken roof tiles before it rains.

slate roof n: (roof made of slate tiles)
SC 石板瓦屋顶

sloping roof n: (slanted top of building)
SC 斜面屋顶 xié miàn wū dǐng
TC 斜面屋頂
SC 斜坡式屋顶 xié miàn wū dǐng,xié pō shì wū dǐng
Many residential homes have sloping roofs whereas many commercial buildings have flat roofs.

thatched roof n: (straw covering for top of building)
SC 茅草顶 máo cǎo dǐng
TC 茅草頂

tile roof n: (clay slabs covering top of building)
SC 瓦房顶 wǎ fáng dǐng
TC 瓦式屋頂
Many homes in the southwest imitate the Mediterranean style of tile roofs.

tin roof n: (lightweight metal covering for top of building)
SC 锡皮屋顶,马口铁屋顶




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