

单词 de'

aide-de-camp n: French (military: assistant officer)
SC 副官 fù guān
TC 副官

bureau de change n: (currency exchange service)
SC 外币兑换所
You will find a bureau de change at large airports.

cassis, crème de cassis n: (blackcurrant liqueur)
SC 黑醋栗甜酒

cologne, eau de cologne n: French (perfume)
SC 古龙香水 gǔ lóng xiāng shuǐ
TC 古龍香水
The heady scent of cologne made me feel dizzy.

coup de foudre n: Gallicism, figurative (love at first sight)
SC 一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng
TC 一見鍾情

coup de foudre n: Gallicism, figurative (thunderbolt)
SC 雷电 léi diàn
TC 雷電
SC 闪电 léi diàn,shǎn diàn
TC 閃電
The announcement was a coup de foudre.

coup de grâce n: figurative, Gallicism (decisive or finishing stroke)
SC 最后一击,决定性的一击 zuì hòu yì jī,jué dìng xìng de yì jī

coup de grâce n: Gallicism (mercy killing) (为了结痛苦)
SC 致命一击
The count delivered the coup de grâce to his wife's lover.

creme de la creme, crème de la crème n: figurative, French (best, elite) (比喻)
SC 最好的部分,精华 zuì hǎo de bù fèn,jīng huá
SC 最优秀的人,精英分子 zuì yōu xiù de rén,jīng yīng fèn zǐ
The World Cup is the creme de la creme of international football competitions.

crème de menthe n: French (mint liqueur) (法语)
SC 薄荷甜酒 bò he tián jiǔ

cul-de-sac n: French (street: no exit)
SC 死路 sǐ lù
SC 尽头路 sǐ lù,jìn tóu lù
The neighborhood children could play safely in the cul-de-sac as it was free of traffic.

cul-de-sac n: French, UK (residential road: no exit)
SC 死胡同 sǐ hú tòng
SC 死巷子 sǐ hú tòng,sǐ hàng zi
I live in a cul-de-sac called Byron Close.

de prefix: (removal)
SC 除去,除掉 chú qù,chú diào
SC 分离 fēn lí
TC 分離
For example: detach, deforestation

DE, Del, Del. n: written, abbreviation (US state: Delaware) (美国东部州)
SC 特拉华州
TC 德拉威州
My parents live in Newark, DE.

de prefix: (reversal)
SC 相反 xiāng fǎn
TC 相反
For example: deactivate

de prefix: (move away)
SC 离开 lí kāi
TC 離開
For example: decamp

de facto adj: (actual, real)
SC 实际的 shí jì de
TC 實際的
SC 事实上的 shí jì de ,shì shí shàng de
Although not officially in charge, he is the de facto decision maker.

de facto adv: (actually, in reality)
SC 实际上 shí jì shàng
TC 實際上
SC 事实上 shí jì shàng ,shì shí shàng
TC 事實上
The military has been ruling the country de facto.

de jure adj: (lawful)
SC 法律上的 fǎ lǜ shàng de
SC 合法的 fǎ lǜ shàng de ,hé fǎ de

de jure adv: (by law)
SC 法律上地 fǎ lǜ shàng de
SC 根据权利 fǎ lǜ shàng de,gēn jù quán lì
De facto segregation continued long after the courts ended de jure segregation.

de novo adv: formal, Latin (again)
SC 重新 chóng xīn
TC 重新
SC 从头
TC 從頭

de rigueur adj: (expected)
SC 礼仪上必要的 lǐ yí shàng bì yào de
SC 根据风俗等所要求的 lǐ yí shàng bì yào de,gēn jù fēng sú děng suǒ yāo qiú de
When attending the opera at Bayreuth, formal evening dress is de rigueur.

de-emphasize [sth], deemphasize [sth], also UK: de-emphasise [sth], deemphasise [sth] vtr: (place less importance on [sth])
SC 不再强调,不再重视

de-energize [sth], also UK: de-energise [sth] vtr: (electricity: disconnect)
SC 切断…的电源

de-escalate [sth], deescalate [sth] vtr: (lessen in scale, intensity) (规模等)
SC 使缩小 shǐ suō xiǎo
TC 使縮小
SC 使缓和 shǐ suō xiǎo,shǐ huǎn hé(紧张局势等)

de-escalate, deescalate vi: (become less in scale, intensity)
SC 降级 jiàng jí
SC 缓和 jiàng jí,huǎn hé
TC 緩和

de-flea [sth] vtr: (remove parasites from)
SC 给…除跳蚤
As well as de-fleaing the dog, you need to de-flea the house too.

de-stress vi: (relax after feeling tension)
SC 减压 jiǎn yā
TC 減壓

de-worm [sth] vtr: (animal: treat for parasites) (动物)
SC 给…除虫
All the puppies have been de-wormed.

deescalation, de-escalation n: (downscaling, making [sth] smaller)
SC 逐渐减少 zhú jiàn jiǎn shǎo
TC 逐漸減少
SC 逐渐缩小 zhú jiàn jiǎn shǎo ,zhú jiàn suō xiǎo

deice [sth], de-ice, de-ice [sth] vtr: (thaw, defrost)
SC 为…除冰 wèi chú bīng
TC 為…除冰
SC 解冻 wèi chú bīng,jiě dòng
TC 解凍

deicer (US), de-icer (UK) n: (substance: anti-freeze)
SC 防冻剂 fáng dòng jì
TC 防凍劑

deicer (US), de-icer (UK) n: (defrosting device)
SC 防冻设备 fáng dòng shè bèi
TC 防凍設備
SC 防冻装置 fáng dòng shè bèi,fáng dòng zhuāng zhì

deluxe, de luxe adj: (luxurious)
SC 奢华的 shē huá de
TC 奢華的
SC 豪华的 shē huá de ,háo huá de
TC 豪華的
We stayed in a deluxe resort for our honeymoon.

deluxe, de luxe adv: (in luxury)
SC 奢华地 shē huá de
TC 奢華地
SC 豪华地 shē huá de ,háo huá de
The upscale condominium allows residents to live deluxe.

demilitarized, de-militarized, also UK: demilitarised, de-militarised adj: (area: military forces removed)
SC 解除武装的
SC 非军事的 fēi jūn shì de
TC 非軍事的

demilitarized zone, de-militarized zone, also UK: demilitarised zone, de-militarised zone n: (area where military operations are prohibited)
SC 非军事区 fēi jūn shì qū
TC 非軍事區
The demilitarized zone between North and South Korea is the world's most heavily armed border.

dulce de leche n: (milk-based caramel sauce or candy)
SC 牛奶焦糖 niú nǎi jiāo táng
TC 牛奶焦糖
For dessert, we had flan with a dulce de leche sauce.

esprit de corps n: French (military, sport: team spirit)
SC 团体精神 tuán tǐ jīng shén
TC 團體精神
SC 团队精神 tuán tǐ jīng shén,tuán duì jīng shén

faute de mieux: Gallicism (for lack of something better) (法语表达)
SC 退而求其次
SC 不得已而求其次

fin de siècle, fin-de-siècle expr: (end of 19th century)
SC 19世纪末

fleur-de-lis, fleur-de-lys n: (symbol, emblem: iris) (旧时法兰西王室的纹章)
SC 鸢尾花形纹章 yuān wěi huā xíng wén zhāng
The fleur-de-lis was the emblem of the French royal family.

how-do-you-do, how-d'ye-do, how-de-do n: informal, dated (difficult situation)
SC 尴尬局面,困境 kùn jìng
TC 尷尬局面,困境
Well that was certainly a fine how-do-you-do wasn't it?

joie de vivre n: French (love of life)
SC 生活乐趣,对生活的热爱

nom de guerre n: Gallicism (pseudonym, alias)
SC 假名 jiǎ míng
SC 化名 jiǎ míng,huà míng
SC 别名 jiǎ míng,bié míng
The leader of the Zapatistas goes by the nom de guerre of Subcomandante Marcos.

nom de plume n: Gallicism (pseudonym: writer's alias)
SC 笔名 bǐ míng
Charlotte Bronte published her books using the nom de plume of Currer Bell.

pas de deux n: French (dance for a couple) (法语)
SC 双人舞 shuāng rén wǔ
TC 雙人舞
SC 交谊舞 shuāng rén wǔ,jiāo yì wǔ

piece de resistance, pièce de résistance, plural: pieces de resistance n: (meal: highlight or finest part) (餐点)
SC 主菜 zhǔ cài
SC 精华 zhǔ cài,jīng huá
The main course was delicious but the piece de resistance was the dessert.

piece de resistance, pièce de résistance, plural: pieces de resistance n: figurative (most important element)
SC 关键部分
TC 關鍵部分
SC 要害部分

plaza de toros: Spanish (bull ring)
SC 斗牛场 dòu niú chǎng
TC 鬥牛場

Rio de Janeiro, Rio n: (city in Brazil)
SC 里约热内卢

tour de force n: (accomplishment)
SC 壮举 zhuàng jǔ
SC 力作 zhuàng jǔ,lì zuò
John Coltrane's saxophone solo on "My Favorite Things" was a tour de force.
The director's latest film is a tour de force that excites both critics and audiences.

the Tour de France n: (French annual bicycle race)
SC 环法自行车赛

tout de suite: Gallicism (immediately)
SC 立即 lì jí
TC 立即
SC 马上 lì jí,mǎ shàng
TC 馬上




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