

单词 ringing

US   UK  
ringing adj: (bell, etc: pealing sound) (铃声等)
SC 清脆的,响亮的 qīng cuì de ,xiǎng liàng de
TC 響亮的
The ringing bell could be heard throughout the whole town.

ringing n: (act of ringing bells)
SC 铃声 líng shēng
SC 响声 líng shēng ,xiǎng shēng
TC 響聲
The ringing of church bells wakes me up every morning.

ringing adj: (phone: sounding)
SC 振铃声的 zhèn líng shēng de
TC 振鈴聲的
SC 电话铃声的 zhèn líng shēng de,diàn huà líng shēng de
Can someone silence that ringing phone?

ringing n: (buzzing in the ears) (耳朵里嗡嗡响)
SC 鸣响 míng xiǎng
After the loud concert, Maria had a ringing in her ears.

ring n: (jewelry worn on finger) (首饰)
SC 戒指, 指环
Yvonne made a beautiful silver ring.
The couple exchanged rings.
伊冯做了一只漂亮的银戒指。 // 夫妻俩交换了戒指。

ring n: (circular band)
SC 圆圈 yuán quān
TC 圓圈
SC 圆环 yuán quān ,yuán huán
SC 环状物 yuán quān ,huán zhuàng wù
There was a ring of metal around the bird's leg.

ring n: (sound of a bell) (声音)
SC 钟声,铃声,门铃 zhōng shēng ,líng shēng ,mén líng
The ring of the bell woke me up.

ring n: (circular shape)
SC 环形 huán xíng
TC 環形
SC 一圈 huán xíng,yì quān
A ring of vines encircled the tree. A ring of coffee stained the tablecloth.

ring [sb] vtr: UK (phone)
SC 打电话 dǎ diàn huà
TC 打電話
Edward rang all of his friends.

ring [sth] vtr: (sound: a bell)
SC 敲响 qiāo xiǎng
SC 撞响 qiāo xiǎng,zhuàng xiǎng
SC 打响 qiāo xiǎng,dǎ xiǎng
The monk rang the bell.

ring vi: (telephone: sound) (电话)
SC 响,发出响声 xiǎng,fā chū xiǎng shēng
The phone rang twice.

ring vi: (sound like a bell)
SC 鸣响 míng xiǎng
SC 发出清脆的响声 míng xiǎng,fā chū qīng cuì de xiǎng shēng
When hit with a spoon, the brass candlestick will ring.

ring n: (circle: people, objects, etc.)
SC (人或物形成的)环形 rén huò wù xíng chéng de huán xíng
SC 圆圈 rén huò wù xíng chéng de huán xíng,yuán quān
TC 圓圈
SC 围成一圈的东西 rén huò wù xíng chéng de huán xíng,wéi chéng yì quān de dōng xī
The dancers formed a ring.

ring n: (network of people, cartel)
SC 集团 jí tuán
TC 集團
SC 团伙 jí tuán,tuán huǒ
SC 帮派 jí tuán,bāng pài
The police broke up a drug ring.

ring n: (boxing)
SC 拳击场地 quán jī chǎng dì
TC 拳擊場地
The boxer stepped into the ring.

ring n: (arena for circus, etc.) (如马戏场、竞技场等)
SC 环形场地 huán xíng chǎng dì
TC 環形場地
This circus has three rings.

ring, tree ring, growth ring, annual ring n: (tree: growth circle) (树)
SC 年轮 nián lún
TC 年輪
Old trees have many rings.

ring n: (cooking hob)
SC 电磁炉灶的环形区域
Place the saucepan on the ring and heat gently for five minutes.

ring n: (matter: orbits a planet)
SC (天体周围的)环状物 tiān tǐ zhōu wéi de huán zhuàng wù
SC 光环 tiān tǐ zhōu wéi de huán zhuàng wù,guāng huán
Saturn has the most rings.

ring n: (act of ringing)
SC 打铃 dǎ líng
SC 振铃 dǎ líng,zhèn líng
The class starts at the ring of the bell.

ring n: (telephone call)
SC 电话 diàn huà
TC 電話
SC 打电话 diàn huà,dǎ diàn huà
TC 打電話
Just a quick ring to let you know I got home safely.

ring n: (tone, note) (电话)
SC 铃声 líng shēng
The telephone's ring is loud.

ring n: (circular mark)
SC 环形印记
SC 圆形印
Andy's cup of coffee left a ring on the table's polished surface.

a ring of [sth], a [sth] ring n: (particular sound)
SC ...的声音
There was a ring of truth to the woman's words.
The speech had a practised ring.

rings npl: (gymnastic apparatus) (体操)
SC 吊环 diào huán
The gymnast held onto the rings.

the rings npl: (gymnastic event) (体操)
SC 吊环项目,吊环运动 diào huán xiàng mù
Kurt is the best at the rings.

ring vi: (summon by ringing a bell)
SC 摇铃召唤 yáo líng zhào huàn
TC 搖鈴召喚
The queen rang for her servant.

ring vi: (ears) (耳朵)
SC 嗡嗡作响 wēng wēng zuò xiǎng
TC 嗡嗡作響
My ears are ringing.

ring vi: figurative (sound a particular way)
SC 听起来 tīng qǐ lái
TC 聽起來
SC 听上去 tīng qǐ lái,tīng shàng qù
His words rang true.

ring with [sth] vi + prep: (be filled with sound) (声音)
SC 充满, 环绕, 响彻, 充满响声
The church rang with the sound of music.

ring [sth] vtr: (fit a ring to: nose of livestock) (牲畜的鼻子上)
SC 在...戴上环
The farmer ringed his cattle so that they could be led.

ring [sth] vtr: (fit a tag to: a bird) (小鸟)
SC 给...套上脚环
The birds were ringed so that they could be identified later.

ring [sth] vtr: (draw a circle around)
SC 在…周围画圆圈 zài zhōu wéi huà yuán quān
SC 把…圈起来 zài zhōu wéi huà yuán quān,bǎ quān qǐ lái
SC 用笔圈出
Ring the answer that you think is correct.

ring [sb] vtr: (surround)
SC 包围 bāo wéi
TC 包圍
SC 围住 bāo wéi,wéi zhù
The police ringed the gang.

ring [sth] vtr: US (cut into rings)
SC 把…切成圈 bǎ qiē chéng quān
Ring the onion and add to the salad.

ring [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep: (encircle with [sth])
SC 把…缠绕起来 bǎ chán rào qǐ lái
She ringed the door handle with some Christmas tinsel.

call in, also UK: ring in, phone in vi phrasal: (phone)
SC 打电话进去
Radio listeners are encouraged to call in to make comments.

ring off vi phrasal: (telephone: hang up)
SC 挂断电话 guà duàn diàn huà
TC 掛斷電話
If you receive an unwelcome phone call, it's best to simply ring off.

ring out vi phrasal: US (punch out of a time clock)
SC 打卡下班 dǎ kǎ xià bān
The workers all rang out at the end of their shift.

ring out vi phrasal: (resound)
SC 发出声响
TC 發出聲響
SC 响起

ring [sb] up, ring up [sb] vtr phrasal sep: informal (call on the telephone)
SC 给…打电话 gěi dǎ diàn huà
SC 打电话给 gěi dǎ diàn huà,dǎ diàn huà gěi
TC 打電話給
Please ring up Patty tonight, and invite her to our party.

ring up [sth], ring [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: US, informal (enter price on cash register)
SC 把…记入现金记录机 bǎ … jì rù xiàn jīn jì lù jī
SC 把…敲入收银机
Although it was clearly marked $9.95, the clerk mistakenly rang up $19.95.

ringing tone n: (phone: sound indicating connection is made)
SC (电话的)振铃声 diàn huà de zhèn líng shēng
SC 铃音 diàn huà de zhèn líng shēng,líng yīn
I got a ringing tone, so the phone wasn't out of order.

ringing tone n: (voice: resonant, loud)
SC 清脆响亮的声音 qīng cuì xiǎng liàng de shēng yīn




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