

单词 loads

load n: (weight)
SC 负载 fù zài
TC 負載
SC 负荷 fù zài,fù hè
TC 負荷
SC 负荷 fù zài,fù hè
TC 負荷
She carried the heavy load up the hill.

load n: (cargo)
SC (一车)货物 yì chē huò wù
The truck driver picked up a load at the dock.

loads npl: informal (great quantity)
SC 很多 hěn duō
SC 大量 hěn duō,dà liàng
TC 大量
Have you ever seen a shooting star? I've seen loads.

loads of npl: informal (great quantity)
SC 大量,许多 dà liàng ,xǔ duō
TC 大量,許多
I spent loads of money when I went shopping.

loads adv: informal (a lot, greatly)
SC 很 hěn
SC 非常 hěn,fēi cháng
TC 非常
I miss you loads.

load [sth] vtr: (fill)
SC 装载 zhuāng zài
TC 裝載
SC 填装 zhuāng zài ,tián zhuāng
The men loaded the truck and then drove away.

load [sth] onto [sth], load [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep: (put: [sth] to be transported)
SC 把…装载到…上
They loaded the goods into the delivery truck.

load [sth] with [sth] vtr + prep: (fill with [sth])
SC 用…把…装满
SC 把…填满
We loaded the wheelbarrow with bricks.

load, load of washing n: (laundry) (洗衣服)
SC 一缸,一桶 yì tǒng
He emptied the washing machine, hung the clothes to dry and put in another load.

load, -load n: often as suffix (measure: how many) (后缀)
SC 装载量 zhuāng zài liàng
TC 裝載量
I estimate that there are 50 truck-loads of dirt here.

load n: uncountable (quantity, weight borne)
SC 负载,负荷,载重 fù zài,fù hè ,zài zhòng
TC 負載,負荷,載重
The pillars of the building support the load of the floors above.

load n: figurative (stress) (精神)
SC 负担,重担,压力 fù dān ,zhòng dàn ,yā lì
TC 負擔,重擔,壓力
He felt the load lifted off of him when he finished his last exam.

load n: (amount of work assigned)
SC 工作量,任务量 gōng zuò liàng
I have a heavy load this semester.

load n: (charge for a gun)
SC 装入枪(炮)的一次弹药的量 zhuāng rù qiāng pào de yí cì dàn yào de liàng
The boy prepared the next load for the soldier.

load vi: (take on cargo)
SC 装载货物 zhuāng zài huò wù
TC 裝載貨物
Trucks must pull up to the dock to load.

load vi: (take on passengers)
SC 搭载乘客 dā zài chéng kè
TC 搭載乘客
The ship is loading at the pier.

load vi: (charge: a firearm) (用于武器)
SC 填充,装药,装弹 tián chōng,zhuāng yào,zhuāng dàn
TC 填充
The soldier stopped firing so that he could load.

load vi: (data, software, etc.: transfer) (数据等)
SC 加载 jiā zǎi
SC 读取
In the old days, it often took a long time for a web page to load.
I need to wait for the new software to load.

load [sb] with [sth] vtr: figurative (burden)
SC 使负担 shǐ fù dān
TC 使負擔
SC 使承担
The managers loaded his employees with projects.

load [sth] with [sth] vtr: (supply in abundance)
SC 使长满 shǐ zhǎng mǎn
TC 使裝滿
SC 使结满 shǐ zhǎng mǎn,shǐ jié mǎn
The spring rains loaded the trees with fruit.

load [sth] vtr: (data, software, etc.: transfer) (数据等)
SC 加载 jiā zǎi
SC 读取
I get an error message when I try to load the page.
You need to start by loading the software.

load [sb/sth] down, load down [sb/sth] vtr phrasal sep: often passive (make carry [sth] heavy)
SC 使承担重负
SC 使负荷沉重
The farmer loaded the donkey down.

load [sb] down, load down [sb] vtr phrasal sep: often passive (burden with problems, work, etc.)
SC 加以重负,加以重压
SC 使负担过重 shǐ fù dān guò zhòng
My boss is always loading me down and then blaming me for not finishing my projects on time.

load [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (charge, fill)
SC 装载 zhuāng zài
TC 裝載
SC 加载 zhuāng zài ,jiā zǎi
We loaded up the car and set off for the beach.

load [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (put: [sth] to be transported)
SC 装好
SC 装载 zhuāng zài
TC 裝載
I have to help load up the luggage for our camping trip.

a load of n: informal (great quantity)
SC 许多 xǔ duō
TC 許多
SC 大量 xǔ duō,dà liàng
TC 大量
SC 一大堆 xǔ duō,yí dà duī
I'll cook up a load of chicken legs and we can take them on our picnic.

a load n: informal (great quantity)
SC 很多, 大量
Jess has taught me a load about computer coding.

caseload, UK: case-load n: (number of cases)
SC 案件总数 àn jiàn zǒng shù
TC 案件總數
The attorney's growing caseload made him consider hiring an assistant.

front-loading, also US: front-load adj: (container: opening at front)
SC 前装的
SC 前装式的

full load n: (capacity that is completely filled)
SC 最大容量
SC 最大载量
SC 最大负载

full load n: (largest current motor can handle)
SC 最大负荷

Get a load of this/that/him/her! interj: slang (look at that)
SC 瞧 qiáo

heavy load n: ([sth] that weighs a lot)
SC 沉重的东西 chén zhòng de dōng xī
These lorries can carry extremely heavy loads.

heavy load n: figurative (burden) (比喻义)
SC 沉重的负担,重担 zhòng dàn
TC 重擔
Bringing up three children on her own was a heavy load for Helen.

load bearing, load-bearing adj: (designed to withstand weight)
SC 承载的,承重的,荷载的
The engineer is calculating the load-bearing capacity of the steel girder.

load bearing, load-bearing adj: (part: that bears weight)
SC 承重的
The builders knocked down the load-bearing wall between the kitchen and the dining room.

load [sb/sth] down with [sth], load down [sb/sth] with [sth] v expr: often passive (make carry [sth] heavy) (通常指重物)
SC 使承担
SC 使负担 shǐ fù dān
TC 使負擔
Lucy loaded her husband down with suitcases.

load [sb] down with [sth] v expr: figurative, often passive (burden with problems, work, etc.)
SC 加以...的重负,加以...的重压
SC 使...的负担过重
The manager loaded the staff down with work.

a load of money, loads of money n: informal (large sum)
SC 很多钱 hěn duō qián
TC 很多錢
He won a load of money playing cards.

load [sth] up with [sth] v expr: (fill with [sth] to be transported)
SC 向...上装载...
SC 往...装...
I loaded up the shopping cart with groceries.

offload [sth], off-load [sth] vtr: (cargo: unload) (指货物)
SC 卸下 xiè xià
The sailors offloaded the cargo.

offload [sth] onto [sth], off-load [sth] onto [sth] vtr + prep: (cargo: unload)
SC 卸货 xiè huò
The workers were offloading the cargo onto the waiting trucks.

offload [sth] onto [sb], off-load [sth] onto [sb], offload [sth] on [sb], off-load [sth] on [sb] vtr + prep: figurative, informal (pass something unwanted on to)
SC 转手 zhuǎn shǒu
I managed to offload that awful project onto Audrey.

offload [sth], off-load [sth] vtr: figurative (divulge [sth] worrying)
SC 倾吐,吐露 qīng tǔ ,tǔ lù
Carol felt a great sense of relief once she had offloaded her secret.

offload [sth] onto [sb], off-load [sth] onto [sb] vtr + prep: figurative ([sth] worrying: tell [sb])
SC 减轻 jiǎn qīng
TC 減輕
Angie offloaded her concerns onto her best friend.

offload, off-load vi: figurative, informal (share worries) (非正式用语)
SC 分担 fēn dān
TC 分擔
When I have nobody to talk to, I offload in internet forums.

viral load n: (amount of a virus in body fluid)
SC 病毒载量

workload, work load n: (amount of work)
SC 工作量 gōng zuò liàng
My workload is particularly heavy this week.




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