

单词 cryer

cry vi: (weep)
SC 啜泣 chuò qì
SC 啼哭 chuò qì ,tí kū
She cried when her father died.

cry about [sth/sb] vi + prep: (shed tears for)
SC 因为…而流泪
The little boy was crying about being punished. What on earth are you crying about?

cry about [sth/sb], cry over [sth/sb] vi + prep: figurative (mourn, lament)
SC 为…难过
TC 為…難過
SC 为…感到惋惜 wèi gǎn dào wǎn xī
There is no point in crying about a situation you cannot change.

cry vi: (shout words)
SC 呼喊,喊叫,大喊,大叫 hū hǎn,hǎn jiào,dà hǎn,dà jiào
TC 呼喊,喊叫
"I'm exhausted!" she cried, collapsing onto the sofa.

cry vi: (scream, wail)
SC 尖叫 jiān jiào
The prisoner cried in agony as he was tortured.

cry n: (shout)
SC 呼喊 hū hǎn
TC 呼喊
SC 喊叫 hū hǎn,hǎn jiào
TC 喊叫
You could hear the children's cries as they played.

cry n: often plural (appeal, call)
SC 叫喊声 jiào hǎn shēng
TC 叫喊聲
SC 尖叫声 jiào hǎn shēng ,jiān jiào shēng
TC 尖叫聲
You could hear the victim's cries from the next street as the attacker hit her.

cry n: (animal sound) (动物)
SC 嚎叫,吼叫,啼叫 háo jiào,hǒu jiào,tí jiào
The cry of the loon is a frightening sound.

cry n: (demand)
SC 要求 yāo qiú
TC 要求
SC 恳求 yāo qiú,kěn qiú
SC 呼声
TC 呼聲
The cries of the voters for tax relief will influence the politicians.

cry n: informal (weeping)
SC 哭 kū
SC 哭泣 kū,kū qì
I had a good cry at the end of that movie.

cry vi: (animal: make sound) (指动物)
SC 嚎叫,吼叫,啼叫 háo jiào,hǒu jiào,tí jiào
When disturbed, the animal will cry mournfully to frighten the predators.

cry [sth] vtr: (weep: tears)
SC 流(泪) liú lèi
TC 流(淚)
The tears that she cried flowed down her face.

cry off vi phrasal: informal (cancel, withdraw)
SC 取消 qǔ xiāo
TC 取消
SC 退却 qǔ xiāo,tuì què
TC 退卻
He cried off at the last minute.

cry off [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (cancel)
SC 取消 qǔ xiāo
TC 取消

cry out vi phrasal: (shout, yell)
SC 大声喊叫 dà shēng hǎn jiào
TC 大聲喊叫
SC 叫喊 dà shēng hǎn jiào,jiào hǎn
TC 叫喊
Laura cried out in pain when she twisted her ankle.

cry [sth] out, cry out [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (shout, yell)
SC 大声说出 dà shēng shuō chū
TC 大聲說出
SC 叫喊出 dà shēng shuō chū,jiào hǎn chū
The captain cried out the order for the soldiers to begin firing at the enemy.

cry out for [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: (call aloud)
SC 大声呼喊 dà shēng hū hǎn
TC 大聲呼喊
When the child was scared she would cry out for her mother.

cry out for [sth], call out for [sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (need) (比喻)
SC 迫切需要,急需 pò qiè xū yào ,jí xū
TC 急需
The house was in poor condition and crying out for repair.

be a far cry from [sth] expr: informal (very different from)
SC 与…大不相同的
SC 大相径庭的 dà xiāng jìng tíng de
Life in Canada is a far cry from what she's used to in Haiti.

battle cry n: (soldiers' rallying call) (战斗中的)
SC 战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào
TC 戰鬥口號
The general rallied his men to the battle cry, "Remember the Alamo!"

battle cry n: figurative (rallying slogan) (比喻)
SC 战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào
TC 戰鬥口號
The senator is raising the battle cry for state tax reform.

break down and cry v expr: (burst into tears)
SC 崩溃而哭 bēng kuì ér kū
TC 崩潰而哭
Helen broke down and cried when she heard the sad news.

cry aloud vi + adv: literary (call out, shout)
SC 大声喊叫 dà shēng hǎn jiào
TC 大聲喊叫
SC 大喊大叫 dà shēng hǎn jiào,dà hǎn dà jiào
SC 高声呼叫 dà shēng hǎn jiào,gāo shēng hū jiào
Rita cried aloud in surprise.

cry for [sb/sth] vi + prep: (shed tears for)
SC 为…流泪
TC 為…流淚
SC 为…哭泣 wèi … kū qì
TC 為…哭泣
Please don't cry for me.

cry for [sth/sb] vi + prep: (call aloud for)
SC 哭喊着要
SC 大声要求
SC 大声呼叫 dà shēng hū jiào
The little boy cried for his mum when she left the room.
She cried for help.

cry for help n: often plural (call for assistance)
SC 呼救
SC 大声求援

cry for help n: figurative (attention-seeking act)
SC 引人注意 yǐn rén zhù yì

cry foul v expr: (protest a wrong)
SC 喊冤
SC 强烈抗议 qiáng liè kàng yì

it's no use crying over spilled milk (US), it's no use crying over spilt milk (UK) expr: figurative (it's pointless to regret what is done)
SC 无济于事
SC 覆水难收
SC 懊悔也于事无补

cry wolf vtr + n: figurative (lie) (比喻)
SC 谎称狼来了
If you cry wolf too often, people will stop paying you any attention.

cry wolf vtr + n: figurative (false alarm) (比喻)
SC 发假警报,狼来了 fā jiǎ jǐng bào,láng lái le

cry wolf on [sth] vtr + n: figurative (false alarm)
SC 谎报...险情
Some people believe the experts are crying wolf on climate change.

cry your heart out v expr: figurative (weep bitterly)
SC 痛哭流涕
SC 大哭一场
I cried my heart out when my best friend moved away.

crybaby, cry-baby n: informal ([sb] who weeps easily) (非正式用语)
SC 爱哭的人,软弱容易哭的人 ài kū de rén,ruǎn ruò róng yì kū de rén
TC 愛哭的人
Jackie can't go one day without sobbing; she's such a crybaby!

crybaby, cry-baby vi: US, informal (weep easily, feel self-pity)
SC 爱哭的人 ài kū de rén
TC 愛哭的人
SC 爱哭鬼
Stop crybabying and tidy your room.

rallying cry n: (words that inspire coming together)
SC 战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào
TC 戰鬥口號

ready to cry adj: (close to tears)
SC 快要哭了的 kuài yào kū le de
SC 就要哭了的 kuài yào kū le de,jiù yào kū le de
John seemed about ready to cry after Linda called him ugly.
Her lower lip would always tremble whenever she was ready to cry.

a shoulder to cry on n: figurative (sympathetic person)
SC 困难时的依靠

war cry n: (to rally soldiers)
SC 作战时的呐喊, 喊杀声
Hungarian warriors used to shout the war cry "Huj, Huj, Hajrá!".

war cry n: figurative (slogan used to rally support)
SC 战斗口号 zhàn dòu kǒu hào
TC 戰鬥口號
'No new taxes' became their war cry prior to the election.




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