

单词 rhymes

rhyme n: ([sth] that rhymes)
SC 韵,押韵词 yùn,yā yùn cí
SC 韵文,押韵的诗 yùn wén,yā yùn de shī
In English poetry, writers often use rhymes, or words whose sounds correspond to each other, at the end of lines.

rhyme n: (rhyming poem)
SC 押韵诗
TC 押韻詩
Adam recited a rhyme he had learned.

rhyme vi: (words)
SC 押韵 yā yùn
TC 押韻
In English, clock rhymes with sock.

rhyme vi: (compose rhymes)
SC 作诗 zuò shī
SC 写押韵的文字 zuò shī,xiě yā yùn de wén zì
The poet spent his days wandering the meadows and rhyming.

rhyme vtr: (use as a rhyme)
SC 使…和…押韵
The lyricist rhymed cat with mat.

assonance, vowel rhyme n: (repetition of vowel sounds) (语音修辞)
SC 谐音 xié yīn

end rhyme n: (poetry: rhyme at end of a line)
SC 末尾押韵
SC 尾韵

nursery rhyme n: (traditional children's poem or song)
SC 儿歌 ér gē
SC 童谣 ér gē,tóng yáo
Little Bo Beep is my favorite nursery rhyme.

rhyme or reason n: figurative, usually in negative (sense)
SC 条理 tiáo lǐ
TC 條理
SC 逻辑 tiáo lǐ,luó ji
TC 邏輯
I don't understand Tom's behavior; there's no rhyme or reason to it.

rhyme scheme n: (poem's rhyming pattern)
SC 押韵格式 yā yùn gé shì
TC 押韻格式
The students are analysing the rhyme schemes of different poems.

without rhyme or reason adv: (inexplicably)
SC 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào
TC 莫名其妙
SC 无道理可循 mò míng qí miào,wú dào lǐ kě xún
He yells at me without rhyme or reason, and I just can't understand why.

without rhyme or reason expr: (inexplicable)
SC 莫名其妙 mò míng qí miào
TC 莫名其妙
SC 无道理可循 mò míng qí miào,wú dào lǐ kě xún
SC 没理由的
Your belief that Daisy doesn't like you is without rhyme or reason; she's never done anything to make you think that.




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