

单词 revolution

US   UK  
revolution n: (forcible overthrow) (武力推翻一种制度)
SC 革命,革命运动 gé mìng,gé mìng yùn dòng
TC 革命
The American Revolution began in 1776.

revolution n: (rotation)
SC 转,旋转 xuán zhuǎn
TC 轉,旋轉
SC 公转 gōng zhuàn(天文)
The engine completes one hundred revolutions per second.
这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 地球围绕太阳公转一次约需365天。

revolution n: (societal change)
SC (社会)变革 shè huì biàn gé
Mass urbanisation was one of the biggest changes of the industrial revolution in England.

revolution n: (marked change)
SC (显著的)变化 xiǎn zhù de biàn huà
SC (革命性的)巨变 xiǎn zhù de biàn huà,gé mìng xìng de jù biàn
With Jefferson's administration, a silent revolution took place.

revolution n: (a single turn) (舞蹈)
SC 旋转,转圈 xuán zhuǎn ,zhuàn quān
TC 旋轉
The dancer did two revolutions in the air before landing.

revolution n: (astronomy: orbiting)
SC (天体沿轨道)旋转 tiān tǐ yán guǐ dào xuán zhuǎn
SC 公转 tiān tǐ yán guǐ dào xuán zhuǎn,gōng zhuàn
SC 运行 tiān tǐ yán guǐ dào xuán zhuǎn,yùn xíng
TC 運行
The Earth's revolution about the Sun takes 365 days.

color revolution (US), colour revolution (UK) n: (social movement in Eastern Europe)
SC 颜色革命
TC 顏色革命

counterrevolution (US), counter-revolution (UK) n: (revolt against a revolution)
SC 反革命 fǎn gé mìng
TC 反革命

the French Revolution n: (France: 1789 overthrow of monarchy) (1789年推翻君主政体)
SC 法国大革命
The French Revolution was inspried by the success of the American Revolution, so they say.

industrial revolution n: (manufacturing developments in late 18th century)
SC 工业革命 gōng yè gé mìng
TC 工業革命
SC 产业革命 gōng yè gé mìng,chǎn yè gé mìng
During the Industrial Revolution many people moved from the countryside to the towns.

revolution per minute n: usually plural (speed: spins in 60 seconds)
SC 每分钟...转 měi fēn zhōng zhuǎn
SC …转/分钟 měi fēn zhōng zhuǎn,zhuǎn fēn zhōng

Revolutionary War, American Revolutionary War, American Revolution n: historical (18th-century revolt)
SC 美国独立战争

rpm, RPM n: invariable, usually plural, abbreviation (revolution per minute)
SC 每分钟转数
SC 转速
TC 轉速

sexual revolution n: (increase in permissiveness)
SC 性解放运动 xìng jiě fàng yùn dòng
The availability of contraception led to the more liberal attitudes that characterized the sexual revolution.

technological revolution n: (industrial transformation of society)
SC 技术革命 jì shù gé mìng
TC 技術革命




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