

单词 crime

US   UK  
crime n: (illegal act)
SC 罪 zuì
SC 罪行 zuì,zuì xíng
TC 罪行
SC 犯罪 zuì,fàn zuì
TC 犯罪
It is a crime to steal.

crime n: uncountable (illegal acts)
SC 犯罪 fàn zuì
TC 犯罪
SC 犯罪活动 fàn zuì,fàn zuì huó dòng
Crime is a big problem in large cities.

crime n: figurative (shameful act) (比喻)
SC 可耻的行为 kě chǐ de xíng wéi
The way those children treat their parents is a crime.

capital crime n: (offence: carries death penalty)
SC 死罪,可判死刑的罪 sǐ zuì,kě pàn sǐ xíng de zuì
Murder is a capital crime in countries with a death penalty.

capital crime n: figurative (offence: serious) (指严重的事情)
SC 重罪 zhòng zuì

commit a crime v expr: (break the law)
SC 犯法 fàn fǎ
TC 犯法
SC 犯罪 fàn fǎ,fàn zuì
TC 犯罪
SC 违反法律 fàn fǎ,wéi fǎn fǎ lǜ
TC 違反法律
If I commit a crime and am caught, I will go to jail.

crime against humanity n: often plural (atrocity)
SC 危害人类罪 wēi hài rén lèi zuì
SC 反人性罪 wēi hài rén lèi zuì,fǎn rén xìng zuì
Genocide is a crime against humanity.

crime fiction n: (detective, police stories)
SC 犯罪小说,探案小说

crime novel n: (fiction about detectives)
SC 犯罪小说

crime of passion n: (murder provoked by jealousy)
SC 激情犯罪 jī qíng fàn zuì
TC 激情犯罪
SC 一时冲动而犯下的罪 jī qíng fàn zuì,yì shí chōng dòng ér fàn xià de zuì
SC 情杀 jī qíng fàn zuì,qíng shā
The lawyer convinced the jury that the murder was a crime of passion.

crime rate n: (level of illegal activity)
SC 犯罪率 fàn zuì lǜ
Having more policemen should lower the crime rate.

crime scene n: (where a crime occurred)
SC 犯罪现场
TC 犯罪現場
Entry to the house was forbidden by the police as it was a crime scene.

crime show, crime drama, police drama n: (TV drama about detective, police)
SC 罪案剧
SC 罪案节目

crime wave n: (rise in rate of crime)
SC (某一地区短期内的)犯罪率激增 mǒu yí dì qū duǎn qī nèi de fàn zuì lǜ jī zēng
A crime wave has been sweeping across the country.

gun crime n: (offences involving firearms)
SC 持枪犯罪
Gun crime is on the rise in Europe.

hate crime n: (illegal act of hostility)
SC 因仇恨或歧视而犯罪 yīn chóu hèn huò qí shì ér fàn zuì
SC 仇恨罪 yīn chóu hèn huò qí shì ér fàn zuì,chóu hèn zuì
Since the defendant attacked the victim because of his race, the court ruled it a hate crime.

organized crime, also UK: organised crime n: (crime by groups)
SC 有组织犯罪 yǒu zǔ zhī fàn zuì
Illegal drugs are often brought into the country by organized crime.

partner in crime n: (criminal: accomplice)
SC 共犯 gòng fàn
SC 同伙 gòng fàn,tóng huǒ
Jen and Jeric are partners in crime.

partner in crime n: figurative, informal (close associate)
SC 同伙 tóng huǒ
SC 同伴 tóng huǒ ,tóng bàn
TC 同伴
Lovely to see you again, my dear. And is this gentleman your partner in crime?

petty crime n: (minor offences)
SC 轻罪 qīng zuì
He has several convictions for petty crime.

scene of the crime n: (law: where crime happened)
SC 犯罪现场
TC 犯罪現場

sex crime n: (sexual act without consent)
SC 性犯罪 xìng fàn zuì
The man was convicted of a sex crime.

war crime n: usually plural (unacceptable wartime acts)
SC 战争犯罪 zhàn zhēng fàn zuì
TC 戰爭犯罪
He is awaiting trial in The Hague for war crimes.

white-collar crime, US: white-collar offense, UK: white-collar offence n: (law: nonviolent crime) (利用职务便利的非暴力犯罪)
SC 白领犯罪




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