

单词 lightning

US   UK  
lightning n: (weather: electrical discharge)
SC 闪电 shǎn diàn
TC 閃電
The old church was struck by lightning and caught fire.

lightning adj: figurative (reflexes, etc.: very fast) (比喻像闪电般迅速)
SC 电光般的
The martial artist had lightning reflexes.

lightning vi: (weather: emit electrical discharges) (天气)
SC 闪电 shǎn diàn
TC 閃電
It had been thundering and lightning all night.

arrester, lightning arrester n: (device: surge protector)
SC 避雷器

ball lightning n: (ball-shaped lightning)
SC 球形闪电 qiú xíng shǎn diàn
TC 球形閃電

bolt of lightning, lightning bolt n: (electrical flash)
SC 闪电 shǎn diàn
TC 閃電
Zeus is sometimes depicted holding a lightning bolt.
A nearby bolt of lightning lit up the sky.

firefly, also US: lightning bug n: (flying insect that glows)
SC 萤火虫 yíng huǒ chóng
TC 螢火蟲
The children ran around the yard trying to catch fireflies.

lightning bug: (insect)
SC 萤火虫 yíng huǒ chóng
TC 螢火蟲

lightning rod n: (electricity conductor)
SC 避雷针 bì léi zhēn
TC 避雷針
All buildings should have a lightning rod at their highest point.

lightning rod n: figurative (person: attracts response)
SC 如避雷针一样的人,引火烧身的人 rú bì léi zhēn yí yàng de rén,yǐn huǒ shāo shēn de rén
Sarah Palin is a lightning rod for controversy.

lightning strike n: (instance of lightning hitting [sth])
SC 雷击
SC 雷劈

lightning strike n: UK (sudden work stoppage as protest)
SC 突然罢工

like a bolt of lightning adv: (moving: fast)
SC 疾如闪电 jí rú shǎn diàn
TC 疾如閃電
SC 快如闪电
The winning horse shot out of the starting gate like a bolt of lightning.

like greased lightning adv: figurative (thing: moves fast) (习语)
SC 如风驰电掣
A cheetah can move like greased lightning for short distances.

like lightning adv: figurative (fast)
SC 疾如闪电地
The sprinter ran like lightning.

streak of lightning n: (flash: of lightning)
SC 一道闪电
TC 一道閃電
A streak of lightning flashed across the sky.

thunder and lightning n: (electrical storm)
SC 雷电 léi diàn
TC 雷電




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