

单词 cracked

cracked adj: (split)
SC 破裂的 pò liè de
SC 裂缝的
The cracked glass of the windshield looked fragile.

cracked adj: (skin: dry, broken) (皮肤)
SC 开裂的,皲裂,干裂的 gān liè de
The extreme cold of the Antarctic gave the explorers sore, cracked skin.

cracked adj: figurative, pejorative, informal (crazy)
SC 疯狂的 fēng kuáng de
TC 瘋狂的
You must be cracked if you think I'm going to pay that much!

crack n: (split)
SC 裂缝 liè fèng
TC 裂縫
SC 裂口 liè fèng ,liè kǒu
When I was young, I tried not to step on cracks in the sidewalk.

crack n: (loud, sharp sound)
SC 爆裂声 bào liè shēng
TC 爆裂聲
SC 噼啪声 bào liè shēng ,pī pā shēng
TC 噼啪聲
That sounded like the crack of a rifle!

crack, crack cocaine n: informal (drug: cocaine) (俚语)
SC 可卡因 kě kǎ yīn
TC 古柯鹼
Cyrus was arrested for dealing crack.

crack vi: (be broken)
SC 裂开 liè kāi
SC 破裂 liè kāi,pò liè
TC 破裂
SC 断裂 liè kāi,duàn liè
TC 斷裂
Kate dropped the bowl and it cracked into two pieces.

crack vi: (be damaged, leaving lines)
SC 裂开 liè kāi
SC 出现裂缝
The wall cracked in the earthquake, but the house was still standing.

crack [sth] vtr: (break, split)
SC 使裂开,使破裂 shǐ liè kāi,shǐ pò liè
TC 使裂開
SC 砸开,砸破 zá kāi,zá pò
Jenny cracked her head on the table as she fell.

crack [sth] vtr: (damage, leaving lines)
SC 使裂开 shǐ liè kāi
TC 使裂開
SC 使出现裂缝
I've cracked my car's windscreen.

crack vtr: informal (solve: mystery or puzzle) (谜题,案件)
SC 解开,破解 jiě kāi
TC 解開
Sherlock Holmes always found the guilty party; he cracked every case.

crack vtr: informal (decipher: code) (密码)
SC 解开,破译 jiě kāi
TC 解開
Alan Turing and his team cracked the Enigma code in World War II.

crack adj: informal (expert)
SC 专业水准的
SC 一流的 yī liú de
Annie Oakley began shooting when she was eight and was a crack shot by the time she was fifteen. A crack reporter uncovered the scandal.
安妮·奥克莉八岁开始学习射击,到十五岁时成了神枪手。 一名优秀记者揭露了这一丑闻。

crack vi: figurative, informal (person: give in to pressure)
SC 屈服 qū fú
TC 屈服
They tried to force him to tell the secret, but he didn't crack.

crack vi: (whip: make snapping sound) (鞭子)
SC 发出噼啪响,甩得噼啪响
The whip cracked, and the oxen began to move.

crack vi: (voice: break abruptly) (嗓音)
SC 忽然变尖,忽然变粗
Lizzy's voice cracked as she told her brother the awful news.

crack vi: (hydrocarbons: decompose) (烃)
SC 分解 fēn jiě
TC 分解
The hydrocarbons in the fuel crack at high temperatures, turning into more useful compounds.

crack [sth] vtr: informal (joke: say, utter) (玩笑)
SC 开, 说
Johanna wanted to have a serious discussion, but Jim kept cracking jokes.

crack [sth] vtr: (whip: flick) (鞭子)
SC 把...甩得噼啪响
The coachman cracked the whip, and the horses went faster.

crack [sth] vtr: (chemistry: break down hydrocarbons) (碳氢化合物)
SC 使...裂化
High temperatures are needed to crack hydrocarbon molecules.

crack [sth] apart, crack apart [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (break open or in two)
SC 将...分开
SC 把...一分为二

crack down vi phrasal: informal (enforce laws)
SC 扫除 sǎo chú
TC 掃除
SC 执行 sǎo chú,zhí xíng
TC 執行(法律等)
The police will no longer tolerate public drunkenness; they're going to crack down.

crack down on [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (not tolerate)
SC 打击 dǎ jī
TC 打擊
SC 制裁 dǎ jī,zhì cái
TC 制裁
The principal is starting to crack down on unexcused absences.

crack down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep: informal (punish)
SC 惩治 chéng zhì
TC 懲治
Every holiday, police set up checkpoints to crack down on drunk drivers.

crack on vi phrasal: (sailboat: use sails under high wind) (帆船: 在大风下)
SC 扬帆

crack on vi phrasal: (powered boat: travel fast in bad weather) (机动船: 在坏天气下)
SC 快速航行

crack on vi phrasal: UK, informal (do, work on quickly)
SC 快速做 kuài sù zuò
SC 快速进行

crack up vi phrasal: figurative, slang (laugh)
SC 捧腹大笑,失声大笑,笑得合不拢嘴 pěng fù dà xiào,shī shēng dà xiào
It was so funny I cracked up.

crack [sb] up vtr phrasal sep: figurative, slang (make laugh)
SC 使…捧腹大笑 shǐ pěng fù dà xiào
SC 让...笑出眼泪
The joke he told really cracked me up.

crack up vi phrasal: figurative, slang (have mental breakdown)
SC 精神崩溃,精神失控 jīng shén bēng kuì,jīng shén shī kòng
I haven't slept for days, I'm close to cracking up.

be all it's cracked up to be, be what it's cracked up to be v expr: (be as good as claimed)
SC 并没有所说的那么好
SC 徒有虚名
SC 名不副实
That film's not all it's cracked up to be; I didn't enjoy it at all!




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