

单词 crack

US   UK  
crack n: (split)
SC 裂缝 liè fèng
TC 裂縫
SC 裂口 liè fèng ,liè kǒu
When I was young, I tried not to step on cracks in the sidewalk.

crack n: (loud, sharp sound)
SC 爆裂声 bào liè shēng
TC 爆裂聲
SC 噼啪声 bào liè shēng ,pī pā shēng
TC 噼啪聲
That sounded like the crack of a rifle!

crack, crack cocaine n: informal (drug: cocaine) (俚语)
SC 可卡因 kě kǎ yīn
TC 古柯鹼
Cyrus was arrested for dealing crack.

crack vi: (be broken)
SC 裂开 liè kāi
SC 破裂 liè kāi,pò liè
TC 破裂
SC 断裂 liè kāi,duàn liè
TC 斷裂
Kate dropped the bowl and it cracked into two pieces.

crack vi: (be damaged, leaving lines)
SC 裂开 liè kāi
SC 出现裂缝
The wall cracked in the earthquake, but the house was still standing.

crack [sth] vtr: (break, split)
SC 使裂开,使破裂 shǐ liè kāi,shǐ pò liè
TC 使裂開
SC 砸开,砸破 zá kāi,zá pò
Jenny cracked her head on the table as she fell.

crack [sth] vtr: (damage, leaving lines)
SC 使裂开 shǐ liè kāi
TC 使裂開
SC 使出现裂缝
I've cracked my car's windscreen.

crack vtr: informal (solve: mystery or puzzle) (谜题,案件)
SC 解开,破解 jiě kāi
TC 解開
Sherlock Holmes always found the guilty party; he cracked every case.

crack vtr: informal (decipher: code) (密码)
SC 解开,破译 jiě kāi
TC 解開
Alan Turing and his team cracked the Enigma code in World War II.

crack adj: informal (expert)
SC 专业水准的
SC 一流的 yī liú de
Annie Oakley began shooting when she was eight and was a crack shot by the time she was fifteen. A crack reporter uncovered the scandal.
安妮·奥克莉八岁开始学习射击,到十五岁时成了神枪手。 一名优秀记者揭露了这一丑闻。

crack vi: figurative, informal (person: give in to pressure)
SC 屈服 qū fú
TC 屈服
They tried to force him to tell the secret, but he didn't crack.

crack vi: (whip: make snapping sound) (鞭子)
SC 发出噼啪响,甩得噼啪响
The whip cracked, and the oxen began to move.

crack vi: (voice: break abruptly) (嗓音)
SC 忽然变尖,忽然变粗
Lizzy's voice cracked as she told her brother the awful news.

crack vi: (hydrocarbons: decompose) (烃)
SC 分解 fēn jiě
TC 分解
The hydrocarbons in the fuel crack at high temperatures, turning into more useful compounds.

crack [sth] vtr: informal (joke: say, utter) (玩笑)
SC 开, 说
Johanna wanted to have a serious discussion, but Jim kept cracking jokes.

crack [sth] vtr: (whip: flick) (鞭子)
SC 把...甩得噼啪响
The coachman cracked the whip, and the horses went faster.

crack [sth] vtr: (chemistry: break down hydrocarbons) (碳氢化合物)
SC 使...裂化
High temperatures are needed to crack hydrocarbon molecules.

craic, crack n: Irish (fun or entertainment)
SC 乐趣 lè qù
SC 娱乐 lè qù ,yú lè
TC 娛樂

crack [sth] apart, crack apart [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (break open or in two)
SC 将...分开
SC 把...一分为二

crack down vi phrasal: informal (enforce laws)
SC 扫除 sǎo chú
TC 掃除
SC 执行 sǎo chú,zhí xíng
TC 執行(法律等)
The police will no longer tolerate public drunkenness; they're going to crack down.

crack down on [sth] vtr phrasal insep: informal (not tolerate)
SC 打击 dǎ jī
TC 打擊
SC 制裁 dǎ jī,zhì cái
TC 制裁
The principal is starting to crack down on unexcused absences.

crack down on [sb] vi phrasal + prep: informal (punish)
SC 惩治 chéng zhì
TC 懲治
Every holiday, police set up checkpoints to crack down on drunk drivers.

crack on vi phrasal: (sailboat: use sails under high wind) (帆船: 在大风下)
SC 扬帆

crack on vi phrasal: (powered boat: travel fast in bad weather) (机动船: 在坏天气下)
SC 快速航行

crack on vi phrasal: UK, informal (do, work on quickly)
SC 快速做 kuài sù zuò
SC 快速进行

crack up vi phrasal: figurative, slang (laugh)
SC 捧腹大笑,失声大笑,笑得合不拢嘴 pěng fù dà xiào,shī shēng dà xiào
It was so funny I cracked up.

crack [sb] up vtr phrasal sep: figurative, slang (make laugh)
SC 使…捧腹大笑 shǐ pěng fù dà xiào
SC 让...笑出眼泪
The joke he told really cracked me up.

crack up vi phrasal: figurative, slang (have mental breakdown)
SC 精神崩溃,精神失控 jīng shén bēng kuì,jīng shén shī kòng
I haven't slept for days, I'm close to cracking up.

another crack n: informal (another attempt) (口语)
SC 再度尝试,再试一次 zài dù cháng shì,zài shì yí cì
TC 再度嘗試,再試一次
If you give me another crack at solving the riddle, I'm sure I'll get it.

at the crack of dawn expr: informal (early in morning)
SC 黎明时分 lí míng shí fēn
TC 黎明時分
SC 破晓时 lí míng shí fēn,pò xiǎo shí
SC 一大早 lí míng shí fēn,yí dà zǎo
I have to get up at the crack of dawn to get to work on time.

crack a joke v expr: (make a funny remark)
SC 开玩笑 kāi wán xiào
TC 開玩笑
Sometimes if you crack a joke, it lightens the mood.

crack a smile v expr: informal (manage to smile) (非正式用语)
SC 展颜微笑,面露微笑 zhǎn yán wēi xiào
SC 挤出微笑
The tennis player managed to crack a smile even though she had lost the match.

crack house, crackhouse n: (place where crack cocaine is sold)
SC 强效可卡因销售点

crack of dawn n: (start of the morning)
SC 黎明 lí míng
TC 黎明
SC 破晓 lí míng,pò xiǎo
It was the crack of dawn when Dan awoke.

crack [sth] open vtr + adj: (break apart, split)
SC 敲破, 砸开
He cracked open a brazil nut and discarded the shell.

crack [sth] open vtr + adj: informal (open in celebration) (非正式用语,用于庆祝的)
SC 砰地一声打开 pēng de yì shēng dǎ kāi
Let's crack open this bottle and get the party started.

crack [sth] open vtr + adj: informal (window, door: open slightly) (非正式用语,门、窗等)
SC 打开一条缝,打开一点点 dǎ kāi yì tiáo fèng,dǎ kāi yì diǎn diǎn
John cracked the door open and looked into his sister's bedroom.

crack open vi + adj: (break apart, split) (本义)
SC 砸开,捶开 zá kāi,chuí kāi
The watermelon cracked open when it fell off the picnic table.

crack team n: (expert group)
SC 精锐团队,一流团队

crack the case v expr: informal (solve a crime, mystery)
SC 破案
SC 侦破案件
Not even Hercule Poirot could crack this case!

crack the whip v expr: figurative (be strict with workers) (比喻严格管理工人)
SC 甩鞭子
Your lazy employees will never change unless you start cracking the whip.

crackup, crack-up n: figurative, slang (mental breakdown)
SC 精神崩溃 jīng shén bēng kuì
Robert hasn't worked since his crackup two years ago.

crackup, crack-up n: US (collision, crash)
SC 碰撞,相撞 pèng zhuàng,xiāng zhuàng
TC 碰撞

crackup, crack-up n: (alliance, agreement: breakdown) (联盟、协议)
SC 破裂,结束 pò liè ,jié shù
TC 破裂,結束

take a crack at [sth] v expr: informal (attempt [sth])
SC 尝试 cháng shì
TC 嘗試
I can't finish this crossword puzzle - do you want to take a crack at it?

take a crack at [sb] v expr: slang (criticize [sb])
SC 尝试 cháng shì
TC 嘗試
It's easy to take a crack at his new girlfriend- she's ugly, stupid, and unemployed.

a tough nut to crack, a hard nut to crack n: figurative, informal ([sb] hard to persuade)
SC 难以说服的人 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén
SC 顽固的人 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén,wán gù de rén
SC 顽冥不化者 nán yǐ shuō fú de rén,wán míng bú huà zhě
Good luck with getting him to agree - he's a tough nut to crack.

a tough nut to crack, a hard nut to crack n: figurative, informal ([sth] hard to solve)
SC 难办的事 nán bàn de shì
TC 難辦的事
SC 难解决的问题 nán bàn de shì,nán jiě jué de wèn tí
This algebra equation is a tough nut to crack.




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