

单词 splutterer

splutter [sth] vtr: (say incoherently)
SC 结结巴巴地说 jiē jie bā bā de shuō
SC 语无伦次地说 jiē jie bā bā de shuō ,yǔ mó lún cì de shuō
"But--but I--ah--," the man spluttered.

splutter vi: (talk incoherently)
SC 气急败坏地说话 qì jí bài huài de shuō huà
SC 急促地说话 qì jí bài huài de shuō huà,jí cù de shuō huà
SC 语无伦次地说话 qì jí bài huài de shuō huà,yǔ wú lún cì de shuō huà
The old man spluttered about his past, but no one was paying attention.

splutter vi: (spit) (唾沫等)
SC 喷溅,飞溅 pēn jiàn ,fēi jiàn
She emerged from the cold water, shivering and spluttering.

splutter n: (spluttering noise)
SC 泼溅声
TC 潑濺聲
SC 爆响声
SC 劈啪声 pī pā shēng
TC 爆裂聲
There was a splutter as the bear caught a fish in the river.




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