

单词 tracking

US   UK  
tracking n: (following)
SC 跟踪 gēn zōng
TC 跟蹤 / 跟踪
SC 追踪 gēn zōng,zhuī zōng
The police's tracking of the criminal was successful; they caught him.

tracking n: (car: wheel alignment) (汽车保养)
SC 车轮定位
TC 車輪定位
She adjusted the tracking on the car's front wheels.

tracking n: (video recorder: head alignment) (录像机)
SC 跟踪调整旋钮
I think the tracking must be out; I can't get a good picture.

track n: (racing circuit) (体育运动,田径场、赛马场、赛车场)
SC 跑道 pǎo dào
TC 跑道
Are you going to the track on Saturday to see the race?
这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 她每天清晨绕着跑道跑步。

track n: (railway line)
SC 轨道 guǐ dào
TC 軌道
SC 铁轨 guǐ dào,tiě guǐ
TC 鐵軌
The train tracks pass close to their house.

tracks npl: (footprints) (人或动物留下的)
SC 足迹, 踪迹
They came by this way - look, you can see their tracks.

tracks npl: (imprints, marks)
SC 印记 yìn jì
SC 痕迹 yìn jì,hén jì
TC 痕跡 / 痕迹
There were tyre tracks in the mud.

track n: (piece of recorded music, song) (唱片、磁带上的)
SC 一首(歌曲) yì shǒu gē qǔ
The hit song was the third track on the CD.

track [sth] vtr: (follow, hunt: an animal)
SC 跟踪 gēn zōng
TC 跟蹤 / 跟踪
SC 追踪 gēn zōng,zhuī zōng
SC 追猎 gēn zōng,zhuī liè
The natives can track an animal for miles.

track [sb] vtr: figurative (hunt: person)
SC 追踪,追捕 zhuī zōng,zhuī bǔ
The detective had been tracking the criminal for months.

track [sth/sb] vtr: (monitor route of)
SC 追踪,跟踪 zhuī zōng,gēn zōng
TC 跟蹤 / 跟踪
When you order from this website, you can track the shipment online.

track [sth/sb] vtr: (monitor the progress of) (进展)
SC 跟踪 gēn zōng
TC 跟蹤 / 跟踪
The teacher tracked the student's progress.

track n: (route of a race)
SC 赛道 sài dào
SC 比赛路线 sài dào,bǐ sài lù xiàn
The track of the bike race passed through the town.

track n: (path)
SC 道路 dào lù
TC 道路
SC 小径 dào lù,xiǎo jìng
SC 小路 dào lù,xiǎo lù
There is a track through the woods to the lake.

track n: (recording track on a cassette) (磁带、唱片)
SC 音轨 yīn guǐ
Years ago, people used to listen to eight track tapes.

track n: (one instrument on a song) (音乐中不同乐器的)
SC 声道 shēng dào
The producer mixed in the drum track with the guitar track.

track n: US (line of movement)
SC 足迹 zú jì
SC 步伐 zú jì,bù fá
TC 步伐
SC 步子 zú jì,bù zi
TC 步子
If you are not sure of the dance steps, just follow my track.

track n: US (educational stream) (按能力或成绩分成的班组)
SC 分轨制度的班组 fēn guǐ zhì dù de bān zǔ
He is on the accelerated learning track at his school.

track n: (caterpillar track)
SC 履带 lǚ dài
The tank track came off in the explosion.

track n: (distance between wheels)
SC 车辙 chē zhé
SC 车轮之间的间距
What's the track between the wheels on this car?

track n: figurative, informal (course of action)
SC 一连串的行动,行为步骤,行动路线 yì lián chuàn de xíng dòng,xíng wéi bù zhòu,xíng dòng lù xiàn
I think he is on the wrong track by trying to get a job in advertising.

track n: figurative (line of reasoning) (比喻)
SC 思路 sī lù
I know it's difficult to understand, but do you follow my track?

track n: (rail) (过山车等)
SC 轨道 guǐ dào
TC 軌道
The rollercoaster's track twists and turns.

track n: (sport: running)
SC 田径运动 tián jìng yùn dòng
TC 田徑運動
He went out for track in college.

track n: US, followed by number (specific rail line)
SC 第...轨道
The train is arriving on Track 2.

tracks, needle tracks npl: slang (drug use: needle marks)
SC 注射痕迹,针孔,针眼 zhēn kǒng
You can tell by the tracks on the man's arms that he is a drug addict.

track vi: US (cinema: camera movement) (电影)
SC 跟踪拍摄,跟拍 gēn zōng pāi shè,gēn pāi
The director shouted at everyone, while the cameraman kept tracking.

track vi: (coordinate with other wheels) (车轮、齿轮等)
SC 轨迹吻合,衔接密切 guǐ jì wěn hé,xián jiē mì qiè
This back wheel isn't tracking with the other three.

track [sth] vtr: US (travel through, traverse)
SC 行走 xíng zǒu
TC 行走
SC 旅行 xíng zǒu,lǚ xíng
TC 旅行
SC 穿越 xíng zǒu,chuān yuè
The walkers tracked old trails all day.

track [sb] vtr: US (education: stream) (学生)
SC 根据成绩等把...分班
He was tracked into the accelerated learning programme.

track [sth] vtr: (spread: mud) (泥土)
SC 把...弄到…上面
Now you have tracked mud on the new carpet!

track [sth] vtr: US (dirty: an area)
SC 在…留下脏足迹 zài liú xià zāng zú jì
SC 走脏 zài liú xià zāng zú jì,zǒu zāng
SC 踩脏
Look! You have tracked the whole house which I have just cleaned!

track [sb/sth] vtr: (trace: phone calls, caller) (电话、来电者)
SC 追查 zhuī chá
SC 追踪 zhuī chá,zhuī zōng
The detectives were not able to track the caller.

track [sth/sb] down vtr phrasal sep: (locate, hunt for)
SC 追踪到 zhuī zōng dào
SC 追查到 zhuī zōng dào,zhuī chá dào
SC 追捕 zhuī zōng dào,zhuī bǔ
The posse used bloodhounds to track down the fugitive.

track [sth/sb] down vtr phrasal sep: informal, figurative (find)
SC 找到 zhǎo dào
SC 追踪到 zhǎo dào,zhuī zōng dào
I'll see if I can track down that recipe for you.

hurricane tracking n: (mapping the path of a cyclone)
SC 飓风追踪 jù fēng zhuī zōng
TC 颶風追蹤
The news channel claimed to have the most accurate hurricane tracking system on the East Coast.

tracking number n: (identification number of a parcel)
SC 包裹追踪号码 bāo guǒ zhuī zōng hào mǎ
You can use the tracking number to find out when your parcel will be delivered.

tracking shot, track shot, dolly shot, trucking shot n: (movie industry)
SC 推拉镜头

tracking station n: (base used to trace object in atmosphere or space)
SC (人造卫星等的)跟踪站 rén zào wèi xīng děng de gēn zōng zhàn
The tracking station has reported enemy aircraft in the area.

tracking system, track system n: US (grouping students by ability) (学校)
SC 分流体制
SC 分流系统




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