单词 | leading |
释义 | leading US ![]() ![]() leading adj: figurative (top, foremost) SC 占主导地位的 zhàn zhǔ dǎo dì wèi de SC 主要的 zhàn zhǔ dǎo dì wèi de ,zhǔ yào de SC 最重要的 zhàn zhǔ dǎo dì wèi de ,zuì zhòng yào de The professor is a leading expert in his field. 教授在他的领域内是占主导地位的专家。 leading adj: (in front) SC 领头的,打头的 lǐng tóu de TC 領頭的 SC 前面的 qián miàn de SC 前端的 qián duān de Everyone was held up when the leading car in the procession broke down. 游行车队领头的车坏了,大家都被堵住了。 leading adj: (directing, leadership) SC 领导的 lǐng dǎo de TC 領導的 SC 指导的 lǐng dǎo de ,zhǐ dǎo de His leading ability is not what it should be. 他的领导力不应该是这样的。 leading n: (an act of leadership) SC 领导 lǐng dǎo TC 領導 SC 做领导 lǐng dǎo,zuò lǐng dǎo Leading is not what he does best. He is a thinker. 领导不是他最擅长的。他其实最善于思考分析。 leading n: (printing: line-spacing) (印刷) SC 首行的 shǒu xíng de The leading line in a paragraph can be indented. 段落的首行可以缩进。 lead [sb] vtr: (guide) SC 引导 yǐn dǎo TC 引導 SC 带 yǐn dǎo,dài TC 帶 SC 引领 yǐn dǎo,yǐn lǐng The tour guide leads the people through the city. 导游带着人们在城里游玩。 lead [sb] in [sth] vtr + prep: (head) SC 给…带头 gěi dài tóu TC 給…帶頭 SC 带领...做某事 The priest leads the congregation in prayer. 牧师带领教众祈祷。 lead [sb/sth] vtr: (command) SC 领导 lǐng dǎo TC 領導 SC 指挥 lǐng dǎo,zhǐ huī TC 指揮 SC 率领 lǐng dǎo,shuài lǐng TC 率領 The general leads his troops well, so they do what he orders. 这位将军把军队带得很好,手下人都愿意服从他的命令。 lead [sth] vtr: (head, manage) SC 率领 shuài lǐng TC 率領 SC 领导 shuài lǐng,lǐng dǎo TC 領導 SC 负责 shuài lǐng,fù zé TC 負責 The chief inspector leads the investigation. 总监领导这次调查。 lead to [sth] vi + prep: (take you to) (某地) SC 通向,通往 tōng xiàng,tōng wǎng TC 通往 This road leads to the forest. 这条路通往树林。 lead to [sth] vi + prep: figurative (bring about) SC 引起 yǐn qǐ TC 引起 SC 导致 yǐn qǐ,dǎo zhì TC 導致 The employee's habitual tardiness led to his dismissal. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to liver disease. 这位员工迟到成习惯,因此被开除了。 饮酒过多可能导致肾脏疾病。 lead [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep: (direct) SC 引导某人达成某观点 Lead them to agreement with logical arguments. 用具有逻辑性的论点说服他们赞成。 lead [sb] to do [sth] v expr: (cause, prompt) SC 引起某人做某事 SC 促使某人做某事 cù shǐ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì Jennifer's interest in animals led her to becoming a vet. 詹妮弗对动物的兴趣促使自己成为一名兽医。 lead [sth] vtr: (go ahead) SC 领先 lǐng xiān TC 領先 SC 走在…前面 lǐng xiān,zǒu zài … qián miàn The German cyclist is currently leading the race. 那位德国自行车选手目前处于比赛领先位置。 lead [sth] vtr: (live) SC 过...的生活 My grandfather led a hard life. 我祖父的一生过得很艰难。 lead n: (chemistry: element) (化学) SC 铅 qiān TC 鉛 The screen was made of lead to prevent X-rays from passing through. 屏幕由铅造成,以防止 X 光穿过。 lead n: (pencil: graphite) (文具) SC 铅笔芯 qiān bǐ xīn TC 鉛筆芯 The lead broke on this pencil, so I have to sharpen it. 这枝铅笔的笔芯断了,所以我只好削尖它。 lead adj: (principal) SC 主要的 zhǔ yào de SC 首要的 zhǔ yào de ,shǒu yào de SC 最重要的 zhǔ yào de ,zuì zhòng yào de The lead speaker brought the audience to its feet with his wit. The lead story in the paper is about the bribery scandal. 该名主要发言人让听众对他的智慧佩服得五体投地。 报纸的头条是有关受贿的丑闻。 lead adj: (first; in front of others) SC 领先的 lǐng xiān de TC 領先的 SC 领头的 lǐng xiān de ,lǐng tóu de TC 領頭的 The lead runner was on second base. 领跑运动员在二垒。 lead adj: (American Football pass: made into space) (传球) SC 领前的 lǐng qián de TC 領前的 The lead pass arrived at midfield just as the receiver got there. lead n: (weight made of lead) (如铅球、铅饼等) SC 铅制重物 qiān zhì zhòng wù TC 鉛制重物 Pass me those two leads please. I need to weigh this down. lead n: informal (shot, bullets) SC 子弹 zǐ dàn TC 子彈 SC 铅弹 zǐ dàn ,qiān dàn The gangster filled his rival with lead. lead n: (printing: line spacing metal) (印刷) SC 行间铅条 háng jiān qiān tiáo TC 行間鉛條 The typesetter cut a lead to fit the line, and put it in the composing stick. 排字工将行间铅条剪短,使其符合行距,然后再将其放进排字盘内。 lead n: (printing: line space) (印刷) SC 行间距 háng jiān jù TC 行間距 Add another lead between those lines, so there will be more separation between them. 增加行间距,这样行与行就分得更开了。 the lead n: (first place) SC 领先位置 lǐng xiān wèi zhì TC 領先位置 SC 领先地位 lǐng xiān wèi zhì,lǐng xiān dì wèi Ben hadn't trained for the race, so the lead wasn't a position he expected to find himself in. 本没有为赛跑做训练准备,所以不指望自己能跑领先位置。 lead n: (margin) SC 领先 lǐng xiān TC 領先 SC 在前面 lǐng xiān,zài qián miàn He had a lead of three minutes over the next runner. 他领先下一名赛跑者三分钟。 the lead n: (competitor: in front of others) SC 领先者 lǐng xiān zhě TC 領先者 SC 领跑者 lǐng xiān zhě,lǐng pǎo zhě TC 領跑者 The lead is a Nigerian runner. lead n: (clue, indication) SC 线索 xiàn suǒ TC 線索 SC 迹象 xiàn suǒ,jì xiàng The investigator caught the thief after finding the important lead. 调查员在发现了重要线索之后,抓到了小偷。 the lead n: (principal role) SC 主要角色,主角 zhǔ yào jué sè,zhǔ jué SC 主演 Do you know who is going to play the lead in this movie? The lead in the film was a famous actress. lead n: (journalism: introduction) (新闻) SC 导语 dǎo yǔ The article's lead stated all the main facts. 这篇新闻的导语陈述了所有的主要事实。 lead n: (example) SC 榜样 bǎng yàng SC 范例 bǎng yàng,fàn lì Follow my lead, and you will be a success. 以我为榜样,你会成功的。 lead n: (leadership) SC 领导 lǐng dǎo TC 領導 SC 领导权 lǐng dǎo,lǐng dǎo quán SC 领导地位 lǐng dǎo,lǐng dǎo dì wèi The whole team followed his lead. 整支队伍由他领导。 这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 在这群人中,他稳居领导地位。 lead n: (cards: playing first) (打牌) SC 首先出牌,开牌 shǒu xiān chū pái,kāi pái John took the lead and played first. 由约翰首先出牌。 lead n: (cards: right to play first) (打牌) SC 首先出牌权,开牌权 shǒu xiān chū pái quán It is your lead. Go ahead and play. 该你开牌。出牌吧。 lead n: (cards: suit played first) (打牌) SC 首先打出的一组牌 shǒu xiān dǎ chū de yì zǔ pái The lead was an ace of hearts. 首先打出的是红桃A。 lead n: (electricity: connecting wire) SC 电线 diàn xiàn TC 電線 SC 导线 diàn xiàn,dǎo xiàn TC 導線 First, connect the red lead to the brown connector. 首先,将红色的电线与棕色的连接器相连。 lead n: (head start) (猎物) SC 超前的距离 SC 与...相距的距离 The hunter gave the target a lead of about a metre. lead n: UK (leash for a dog) SC 狗绳 Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times in this park. lead n: (business: potential customer) (商业) SC 潜在客户 Max uses social media to generate leads for his business. lead n: (business: opportunity) (商业) SC 机遇,机会 jī yù ,jī huì TC 機會 Rita, who works in Sales, spends her day on the phone chasing up leads. lead n: (horse leg placement at canter) (马术) SC 引导腿 If your horse begins to tire, changing the lead to its right leg may help. lead, lead line, US also: lead rope n: (horse: rope for leading) (马) SC 缰绳 jiāng shéng The rider attached the lead to the horse's halter. 骑手将缰绳系在马的笼头上。 lead vi: (go first) SC 带领 dài lǐng TC 帶領 SC 为…带路 dài lǐng,wèi dài lù If you lead, I'll follow. 你带路,我跟着。 lead vi: (be ahead of others) SC 领先 lǐng xiān TC 領先 SC 拉开距离 lǐng xiān,lā kāi jù lí The runner leads by thirty metres. lead vi: (take the offensive) (拳击) SC 先向对手出击 xiān xiàng duì shǒu chū jī The boxer led with his left fist. 拳击手挥出左拳先向对手出击。 lead vi: (baseball: runner's movement) (棒球) SC (跑垒员)提前离垒 pǎo lěi yuán tí qián lí lěi Runners often lead with two outs. lead vi: (guide dance partner) SC 带领舞伴跳舞 I don't know this dance. You will have to lead. lead [sth] vtr: (influence) SC 引导 yǐn dǎo TC 引導 SC 影响 yǐn dǎo,yǐng xiǎng TC 影響 The president is able to lead public opinion with his comments to the press. lead [sth] vtr: (cards: play first) SC 首先出…牌 shǒu xiān chū pái He led an ace of hearts. lead [sth] vtr: (aim a gun) SC 瞄准 miáo zhǔn SC 对准 miáo zhǔn,duì zhǔn TC 對準 Lead the target by a foot or two. lead [sb] vtr: (throw ball ahead of [sb]) SC 扔到…前面 rēng dào qián miàn SC 扔得比…远 Don't throw the ball where he is, you need to lead him by throwing ahead of him. lead [sb] vtr: (hold advantage over) SC 领先 lǐng xiān TC 領先 SC 超过 lǐng xiān,chāo guò TC 超過 He led the other runner by 30 meters. lead [sb/sth] vtr: (music: conduct a group) (乐队) SC 指挥 zhǐ huī TC 指揮 The conductor has led this orchestra for two years. lead [sth] vtr: (cards: play first) SC 率先出牌 lǜ xiān chū pái SC 开牌 lǜ xiān chū pái,kāi pái You lead this hand. Throw your card. lead [sb] vtr: (dance partner: guide) (双人舞蹈) SC 带领,领(舞) dài lǐng TC 帶領 He gracefully lead his partner in the waltz. 他优雅地领着舞伴跳华尔兹。 lead [sb] to [sth] vtr + prep: (prompt to mention) SC 使…提到…,使…说到,使…谈及 All of which leads me to my next point, which is that the project cannot possibly be completed on time. lead [sth/sb] away vtr phrasal sep: (guide elsewhere) SC 将...引开 SC 把…引到别的地方 bǎ yǐn dào bié de dì fāng lead back vi phrasal: (card games) (纸牌) SC 按搭档出的花色出牌 lead [sth/sb] back vtr phrasal sep: (show way to original location) SC 将...带回 I've forgotten the way to the hotel: could someone lead me back, please? lead into [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (be prelude to) SC 引入 yǐn rù TC 引入 SC 引向 Opening titles lead into a movie. lead off vi phrasal: (baseball: begin) (棒球) SC 率先击球 TC 率先擊球 lead off vi phrasal: US, figurative (begin a meeting) SC 开始开会 TC 開始開會 Let's lead off by introducing ourselves. lead off from [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (room: adjoin) (房间) SC 与…相连,紧挨… SC 与…毗连(书面语) lead off into [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (room: continue into) (房间) SC 通向,通往 tōng xiàng,tōng wǎng TC 通往 lead on vi phrasal: (go first, show the way) SC 带路 dài lù "Lead on!" she said, and I showed her along the corridor. “带路!”她说到,我便领着她沿走廊前行。 lead [sb] on vtr phrasal sep: informal, figurative (mislead) (非正式用语) SC 哄骗 hǒng piàn SC 误导 hǒng piàn,wù dǎo I thought he loved me, but he was just leading me on. 我以为他爱我,可他其实一直在哄骗我。 lead on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (progress to) SC 带来 dài lái TC 帶來 We hope that this early success will lead on to further triumphs. lead [sb] out vtr phrasal sep: (guide to the exit) SC 领…出去 lǐng chū qù TC 領…出去 lead up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (events: come before) SC 作为…的先导 zuò wéi de xiān dǎo SC 引起 zuò wéi de xiān dǎo,yǐn qǐ TC 引起 The days leading up to the wedding were so busy, with many details to finalise. lead up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (events: culminate in) SC 导致 dǎo zhì TC 導致 SC 致使 dǎo zhì,zhì shǐ TC 致使 In court, the police officer recounted the events leading up to the defendant's arrest. lead up to [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (introduce: a subject) (话题等) SC 引入,导入 yǐn rù,dǎo rù TC 引入 The speaker led up to the topic by telling the audience about some of the historical background. Tessa kept beating about the bush and her brothers wondered what she was leading up to. lead with [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (begin with a subject) SC 把...作为重要报道 SC 将...作为头条 lead with [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (boxing: start attack with) SC 以...开场 SC 一上场就打出 leading edge n: figurative (forefront of a trend) SC 技术前沿,领先地位 jì shù qián yán ,lǐng xiān dì wèi SC 飞机的机翼前缘 fēi jī de jī yì qián yuán Mainframe computers used to be the leading edge of technology. leading edge n: (plane: front of wing) (指飞机的) SC 机翼前缘 The jet lost a 2.4 metre long section of the tail wing's leading edge after takeoff. leading expert n: (authority on a subject) SC 权威 quán wēi TC 權威 SC 权威专家 quán wēi,quán wēi zhuān jiā Leading experts predict that Vesuvius could erupt again at any time. leading figure n: (important person) SC 领头人 lǐng tóu rén TC 領頭人 SC 领导人 lǐng tóu rén,lǐng dǎo rén SC 主要人物 lǐng tóu rén,zhǔ yào rén wù leading lady n: (actress in central role) SC 演主角的女演员 yǎn zhǔ jué de nǚ yǎn yuán Katherine Hepburn often played the leading lady in her films. leading light n: figurative (person: inspirational) SC 某领域的重要人物 mǒu lǐng yù de zhòng yào rén wù Jacobi has been a leading light of the theatre through most of his career. leading man n: (actor in central role) SC 演主角的男演员 yǎn zhǔ jué de nán yǎn yuán Bellamy was the leading man in many low-budget action movies. leading position n: (competitive advantage) SC 领先地位 lǐng xiān dì wèi First quarter sales figures confirmed our copany's leading position in the market. leading question n: (question that suggests answer) SC 诱导性问题,暗示性问题 leading role n: (prominent acting part) SC 主角 zhǔ jué She tried out and got the leading role in "Carousel." leading to prep: (resulting in) SC 导致 dǎo zhì TC 導致 Growing prosperity is another factor leading to increased demand. leading to prep: (going towards) SC 通向 tōng xiàng SC 通往 tōng xiàng,tōng wǎng TC 通往 He walked along the road leading to the city centre. leading up to prep: (preceding) SC 通往 tōng wǎng TC 通往 SC 一路通向 tōng wǎng,yí lù tōng xiàng leading up to prep: (preparatory to) SC 作为…的准备 zuò wéi de zhǔn bèi leading-edge n as adj: figurative (at the forefront: of a trend) SC 前沿的 qián yán de world-leading adj: (best worldwide) SC 世界领先的,全球领先的 |
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