单词 | workings |
释义 | workings US ![]() ![]() working adj: (employed) SC 有工作的 yǒu gōng zuò de SC 有职业的 yǒu gōng zuò de ,yǒu zhí yè de He's a working man, now that he has found a job. 既然他找到了工作,他就是个有工作的人了。 working adj: (operating) (机器等) SC 运作的,工作的,操作正常的 yùn zuò de ,gōng zuò de ,cāo zuò zhèng cháng de Is the TV in working condition? 电视在工作吗? working adj: (knowledge: basic) (知识) SC 基本的 jī běn de SC 基础的 jī běn de ,jī chǔ de TC 基礎的 I have a working knowledge of how cars work. 我对汽车的运作原理有基本的了解。 working adj: (hours: of work) (时间) SC 用于工作的 yòng yú gōng zuò de The working hours here are 9 to 6. 这里的工作时间是朝九晚六。 working adj: (hypothesis, title: current) (理论、假设) SC 还在对其进行加工的,尚未有定论的,暂定的,初步的 hái zài duì qí jìn xíng jiā gōng de,shàng wèi yǒu dìng lùn de,zàn dìng de ,chū bù de TC 暫定的 His working theory has gone through a few changes. 他的初步理论经过了几次修改。 workings, workings of [sth] npl: figurative (way [sth] functions) (组织、机构等) SC 工作方式,运作方式 yùn zuò fāng shì This book explains the inner workings of the banking system. 这本书阐释了银行系统的内部运作方式。 workings npl: (mechanism) (机器) SC 机制,工作方式 jī zhì TC 機制 I took the back off of my watch to inspect the workings. 我取下了手表的表背,检测其运转机制。 working adj: (clothing: worn for work) (服装) SC 工作时穿的,工装的 gōng zuò shí chuān de,gōng zhuāng de Get out of your working outfit so we can go out to eat. working adj: (majority: able to function) SC 绝大多数的 jué dà duō shù de SC 有足够效力的 jué dà duō shù de ,yǒu zú gòu xiào lì de The party leaders put together a working coalition. work around [sth], also UK: work round [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (avoid, bypass) SC 避免 bì miǎn TC 避免 SC 避开 bì miǎn ,bì kāi TC 避開 SC 绕过 bì miǎn ,rào guò They worked around the software bug by eliminating some features. work [sth] down, work down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (negotiate lower price) SC 议…的价 SC 对...讨论降价 After negotiating for fifteen minutes, Sam worked the price down to $200. currently working adj: (status: in employment) SC 在职的 He's not currently working, but he does have several employment interviews next week. hardworking, also UK: hard-working adj: (diligent) SC 勤劳的 qín láo de TC 勤勞的 SC 工作努力的 qín láo de,gōng zuò nǔ lì de SC 勤勉的 qín láo de,qín miǎn de The seasonal workers employed to help with the harvest are very hardworking indeed. 受雇来帮助农收的季工们的确非常勤劳。 in good working condition expr: (object: functioning well) SC 状况良好 zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo TC 狀況良好 SC 处于良好工作状态 My grandmother's typewriter is still in good working condition. in working condition expr: (object: functioning) SC 可以正常使用 in working order expr: (fully functioning) SC 正常运作地 zhèng cháng yùn zuò de SC 能正常发挥功能地 zhèng cháng yùn zuò de,néng zhèng cháng fā huī gōng néng de You'd better check your parachute's in working order before you jump. nonworking, non-working adj: (without paid employment) SC 没工作的 méi gōng zuò de SC 失业的 méi gōng zuò de,shī yè de TC 失業的 nonworking, non-working adj: (not functioning properly) SC 运转不正常的 yùn zhuǎn bú zhèng cháng de SC 出问题了的 yùn zhuǎn bú zhèng cháng de,chū wèn tí le de remote working n: (doing your job off site) SC 远程工作 work day, working day n: (working or office hours) SC 工作日 gōng zuò rì TC 工作日 work surface, working surface n: (generic: flat surface) SC 工作台 gōng zuò tái TC 工作臺 SC 作业台面 The carpenter secured the block of wood to his work surface. work week, working week n: (weekly working hours) SC 工作周 gōng zuò zhōu SC 一周的总工时 gōng zuò zhōu,yì zhōu de zǒng gōng shí The typical work week in the US is Monday through Friday. working capital n: (business: available assets) SC 营运资本 yíng yùn zī běn TC 營運資本 The company was incorporated with a working capital of £2000. working class, working classes n: (laboring class) SC 工人阶级 gōng rén jiē jí TC 工人階級 He started out as member of the working class, but now he runs an investment firm. 他从工人阶级的成员起家,现在他已经营着一家投资公司。 working class, working-class adj: (of laboring classes) SC 工人阶级 gōng rén jiē jí TC 工人階級 He was very proud of his working-class background. 他为他的工人阶级的背景感到非常自豪。 working conditions npl: (job: rights and regulations) SC 工作条件 gōng zuò tiáo jiàn TC 工作條件 The working conditions in the factory were appalling. working day, work day n: (daytime hours occupied by work) SC 工作的日子 gōng zuò de rì zi SC 工作日 gōng zuò de rì zi,gōng zuò rì TC 工作日 A standard work day is about eight hours long. working day n: (day normally worked) SC 工作日 gōng zuò rì TC 工作日 Orders will be dispatched within two working days. working drawing n: (drawn plan, outline) SC 工作图 gōng zuò tú TC 工作圖 working environment n: (employment surroundings) SC 工作环境 working girl n: slang, euphemism (prostitute) SC 职业女子 zhí yè nǚ zǐ TC 職業女子 SC 女工 zhí yè nǚ zǐ ,nǚ gōng TC 女工 Mary has been a working girl since adolescence. working girl n: informal, dated (employed woman) SC 职业女子 zhí yè nǚ zǐ TC 職業女子 SC 女工 zhí yè nǚ zǐ ,nǚ gōng TC 女工 All five of my daughters are working girls now. working hours, work hours npl: (time spent working) SC 工作时间 gōng zuò shí jiān working hypothesis n: (applied theory) (逻辑) SC 可使用假设,作业假设 kě shǐ yòng jiǎ shè,zuò yè jiǎ shè Professor Smith's idea is merely a working hypothesis. working man n: (male who has a job) SC 职场男性 working memory n: (temporary or short-term recall) SC 工作记忆 working mother n: (mother who has job) SC 职业妇女 SC 职场母亲 working order n: (functioning correctly) SC 正常运转状态 working out n: (calculations) SC 计算 jì suàn TC 計算 Answer all the questions carefully and show your working out. 请仔细回答所有问题并且展示你的计算过程。 working out n: (weight-training, exercising) SC 锻炼 duàn liàn TC 鍛鍊 SC 健身 duàn liàn,jiàn shēn You can tell from the size of his muscles that working out is Patrick's main hobby. 从帕特里克肌肉的大小就可以看出,健身是他的主要爱好。 working paper n: (not final draft) SC 未定稿版本,工作文件 working papers npl: (documents permitting employment) (颁发给未成年人或侨居者的) SC 工作许可证明 gōng zuò xǔ kě zhèng míng He was deported back to his home country because he had no working papers. working poor npl: (people on very low income) SC 低薪工作的人 SC 廉价劳动力 working range n: (degree of coverage) SC 有效范围 SC 作业范围 working space n: (area in which one works) SC 工作区域 gōng zuò qū yù TC 工作區域 working title n: (name or heading of [sth] while in progress) SC 暂定名称,暂名 working vacation (US), working holiday (UK) n: (work while on vacation) SC 带工休假 SC 工作假期 working version n: (copy of [sth] still in progress) SC 初步版本 workingman, working man n: (working-class adult male) SC 劳动者 láo dòng zhě TC 勞動者 SC 工人(阶级) láo dòng zhě,gōng rén jiē jí workingwoman, working woman n: (adult female in paid employment) SC 劳动妇女 láo dòng fù nǚ TC 勞動婦女 SC 女工 láo dòng fù nǚ,nǚ gōng TC 女工 workweek, working week n: (weekly working hours) SC 工作周 gōng zuò zhōu SC 一周的工作时间 gōng zuò zhōu,yì zhōu de gōng zuò shí jiān a piece of work, a real piece of work n: US, figurative, informal (unusual character, individual) SC 与众不同的人 a piece of work, a real piece of work n: US, figurative, informal (unpleasant, difficult person) SC 难搞定的人 SC 难相处的人 Tommy's a real piece of work; I heard he blamed his mistake on the boss. all in a day's work expr: informal, figurative (routine activity) SC 日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò SC 分内之事 There's no need to thank me - it's all in a day's work for me. all work n: (working all the time, overwork) SC 只工作不干别的 zhǐ gōng zuò bú gàn bié de SC 只工作(不休息) zhǐ gōng zuò bú gàn bié de,zhī gōng zuò bù xiū xī at work adv: (at your workplace) SC 在上班地点 zài shàng bān dì diǎn Bob never checks his personal email at work. 鲍勃从不在上班地点检查自己的私人邮箱。 at work adj: (in action) SC 在起作用的 zài qǐ zuò yòng de SC 行动中的 zài qǐ zuò yòng de ,xíng dòng zhōng de TC 行動中的 at work on [sth] adj: (working on) SC 正在处理 SC 正在从事 The show is a great success, and its writers are already at work on the second season. 这部剧大获成功,编剧已经开始着手准备第二季。 black work n: (work paid in cash, not recorded) SC 黑工 black work n: (embroidery) SC 白底黑线刺绣 blood work n: (blood test) SC 血液化验 xiě yè huà yàn / xuè yè huà yàn TC 血液化驗 SC 验血 xiě yè huà yàn / xuè yè huà yàn,yàn xiě / yàn xuè A yearly physical examination typically includes blood work. body of work n: (all of [sb]'s creations) SC 全部作品 quán bù zuò pǐn The author's body of work spanned six decades. charity work n: (work done for charitable cause) SC 慈善工作 cí shàn gōng zuò She does charity work, mostly for the orphans' home. collected works npl: (anthology) SC 文集 wén jí TC 文集 SC 文选 wén jí,wén xuǎn collected works npl: (everything by an author) (某位作者的) SC 全集 quán jí TC 全集 This volume contains the entire collected works of Coleridge. construction work n: (building) SC 建筑工程 TC 建築工程 The street will be blocked off for two months because of the construction work. custom work n: ([sth] tailor-made, made to order) SC 定做的活儿 dìng zuò de huó er SC 定做的东西 dìng zuò de huó er,dìng zuò de dōng xī The motorcyclists admired all the custom work on the bikes parked outside the bar. custom work n: (bespoke, personalized service) SC 个性化的服务 gè xìng huà de fú wù SC 定制的服务 gè xìng huà de fú wù,dìng zhì de fú wù have your work cut out for you v expr: informal, figurative (have a hard task ahead) SC 面临挑战,面对困难 SC 面临艰巨的任务 The house Joe and Maggie have bought needs a lot of renovation; they certainly have their work cut out for them. day's work n: (work done in one day) SC 一天完成的工作 yì tiān wán chéng de gōng zuò It will take one more day's work to finish the job. deskwork, desk work n: (work done at a desk) SC 案头工作 SC 文书工作 wén shū gōng zuò TC 文書工作 Tony doesn't like working in an office because there's too much deskwork. detective work n: (police investigation) (警方的) SC 侦查工作, 调查工作 All their detective work finally paid off when the murderer was arrested. 他们的侦查工作终于见了成效,捉住了杀人犯。 detective work n: figurative (research) (比喻) SC 调查研究 diào chá yán jiū TC 調查研究 I did a little detective work to find out why my mail hadn't been delivered in three days. dirty work n: figurative (unpleasant tasks) (比喻) SC 苦活儿,累活儿。 kǔ huó er He was sick and tired of doing all her dirty work for her. dirty work n: figurative (immoral or illegal action) (比喻) SC 不法行为,不道德的行为 bù fǎ xíng wéi,bú dào dé de xíng wéi TC 不法行為 The mob boss hired goons to handle his dirty work. do the dirty work v expr: figurative, slang (perform a disagreeable task) (口语) SC 做苦活,做苦工 zuò kǔ huó,zuò kǔ gōng She no longer had servants to do the dirty work for her. do work for charity v expr: (volunteer) SC 为慈善事业服务 wèi cí shàn shì yè fú wù donkey work: informal, figurative (tedious work) (非正式用语) SC 无聊的工作 SC 苦力活 kǔ lì huó TC 苦幹 SC 乏味的工作 field work n: (research carried out on site) SC 现场考察 xiàn chǎng kǎo chá TC 現場考察 SC 实地勘察工作 xiàn chǎng kǎo chá,shí dì kān chá gōng zuò Smithers is in the Amazon doing field work on endangered species. Her fieldwork confirmed her academic theory about economic development. get down to business, get down to work v expr: (start now) SC 进入正题 jìn rù zhèng tí TC 進入正題 SC 言归正传 jìn rù zhèng tí,yán guī zhèng zhuàn We need to get down to business if we hope to finish this today. go to work v expr: (travel to workplace) (本义) SC 去工作场所,去上班 qù gōng zuò chǎng suǒ,qù shàng bān I prefer to go to work early before the traffic gets heavy. go to work on [sth] v expr: figurative, informal (do [sth] thoroughly) SC 全心投入地做,非常细致地做 The artist has really gone to work on this mural; it's huge and very detailed. graduate work n: (employment for [sb] with a degree) SC 毕业生工作 graduate work n: US (graduate school studies) SC 研究生项目 SC 研究生课题 great work n: (job: done well) (文学) SC 巨著 jù zhù SC 杰作,大手笔 jié zuò ,dà shǒu bǐ(艺术) Her boss congratulated Chloe on her great work. great work n: (art: masterpiece) SC 杰作, 名著 The Great Gatsby is one of the great works of American literature. group work: (sociology) (社会学) SC 小组活动,分组活动 hard at work adj: (working hard) SC 努力工作 nǔ lì gōng zuò SC 勤奋用功 nǔ lì gōng zuò ,qín fèn yòng gōng Miguel was hard at work doing his history project. hard work n: (great effort) SC 辛勤工作 xīn qín gōng zuò We would like to commend you on your hard work for the company over the years. 我们要赞扬你多年以来为公司辛勤工作。 hard work n: informal ([sth]: requires effort) (非正式用语) SC 繁重的工作,累人的工作 fán zhòng de gōng zuò Riding a bike uphill is hard work. 骑自行车上山是件累人的工作。 in-work adj: (occurring while [sb] is employed) SC 在职的,在岗的 keep up the good work v expr: (expressing approval) SC 继续好好干 jì xù hǎo hǎo gàn My teacher told me to keep up the good work after I scored 100% in the exam. lab work n: abbr (research done in a laboratory) SC 化验 huà yàn TC 化驗 laboratory work n: (scientific research done in a laboratory) SC 实验室研究工作 shí yàn shì yán jiū gōng zuò I'd like to find some laboratory work during the summer holidays. latticework, trelliswork n: ([sth] with a crisscross design) SC 栅格结构 zhà gé jié gòu TC 柵格結構 SC 网格 zhà gé jié gòu,wǎng gé SC 格子 zhà gé jié gòu,gé zi TC 格子 lifework, life's work, life-work n: (one's main endeavour) SC 一生从事的工作 yì shēng cóng shì de gōng zuò SC 毕生的事业 yì shēng cóng shì de gōng zuò,bì shēng de shì yè SC 毕生的心血 yì shēng cóng shì de gōng zuò,bì shēng de xīn xiě / bì shēng de xīn xuè line of work n: (profession, trade: field) SC 职业 zhí yè TC 職業 SC 行业 zhí yè,háng yè TC 行業 Police officers regularly have to deal with danger in their line of work. literary work n: (high-quality fiction or poetry) SC 文学作品 wén xué zuò pǐn TC 文學作品 make short work of [sth] expr: (do [sth] quickly) SC 迅速完成,迅速做 The project entailed a huge amount of translation, but Audrey made short work of it. make short work of [sth/sb] expr: (deal with summarily) SC 立即处理,立刻处理 The professor made short work of her student's rather poor arguments. make-work n: uncountable (task to keep [sb] from being idle) SC 为闲散人员特意安排的低价值工作 Men at work n: written (roadworks sign) (道路施工标志) SC 前方施工 mosaic work n: uncountable (creating art with small pieces) SC 马赛克作品 mosaic work n: countable (artwork made of small pieces) SC 马赛克式艺术作品 mǎ sài kè shì yì shù zuò pǐn nasty piece of work n: UK, informal, figurative (malicious person) SC 令人讨厌的人 lìng rén tǎo yàn de rén SC 令人厌恶的人 That woman is a nasty piece of work. nice work interj: informal (used to praise [sth] made or done) SC 干得好 gàn de hǎo TC 幹得好 Nice work! You did a better job than I would have and faster as well. nice work n: informal, figurative ([sth] easy and lucrative) (口语) SC 好差事 She can study while she works at the box office and she gets into shows free -- nice work! off work adv: (not at work) (因生病等) SC 没有上班 out of work, out-of-work adj: (jobless, unemployed) SC 失业的 shī yè de TC 失業的 The closing of the tin mines left many men out of work. I've been out of work for four months now; hopefully I'll find a new job soon. 锡矿的关闭令许多人失去了工作。//现在我已经失业四个月了,我希望能尽快找到一份新工作。 outstanding work n: (task or job still to be done) SC 未完成的工作 I can't play golf on Friday; I still have a lot of outstanding work to do. part work, partwork n: (magazine series) SC 分期杂志 SC 分辑丛刊 The novel was originally published as a part work. piece of work n: ([sth] made or done) SC 一件作品 yí jiàn zuò pǐn TC 一件作品 The novel is a magnificent piece of work which is beautifully written. piecework, piece work, piece-work n: (work paid by the unit) SC 按件数付费的工作 n SC 计件工 place of work n: (workplace) SC 工作地点,工作场所,工作单位 gōng zuò dì diǎn,gōng zuò chǎng suǒ TC 工作地點 project work n: (done for a specific task) SC 专题作业,课题研究 The students will be doing project work in their class this afternoon. put [sb] to work v expr: (give a job, task to) (工作、任务) SC 把…交给某人 put [sth] to work v expr: (use) SC 让…发挥作用,让…投入工作 Good investors say you should put your money to work if you want to make even more money. reference work n: (book consulted for information) SC 参考书 cān kǎo shū TC 參考書 The Encyclopædia Britannica is a serious reference work. 大英百科全书是一本很严肃认真的参考书。 return to work v expr: (go back to one's job after a holiday) SC 复工 return to work v expr: (go back into employment) SC 重返工作岗位 My sister retired three years ago, but she has returned to work. rough work n: (preliminary draft) SC 粗略工作 rough work n: (physical work) SC 粗工 SC 粗活 safe place to work n: (not dangerous) SC 安全工作环境 school work, schoolwork n: (studies done at or for school) SC 学校作业 xué xiào zuò yè TC 學校作業 SC 家庭作业 xué xiào zuò yè,jiā tíng zuò yè TC 家庭作業 scope of work n: (nature and extent of a job or task) SC 工作内容 SC 工作范围 The scope of work for a project should specify precisely what work will be done. set to work v expr: (start doing [sth]) SC 着手工作 zhuó shǒu gōng zuò TC 著手工作 He set to work as soon as he was given the new task. set [sb] to work v expr: (cause to start doing [sth]) SC 让(某人)着手工作 The manager set the new employee to work filing invoices. shiftwork, shift work n: (work done in rotating periods) SC 轮班工作 social work n: (assistance to local community) SC 社会工作 shè huì gōng zuò TC 社會工作 SC 社会服务 shè huì gōng zuò,shè huì fú wù statement of work n: (document stating scope of a job or task) SC 工作说明书 stroke of work n: (bit of work) SC 一点工作 SC 一点儿活 tedious work n: (laborious task) SC 苦力活 kǔ lì huó TC 苦幹 SC 体力工作 kǔ lì huó,tǐ lì gōng zuò temporary work n: (employment on short-term contract) SC 临时雇佣 lín shí gù yōng TC 臨時雇傭 Temporary work is particularly common amongst young people. timber work n: (wooden structure) SC 木制品 mù zhì pǐn TC 木製品 Over all the house was well-built but there were one or two problems with the timber work. voluntary work n: (unpaid employment for a cause) SC 志愿工作 volunteer work n: (unpaid employment for a cause) SC 志愿工作 welfare work n: (social services) SC 福利事业 fú lì shì yè TC 福利事業 work against [sb/sth] v expr: (be detrimental to) SC 对…不利 duì bú lì work area n: (environment in which a job is done) SC 工作区,工作区域 gōng zuò qū,gōng zuò qū yù TC 工作區,工作區域 work as a team v expr: (co-operate) SC 团队合作 tuán duì hé zuò TC 團隊合作 If we work as a team we'll finish much sooner. work at [sth] vtr: (put great effort into) SC 致力于 zhì lì yú TC 致力於... SC 投身于 zhì lì yú ,tóu shēn yú We are currently working at finding ways to become more environmentally friendly. work backwards vi: (do [sth] in reverse) SC 反过来做某事 work camp n: (enforced labour camp) SC 囚犯劳动营 qiú fàn láo dòng yíng SC 劳教所 qiú fàn láo dòng yíng,láo jiào suǒ SC 劳改所 qiú fàn láo dòng yíng,láo gǎi suǒ TC 勞改所 Under Stalin's regime, political prisoners were sent to work camps. work cited n: (bibliography: quoted text) SC 引用文献 yǐn yòng wén xiàn TC 引用文獻 My English teacher always wants a work cited page, and I never know how to do one. work conditions npl: (employment terms) SC 工作条件,工作环境 gōng zuò tiáo jiàn TC 工作條件 work ethic n: (belief in working hard) SC 职业道德 zhí yè dào dé TC 職業道德 He has a very strong work ethic, sometimes to the detriment of his family life. 他有很强的职业道德,有时因此会伤害到他的家庭生活。 work experience n: (temporary job placement) SC (针对学生的)工作经验培训项目 zhēn duì xué shēng de gōng zuò jīng yàn péi xùn xiàng mù All students on the course undertake a period of work experience. 所有这门课的学生都会进行一段时间的实际工作。 work experience n: US (professional experience) SC 工作经验 TC 工作經驗 To apply for the position, please provide a detailed description of your work experience. 如需申请该职位,请提供你的工作经验的详细内容。 |
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