单词 | working |
释义 | working US ![]() ![]() working adj: (employed) SC 有工作的 yǒu gōng zuò de SC 有职业的 yǒu gōng zuò de ,yǒu zhí yè de He's a working man, now that he has found a job. 既然他找到了工作,他就是个有工作的人了。 working adj: (operating) (机器等) SC 运作的,工作的,操作正常的 yùn zuò de ,gōng zuò de ,cāo zuò zhèng cháng de Is the TV in working condition? 电视在工作吗? working adj: (knowledge: basic) (知识) SC 基本的 jī běn de SC 基础的 jī běn de ,jī chǔ de TC 基礎的 I have a working knowledge of how cars work. 我对汽车的运作原理有基本的了解。 working adj: (hours: of work) (时间) SC 用于工作的 yòng yú gōng zuò de The working hours here are 9 to 6. 这里的工作时间是朝九晚六。 working adj: (hypothesis, title: current) (理论、假设) SC 还在对其进行加工的,尚未有定论的,暂定的,初步的 hái zài duì qí jìn xíng jiā gōng de,shàng wèi yǒu dìng lùn de,zàn dìng de ,chū bù de TC 暫定的 His working theory has gone through a few changes. 他的初步理论经过了几次修改。 workings, workings of [sth] npl: figurative (way [sth] functions) (组织、机构等) SC 工作方式,运作方式 yùn zuò fāng shì This book explains the inner workings of the banking system. 这本书阐释了银行系统的内部运作方式。 workings npl: (mechanism) (机器) SC 机制,工作方式 jī zhì TC 機制 I took the back off of my watch to inspect the workings. 我取下了手表的表背,检测其运转机制。 working adj: (clothing: worn for work) (服装) SC 工作时穿的,工装的 gōng zuò shí chuān de,gōng zhuāng de Get out of your working outfit so we can go out to eat. working adj: (majority: able to function) SC 绝大多数的 jué dà duō shù de SC 有足够效力的 jué dà duō shù de ,yǒu zú gòu xiào lì de The party leaders put together a working coalition. work vi: (be employed) SC 受雇于 shòu gù yú TC 受僱於 He works at the bank. 他在银行工作。 work vi: (toil) SC 劳作 láo zuò SC 工作 láo zuò ,gōng zuò TC 工作 SC 干活 láo zuò ,gàn huó TC 幹活 He worked into the night. 他工作到晚上。 work vi: (function) SC 运转 yùn zhuàn TC 運轉 SC 运行 yùn zhuàn ,yùn xíng TC 運行 SC 开动起来 yùn zhuàn ,kāi dòng qǐ lái Does the car work? 这车能开动起来吗? work vi: (be useful, effectual) SC 有用 yǒu yòng TC 有用 SC 有效 yǒu yòng,yǒu xiào TC 有效 SC 奏效 yǒu yòng,zòu xiào Did the medicine work? 这药有效吗? work [sth] vtr: (machine: operate) (机器等) SC 操作, 开动, 使运作 Do you know how to work this machine? 您知道怎样操作这台机器吗? work n: uncountable (occupation) SC 职业 zhí yè TC 職業 SC 工作 zhí yè,gōng zuò TC 工作 What is your work? I'm a dentist. 你从事什么工作?我是一名牙医。 work n: uncountable (employment) SC 工作 gōng zuò TC 工作 SC 差事 gōng zuò ,chāi shì SC 岗位 gōng zuò ,gǎng wèi TC 崗位 The bank provides work for many people. 银行为许多人提供了就业岗位。 work n: uncountable (effort) SC 努力 nǔ lì TC 努力 SC 工夫 nǔ lì,gōng fū TC 工夫 His work on the car was worth the result. 结果证明他在这辆车上花的工夫是值得的。 work n: uncountable (toil) SC 劳作 láo zuò SC 差事 láo zuò ,chāi shì SC 活计 láo zuò ,huó jì An apple picker does exhausting work, from sunrise until dusk. 摘苹果是件辛苦活,要从日出干到黄昏。 work [sth] vtr: (knead, massage) SC 揉 róu vtr TC 揉 SC 按 róu,àn TC 按 The baker gently works the dough until it forms crumbs. 面点师揉捏面团,直到材料散成渣。 work [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep: (knead, massage [sth] into [sth]) SC 把…揉成…,把…按成… vtr Work the lard into the flour with a fork. 用叉子将猪油拌进面粉中。 works npl: (art, literature, music: achievements) SC 作品 zuò pǐn TC 作品 SC 著述 TC 著述 SC 著作 zuò pǐn,zhù zuò TC 著作 The author's poems are his most overlooked works. 这个作者的诗歌作品总是被大众所忽视。 works npl: (factory) SC 工厂 gōng chǎng TC 工廠 Most of the menfolk were employed at the town's works. 许多男人都在镇上工厂工作。 the works expr: informal (everything) SC 全套配置 SC 全套设备 He dreamed of buying a shiny new car with the works. 他梦想买一辆崭新的带全套设备的车。 the works expr: informal (unpleasant treatment) SC 折磨 zhé mó TC 折磨 SC 苦头 She forgot his birthday, and he gave her the works. 她忘记了他的生日,所以他让她尝尽了苦头。 work n: uncountable (type of task) SC 任务 rèn wù TC 任務 SC 活计 rèn wù,huó jì SC 工作 rèn wù,gōng zuò TC 工作 I don't like this work. Can I do something different? 我不喜欢这个任务。可以让我干点别的吗? work n: (office, place of work) SC 办公室 bàn gōng shì TC 辦公室 SC 上班的地方 bàn gōng shì,shàng bān de dì fāng SC 工作地点 bàn gōng shì,gōng zuò dì diǎn TC 工作地點 This is his work. Yes, that building. 这就是他上班的地方。是的,就是那栋楼。 work n: (activity) SC (具体的)工作 jù tǐ de gōng zuò SC 活计 jù tǐ de gōng zuò,huó jì He is doing some work or other in the shop. 他正在店里工作。 work n: (objects on which work is done) SC (艺术)作品 yì shù zuò pǐn SC 工作成果 yì shù zuò pǐn,gōng zuò chéng guǒ The art students took their work to the benches. 艺术生将作品拿到长凳上。 work n: (product of labor) SC 工作成果,工作结晶,产品 gōng zuò chéng guǒ,gōng zuò jié jīng,chǎn pǐn TC 產品 SC 作品,著作 zuò pǐn,zhù zuò TC 作品,著作 The work was obviously well done. 这产品显然是用心做好的。 这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 昨天我买了一套鲁迅全集。 work n: (building) SC 工程 gōng chéng TC 工程 The tunnel is an impressive work of engineering. 这个隧道是一件惊人的工程。 work n: (physics: force times distance) (物理学中力对距离的累积) SC 机械功,功 jī xiè gōng,gōng TC 功 In physics, work deals with transference of energy. 物理学中,功与能量的转移有关系。 work n: (product of artist) (艺术家的) SC 作品 zuò pǐn TC 作品 Many think Beethoven's Ninth is his greatest work. I have the complete works of Dickens in my library. 许多人认为贝多芬的《第九交响曲》是他最伟大的作品。我的藏书室里有狄更斯的作品全集。 work n as adj: (of, concerning work) SC 工作的 gōng zuò de SC 与工作有关的 gōng zuò de ,yǔ gōng zuò yǒu guān de He got a work permit in July. 他七月份获得了工作许可。 works npl: (construction) SC 工程 gōng chéng TC 工程 SC 工事 gōng chéng,gōng shì TC 工事 work vi: (with adverb or noun phrase) SC 工作 gōng zuò TC 工作 We'll have to work late to finish this project. Sheila's been working extra hours to pay off her debts. 我们必须工作到很晚才能完成这个项目。为了还债,希拉一直在加班加点地工作。 work as [sth] vi + prep: (make a living as) SC 任…职 rèn zhí TC 任...職 SC 做…的工作 Right now I am working as a waitress in a cocktail bar, but I want to be an actress. 眼下,我在一家鸡尾酒吧做服务员的工作,不过,我的梦想是成为一名演员。 work for [sb] vi + prep: informal (be OK with [sb]) SC …对某人来说可以,…对某人而言可行 I could meet you at 2 pm on Wednesday; does that work for you? 我能够在周三下午2点见你,这个时间对你来说可行吗? work [sth], work [sth] into [sth] vtr: (contort) SC 扭曲 niǔ qū SC 把…成形 niǔ qū ,bǎ chéng xíng She worked the wire into a loop. work [sth] vtr: (accomplish) SC 使…逐步变成 SC 实现 shí xiàn TC 實現(某种变化) She worked a change in the texture of the dough. work [sth] vtr: (fashion by work) SC 制作 zhì zuò TC 製作 / 制作 SC 手工制作 TC 手工製作 The carpenter works the pieces into a table. work [sb] vtr: (keep at work) SC 使…工作 shǐ gōng zuò SC 使…干活 shǐ gōng zuò,shǐ gàn huó SC 让…加班 shǐ gōng zuò,ràng jiā bān The boss worked them until late into the night. work [sth] vtr: (land, be a farmer) SC 在…耕种 zài gēng zhòng TC 在…耕種 SC 在…耕作 zài gēng zhòng,zài gēng zuò The farmer worked the land. work [sb] vtr: (persuade) SC 说服 shuō fú TC 說服 SC 劝服 shuō fú ,quàn fú The minister worked the congregation into an exultant state. work around [sth], also UK: work round [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (avoid, bypass) SC 避免 bì miǎn TC 避免 SC 避开 bì miǎn ,bì kāi TC 避開 SC 绕过 bì miǎn ,rào guò They worked around the software bug by eliminating some features. work [sth] down, work down [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (negotiate lower price) SC 议…的价 SC 对...讨论降价 After negotiating for fifteen minutes, Sam worked the price down to $200. currently working adj: (status: in employment) SC 在职的 He's not currently working, but he does have several employment interviews next week. hardworking, also UK: hard-working adj: (diligent) SC 勤劳的 qín láo de TC 勤勞的 SC 工作努力的 qín láo de,gōng zuò nǔ lì de SC 勤勉的 qín láo de,qín miǎn de The seasonal workers employed to help with the harvest are very hardworking indeed. 受雇来帮助农收的季工们的确非常勤劳。 in good working condition expr: (object: functioning well) SC 状况良好 zhuàng kuàng liáng hǎo TC 狀況良好 SC 处于良好工作状态 My grandmother's typewriter is still in good working condition. in working condition expr: (object: functioning) SC 可以正常使用 in working order expr: (fully functioning) SC 正常运作地 zhèng cháng yùn zuò de SC 能正常发挥功能地 zhèng cháng yùn zuò de,néng zhèng cháng fā huī gōng néng de You'd better check your parachute's in working order before you jump. nonworking, non-working adj: (without paid employment) SC 没工作的 méi gōng zuò de SC 失业的 méi gōng zuò de,shī yè de TC 失業的 nonworking, non-working adj: (not functioning properly) SC 运转不正常的 yùn zhuǎn bú zhèng cháng de SC 出问题了的 yùn zhuǎn bú zhèng cháng de,chū wèn tí le de remote working n: (doing your job off site) SC 远程工作 work day, working day n: (working or office hours) SC 工作日 gōng zuò rì TC 工作日 work surface, working surface n: (generic: flat surface) SC 工作台 gōng zuò tái TC 工作臺 SC 作业台面 The carpenter secured the block of wood to his work surface. work week, working week n: (weekly working hours) SC 工作周 gōng zuò zhōu SC 一周的总工时 gōng zuò zhōu,yì zhōu de zǒng gōng shí The typical work week in the US is Monday through Friday. working capital n: (business: available assets) SC 营运资本 yíng yùn zī běn TC 營運資本 The company was incorporated with a working capital of £2000. working class, working classes n: (laboring class) SC 工人阶级 gōng rén jiē jí TC 工人階級 He started out as member of the working class, but now he runs an investment firm. 他从工人阶级的成员起家,现在他已经营着一家投资公司。 working class, working-class adj: (of laboring classes) SC 工人阶级 gōng rén jiē jí TC 工人階級 He was very proud of his working-class background. 他为他的工人阶级的背景感到非常自豪。 working conditions npl: (job: rights and regulations) SC 工作条件 gōng zuò tiáo jiàn TC 工作條件 The working conditions in the factory were appalling. working day, work day n: (daytime hours occupied by work) SC 工作的日子 gōng zuò de rì zi SC 工作日 gōng zuò de rì zi,gōng zuò rì TC 工作日 A standard work day is about eight hours long. working day n: (day normally worked) SC 工作日 gōng zuò rì TC 工作日 Orders will be dispatched within two working days. working drawing n: (drawn plan, outline) SC 工作图 gōng zuò tú TC 工作圖 working environment n: (employment surroundings) SC 工作环境 working girl n: slang, euphemism (prostitute) SC 职业女子 zhí yè nǚ zǐ TC 職業女子 SC 女工 zhí yè nǚ zǐ ,nǚ gōng TC 女工 Mary has been a working girl since adolescence. working girl n: informal, dated (employed woman) SC 职业女子 zhí yè nǚ zǐ TC 職業女子 SC 女工 zhí yè nǚ zǐ ,nǚ gōng TC 女工 All five of my daughters are working girls now. working hours, work hours npl: (time spent working) SC 工作时间 gōng zuò shí jiān working hypothesis n: (applied theory) (逻辑) SC 可使用假设,作业假设 kě shǐ yòng jiǎ shè,zuò yè jiǎ shè Professor Smith's idea is merely a working hypothesis. working man n: (male who has a job) SC 职场男性 working memory n: (temporary or short-term recall) SC 工作记忆 working mother n: (mother who has job) SC 职业妇女 SC 职场母亲 working order n: (functioning correctly) SC 正常运转状态 working out n: (calculations) SC 计算 jì suàn TC 計算 Answer all the questions carefully and show your working out. 请仔细回答所有问题并且展示你的计算过程。 working out n: (weight-training, exercising) SC 锻炼 duàn liàn TC 鍛鍊 SC 健身 duàn liàn,jiàn shēn You can tell from the size of his muscles that working out is Patrick's main hobby. 从帕特里克肌肉的大小就可以看出,健身是他的主要爱好。 working paper n: (not final draft) SC 未定稿版本,工作文件 working papers npl: (documents permitting employment) (颁发给未成年人或侨居者的) SC 工作许可证明 gōng zuò xǔ kě zhèng míng He was deported back to his home country because he had no working papers. working poor npl: (people on very low income) SC 低薪工作的人 SC 廉价劳动力 working range n: (degree of coverage) SC 有效范围 SC 作业范围 working space n: (area in which one works) SC 工作区域 gōng zuò qū yù TC 工作區域 working title n: (name or heading of [sth] while in progress) SC 暂定名称,暂名 working vacation (US), working holiday (UK) n: (work while on vacation) SC 带工休假 SC 工作假期 working version n: (copy of [sth] still in progress) SC 初步版本 workingman, working man n: (working-class adult male) SC 劳动者 láo dòng zhě TC 勞動者 SC 工人(阶级) láo dòng zhě,gōng rén jiē jí workingwoman, working woman n: (adult female in paid employment) SC 劳动妇女 láo dòng fù nǚ TC 勞動婦女 SC 女工 láo dòng fù nǚ,nǚ gōng TC 女工 workweek, working week n: (weekly working hours) SC 工作周 gōng zuò zhōu SC 一周的工作时间 gōng zuò zhōu,yì zhōu de gōng zuò shí jiān |
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