

单词 reels

reel n: (device for winding [sth])
SC 卷轴 juǎn zhóu
SC 卷筒 juǎn zhóu ,juǎn tǒng
TC 捲筒 / 卷筒
Alice winds the hosepipe onto the reel.

reel n: (spool: of thread) (棉线等)
SC 一卷 yí juàn
Jack fetches a reel of cotton from the sewing box.

reel n: (device for winding a fishing line) (钓鱼竿)
SC 绕线轮,钓丝螺旋轮 rào xiàn lún,diào sī luó xuán lún
Michelle turns the reel to wind in the line.

reel n: (roll of film)
SC 一卷 yí juàn
The director shot three reels today.

reel vi: (sway: when punched, etc.)
SC 趔趄 liè qie
SC 站立不稳 liè qie ,zhàn lì bù wěn
Tim reeled backwards, stunned by the force of Larry's punch.

reel vi: figurative (be shocked: by news)
SC 感到震惊 gǎn dào zhèn jīng
TC 感到震驚
SC 受到震撼 gǎn dào zhèn jīng,shòu dào zhèn hàn
Imogen was reeling from the news of the company's failure.

reel vi: figurative (head, senses: spin)
SC 晕眩 yūn xuàn
SC 眩晕 yūn xuàn,xuàn yūn
Mark spun around and around until his head was reeling.

reel n: (Scottish dance) (苏格兰民间舞蹈)
SC 里尔舞 lǐ ěr wǔ
TC 里爾舞
The dancers danced a reel.

reel [sth] in vtr phrasal sep: (fish: catch)
SC 收起钓鱼线钓起 shōu qǐ diào yú xiàn diào qǐ
Once the fish is hooked, reel it in as quick as you can.

reel [sb] in vtr phrasal sep: figurative (capture the attention of)
SC 引起…的注意 yǐn qǐ … de zhù yì
SC 吸引到…的注意力
The new neon sign in our window is really reeling in the customers.

reel [sth] off vtr phrasal sep: informal (recite)
SC 剿(丝) jiǎo ( sī )
TC 剿(絲)
SC 一口气说出 jiǎo ( sī ),yì kǒu qì shuō chū
SC 滔滔不绝地讲 jiǎo ( sī ),tāo tāo bù jué de jiǎng
The award-winner reeled off a long list of all the people he wished to thank.

film reel n: (spool of movie film)
SC 电影胶片卷盘 diàn yǐng jiāo piàn juǎn pán
SC 电影胶卷 diàn yǐng jiāo piàn juǎn pán,diàn yǐng jiāo juǎn
We found a box full of old film reels in the loft.

hose reel n: (spindle for storing a hose)
SC 水管卷盘

reel-to-reel adj: (of old movie or sound recorders)
SC 卷带式




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