

单词 alarm

US   UK  
alarm n: (alerting device)
SC 警报器 jǐng bào qì
TC 警報器
SC 警铃 jǐng bào qì,jǐng líng
SC 警钟 jǐng bào qì,jǐng zhōng
The house has a burglar alarm that's easy to set.

alarm n: (warning sound)
SC 警报声 jǐng bào shēng
TC 警報聲
SC 警铃 jǐng bào shēng ,jǐng líng
SC 警钟声 jǐng bào shēng ,jǐng zhōng shēng
We heard the alarm but didn't know what it was about.

alarm n: (sudden fright)
SC 突然的惊吓 tū rán de jīng xià
SC 惊恐 tū rán de jīng xià ,jīng kǒng
We could see the alarm in the children's faces.

alarm [sb] vtr: (frighten)
SC 惊吓 jīng xià
SC 使受惊 jīng xià ,shǐ shòu jīng
SC 吓唬 jīng xià ,xià hu
I don't want to alarm you but a police car just pulled into the driveway.

alarm bell n: (bell sounding an alert) (本义)
SC 警钟,警铃 jǐng zhōng,jǐng líng

alarm bell (US), alarm bells (UK) n: figurative (warning, caution)
SC 警告, 提醒
George's late arrival for our first date should have set off alarm bells that he's not a punctual person.

alarm bells start to ring, warning bells start to sound expr: figurative, informal (you have misgivings about [sth])
SC 感觉不对劲
SC 心里拉警报(比喻)

alarm call n: (phone call to wake [sb] up)
SC 叫醒电话

alarm clock n: (clock that sounds an alert)
SC 闹钟 nào zhōng
My alarm clock sounds every morning at 6 AM. My power went out last night, so my alarm clock didn't go off.

alarm signal n: (device making a warning sound)
SC 警报信号装置 jǐng bào xìn hào zhuāng zhì
SC 警报信号机 jǐng bào xìn hào zhuāng zhì,jǐng bào xìn hào jī

alarm signal n: (warning sound)
SC 警报信号 jǐng bào xìn hào
TC 警報信號

alarm system n: (warns of intruders)
SC 警报系统 jǐng bào xì tǒng
TC 警報系統
Following a burglary, I had an alarm system installed.

burglar alarm n: (warns of a burglary)
SC 防盗报警器 fáng dào bào jǐng qì
The burglar alarm will sound if the window is opened.

cause for alarm n: ([sth] that creates panic)
SC 让人恐慌的事 ràng rén kǒng huāng de shì
SC 令人惊慌的事 ràng rén kǒng huāng de shì,lìng rén jīng huāng de shì
Even though the pilot said that there was no cause for alarm, the turbulence made all the passengers nervous.

false alarm n: (false report of fire)
SC 误报火警

false alarm n: ([sth] untrue causing alarm) (比喻)
SC 狼来了 láng lái le
SC 误报 láng lái le,wù bào

fire alarm n: (siren or bell warning of fire)
SC 火警警报器 huǒ jǐng jǐng bào qì
Someone set off the fire alarm at 3 am and the entire hotel had to be evacuated.
You often have to smash a glass panel to activate a fire alarm.

smoke detector, smoke alarm n: (device that detects a fire)
SC 烟雾报警器

sound the alarm v expr: (alert or warn others)
SC 发警报 fā jǐng bào
TC 發警報
SC 敲警钟 fā jǐng bào,qiāo jǐng zhōng
When the watchman saw the invaders coming, he sounded the alarm to call for help.




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