

单词 key to
key to

key n: (device that opens a lock)
SC 钥匙 yào shi
TC 鑰匙
I can't find the key to unlock the door.

key n: (software: code) (计算机)
SC 密匙,密钥 mì shi ,mì yào
The software has a key that you have to type in to be able to use it.

key n: (button on a computer keyboard) (键盘或打字机的)
SC 键 jiàn
After finishing a line, you need to hit the Enter key.

key n: (music: D major, etc.) (音乐)
SC 调,主音 zhǔ yīn
TC 調
The song was written in the key of D major. Transition is a movement from one key to another.
这首歌是用 D 大调谱写的。

key n: (legend on a map) (地图的)
SC 图例 tú lì
What does this symbol mean? I can't find it in the key.

key n: (on a piano, etc.)
SC 琴键 qín jiàn
A piano has many white and black keys.

key, key to [sth] n: (solution)
SC 答案 dá àn
TC 答案
SC 解决方法 dá àn,jiě jué fāng fǎ
The key to solving the puzzle is to eliminate the incorrect answers.

the key to [sth] n: (most important thing)
SC 关键
TC 關鍵
SC 重点 zhòng diǎn
TC 重點
The key to getting into this college is to perform well at interview.

key n: (on a mechanism, for winding) (给机械上弦用的)
SC 钥匙 yào shi
TC 鑰匙
I've lost the key for the grandfather clock.

key adj: (most important)
SC 关健的 guān jiàn de
TC 關鍵的
SC 主要的 guān jiàn de ,zhǔ yào de
SC 极重要的 guān jiàn de ,jí zhòng yào de
The key ingredient is garlic.
These are the key figures for the project.

key n: (in a dictionary) (字典)
SC 凡例,略语表 fán lì,lüè yǔ biǎo
The dictionary's key explains all the abbreviations.

key n: (style, tone)
SC 基调 jī diào
SC 风格 jī diào ,fēng gé
TC 風格
Her house is decorated in a very soft key.

key n: (keystone)
SC 拱顶石 gǒng dǐng shí
TC 拱頂石
Look at the key of the arch.

key n: (island reef)
SC 低於海面的小岛 dī wū hǎi miàn de xiǎo dǎo
SC 暗礁 dī wū hǎi miàn de xiǎo dǎo,àn jiāo
Key West is one of the Florida Keys.

key n: (can opener) (罐头上的)
SC 开罐头工具,开罐钥匙
You open the sardine tin with the key that's attached to the lid.

key [sth] vtr: (musical instrument: set pitch) (乐器)
SC 给...调音
The guitar needs to be keyed higher than that.

key [sth] vtr: (scratch with a key) (汽车)
SC 用钥匙刮
Annoyed to find a car parked half on the pavement, Audrey keyed it.

key [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep: (data: type in)
SC 用键盘将(数据)输入
She keyed the data into a spreadsheet.

key [sth] in vtr phrasal sep: (enter by typing)
SC 键入 jiàn rù
Key in your name and email address on the online application form.

key [sb] up, key up [sb] vtr phrasal sep: (excite)
SC 使…激动
TC 使…激動
SC 使…兴奋 shǐ xīng fèn
TC 使...興奮

Allen key, Allen wrench, hex key n: (L-shaped wrench)
SC 艾伦内六角扳手

answer key n: (answers to test questions)
SC 试题解答
SC 答案 dá àn
TC 答案
The student stole the answer key from the teacher's desk, and sold the answers.

backspace key n: (on computer keyboard) (电脑键盘)
SC 退格键,回退键 tuì gé jiàn,huí tuì jiàn
Hitting the backspace key removes the most recently typed symbol.

door key n: (key to house, hotel room)
SC 门钥匙 mén yào shi
TC 門鑰匙
In modern hotels, the door key is a plastic card.

function key n: (button on computer keyboard) (电脑键盘上的)
SC 功能键 gōng néng jiàn
TC 功能鍵
The function keys are always numbered F1, F2, F3, etc.

high key n: (light tones)
SC 高色调

high key, high-key n as adj: (light toned)
SC 高色调的

hot key n: (computing: shortcut to a command)
SC 热键
SC 快捷键
TC 快捷鍵

ignition key n: (key that starts an engine) (汽车等引擎的)
SC 点火钥匙,点火开关 diǎn huǒ yào shi,diǎn huǒ kāi guān
He turned the ignition key in the lock and the engine started to run.

key card n: (access card)
SC 钥匙卡
TC 鑰匙卡

key chain, keychain n: (fob for attaching keys)
SC 钥匙链 yào shi liàn
TC 鑰匙鏈
I got my dad a souvenir key chain from Paris.

key cutter n: ([sb] who makes or copies keys)
SC 配钥匙工

key date n: (day [sth] important happens)
SC 关键日期

key element n: (crucial feature, part)
SC 关键要素,关键元素
An easy-to-use catalogue is a key element of a good library.

key feature n: (most important characteristic)
SC 关键特性,重要特点
A key feature of the new system will be an entirely comprehensive database, accessible to all.

key figure n: (important person)
SC 重要人物 zhòng yào rén wù
SC 重要角色
Leonardo da Vinci was one of the key figures of the Renaissance.

key fob, fob n: (key ring)
SC 钥匙扣

key fob, fob n: (remote locking device)
SC 遥控钥匙
SC 遥控锁

key holder n: (ring or fob to which keys are attached)
SC 钥匙环 yào shi huán
TC 鑰匙環
He gave me a key holder which I can attach to my belt so I don't lose it.

key holder n: ([sb] who has the key)
SC 掌管钥匙的人 zhǎng guǎn yào shi de rén
The police need the contact details of a keyholder in case the burglar alarm goes off.

key information n: (essential or important knowledge)
SC 关键信息
SC 重要信息
The time the crime was committed was key information for the investigators.

key issue n: (crucial subject)
SC 关键问题
TC 關鍵問題

Key lime n: (yellow lime: Citrus × aurantiifolia)
SC 来檬
SC 酸橙 suān chéng

key line n: (printing: explanatory line)
SC 注释 zhù shì
TC 註釋 / 注釋
SC 解释 zhù shì,jiě shì
TC 解釋

keyline n: (graphic design: border)
SC 边界线 biān jiè xiàn
TC 界線

key pattern n: (geometric border design)
SC 卍字形花样 wàn zì xíng huā yàng
Ancient Greek pottery makes extensive use of the key pattern.

key ring, keyring n: (metal loop for holding keys)
SC 钥匙环 yào shi huán
TC 鑰匙環
The keys on the guard's key ring jangled as he walked.

key ring, keyring n: (computing: file of encryption keys) (计算机)
SC 密钥文件,钥匙串
TC 鑰匙串

key-ring, ring key n: (ancient key worn as a ring)
SC 戒指钥匙

key signature: (music) (音乐)
SC 调号 diào hào

key strength n: (best feature or quality)
SC 关键优势,主要优点
One of the key strengths of a manager is the ability to bring the best out of everybody.

key tag n: (fob on a keyring) (钥匙环上的小饰物)
SC 钥匙扣,钥匙链 yào shi liàn
TC 鑰匙鏈

key worker, keyworker, essential worker n: ([sb] providing vital goods or services)
SC 关键工作人员, 重要工作人员

keypunch, key punch, card punch n: (hole-punching device)
SC (资料卡的)键控穿孔机 zī liào kǎ de jiàn kòng chuān kǒng jī
SC 打孔机 zī liào kǎ de jiàn kòng chuān kǒng jī,dǎ kǒng jī
TC 穿孔機

keypunch, key punch vi: (enter data using a keypunch)
SC 用打孔机打孔 yòng dǎ kǒng jī dǎ kǒng
SC 穿孔 yòng dǎ kǒng jī dǎ kǒng,chuān kǒng
TC 穿孔

keypunch [sth], key punch [sth] vtr: (data: enter using a keypunch) (数据)
SC 给...打孔
TC 給…打孔

keyword n: (search term)
SC (搜索时输入的)关键字 sōu suǒ shí shū rù de guān jiàn zì
SC 关键词 sōu suǒ shí shū rù de guān jiàn zì,guān jiàn cí
The index can be searched by subject or by keyword.

keyword n: (word: deciphers a code)
SC (解密码的)关键词 jiě mì mǎ de guān jiàn cí
The spy's mother was the only other person that knew the keyword to decipher the notebook.

key word n: (important term)
SC 关键字 guān jiàn zì
TC 關鍵字
SC 关键词 guān jiàn zì,guān jiàn cí
The key word here is 'estimated'.

KPI n: initialism (key performance indicator)
SC 关键绩效指标

low-key, lowkey adj: (light, colour: subtle, subdued) (灯光、颜色等)
SC 暗色的,暗调的 àn sè de ,àn diào de
The colour of this carpet is very low-key.

low-key, lowkey adj: figurative (not ostentatious)
SC 低调的 dī diào de
TC 低調的
SC 有节制的 dī diào de ,yǒu jié zhì de
TC 有節制的
The party was just a low-key affair with a few friends.

lowkey, low-key adv: informal (secretly, with embarrassment)
SC 悄悄地 qiāo qiāo de
SC 偷偷地 qiāo qiāo de ,tōu tōu de
I lowkey want to buy a pound of candy and spend the day eating it in bed.

master key n: (passkey, key that opens a number of locks)
SC 万能钥匙 wàn néng yào shi
TC 萬能鑰匙
I lost the key to my apartment and so had to ask the caretaker to open the door for me with his master key.

off key, off-key adj: (out of tune)
SC 跑调的 pǎo diào de
TC 走音的
Elena was off key and her voice sounded very strained.

off key, off-key adv: (out of tune)
SC 跑调 pǎo diào
Angela was singing off key.

passkey, pass key n: (key that opens many locks)
SC 万能钥匙 wàn néng yào shi
TC 萬能鑰匙
Bob used his passkey to open several doors in the office building.

pound key (US), hash key (UK) n: (keyboard, phone: number sign #) (键盘、电话)
SC 井号键
Next, enter the amount, followed by the pound key.

print screen, print screen key n: (computer function key)
SC 屏幕打印键
SC 截图键
Hit print screen to take a screenshot.

skeleton key n: (master or multi-purpose key)
SC 万能钥匙 wàn néng yào shi
TC 萬能鑰匙
The hotel maid had a skeleton key so she could let herself into any room she wanted.

star, star key n: (on keyboard: key with asterisk)
SC 星号键
SC 星键 xīng jiàn
To speak to an operator, press star.

tab key: (indent key)
SC 制表键 zhì biǎo jiàn
TC 製表鍵
SC Tab键

under lock and key adv: (to or in prison)
SC 监禁中地 jiān jìn zhōng de
TC 監禁中地
SC 囚禁中地 jiān jìn zhōng de,qiú jìn zhōng de
SC 关押地 jiān jìn zhōng de,guān yā dì
This type of deviant behaviour will get you put under lock and key.

under lock and key adj: (person: in prison) (人)
SC 监禁中的,被关押的,被囚禁的 jiān jìn zhōng de,bèi guān yā de ,bèi qiú jìn de
He's under lock and key after he committed that robbery last year.

under lock and key adj: (thing: locked away) (东西)
SC 被锁藏起来的,被严密保管的,被锁起来的 bèi suǒ cáng qǐ lái de,bèi yán mì bǎo guǎn de,bèi suǒ qǐ lái de
I want you to stop overspending so I put your credit card under lock and key.




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