

单词 clubs

club n: (association)
SC 俱乐部 jù lè bù
TC 俱樂部
SC 会社 jù lè bù,huì shè
SC 社团 jù lè bù,shè tuán
We are members of the local tennis club.

club n: (sports: golf club) (高尔夫球等)
SC 球棒 qiú bàng
He can hit the golf ball far with his new clubs.

club n: (cudgel, heavy stick)
SC 棍棒 gùn bàng
SC 大棒 gùn bàng,dà bàng
The caveman hit the animal with a club.

club n: (dance club)
SC 俱乐部 jù lè bù
TC 俱樂部
SC 夜总会 jù lè bù,yè zǒng huì
TC 夜總會
They were dancing at the club all night.

clubs npl: (black playing-card suit) (扑克牌花色之一)
SC 梅花 méi huā
TC 梅花
Do you have an eight of clubs in your hand?

club n: figurative (shared experience)
SC 有相似特性的集团
Those of us in the over-40s club worry less about what people think of us.

club [sb] vtr: (hit with heavy object) (尤指用钝器)
SC 击打 jī dǎ
The caveman clubbed the animal.

club [sth] vtr: (hit with heavy object)
SC 击打 jī dǎ
SC 打 jī dǎ ,dá dǎ
The batsman clubbed the ball high into the air.

club [sb] with [sth] vtr: (hit with heavy object)
SC 用…击打某人
The two men clubbed their victim with a baseball bat.

club [sth] with [sth] vtr: (hit with heavy object)
SC 用…击打某物
The soldier clubbed the villager's head with his rifle butt.

club together vi phrasal: (share cost)
SC 公摊费用
SC 凑钱
All Jon's colleagues clubbed together and got him a nice leaving gift.

ball club n: (professional baseball team)
SC 棒球队 bàng qiú duì
TC 棒球隊
SC 棒球俱乐部 bàng qiú duì,bàng qiú jù lè bù
Whether the player will remain with the ball club is uncertain.

billy club n: (police baton)
SC 警棍 jǐng gùn
The officer denied hitting me with his billy club, but my bruises proved otherwise.

book club n: (reading group)
SC 读书会 dú shū huì
TC 讀書會
SC 读书俱乐部 dú shū huì,dú shū jù lè bù
SC 书友会 dú shū huì,shū yǒu huì
My book club meets the first Monday of every month to discuss a new book.

book club n: (subscription service) (会员购书可享受优惠)
SC 读书俱乐部 dú shū jù lè bù
The book club sends a book of its choosing to its subscribers.

club sandwich n: (sandwich: toasted, 3 slices)
SC 总汇三明治 zǒng huì sān míng zhì

club soda n: US (carbonated water, soda water)
SC 苏打水 sū dá shuǐ
TC 蘇打水
SC 汽水 sū dá shuǐ,qì shuǐ
If the cocktail is too strong for you, I can dilute it with club soda.

club together to do [sth] v expr: (share cost)
SC 凑钱
SC 共担费用
The students clubbed together to buy a present for their teacher.

clubfoot, club foot, club-foot n: (congenital deformity of the foot)
SC 畸形足 jī xíng zú
Persons with a clubfoot appear to be walking on their ankles.

clubfooted, club-footed, club footed adj: (having a club foot)
SC 畸足的,畸形足的

country club n: (suburban social club)
SC 乡村俱乐部 xiāng cūn jù lè bù
SC 乡村俱乐部的房舍及其附属场地 xiāng cūn jù lè bù,xiāng cūn jù lè bù de fáng shè jí qí fù shǔ chǎng dì
Colin applied to become a member of the country club.

fan club: (club for fans)
SC 粉丝俱乐部
SC 粉丝会

football club (UK), soccer club (US) n: (soccer)
SC 足球俱乐部
The local football club organises a tournament every year.

glee club n: (group of choral singers)
SC 合唱团 hé chàng tuán
TC 合唱團
Rick and Tracy are singing in the glee club this afternoon.

golf club n: (long-handled stick used in golf)
SC 高尔夫球杆 gāo ěr fū qiú gān
A caddy is a person who carries your golf clubs round for you.

golf club n: (golfing organization)
SC 高尔夫俱乐部 gāo ěr fū jù lè bù
They joined the golf club in order to make new friends.

health club n: (fitness spa)
SC 健身俱乐部 jiàn shēn jù lè bù
SC 健身房 jiàn shēn jù lè bù,jiàn shēn fáng
Join a health club and get into shape.

Join the club! interj: (in the same situation) (指境遇相同)
SC 欢迎上船!

kennel club n: (dog breeders' association)
SC 养狗场 yǎng gǒu chǎng
TC 育犬協會
The Kennel Club has strict rules about how to define different breeds of dog.

nightclub, night club n: (bar with dancing)
SC 夜总会 yè zǒng huì
TC 夜總會
Some of the nightclubs stay open till 2 am.

strip club n: (erotic entertainment venue)
SC 脱衣舞俱乐部

supper club n: (small luxurious nightclub)
SC 小型豪华俱乐部,小型豪华夜总会

Welcome to the club! interj: informal, figurative (we have the same experience)
SC 我也是!
SC 我们也是!

yacht club n: (boating organisation)
SC 游艇俱乐部 yóu tǐng jù lè bù
Every year the two rival yacht clubs held a race.

youth center (US), youth centre (UK), youth club n: (recreation place for young people)
SC 青年俱乐部
SC 青年活动中心




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