

单词 reading

US   UK  
reading n: (action of [sb] who reads)
SC 阅读 yuè dú
TC 閱讀
Reading took up all her time. Whenever you saw her, she had her nose buried in a book.

reading n: (interpretation)
SC 解释 jiě shì
TC 解釋
SC 解读 jiě shì,jiě dú
What is your reading of the economy?

reading n: (recitation)
SC 朗诵 lǎng sòng
TC 朗誦
SC 诵读 lǎng sòng,sòng dú
They have poetry readings at a local coffee shop.

reading n: (audition)
SC (对戏剧的)阐释性表演 duì xì jù de chǎn shì xìng biǎo yǎn
The actress was called back for a second reading.

reading n: (music: performance)
SC (对音乐等的)解读表演 duì yīn yuè děng de jiě dú biǎo yǎn
SC 阐释演奏 duì yīn yuè děng de jiě dú biǎo yǎn,chǎn shì yǎn zòu
That was an unusual reading of Bach's Preludes.

reading n: (matter read)
SC 阅读材料 yuè dú cái liào
TC 閱讀材料
SC 阅读物 yuè dú cái liào,yuè dú wù
The reading was light and easy.

reading n: (indication on instrument)
SC (仪表等的)读数 yí biǎo děng de dú shù
SC 指数 yí biǎo děng de dú shù,zhǐ shù
TC 指數
The altimeter reading shows that we are quite low.

reading n: (noting of instrument indication)
SC 记下仪表读数
Your gas bill is based on monthly readings of your meter.

read [sth] vtr: (text)
SC 阅读 yuè dú
TC 閱讀
SC 读 yuè dú ,dú
I read the newspaper every day.

read about [sth/sb] vtr + prep: (read on the topic of)
SC 读到 dú dào
I read about your accident in the newspaper.

read vi: (read written matter)
SC 看书 kàn shū
SC 阅读 kàn shū,yuè dú
TC 閱讀
SC 看一些书面的东西 kàn shū,kàn yì xiē shū miàn de dōng xī
She reads every night before going to sleep.

read vi: (be able to read)
SC 阅读 yuè dú
TC 閱讀
My grandmother can't read.

read vi: (speak text aloud)
SC 诵读 sòng dú
SC 朗读 sòng dú,lǎng dú
The teacher read and the children listened.

read [sth] vtr: (speak text aloud)
SC 朗读 lǎng dú
SC 朗诵 lǎng dú ,lǎng sòng
TC 朗誦
She read the joke to us.

read n: colloquial (experience of reading) (口语)
SC 阅读体验 yuè dú tǐ yàn
TC 閱讀體驗
This mystery story is a good read - full of excitement.

read vi: (have a given wording)
SC 读 dú
SC 发音 dú ,fā yīn
TC 發音
Listen closely to the wording, and note how it reads.

read vi: (learn of by reading)
SC 通过阅读来学习(了解) tōng guò yuè dú lái xué xí liǎo jiě
As far as philosophy is concerned, I prefer to read rather than attend classes.

read [sth] vtr: (understand text)
SC 阅读 yuè dú
TC 閱讀
SC 看得懂 yuè dú ,kàn de dǒng
He can read Russian.

read [sth] vtr: (understand by observing)
SC 观察 guān chá
TC 觀察
She read the skies for signs of a storm.

read [sth] vtr: (infer)
SC 读出 dú chū
SC 推断出 dú chū,tuī duàn chū
TC 推斷出
I'm not sure I read the same meaning from his comments that you do.

read [sth] vtr: (interpret)
SC 理解 lǐ jiě
TC 理解
SC 领会 lǐ jiě ,lǐng huì
TC 領會
I read the article as critical of the government. What do you think?

read [sth] vtr: (measure: indicate) (量度,测量仪)
SC 显示, 标识, 读数为
The thermometer reads 22 degrees.

read [sth] vtr: UK (study)
SC 攻读 gōng dú
TC 攻讀
SC 学习 gōng dú ,xué xí
TC 學習
SC 主修 gōng dú ,zhǔ xiū
My son is reading Classics at Cambridge University.

read [sth] vtr: (take details from) (表)
SC 查, 抄
The electricity supplier sends someone to read the meter every year.

read [sb] vtr: (communications: hear) (通信)
SC 听到…说话
Hello Houston, do you read me?

read [sth] vtr: (say, be written)
SC 写着
The sign read "Keep off the grass."

read [sth] again vtr phrasal sep: (re-read)
SC 重新再读 chóng xīn zài dú
TC 重新再讀
SC 再读一次 chóng xīn zài dú,zài dú yí cì

read [sth] in vtr phrasal sep: (data: transfer) (数据)
SC 传输 chuán shū
SC 传送 chuán shū,chuán sòng
TC 傳送

read [sb] in vtr phrasal sep: dated (inform) (过时用语)
SC 告知 gào zhī

read on vi phrasal: (continue to read)
SC 继续读 jì xù dú
TC 繼續讀

read [sth] out, read out [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (recite aloud)
SC 大声朗诵 dà shēng lǎng sòng
TC 大聲朗誦
SC 大声读出 dà shēng lǎng sòng,dà shēng dú chū
She read the letter out to me over the phone.

read [sb] out, read out [sb] vtr phrasal sep: US ([sb]: chastise)
SC 宣读
TC 宣讀
Jack's boss read him out for not submitting the report on time.

read over [sth], read [sth] over vtr phrasal insep: (review, look through)
SC 重读 zhòng dú
SC 再读 zhòng dú ,zài dòu
Please read over my report and tell me if you notice any glaring errors.
Read the instructions over and make sure you understand what you have to do.

read through [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (document: review, read fully)
SC 通读 tōng dú
SC 仔细阅读 tōng dú,zǐ xì yuè dú
It is wise to read through any document before signing it.

read through [sth] vtr phrasal insep: (play, scene: rehearse) (指剧本或台词)
SC 通读,试读,排练 tōng dú,pái liàn
TC 排練
The cast read through the entire script from start to finish.

read up vi phrasal: (study, research)
SC 攻读 gōng dú
TC 攻讀
SC 研读 gōng dú ,yán dú
SC 钻研 gōng dú ,zuān yán
TC 鑽研
We will read up on the history of Holland before visiting Amsterdam.

read up on [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep: (research)
SC 研究 yán jiū
TC 研究
SC 查找...的信息
I like to read up on a subject before expressing an opinion.

book corner, reading corner n: (quiet area for reading)
SC 图书角

cold reading n: (psychic's technique)
SC 冷读术
SC 冷读

give a reading v expr: (read [sth] publicly)
SC 公开朗读

hate-reading n: (activity: reading [sth] to mock, etc.) (带着仇恨情绪阅读)
SC 嘲讽式阅读

lipreading, lip-reading, lip-reading n: (interpreting mouth movements)
SC 读唇

mind reading n: (telepathy)
SC 读心术 dú xīn shù
TC 讀心術
My cousin believes he can use mind reading to understand the thoughts of his pet dog.

poetry reading n: (recital)
SC 诗歌朗诵,诗朗诵 shī gē lǎng sòng
TC 詩歌朗誦
Last night we went to a poetry reading at the local library.

reading audience n: (intended readers)
SC 读者群
SC 读者受众
To be successful, a writer needs to identify his reading audience.

reading comprehension n: (school: reading exercise)
SC 阅读理解,阅读测验

reading glasses npl: (spectacles)
SC 老花镜 lǎo huā jìng
TC 老花鏡
He knew he was getting old when he had to buy reading glasses to see small print.

reading lamp n: (light for reading)
SC 阅读灯
SC 台灯 tái dēng
There is a reading lamp on the desk.

reading room: (room for reading)
SC 阅览室 yuè lǎn shì
TC 閱覽室
SC 书房 yuè lǎn shì,shū fáng
TC 書房

reading week n: UK (university: week-long break from classes) (英国)
SC 读书周,备考周

reading, writing, and arithmetic npl: (basic skills: literacy, numeracy) (即阅读、写作和算术)
SC 读写算 dú xiě suàn
When you go to primary school, you have to focus on reading, writing, and arithmetic.

take a reading v expr: (measurement: observe, record)
SC 读表,读数
TC 讀數
The electric company meter reader takes a reading at our house every month.




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