单词 | closed |
释义 | closed US ![]() ![]() closed adj: (door: not open) SC 关门了的 guān mén le de TC 關了門的 Please keep the bedroom door closed. 麻烦请关上卧室门。 closed adj: (business, store: not open) (商店等) SC 关闭的 guān bì de TC 關閉的 SC 关张的 SC 停业的 guān bì de ,tíng yè de Most businesses are closed on Christmas. 圣诞节期间,多数商店都停业。 closed adj: (shut down) SC 停止营业的 tíng zhǐ yíng yè de We used to eat at that restaurant often, but it's closed now. 我们经常在那家餐馆吃饭,但现在那里已经停止营业了。 closed to [sth/sb] adj + prep: (not open physically) SC 对…封闭 TC 對…封閉 SC 对…关闭 The road is closed to traffic while it is being repaired. 这条道在修路期间禁止通行。 closed to [sth/sb] adj + prep: (not accessible to) SC 对…不开放 Access to the online resources is closed to anyone who has not paid a subscription. 在线资源不对未付订阅费的人开放。 closed adj: (circle: completed) SC 闭合曲线的 bì hé qū xiàn de SC 封闭的 bì hé qū xiàn de ,fēng bì de Sketch a closed circle on the graph paper. 请在方格纸上画一个闭合的圆圈。 closed adj: figurative (mind: not open) (比喻) SC 闭塞僵化的,思想封闭的 bì sè jiāng huà de ,sī xiǎng fēng bì de It can be difficult to talk with someone who has a closed mind. 和思想封闭的人交谈是很困难的。 closed to [sth] adj + prep: figurative (not willing to accept) SC 不接受 bù jiē shòu Antonia is closed to the idea. 安东尼亚不接受这个想法。 closed adj: (sign: store, etc.) SC 停止营业 tíng zhǐ yíng yè TC 停止營業 The sign on the door of the café read 'closed'. 咖啡馆门上的牌子写着‘停止营业’。 closed adj: (not up for debate) SC 谈妥的 TC 談妥的 SC 已成定局的 SC 不再商量的 This matter is closed; I don't want to hear another word about it. closed adj: (restricted) SC 只限于有限人员的 SC 内部的 nèi bù de This is a closed event; you need an invitation to enter. close adv: (nearby) SC 挨近 āi jìn SC 靠近 āi jìn,kào jìn TC 靠近 Keep your phone close, in case he calls! 把你的电话放在身边,以防他会打过来! close adj: (near) SC 靠近的 kào jìn de SC 相近的 kào jìn de ,xiāng jìn de SC 挨着的 Be careful, the 'edit' and 'delete' buttons are dangerously close! 当心,“编辑”键和“删除”键靠得很近,很容易按错! close to [sth/sb] prep: (near to) SC 挨着 āi zhe SC 靠近 āi zhe ,kào jìn TC 靠近 The bank is close to the post office. 这家银行挨着邮局。 close adj: (relation: near) (亲戚) SC 近亲的 jìn qīn de TC 近親的 The two boys are close cousins. 这两个男孩是近亲。 close adj: (people: intimate) (关系) SC 亲近的,亲密的,要好的 qīn jìn de ,qīn mì de TC 親密的 Jill and I are close friends. 吉尔和我是要好的朋友。 close to [sb] adj + prep: figurative (intimate with) SC 和…亲近的 SC 与…亲密的 Ben has always been close to his sister. 本一直都和姐姐很亲近。 close adj: (closely associated) SC 密切相关的 mì qiè xiāng guān de Her philosophy is close to that of Roger, who was her teacher and mentor. 她的人生观与曾是她老师兼导师的罗杰的人生观密切相关。 close [sth] vtr: (shut) (门、窗等) SC 关上 guān shàng TC 關上 Please close the window. 请把窗户关上。 close vi: (become shut) SC 关闭 guān bì SC 闭合 guān bì,bì hé TC 閉合 SC 合拢 guān bì,hé lǒng The door slowly closed. 门慢慢地关上了。 close adj: (united) (观点等) SC 相近的,接近的 xiāng jìn de,jiē jìn de Their views about history are extremely close. 他们的历史观非常接近。 close adj: (similar) SC 相像的 xiāng xiàng de SC 几乎相同的 xiāng xiàng de,jī hū xiāng tóng de The twins are close in appearance. 那对双胞胎长得很像。 close adj: (relationship: intimate) SC 亲密的 qīn mì de TC 親密的 SC 亲近的 qīn mì de ,qīn jìn de They have a close, romantic relationship. 他们之间的关系是亲密又浪漫的。 close adj: (compact, tight) SC 紧密的 jǐn mì de TC 緊密的 SC 密纹的 jǐn mì de,mì wén de My sweater has a close weave. 我的毛衣织得很密实。 close adj: (fitting tightly) SC 严丝合缝的 yán sī hé féng de This key is a close fit to the lock. 这把钥匙和锁严丝合缝。 close adj: (cut near to the base) (刮胡子等) SC 刮到接近根部的 guā dào jiē jìn gēn bù de I prefer a straight razor because it gives me a close shave. 我喜欢直剃刀,因为能刮到胡子根部。 close adj: (on topic) SC 围绕主题的 wéi rào zhǔ tí de Please stay close to the question under discussion. 请紧密围绕正在讨论的问题。 close adj: (rigorous) SC 细致的 xì zhì de TC 細緻的 SC 仔细的 xì zhì de,zǐ xì de TC 仔細的 SC 慎密的 xì zhì de,shèn mì de A close examination will reveal that the theory is correct. 缜密审视会发现这个理论是正确的。 close adj: informal (atmosphere: stuffy) SC 闷的 mēn de SC 不通风的 mēn de,bù tōng fēng de SC 不透气的 mēn de,bú tòu qì de TC 不透氣的 The atmosphere in the room was close. close adj: (contest: almost even) (比赛、竞赛) SC 激烈的,实力相当的 jī liè de ,shí lì xiāng dāng de TC 激烈的 Alan won a close race. 艾伦在一场激烈的竞赛中胜出。 close adj: (secret: well guarded) SC 绝密的 jué mì de TC 絕密的 SC 保密的 jué mì de ,bǎo mì de The information was a close secret. 这是绝密信息。 close adj: (confined) SC 严密监禁的 yán mì jiān jìn de SC 看守严密的 yán mì jiān jìn de,kān shǒu yán mì de The guards kept the prisoner at close quarters. 看守们将囚犯囚禁在封闭区域。 close to [sth] adj + prep: (nearly equal, almost) SC 接近的 jiē jìn de SC 几乎相等的 jiē jìn de ,jī hū xiāng děng de You and I are close to the same height. close n: (act of closing) SC 歇业 xiē yè SC 打烊 xiē yè,dǎ yàng You have to finish by close of business today. 今天你得负责打烊。 close n: (conclusion) SC 结束 jié shù TC 結束 SC 完结 jié shù,wán jié TC 完結 The conference came to a close. 会议结束了。 close n: UK (cul-de-sac) SC 四方院 sì fāng yuàn SC 周围有建筑物的四方场地 sì fāng yuàn,zhōu wéi yǒu jiàn zhú wù de sì fāng chǎng dì We live on a lovely close near the edge of town. close vi: (unite) (电路) SC 闭合 bì hé TC 閉合 Her hands closed in prayer as she bowed her head. 她低下头,双手合十祈祷。 close vi: (end) SC 终止 zhōng zhǐ TC 終止 SC 停止 zhōng zhǐ,tíng zhǐ TC 停止 The proceedings closed on time. 活动准时结束。 close vi: (cease to operate) SC 停业 tíng yè SC 关门 tíng yè,guān mén TC 關門 My favourite restaurant closed. 我最喜欢的饭店关门了。 close vi: (store: cease trading) (商店等) SC 关门,打烊,不营业 guān mén ,dǎ yàng ,bù yíng yè TC 關門 The store closed at nine pm. 这家店晚上九点关门。 close vi: (end performances) SC 停演 tíng yǎn SC 结束演出 tíng yǎn,jié shù yǎn chū The play closes on Monday. 演出周一结束。 close vi: (financial: market day end) (股市等) SC 收盘 shōu pán The market closed on a high today. 今天股市在高位收盘。 close [sth] vtr: (fill in) SC 填上 tián shàng SC 合上 tián shàng ,hé shàng The builders closed the wall with the last brick. close [sth] vtr: (conclude) SC 结束 jié shù TC 結束 SC 终止 jié shù,zhōng zhǐ TC 終止 The final speaker closed the session. close [sth] vtr: (block) SC 封锁 fēng suǒ TC 封鎖 SC 堵住 fēng suǒ,dǔ zhù TC 堵住 Workers have closed the road. close [sth] vtr: (join, unite) SC 使…闭合 shǐ bì hé TC 使…閉合 SC 环闭 The people closed the circle by joining hands. close [sth] vtr: (finalize) SC 结束, 完成, 终结 Let's close the negotiations now. 现在结束谈判吧。 close [sth] vtr: informal (make a sale) (交易) SC 达成 dá chéng TC 達成 The salesman hopes to close the deal today. close [sth] vtr: (cease operations) (营业等) SC 停止 tíng zhǐ TC 停止 SC 关闭 tíng zhǐ,guān bì SC 关张 The company closed the factory on Christmas day. close [sth] vtr: (nautical: approach) (航海) SC (船)接近(岸边),靠(岸) chuán jiē jìn àn biān,kào àn The ship closed land that morning. close down vi phrasal: (business: cease trading) SC 停业 tíng yè When the doctor was killed, the clinic was forced to close down. 那名医生遇害后,诊所就被迫停业了。 close [sth] down vtr phrasal sep: (prevent [sth] from operating) SC 使停业 shǐ tíng yè TC 使停業 SC 关闭,关掉 guān bì,guān diào The Women's Anti-Exploitation League vowed to close down the porno shop. 妇女反剥削联盟发誓要关掉那家色情服务店。 close in vi phrasal: (pursuit: get closer) SC (白昼)逐渐变短 bái zhòu zhú jiàn biàn duǎn SC (天气)变坏 bái zhòu zhú jiàn biàn duǎn,tiān qì biàn huài SC (暮色)加浓 bái zhòu zhú jiàn biàn duǎn,mù sè jiā nóng SC 围拢,逼近 wéi lǒng,bī jìn TC 逼近 The enemy was closing in; the soldier clutched his rifle and prepared to fight to the death. close in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: (pursuit: get closer) SC 逼近 bī jìn TC 逼近 Drive faster! The cops are closing in on us! close in on [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep: figurative (make claustrophobic) (比喻) SC 迫近 pò jìn Inside the small room, he felt like the walls were closing in on him. close [sth] off, close off [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (block, shut off) SC 封锁 fēng suǒ TC 封鎖 SC 使与外界隔绝 fēng suǒ,shǐ yǔ wài jiè gé jué The police closed off the road due to a bad accident. close out vi phrasal: US (discount stock) SC 降价处理 jiàng jià chǔ lǐ TC 降價處理 SC 清仓抛售 jiàng jià chǔ lǐ,qīng cāng pāo shòu close [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: US (account: terminate) SC 关闭(账户) close [sth] out vtr phrasal sep: (sport: bring to end) SC 使…结束 TC 使…結束 The team closed the game out with a goal in the final minute to win 3-1. close [sb] out vtr phrasal sep: (exclude, prevent from entering) SC 将…关在外面 Bill closed the dog out of the room. 比尔将狗关在房间外面。 close up vi phrasal: (shop: shut) SC 关店 He closed up and counted the day's takings. 他关了店,数了数当天的收入。 close up vi phrasal: (wound: heal) (伤口) SC 闭合,合上,愈合 bì hé,hé shàng ,yù hé TC 閉合,愈合 The wound will gradually close up over time. 随着时间的推移,伤口会逐渐愈合。 close [sth] up, close up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: (shut) SC 关闭 guān bì SC 关上 guān bì,guān shàng TC 關上 Nina closed up the shop and went home. 尼娜关了店,然后回家。 behind closed doors adv: (in private) SC 私底下 sī dǐ xià SC 背地里 sī dǐ xià,bèi dì lǐ TC 背地裡 / 暗地裡 The committee held the meeting behind closed doors. CCTV n: initialism (closed-circuit television) SC 闭路电视 bì lù diàn shì TC 閉路電視 The robbery was captured on the bank's CCTV. close-minded, closed-minded adj: (blinkered, intolerant) SC 不开明的 bù kāi míng de TC 不開明的 SC 思想封闭的 bù kāi míng de,sī xiǎng fēng bì de He's so close-minded I can't discuss politics with him at all. closed book n: figurative ([sb], [sth] hard to know) (比喻) SC 一无所知的人或物 yì wú suǒ zhī de rén huò wù Whilst he lived, the singer carefully guarded his privacy; his personal life remained a closed book until after his death. closed caption n: usually plural (TV, film: subtitle) SC 隐藏字幕 SC 隐藏式字幕 closed circuit n: (electronics) SC 闭合电路 TC 閉合電路 closed circuit, closed-circuit n as adj: (TV, electronics) SC 闭路的 closed down, closed-down adj: (gone out of business) SC 停止营业的 tíng zhǐ yíng yè de SC 关门的 tíng zhǐ yíng yè de ,guān mén de They are going to open a clothing store on the site of that closed-down restaurant. 他们将在那家关门的餐馆所在地开一家服装店。 closed loop n: (signal path) SC 闭合环路 closed loop, closed-loop n as adj: (of processing system) SC 闭环的 closed loop, closed-loop n as adj: (of automatic control system) SC 闭环控制的 closed meeting n: (discussion: members only) SC 内部会议 nèi bù huì yì TC 內部會議 Although some members urged a public debate, the majority thought the matter was so sensitive that it should only be discussed at a closed meeting. 虽然一些成员强烈要求公开辩论,但是大部分成员还是认为这件事情太过敏感,只能在内部会议上进行讨论。 closed mind n: (not accepting new ideas) SC 守旧心理 shǒu jiù xīn lǐ TC 守舊心理 His closed mind will not allow him to even think about it. closed shop n: figurative (business: union shop) SC 只雇用特定工会会员的企业 closed-captioned adj: (TV show: with captions) SC 隐藏式字幕的 closed-circuit television n: (monitoring system) SC 闭路电视 bì lù diàn shì TC 閉路電視 The thief was caught stealing the car on closed-circuit television. closed-door adj: figurative (secret or restricted) SC 秘密的,保密的 mì mì de ,bǎo mì de closed-ended question n: (enquiry eliciting "yes" or "no") SC 封闭式问题 half-closed adj: (partly closed) SC 半闭的 |
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