

单词 think of
think of

think vi: (reflect, consider)
SC 思考 sī kǎo
TC 思考
SC 考虑 sī kǎo,kǎo lǜ
TC 考慮
SC 思索 sī kǎo,sī suǒ
TC 思索
Bert stepped outside to think for a moment.

think [sth] vtr: (hold an opinion)
SC 以为 yǐ wéi
TC 以為
SC 认为 yǐ wéi ,rèn wéi
TC 認為
SC 觉得 yǐ wéi ,jué de
TC 覺得
Perhaps this painting would look better on that wall; what do you think?

think, think that vtr: (believe)
SC 认为 rèn wéi
TC 認為
SC 觉得 rèn wéi ,jué de
TC 覺得
SC 想 rèn wéi ,xiǎng
I think Tom's coming with us. I'll just ask him.
I think that we should take that road.

think, think that vtr: (intend, determine)
SC 打算 dǎ suàn
TC 打算
SC 想要 dǎ suàn,xiǎng yào
I think I'll go to the grocer's now.

think about [sth] vi + prep: (consider)
SC 思考 sī kǎo
TC 思考
SC 思索 sī kǎo,sī suǒ
TC 思索
SC 反省 sī kǎo,fǎn xǐng
I don't know at the moment; I need to think about it again.

think about [sth/sb], think of [sth/sb] vi + prep: (be preoccupied)
SC 想着 xiǎng zhe
He was saddened, and thought about her situation all the time.

think of doing [sth] v expr: (consider: doing [sth])
SC 考虑做
TC 考慮做
We're thinking of going to that new Italian restaurant tonight.

think about doing [sth], think of v expr: (consider possibility)
SC 想着 xiǎng zhe
SC 考虑 xiǎng zhe,kǎo lǜ
TC 考慮
SC 打算 xiǎng zhe,dǎ suàn
TC 打算
Don't even think about asking me to do you any more favours!

think of [sth] vi + prep: (devise, invent)
SC 想出 xiǎng chū
SC 发明出 xiǎng chū,fā míng chū
He thought of a new way to manufacture pencils.

think of [sth/sb] as [sth] v expr: (consider to be)
SC 认为 rèn wéi
TC 認為
SC 当作 rèn wéi ,dàng zuò
SC 判定 rèn wéi ,pàn dìng
TC 判定
I think of him as my friend.

think vi: (meditate, daydream)
SC 思索 sī suǒ
TC 思索
SC 深思,沉思 shēn sī ,chén sī
TC 深思,沉思
SC 冥想 sī suǒ,míng xiǎng
Don't bother him, he's thinking.

think of [sth/sb] vi + prep: (take into account)
SC 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào
TC 考慮到
SC 想到 kǎo lǜ dào,xiǎng dào
You can't leave me! Think of the children!

think [sth/sb] ... vtr: literary, formal (consider to be)
SC 认为 rèn wéi
TC 認為
SC 觉得 rèn wéi ,jué de
TC 覺得
The first time I met Charles, I thought him a vain man.

think [sth] + adj vtr: (with adjective: regard, consider)
SC 认为 rèn wéi
TC 認為
SC 以为 rèn wéi ,yǐ wéi
TC 以為
He thought it right to pay his taxes.

think [sth] vtr: (remember)
SC 想起 xiǎng qǐ
TC 想起
SC 记得 xiǎng qǐ,jì dé
TC 記得
Can you think what we did last weekend?

think [sth] vtr: (expect)
SC 预料 yù liào
TC 預料
SC 期盼 yù liào,qī pàn
What do you think will happen?

think ahead vi phrasal: (predict, prepare for future)
SC 为未来做打算 wèi wèi lái zuò dǎ suàn
SC 长远考虑 wèi wèi lái zuò dǎ suàn,cháng yuǎn kǎo lǜ
When I pack for a vacation, I try to think ahead and bring all the items that I might need.

think back on [sth] vi phrasal + prep: (recall, remember)
SC 记起,想起,回想起 jì qǐ,xiǎng qǐ,huí xiǎng qǐ
TC 想起

think [sth] over vtr phrasal sep: (consider, deliberate)
SC 仔细思考某事
SC 好好考虑某事
Think over what I said and let me know tomorrow what your decision is.

think [sth] up vtr phrasal sep: (invent, devise)
SC 发明出 fā míng chū
SC 想出 fā míng chū,xiǎng chū
Hey Jane, I just thought up a solution to your problem!

dread to think v expr: (find unpleasant to imagine)
SC 不敢想象, 不敢设想
"Daisy's married someone she's only just met? I wonder how that's going to turn out." "I dread to think."

dread to think what/how/who v expr: (find unpleasant to imagine)
SC 不敢想
SC 害怕去想
I dread to think how the victim's family must be feeling.

Great minds think alike. expr: humorous (We have the same idea.)
SC 英雄所见略同

have a think v expr: informal (consider)
SC 思考 sī kǎo
TC 思考
SC 考虑 sī kǎo,kǎo lǜ
TC 考慮
SC 想 sī kǎo,xiǎng
Have a think, and tell me what you want to do.

I don't think so interj: (I believe not)
SC 我认为并非如此 wǒ rèn wéi bìng fēi rú cǐ
SC 我不同意 wǒ rèn wéi bìng fēi rú cǐ,wǒ bù tóng yì
When Tom asked me if Sally was coming to the party I replied "I don't think so".

I think so interj: (I believe that to be true)
SC 我是这么认为的 wǒ shì zhè me rèn wéi de
"Is he coming with us?" "I think so, but let me call him to make sure."

I think, therefore I am expr: (Cartesian philosophy) (笛卡尔的哲学思想)
SC 我思故我在 wǒ sī gù wǒ zài

think laterally vi + adv: mainly UK, figurative (think creatively) (思考)
SC 创造性地 chuàng zào xìng de
TC 創造性地

not think much of [sth/sb] v expr: informal (be unimpressed by)
SC 对…评价不高 duì … píng jià bù gāo
I did not think much of that artist's new exhibit, I thought it was trite.

over-think, overthink vi: (ponder too deeply)
SC 考虑过多

over-think [sth] vtr: (analyze too deeply)
SC 对...分析过度

think again vi + adv: (reconsider [sth])
SC 重新考虑 chóng xīn kǎo lǜ
TC 重新考慮

think back vi + adv: (try to remember)
SC 回想起来 huí xiǎng qǐ lái
SC 回忆 huí xiǎng qǐ lái,huí yì
TC 回憶
Try to think back: do you recall noticing anything unusual about him?

think better of it v expr: (decide against [sth])
SC 深思熟虑后决定不做

think better of doing [sth] v expr: (reconsider doing [sth])
SC 重新考虑 chóng xīn kǎo lǜ
TC 重新考慮
I thought better of sending my boss an angry email when I remember how much I needed my salary.

think better of [sb] v expr: (regard more highly)
SC 认为…更好 rèn wéi gèng hǎo
I would think better of him if he was more easy-going.

think for yourself v expr: (be capable of independent thought)
SC 独立思考

think hard v expr: (contemplate seriously)
SC 认真思索 rèn zhēn sī suǒ
TC 認真思索
He had to think hard to remember the exact details of the conversation.

think highly of [sb/sth] v expr: (hold in high regard)
SC 对…高度评价 duì gāo dù píng jià
SC 对…评价颇高 duì gāo dù píng jià,duì píng jià pō gāo
The boss seems to think highly of you.

think it over v expr: (consider, deliberate)
SC 仔细思考 zǐ xì sī kǎo
SC 思索 zǐ xì sī kǎo,sī suǒ
TC 思索
I'll think it over and let you know my decision.

think little of doing [sth] v expr: (disregard)
SC 轻视 qīng shì
TC 輕視
SC 忽视 qīng shì,hū shì
TC 忽視
He is a rich man and thinks little of spending a million on a new car.

think little of [sb/sth] v expr: (have poor opinion of)
SC 仍为...不好

think long and hard, think long and hard about [sth] v expr: (deliberate at length)
SC 深思熟虑 shēn sī shú lǜ
TC 深思熟慮

think on your feet v expr: (think quickly in the moment)
SC 随机应变

think out loud, also UK: think aloud v expr: (say what you are thinking)
SC 自言自语 zì yán zì yǔ
TC 自言自語

think outside the box v expr: figurative (think unconventionally)
SC 创造性地思考
SC 跳出框框思考
SC 跳出传统的思维框架
The company values employees who can think outside the box and find creative solutions.

think positive vi + adj: (be optimistic)
SC 保持乐观
You'll do fine on the test. Keep thinking positive!

think so v expr: (believe this to be the case)
SC 如此认为 rú cǐ rèn wéi
TC 如此認為

think tank, think-tank n: (problem-solving group)
SC 智囊团 zhì náng tuán
TC 智囊團
The Rand Corporation is a famous think tank in the US.

think the world of [sb] v expr: informal (adore or admire greatly)
SC 崇拜, 非常喜欢
He thinks the world of his children.

think [sth] through, think [sth] out vtr + adv: (consider fully)
SC 仔细思考 zǐ xì sī kǎo
SC 彻底地想清楚
SC 深思熟虑 zǐ xì sī kǎo,shēn sī shú lǜ
TC 深思熟慮
SC 三思 zǐ xì sī kǎo,sān sī
Juliet had to think through Romeo's wedding proposal.
I need to think it through before making a decision.

think twice v expr: (reconsider [sth])
SC 再三考虑
SC 重新考虑 chóng xīn kǎo lǜ
TC 重新考慮
My granny was about to give her bank details to a salesman on the phone, but I told her to think twice.

think twice about [sth] v expr: (reconsider [sth])
SC 三思 sān sī
SC 仔细考虑 sān sī ,zǐ xì kǎo lǜ
TC 仔細考慮
Think twice about the personal information you share online.

think twice about doing [sth], think twice before doing [sth], think twice before you do [sth] v expr: (reconsider prior to doing [sth])
SC 三思而后行 sān sī ér hòu xíng
You should think twice about giving up a steady job to start a PhD.
I'd advise you to think twice before you accept this man's proposal; you've only just met him!

think well of [sb] v expr: (respect, admire)
SC 对…评价较好 duì … píng jià jiào hǎo
Amy's parents think well of her new boyfriend.

What do you think? expr: (asking opinion)
SC 你觉得如何?
SC 你认为呢?
Does this color look good on me? What do you think?




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