

单词 ratted

rat n: (animal: rodent)
SC 老鼠 lǎo shǔ
TC 老鼠
SC 大家鼠 lǎo shǔ,dà jiā shǔ
My cat caught a rat this morning.

rat n: figurative, pejorative, slang (untrustworthy person)
SC 鼠辈 shǔ bèi
SC 卑鄙小人 shǔ bèi,bēi bǐ xiǎo rén
That Richard's been badmouthing me to the boss behind my back; he's a rat.

rat n: figurative, pejorative, slang (informant) (贬义)
SC 线人,告密者 xiàn rén,gào mì zhě
John was arrested after his accomplice in the robbery became a rat for the police.

rat n: figurative, pejorative, slang (worker who refuses to strike) (贬义)
SC 工贼,拒绝罢工的人 gōng zéi

rat to [sb] vi + prep: slang (be an informant to)
SC 向…告密
Nigel wondered which member of the gang had ratted to the cops.

rat on [sb] vtr phrasal insep: slang (inform on)
SC 告发 gào fā
SC 告密 gào fā ,gào mì
Polly knew it was Tim who let the teacher's car tyres down, so she ratted on him.

rat on [sth] vtr phrasal insep: UK, informal (break: a promise) (承诺)
SC 没遵守,违背 wéi bèi
TC 違背
He ratted on his promise to help me move.

Rats! interj: slang (annoyance, frustration)
SC 该死!
SC 可恶!
Rats! I forgot my raincoat and it's spitting.

rat n: informal ([sb] frequenting place)
SC 经常出现在某处的人
SC 泡在某处的人
He's always at the gym; he's a real gym rat.

rat out vi phrasal: US, slang (be cowardly, withdraw)
SC 逃跑 táo pǎo
TC 逃跑
SC 打退堂鼓 táo pǎo ,dǎ tuì táng gǔ

rat [sb] out vtr phrasal sep: slang (inform on)
SC 泄露了某人秘密
SC 告发了某人
Anna's parents found out that she was skipping school when her brother ratted her out.

gerbil, tamarisk gerbil, sand rat n: (animal: rodent)
SC 沙鼠 shā shǔ
Tamarisk gerbils are small burrowing rodents.

hoarder n: (person who keeps or collects)
SC 有敛物癖者
SC 喜欢贮藏者
Stacks of boxes filled the hoarder's house.

lab rat n: abbr (rodent bred for laboratory research)
SC 实验室老鼠
More lab rats are used for testing cosmetics than conducting scientific research.

lab rat n: US, informal ([sb] working in laboratory)
SC 实验室工作人员

mole rat n: (African rodent)
SC 裸鼹鼠

mole rat, mole-rat n: (Eurasian rodent)
SC 鼹鼠 yǎn shǔ

mole rat, Indian mole rat n: (Indian bandicoot)
SC 板齿鼠

naked mole rat n: (African rodentt)
SC 裸鼹鼠

pack rat, packrat n: US, figurative (person who hoards or collects)
SC 收集无用小玩意的人 shōu jí wú yòng xiǎo wán yì de rén
The old lady was a pack rat, and when she died it took several large moving vans to empty the house of her belongings.

pack rat, packrat, trade rat n: (animal: Neotoma cinerea)
SC 林鼠

rat [sb] out to [sb] v expr: slang (inform on)
SC 向某人泄露某人的秘密
SC 向某人告发某人
After George cheated on the test, Jessica ratted him out to the teacher.

rat poison n: (substance toxic to rodents)
SC 老鼠药 lǎo shǔ yào
TC 老鼠藥
SC 灭鼠药 lǎo shǔ yào,miè shǔ yào
SC 灭鼠药 lǎo shǔ yào,miè shǔ yào
We had to resort to rat poison to get rid of our infestation.

rat race n: figurative (work life: competitive, routine)
SC 激烈竞争的生活
SC 无休止的忙碌生活 wú xiū zhǐ de máng lù shēng huó
I wanted to escape the rat race and work from home.

rat-a-tat n: (knocking sound) (敲击声)
SC 砰砰

rat-a-tat n: (gun firing sound) (射击声)
SC 哒哒哒

rattail, rat-tail n: (fish with long thin tail)
SC 鼠尾鳕

rattail, rat tail n: (hair: thin pony tail)
SC 鼠尾辫

rattrap, rat trap n: (snare for catching rats)
SC 捕鼠机,捕鼠夹,捕鼠器 bǔ shǔ qì

rattrap, rat trap n: figurative (shabby and dirty building)
SC 脏乱的房子,破房子

smell a rat v expr: figurative, informal (suspect [sth])
SC 起疑 qǐ yí
SC 感到事情不妙 qǐ yí ,gǎn dào shì qíng bú miào
You say you didn't steal my cookies, but I smell a rat.

water rat n: (rodent)
SC 河鼠

water rat n: figurative, informal (person who loves water sports)
SC 热爱水上运动的人

water vole, water rat n: (small animal)
SC 水䶄
SC 水老鼠

wharf rat n: (common rodent)
SC 码头老鼠 mǎ tóu lǎo shǔ
TC 碼頭老鼠

wharf rat n: slang ([sb] who lives near the wharves) (俚语)
SC 码头流浪汉 mǎ tóu liú làng hàn




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