

单词 class

US   UK  
class n: (subject)
SC 课程 kè chéng
TC 課程
SC 科目 kè chéng,kē mù
I hate history class.

class n: (lesson)
SC 课 kè
SC 一节课 kè,yì jié kè
My first class of the day is English.

class n: (category)
SC 类,类别 lèi,lèi bié
Our product is best in its class.

class n: (group of students)
SC 班 bān
SC 班级 bān,bān jí
SC 全班人 bān,quán bān rén
She is the best student in our Chemistry class. The substitute asked the class what they had been studying with their regular teacher.

class n: (social rank)
SC 阶级 jiē jí
TC 階級
SC 阶层 jiē jí,jiē céng
TC 階層
Many people hope to rise above their class.

class n: informal (elegance)
SC 优雅,典雅,娴雅,高雅,雅致 yōu yǎ ,diǎn yǎ ,xián yǎ ,gāo yǎ ,yǎ zhì
That lady has a lot of class.

class n: (calibre, quality)
SC 等级 děng jí
TC 等級
SC 品级 děng jí,pǐn jí
TC 品級
There are not many in his class of player.

class [sth/sb] vtr: (classify, sort)
SC 分类 fēn lèi
TC 分類
SC 归类 fēn lèi,guī lèi
The law classes drugs according to how harmful they are.

class [sth/sb] as [sth] vtr + prep: (classify as)
SC 把…列入某类 bǎ liè rù mǒu lèi
SC 给…分类 bǎ liè rù mǒu lèi,gěi … fēn lèi
TC 給…分類
I would class him as studious but shy.

class n: US (graduating yeargroup)
SC 同届毕业生 tóng jiè bì yè shēng
SC 一届(学生) tóng jiè bì yè shēng,yí jiè ( xué shēng )
The Class of 2006 will be very large.

class n: (excellence)
SC 优秀 yōu xiù
TC 優秀
SC 一流质量 yōu xiù,yì liú zhì liàng
He performed with class, ignoring all distractions.

class n: (accommodation grade)
SC 舱位等级 cāng wèi děng jí
TC 艙位等級
Lawrence prefers to fly first class.

class n: (biology: major division) (生物学)
SC 纲 gāng
To which class does that animal belong?

class [sth] up, class up [sth] vtr phrasal sep: informal (make more stylish)
SC 使...更时髦
SC 提升时尚度

art class n: (lesson in art)
SC 艺术课
TC 藝術課
SC 美术课
As a child, my favorite part of the school day was art class.

at the top of your class adj: (among the best)
SC 一流的 yī liú de
SC 顶尖的 yī liú de ,dǐng jiān de
He graduated at the top of his class and was accepted to a very good university.

best of class n: (award at a dog show) (狗狗秀)
SC 组别最佳

business class n: (airplanes) (飞机)
SC 商务舱,公务舱 gōng wù cāng

class act n: (amazing person)
SC 杰出的人 jié chū de rén
SC 优秀的人

class act n: (amazing performance)
SC 杰出的表现
SC 一流的表现

class action, class action suit n: (lawsuit brought by a group)
SC 共同起诉 gòng tóng qǐ sù
TC 共同起訴
SC 集体诉讼 gòng tóng qǐ sù,jí tǐ sù sòng
A lot of us are involved in a class action suit against the company for discrimination against women.

class conflict n: figurative (tensions between social classes) (比喻)
SC 阶级冲突 jiē jí chōng tū
TC 階級衝突
Marx believed that class conflict was the inevitable result of capitalism.

class conscious, class-conscious adj: (aware of social differences)
SC 有阶级意识的 yǒu jiē jí yì shí de
So class-conscious was Bunter that he never could bring himself to smoke in the presence of Lord Peter.

class consciousness n: (awareness of social differences)
SC 阶级意识 jiē jí yì shí
TC 階級意識

Class dismissed interj: (used by teacher at end of lesson)
SC 下课

class list n: (school: register of names)
SC 班级名册
The teacher read out the class list at the beginning of the lesson.

class right n: usually plural (business: privileges by member class)
SC 阶级权利
SC 阶级特权

class ring n: US (graduation memento)
SC 毕业戒指 bì yè jiè zhǐ
TC 畢業戒指
In those days, you wore your boyfriend's class ring on a chain so everybody would know you were going steady.

class structure n: (social hierarchy)
SC 阶级构成 jiē jí gòu chéng
TC 階級構成
SC 阶级结构 jiē jí gòu chéng,jiē jí jié gòu
A caste system is a highly formalized class structure.

class struggle n: (struggle over social differences)
SC 阶级斗争 jiē jí dòu zhēng
TC 階級鬥爭
Marx is not dead, the class struggle is not over; yesterday I saw factory workers demonstrating against the privileges of the rich.

class warfare n: (conflict, tension between social classes)
SC 阶级斗争 jiē jí dòu zhēng
TC 階級鬥爭
SC 阶级战争 jiē jí dòu zhēng,jiē jí zhàn zhēng
Class conflict exists in many modern societies, but does not lead to class warfare.

cut class vtr + n: US, informal (miss a school lesson) (非正式用语)
SC 逃课 táo kè
It's no surprise his grades were so low - he was always cutting class!

economy class n: (train: standard seating) (火车)
SC 二等座
It is cheaper to travel in economy class than in regular class.

economy class n: (plane: low-cost seating) (飞机)
SC 经济舱 jīng jì cāng
TC 經濟艙
Economy class, plus taxes, was $340.

economy class, economy-class, also US: coach-class, coach class n as adj: (train seating: standard) (火车)
SC 二等座的
SC 经济车厢的
I am going to buy an economy-class train ticket.

economy class, economy-class, also US: coach-class, coach class n as adj: (plane seating: low cost) (飞机)
SC 经济舱的
TC 經濟艙的
I purchased an economy-class ticket so that I would not have to dip into my savings.

evening class n: (lesson in evening)
SC 夜校课
Peter goes to evening classes to learn watercolour painting.

first class n: (transport: superior service)
SC 头等舱
TC 頭等艙
SC 头等座
They always serve champagne in first class.

first class n: (mail: fastest service) (指投递最快的)
SC 一级邮件,优先邮件

first class, first-class adj: (mail, stamp: fastest service) (邮件)
SC 优先投递的 yōu xiān tóu dì de
SC 第一类的(邮件)

first class, first-class adj: (carriage, seats: superior)
SC 头等的
TC 頭等的
First-class seats have more leg room.

first class adv: (in first-class area)
SC 在头等舱
TC 在頭等艙
Flying first class is the only way to travel.

first class adv: (mail: by fastest service) (邮件)
SC 一级投递地,优先投递地

first class, first-class adj: figurative, informal (excellent)
SC 第一流的 dì yī liú de
SC 一级棒的
The food here is always first class.

first-class degree, first class degree n: UK (honors degree: highest pass)
SC 一等学位
SC 一等荣誉学位

fourth class n: US (special postage rate) (美国,指书籍影音等)
SC 第四类邮件

fourth class, fourth-class adj: US (mail: special postage rate)
SC 第四类邮件的

graduating class n: (students: finishing school)
SC 毕业班

gut class n: US, slang (school, university: easy course) (学校里)
SC 容易学的课程,容易考过的课程
SC 容易的课程 róng yì de kè chéng(俚语)
Jim was busy with sports so he decided to take a bunch of gut classes this semester.

gym class n: US, abbr (physical education lesson)
SC 体育课 tǐ yù kè
TC 體育課

health class n: US (education: sex, drugs, etc.)
SC 健康教育课

high class, high-class adj: (refined, of top quality)
SC 高级的 gāo jí de
TC 高級的
SC 高端的 gāo jí de ,gāo duān de
SC 高档的 gāo jí de ,gāo dàng de
TC 高檔的
Be well-dressed when you go to that restaurant, it's a high-class place!

life class, also US: life drawing class, also UK: life-drawing class n: (nude drawing lesson)
SC 人体写生课
SC 人体素描课

low class, low-class adj: figurative (base, vulgar)
SC 下层(社会) xià céng ( shè huì )
The white establishment regarded jazz as a form of low-class entertainment.

low class, low-class adj: (indicating social status) (指社会地位)
SC 下等的 xià děng de
After he lost his job they had to move to a low-class neighbourhood near the railway station.

lower class, lower-class adj: (of low socioeconomic status)
SC 下层阶级的

the lower classes npl: (low-income people)
SC 下层阶级 xià céng jiē jí
TC 下層階級
SC 社会下层
The government is concentrating on social issues because it is desperate to win the vote of the lower classes at the next election.

master class, masterclass n: (lesson from expert)
SC 专家讲授的课程 zhuān jiā jiǎng shòu de kè chéng
SC 由大师授课的高级课程 zhuān jiā jiǎng shòu de kè chéng,yóu dà shī shòu kè de gāo jí kè chéng

a masterclass in [sth], a master class in [sth] n: figurative (expert example)
SC 典范 diǎn fàn
TC 典範
Scorsese's "Raging Bull" is a masterclass in cinematography.

middle class n: (educated, well-off people)
SC 中产阶级的人 zhōng chǎn jiē jí de rén
Their son is very rebellious and rejects the values of the middle class.

middle class n: (between low and high income)
SC 中产阶级 zhōng chǎn jiē jí
TC 中產階級
With hard work, their family rose up from the working class to the more comfortable middle class.

middle class, middle-class adj: (educated and well off)
SC 中产阶级的 zhōng chǎn jiē jí de
She comes from a very nice middle class family.

ruling class n: (social group in power)
SC 统治阶级 tǒng zhì jiē jí
TC 統治階級

school reunion, class reunion n: (meeting of old schoolfriends)
SC 重返校园
SC 同学会

second class, second-class adj: (travel: standard or economy) (交通工具的座位)
SC 二等的 èr děng de
I bought a second-class ticket because it was a lot cheaper.

second class, second-class adj: figurative (inferior, less important)
SC 二流的 èr liú de
Even today women are still treated as second-class citizens in many countries.

second-class degree, second class degree n: UK (honors degree: good pass)
SC 二等学位
SC 二等荣誉学位

skip class, skip a class v expr: US, informal (not attend a lesson)
SC 旷课 kuàng kè
SC 缺勤 kuàng kè,quē qín

social class n: (economic group within society)
SC 社会阶层 shè huì jiē céng
TC 社會階層
SC 社会阶级 shè huì jiē céng,shè huì jiē jí
SC 社会阶级 shè huì jiē céng,shè huì jiē jí
Teachers belong to a higher social class than factory workers.

social class injustice n: (discrimination due to social status)
SC 社会阶层不公正,社会阶层歧视

third class n: (rank below second)
SC 三等,三级

third-class adj: (inferior)
SC 较差的 jiào chà de
SC 低等的 jiào chà de ,dī děng de

third-class degree, third class degree n: UK (honors degree: lowest pass)
SC 三等学位
SC 三等荣誉学位

be top of the class v expr: (have higher grades than classmates)
SC 位居前列
SC 成绩一流

come top of the class v expr: (achieve higher grades than classmates)
SC 取得一流成绩
SC 排名前列

the upper class n: (minor aristocracy)
SC 上流 shàng liú
TC 上流
SC 上等阶层 shàng liú,shàng děng jiē céng
The upper class constitutes a small section of British society.

upper class, upper-class n as adj: (aristocratic, posh)
SC 上流社会 shàng liú shè huì
TC 上流社會
SC 上等阶层 shàng liú shè huì ,shàng děng jiē céng
Portia's schoolmates made fun of her upper-class accent.

the upper middle class n: (wealthy, highly-educated people)
SC 中上阶层 zhōng shàng jiē céng
TC 中上階層
Paying college tuitions nowadays can be difficult even for families in the upper middle class.

upper second-class, upper second class n as adj: UK (university degree grade: 2:1)
SC 二等二级学位
SC 二等二级荣誉学位

upper-middle-class n as adj: (wealthy)
SC 上中产阶级
Her upper-middle-classparents sent her to the best schools.

word class: (linguistics)
SC 词类 cí lèi
SC 词性 cí lèi,cí xìng

working class, working classes n: (laboring class)
SC 工人阶级 gōng rén jiē jí
TC 工人階級
He started out as member of the working class, but now he runs an investment firm.

working class, working-class adj: (of laboring classes)
SC 工人阶级 gōng rén jiē jí
TC 工人階級
He was very proud of his working-class background.

world-class adj: (of highest quality)
SC 顶级的 dǐng jí de
TC 頂級的
SC 世界水平的
SC 世界级的
Itzhak Perlman is a world-class violinist.




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