

单词 church bell
church bell

bell n: (small: for ringing)
SC 铃 líng
The lady of the house rang a bell to summon her servant.

bell, church bell n: (large: rung in tower)
SC 钟 zhōng
SC 大钟
Father Brown is going to let Alistair ring the bell next Sunday before church.

bell n: (signal: start, end of class) (学校)
SC 钟声 , 铃声 zhōng shēng
The students jumped out of their seats at the sound of the bell.

bell n: (small: on collar, etc.)
SC 铃 líng
SC 铃铛
Our cat has a bell on her a collar so that birds can hear her approaching.

bells npl: (handbells: musical instrument) (乐器)
SC 手铃,手摇铃 shǒu líng,shǒu yáo líng
Tania thought it was humiliating to play the bells in the marching band.

bell n: (doorbell)
SC 门铃 mén líng
When you arrive, please ring the bell.

bell n: (flared part of a wind instrument) (管乐器)
SC 喇叭口,号口,管口
Ron uses a swab to clean inside the bell of his saxophone.

bell n: (end of brass instrument) (铜管乐器)
SC 喇叭口
Jane twisted the bell back and forth to loosen it from the body of the clarinet.

bell n: UK, slang (phone call)
SC 电话 diàn huà
TC 電話
I've just had a bell from your dad; he wants you to call him back right away.

bell n: (ship's bell signal) (船)
SC 鸣钟 míng zhōng

bell n: (jellyfish body)
SC 钟状体
The bell of the jellyfish pulsates to propel it through the water.

alarm bell n: (bell sounding an alert) (本义)
SC 警钟,警铃 jǐng zhōng,jǐng líng

alarm bell (US), alarm bells (UK) n: figurative (warning, caution)
SC 警告, 提醒
George's late arrival for our first date should have set off alarm bells that he's not a punctual person.

bell captain: (hotel employee) (酒店)
SC 行李部领班

bell curve: (bell-shaped curve)
SC 钟形曲线

bell end n: UK, vulgar, slang (head of the penis)
SC 龟头 guī tóu

bell end, bellend n: UK, vulgar, figurative, slang (idiot, stupid person)
SC 蠢货 chǔn huò

bell jar: (protective glass)
SC 钟形玻璃罩
SC 钟形容器

bell pepper, also UK: sweet pepper n: (vegetable: mild pepper)
SC 青椒 qīng jiāo
SC 柿子椒 qīng jiāo,shì zi jiāo
Bell peppers are often used in a salad.

bell pepper, also UK: sweet pepper n: (plant: bears peppers) (植物)
SC 青椒,柿子椒 qīng jiāo,shì zi jiāo
I planted tomatoes, hot peppers, and bell peppers in my garden last year.

bell pull n: (cord that rings a bell)
SC 拉铃索
SC 敲钟拉绳

bell push n: UK (button that activates a bell)
SC 电铃按钮

bell ringer, bell-ringer, bellringer n: (campanologist: [sb] who rings bells)
SC 敲钟人
SC 摇铃人 yáo líng rén

bell tower n: (structure housing a bell)
SC 钟楼 zhōng lóu
SC 钟塔 zhōng lóu,zhōng tǎ
There were bats living in the church bell tower.

bell-bottoms npl: (clothing: flared pants)
SC 喇叭裤 lǎ bā kù
TC 喇叭褲

bell-bottom, bell-bottomed adj: (clothing: having flared legs)
SC 喇叭裤的

bell-bottomed adj: (pants: bell-bottom, flared)
SC 喇叭裤的

bell-shaped adj: (flared at bottom)
SC 钟形的

Bell's palsy n: (facial paralysis)
SC 贝尔面瘫,面部神经麻痹

bellboy, bell-boy n: US (young male porter at a hotel)
SC (酒店里帮助客人搬行李的)年轻男服务生 (jiǔ diàn lǐ bāng zhù kè rén bān xíng lǐ de) nián qīng nán fú wù shēng
Did you remember to tip the bellboy for bringing your luggage up to your room?

dinner bell n: (signal: dinnertime)
SC 就餐铃(声) jiù cān líng ( shēng )
SC 开饭锣(声) jiù cān líng ( shēng ),kāi fàn luó ( shēng )
The maid rang the dinner bell to summon the guests to the dining room.

diving bell n: (submersible chamber)
SC 潜水钟

dumbbell, also UK: dumb-bell n: (gym weight)
SC 哑铃 yǎ líng
Doing presses with dumbbells is a great way to strengthen the muscles in your shoulders and upper back.

give [sb] a bell v expr: UK, slang (phone [sb])
SC 给…打电话 gěi dǎ diàn huà
Give me a bell when you need picking up from the station.

jingle bell n: (small bell worn by folk dancers)
SC 民族舞蹈者戴的小铃铛 mín zú wǔ dǎo zhě dài de xiǎo líng dāng

jingle bell n: (sleigh bell)
SC 雪橇的铃 xuě qiāo de líng
TC 雪橇的鈴

Jingle Bells n: (winter song)
SC 《铃儿响叮当》
It's inappropriate to play songs like Jingle Bells in the shops until December.

ring a bell v expr: figurative, informal (sound familiar)
SC 听起来熟悉, 有印象
I'm not sure if I know him or not - the name certainly rings a bell.

ring the bell, ring the doorbell v expr: (sound the doorbell)
SC 按响门铃 àn xiǎng mén líng
TC 按響門鈴
When you ring the bell someone comes to open the door.

saved by the bell adj: figurative, informal (rescued at the last minute)
SC 在最后关头得救

school bell n: (signal: start or end of class)
SC 上下课铃 shàng xià kè líng
TC 上下課鈴
When the 8:00 school bell rings, students should be seated at their desks.

vesper bell, vesper n: (bell rung at evening)
SC 晚祷钟声

warning bell n: (alarm)
SC 警铃 jǐng líng
SC 警钟 jǐng líng,jǐng zhōng
SC 提示铃
If anyone comes, ring the warning bell.




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