

单词 raises

raise [sth] vtr: (height: increase)
SC 升高 shēng gāo
TC 升高 / 昇高
SC 把…往上提 shēng gāo,bǎ … wǎng shàng tí
We raised the beach umbrella by six inches.

raise [sth] vtr: (lift into air)
SC 举起 jǔ qǐ
Raise your hand if you have a question.

raise [sth] vtr: (increase: volume) (音量)
SC 增加, 调大
Would you raise the volume so I can hear it?

raise [sth] vtr: (intensity: increase)
SC 增强 zēng qiáng
TC 增強
SC 提高(水平等) zēng qiáng ,tí gāo shuǐ píng děng
Guys, we need to raise our level of play or we won't win the game.

raise [sth] vtr: (salary: increase)
SC 提(薪) tí xīn
SC 涨(工资)
The company raised everybody's salary by 3%.

raise [sth] vtr: (money: collect) (筹款)
SC 募集, 筹集
We raised five thousand dollars for the charity.

raise [sth] vtr: (price, rent: increase) (价格)
SC 涨高, 提高
The landlord raised the rent by one hundred dollars a month.

raise [sb] vtr: (children: rear)
SC 养育 yǎng yù
SC 抚养 yǎng yù ,fǔ yǎng
SC 培养 yǎng yù ,péi yǎng
We raised the children to be respectful of their parents.

raise [sth] vtr: (crops: cultivate)
SC 种植 zhòng zhí
TC 種植
SC 培育 zhòng zhí,péi yù
Many farmers in Ohio raise corn.

raise [sth] vtr: (head: tilt upwards)
SC 抬头
TC 抬頭
He raised his head once he heard his name.

raise n: (increase)
SC 涨价 zhǎng jià
SC 上涨 zhǎng jià ,shàng zhǎng
TC 上漲
The raise in prices made housing difficult to afford.

raise n: US, informal (rise: increase amount)
SC 增加的量 zēng jiā de liàng
TC 增加的量
SC 涨幅 zēng jiā de liàng ,zhǎng fú
The 10% raise in prices made things too expensive.

raise (US), pay rise (UK) n: US, informal (pay rise: increase in pay)
SC 加薪 jiā xīn
SC 加工资 jiā xīn,jiā gōng zī
He got a raise of 4%.

raise [sth] vtr: (window: open) (窗户)
SC 打开 dǎ kāi
TC 打開
SC 抬起 dǎ kāi,tái qǐ
Let's raise the windows to allow some fresh air in here.

raise [sth] vtr: (structure: erect)
SC 建起 jiàn qǐ
It took the company three weeks to raise a barn there.

raise [sth] vtr: (support: rally)
SC 提高 tí gāo
TC 提高
SC 增加 tí gāo,zēng jiā
TC 增加
SC 提升 tí gāo,tí shēng
TC 提升 / 提昇
The political party tried to raise support among voters.

raise [sth] vtr: (provoke, rouse)
SC 激起 jī qǐ
TC 激起
SC 惹起 jī qǐ,rě qǐ
The opposition raised a commotion in the House of Deputies.

raise [sth] vtr: (animals: rear) (动物)
SC 饲养 sì yǎng
The farmer who lives there raises sheep.

raise [sth] vtr: (bring up: issue, objection, etc) (问题等)
SC 提出 tí chū
TC 提出
SC 提及 tí chū,tí jí
Someone at the meeting raised the idea of finishing work early on Fridays.

raise [sth] vtr: (animate)
SC 鼓励 gǔ lì
TC 鼓勵
SC 振奋 gǔ lì,zhèn fèn
TC 振奮
The success of his novel raised the author's mood.

raise [sth] vtr: (stir up, lead)
SC 煽动 shān dòng
TC 煽動
SC 召集 shān dòng,zhào jí
TC 召集
The community leader raised a protest over the new laws.

raise [sb] to [sth] vtr: (promote: in rank)
SC 提升…的等级 tí shēng de děng jí
SC 提高…的级别 tí shēng de děng jí,tí gāo … de jí bié
SC 晋升 tí shēng de děng jí,jìn shēng
After his bravery in battle, he was raised to the rank of major.

raise [sb] [sth] vtr: (poker bet: increase)
SC 给...加码
SC 比…多下注 bǐ duō xià zhù
I match your bet, and raise you five.

raise [sth] vtr: (bridge: lift) (吊桥)
SC 提起 tí qǐ
SC 吊起 tí qǐ,diào qǐ
They raised the road's drawbridge to allow the boat through.

raise [sth] vtr: (military: siege)
SC 解除 jiě chú
TC 解除
SC 撤除
The attacking army raised their siege of the walled city after a month.

raise [sth] vtr: (radio: make contact) (通过无线电等)
SC 与…取得联系
Try to raise headquarters, if that old transmitter still works.

raise hell vi phrasal: (be extremely noisy)
SC 闹得天翻地覆
SC 引起骚乱

raise [sth/sb] up vtr phrasal sep: (lift, hold aloft)
SC 提起 tí qǐ
SC 举起 tí qǐ,jǔ qǐ
A kid asked me to raise him up so he could see the parade better.

give [sb] a raise, give a raise to [sb] (US), give [sb] a rise, give a rise to [sb] (UK) v expr: informal (increase [sb]'s pay)
SC 给…加薪,给…涨工资

lift [sb]'s spirits, raise [sb]'s spirits, lift [sb]'s mood v expr: (improve [sb]'s mood)
SC 振奋...的精神
SC 让...精神好起来
These party songs are guaranteed to lift your spirits.

pay raise (US), pay rise (UK) n: (increase in wages, salary)
SC 涨工资 zhǎng gōng zī
TC 漲工資
SC 加薪 zhǎng gōng zī,jiā xīn
Staff are expected to settle for a pay rise of around 1%.

raise a family v expr: (bring up children)
SC 养家糊口 yǎng jiā hú kǒu

raise a question v expr: (ask [sth], enquire)
SC 提问 tí wèn
TC 提問
Mark raised a difficult question during the meeting and nobody wanted to answer it.

raise a question v expr: (pose an issue)
SC 提出待解决的问题
The report raises the question of how to deal with the unemployed.

raise a smile v expr: (be funny)
SC 展颜一笑 zhǎn yán yí xiào
TC 展顏一笑
His amusing introduction raised a smile from the audience.

raise an eyebrow, raise your eyebrow v expr: (show surprise)
SC 感到惊讶

raise an eyebrow v expr: (show disbelief) (表示不相信)
SC 挑眉

raise an eyebrow v expr: (show disapproval) (表示异议)
SC 挑眉

raise awareness v expr: (increase public understanding)
SC 提高觉悟 tí gāo jué wù
TC 提高覺悟
SC 提高认识 tí gāo jué wù,tí gāo rèn shí
Little is known about this disease, so I am making a film to raise awareness.

raise awareness of [sth] v expr: (increase understanding of [sth])
SC 提高对…的认识
People are wearing wristbands this month to raise awareness of mental health issues.

raise capital vtr + n: (obtain investments)
SC 募集资本
SC 筹资 chóu zī

raise ethical issues v expr: (be morally complex or controversial)
SC 引发伦理议题

raise eyebrows, raise a few eyebrows v expr: informal, figurative (cause surprise)
SC 令人惊讶,引人侧目

raise eyebrows, raise a few eyebrows v expr: informal, figurative (cause disapproval)
SC 令人侧目
SC 让人惊诧

raise funds v expr: (make money for a cause)
SC 筹集资金 chóu jí zī jīn
TC 籌集資金

raise [sth] in price v expr: (increase the cost of)
SC 涨价 zhǎng jià
SC 抬价 zhǎng jià ,tái jià
SC 加价 zhǎng jià ,jiā jià

raise money v expr: (generate funds: for a cause)
SC 筹款 chóu kuǎn
We're raising money for the earthquake relief effort.

raise objections v expr: (disagree)
SC 提出异议 tí chū yì yì
TC 提出異議
What shall we do if people raise objections to the new plans?

raise one's hand v expr: figurative (admit to [sth], confess)
SC 承认 chéng rèn
TC 承認

raise the bar v expr: figurative (set standards higher)
SC 提高标准
SC 提高要求

raise the biddings v expr: (force the amounts bid to increase)
SC 抬高出价 tái gāo chū jià
TC 抬高出價
SC 提高竞价 tái gāo chū jià,tí gāo jìng jià
He raised the biddings with a poker in hand, but he lost everything.

raise the game v expr: figurative (intensify or increase [sth])
SC 提升水平,提升水准

raise the height of [sth] v expr: (make higher)
SC 提高…的高度 tí gāo de gāo dù
SC 使…更高 tí gāo de gāo dù,shǐ gèng gāo
When basketball players speak, we usually have to raise the height of the microphone.

raise your eyebrows v expr: figurative (show skepticism)
SC 挑眉以示怀疑

raise your voice v expr: (speak more loudly)
SC 提高嗓门 tí gāo sǎng mén
TC 提高嗓門
SC 放大音量 tí gāo sǎng mén,fàng dà yīn liàng
Please raise your voice - I can't hear you very well.

raise your voice v expr: (shout)
SC 大喊大叫 dà hǎn dà jiào
SC 大声嚷嚷 dà hǎn dà jiào,dà shēng rāng rāng
SC 大声叫嚷 dà hǎn dà jiào,dà shēng jiào rāng
Don't raise your voice at your mother, young man.




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