

单词 choice

US   UK  
choice n: (range of options)
SC 选择 xuǎn zé
TC 選擇
SC 选项 xuǎn zé ,xuǎn xiàng
There was a good choice of desserts on the menu.

choice n: (act of choosing)
SC 选择 xuǎn zé
TC 選擇
SC 挑选 xuǎn zé ,tiāo xuǎn
TC 挑選
Simon regretted his choice of the apple almost as soon as he had made it.

choice adj: (quality)
SC 上等的 shàng děng de
SC 优良的 shàng děng de ,yōu liáng de
SC 优良的 shàng děng de ,yōu liáng de
The choice cuts of meat are always the most expensive.

choice n: (thing chosen)
SC 选中的东西 xuǎn zhòng de dōng xī
SC 选择 xuǎn zhòng de dōng xī,xuǎn zé
TC 選擇
The car was her choice.

by choice adv: (willingly, of one's free will)
SC 自愿地 zì yuàn de
TC 自願地
I did not exactly retire by choice.

childfree by choice, childless by choice, also UK: child-free by choice expr: (voluntarily having no children)
SC 选择不生育
SC 选择无子女
Glen and his wife are childless by choice, although they have three dogs.

choice of n: ([sth] preferred, chosen by)
SC 特选的东西 tè xuǎn de dōng xī
SC 选定的东西 tè xuǎn de dōng xī,xuǎn dìng de dōng xī
Coca-Cola is my choice of soda.

choice of n: (opportunity to choose between)
SC 选择的机会 xuǎn zé de jī huì
If you arrive early to the registration, you will have your choice of classes for next semester.

choice of n: (selection, variety of)
SC 供选择的品种 gōng xuǎn zé de pǐn zhǒng
SC 供选择的种类 gōng xuǎn zé de pǐn zhǒng,gōng xuǎn zé de zhǒng lèi
They have such a wide choice of vegetables at this supermarket.

choice of words n: (way of saying [sth])
SC 措辞 cuò cí
SC 斟酌词句 cuò cí,zhēn zhuó cí jù
Mr. Peebles' choice of words while talking to the chairman's wife led to his banishment from the golf club.

first choice n: (preferred option)
SC 首选 shǒu xuǎn
SC 第一选择 shǒu xuǎn,dì yī xuǎn zé
Of course, Paris would have been my first choice.

free choice n: (unrestricted options)
SC 自由选择 zì yóu xuǎn zé
TC 自由選擇
SC 自由选择权 zì yóu xuǎn zé,zì yóu xuǎn zé quán
You can only control your own life by exercising your own free choice.

free choice n: ([sth] chosen freely)
SC 自由选择物 zì yóu xuǎn zé wù

freedom of choice n: (free will)
SC 自由选择权,自由意志 zì yóu xuǎn zé quán,zì yóu yì zhì
Man has freedom of choice as to whether he will follow a path of good or evil.

have no choice v expr: (be forced to do [sth])
SC 没有选择 méi yǒu xuǎn zé
TC 沒有選擇
SC 只此一路 méi yǒu xuǎn zé ,zhǐ cǐ yí lù
I had to fire him. I had no choice.

have no choice but to do [sth] v expr: (not have alternative)
SC 别无选择只能...
We have no choice but to think that you acted irresponsibly.

Hobson's choice n: figurative (lack of genuine alternative) (比喻)
SC 毫无选择余地 háo wú xuǎn zé yú dì
Since it's Hobson's choice I suppose I have to agree.

make a choice v expr: (select from among options)
SC 做出选择 zuò chū xuǎn zé
TC 做出選擇

make your choice v expr: (decide)
SC 做出选择 zuò chū xuǎn zé
TC 做出選擇
You made your choice; now live with it.

multiple choice n: (test: choose right answer) (考试题型)
SC 选择题

multiple choice, multiple-choice n as adj: (question: with several options)
SC 多项选择的 duō xiàng xuǎn zé de

no choice n: (absence of alternative options)
SC 别无选择 bié wú xuǎn zé
TC 別無選擇
There is no choice; we'll have to do it.

of choice adj: (preferred)
SC 优先选择的
Audrey got into her university of choice.

of your own choice expr: (chosen by you alone)
SC 自行选择的
You can order your new car in the colour of your own choice.

only choice n: (only available option)
SC 唯一的选择 wéi yī de xuǎn zé
SC 别无选择 wéi yī de xuǎn zé,bié wú xuǎn zé
TC 別無選擇
There is no public transport round here so my only choice is to go by car.

own choice n: (decision made freely)
SC 自己的抉择 zì jǐ de jué zé

own choice n: (individual free will)
SC 个人选择 gè rén xuǎn zé
TC 個人選擇
SC 自己的选择 gè rén xuǎn zé,zì jǐ de xuǎn zé
My parents wanted me to go to law school, but I made my own choice and attended art school instead.

particular choice n: ([sth] specifically chosen)
SC 特定的选择 tè dìng de xuǎn zé
I wonder why you made that particular choice over your other options.

personal choice n: (free will) (指个人的自由意愿)
SC 个人选择 gè rén xuǎn zé
TC 個人選擇
I can't force you to go to university; in the end, it's your own personal choice.

personal choice n: ([sth] decided freely) (指个人自由决定之事)
SC 个人的选择 gè rén de xuǎn zé

possible choice n: (available option)
SC 可能的选择 kě néng de xuǎn zé

pro-choice adj: (abortion: supporting right to choose)
SC 主张女性有权人工流产的
SC 提倡堕胎合法的

take your choice v expr: (select, choose)
SC 选择 xuǎn zé
TC 選擇




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