

单词 child

US   UK  
child, plural: children n: (boy, girl)
SC 孩子,小孩 hái zi ,xiǎo hái
TC 孩子,小孩
A child needs love.

child, plural: children n: (son, daughter)
SC 子女 zǐ nǚ
TC 子女
SC 孩子 zǐ nǚ ,hái zi
TC 孩子
We have just had our first child.

child n as adj: (of children)
SC 儿童的
TC 兒童的
SC 孩子的
Child psychologists study the mind and behaviour of children.

child n: (baby)
SC 婴儿 yīng ér
TC 嬰兒
The child was born only a few months ago.

child n: figurative (person: immature)
SC 幼稚的人 yòu zhì de rén
SC 孩子气的人 yòu zhì de rén,hái zi qì de rén
SC 不成熟的人 yòu zhì de rén,bù chéng shóu de rén / bù chéng shú de rén
He is such a child. He should treat others better.

child n: figurative, literary (result)
SC 结果 jié guǒ
TC 結果
SC 成果 jié guǒ,chéng guǒ
TC 成果
William Hazlitt once wrote, "Prejudice is the child of ignorance".

adult child, plural: adult children n: (offspring: grown up)
SC 成年子女
I have three adult children, two of whom have children of their own.

as a child adv: (during childhood)
SC 童年时 tóng nián shí
TC 童年時
SC 小时候 tóng nián shí,xiǎo shí hòu
As a child, Fiona was scared of dogs but she later went on to become a vet.

bastard child n: dated, offensive (person: unmarried parents) (旧时用语,无礼)
SC 私生子 sī shēng zi
Although he was born a bastard child he was made legitimate when his parents married.

bear a child v expr: (give birth to a baby)
SC 生孩子 shēng hái zi
Helen bore a child at the age of 43.

big with child adj: archaic, informal (heavily pregnant) (指怀孕快生了)
SC 挺着个大肚子的
Katherine was big with child, and everyone expected the birth to be any day.

child abuse n: (violence towards a child)
SC 虐待儿童 nüè dài ér tóng
TC 虐待兒童
Social workers and teachers have to look out for evidence of child abuse.

child abuse n: (neglect of a child)
SC 虐待儿童 nüè dài ér tóng
TC 虐待兒童
Failing to provide for a child's basic needs is a form of child abuse.

child abuse n: (sexual molestation of a child)
SC 性侵儿童
A 36-year-old man has been charged with child abuse and making indecent images of children.

child care center, childcare center (US), day nursery, childcare centre (UK) n: (day nursery)
SC 托儿所 tuō ér suǒ
TC 托兒所
Many companies have an on-site child care center for their employees' children.

child custody n: (guardianship)
SC 儿童监护权
In some cases, child custody can be awarded to the adoptive parent.

child groomer n: (pedophile)
SC 恋童癖 liàn tóng pǐ
TC 戀童癖
SC 恋童者

child labor (US), child labour (UK) n: (children: forced working)
SC 童工 tóng gōng
Child labor is still prevalent in some Third World countries.

child prodigy n: (gifted young person)
SC 天才儿童 tiān cái ér tóng
TC 天才兒童
Mozart was a child prodigy who started composing music before the age of five.

child psychiatry n: (children's mental health)
SC 儿童精神病学 ér tóng jīng shén bìng xué
She is a psychiatrist with a child psychiatry practice specializing in autism.

child psychology n: (children's minds, behavior)
SC 儿童心理学 ér tóng xīn lǐ xué
As a student of child psychology, you'll focus on the development of children from infancy through adolescence and learn about related disorders.

child rearing n: (parenting, raising of offspring)
SC 育儿
SC 养育孩子
Child rearing doesn't end when the children become adults, it just changes form.

child support n: (money paid by absent parent)
SC 子女抚养费 zǐ nǚ fǔ yǎng fèi
My ex-husband has to pay child support every month.

child welfare n: (services: protect children)
SC 儿童福利 ér tóng fú lì
TC 兒童福利
Foster parents are an important part of the child welfare system.

child-friendly, child friendly adj: (accommodating children's needs)
SC 方便儿童使用的
Some companies have become child friendly, offering on-site daycare facilities.
The menu looks good, but is it a child-friendly restaurant?

child's play n: figurative ([sth] very easy) (比喻)
SC 轻而易举的事 qīng ér yì jǔ de shì
I finished the crossword puzzle very quickly; it was child's play.

childcare, child care n: (professional care of children)
SC 儿童照顾 ér tóng zhào gù
TC 兒童照顧
SC 儿童保育 ér tóng zhào gù,ér tóng bǎo yù
Working parents need good childcare for their kids.

childfree, also UK: child-free adj: (having no children by choice)
SC 无子女的 wú zǐ nǚ de
SC 不生育的

childfree by choice, childless by choice, also UK: child-free by choice expr: (voluntarily having no children)
SC 选择不生育
SC 选择无子女
Glen and his wife are childless by choice, although they have three dogs.

childproof, child-proof, child proof adj: (safe for children)
SC 儿童无法打开的 ér tóng wú fǎ dǎ kāi de
SC 防孩子的 ér tóng wú fǎ dǎ kāi de,fáng hái zi de

childproof [sth], child-proof vtr: (make safe for children)
SC 使对儿童无害 shǐ duì ér tóng wú hài

deprived child, plural: deprived children n: (child: disadvantaged)
SC 贫困儿童 pín kùn ér tóng
TC 貧困兒童
This government has done nothing to alleviate the problems of deprived children.

foster child n: (child placed with a family)
SC 养子 yǎng zǐ
SC 养女 yǎng zǐ ,yǎng nǚ
SC 寄养的孩子 yǎng zǐ ,jì yǎng de hái zi
She became a foster child when both of her parents went to jail.

gifted child n: (young person: talented, clever)
SC 天才儿童 tiān cái ér tóng
TC 天才兒童
SC 小神童 tiān cái ér tóng,xiǎo shén tóng
Mozart was a gifted child, composing from the age of five.

good child n: (child who is well behaved)
SC 好孩子 hǎo hái zǐ
My mother says I was a good child when I was younger.

illegitimate child n: (child born to unmarried parents)
SC 非婚生子女 fēi hūn shēng zǐ nǚ
SC 私生子女 fēi hūn shēng zǐ nǚ,sī shēng zǐ nǚ
Many years ago, she had an illegitimate child who was adopted by a couple with no children of their own.

it's child's play expr: (it's extremely easy)
SC 太简单了 tài jiǎn dān le
TC 太簡單了
SC 这件事无关紧要 tài jiǎn dān le ,zhè jiàn shì wú guān jǐn yào
It's so easy to do -- it's child's play, really.

love child n: slang (illegitimate offspring)
SC 私生子 sī shēng zi
That girl is a love child; she has never met her father.

man-child, manchild n: literary (male child, boy)
SC 男孩 nán hái
TC 男孩

man-child, manchild n: literary (son)
SC 儿子 ér zi
TC 兒子

man-child, manchild n: figurative, pejorative (emotionally immature man)
SC 情感不成熟的男人

mere child n: (very young person)
SC 不过是个孩子 bú guò shì gè hái zi
A mere child can't be expected to understand the stock market.

middle child n: ([sb] with older and younger siblings) (指三个孩子中)
SC 老二

model child n: (child: well behaved)
SC 模范孩子 mó fàn hái zi
TC 模範小孩
I was a model child. I got good grades and never gave my parents any trouble.

natural child n: dated (biological offspring)
SC 亲生子女 qīn shēng zǐ nǚ
TC 親生子女
The duke never married but had several natural children by different women.

natural child n: (child born to unmarried parents)
SC 非婚生子女 fēi hūn shēng zǐ nǚ
The king's natural child had no claim to the throne.

oldest child n: ([sb] with younger siblings only)
SC 长子,长女 zhǎng zǐ,zhǎng nǚ
TC 長子

only child n: ([sb] without siblings)
SC 独生子女 dú shēng zǐ nǚ
TC 獨生子女
My mother's an only child, but my father has five siblings.

poster child n: figurative ([sb] who represents [sth])
SC 典型人物
SC 代表人物

poster child n: (child on poster of organization)
SC 海报儿童

preschool child, pre-school child n: (child under 5)
SC 学龄前儿童 xué líng qián ér tóng
Pre-school children must be accompanied by both parents.

problem child n: (difficult or unruly child)
SC 问题儿童
SC 难管教的孩子
He's always been a problem child.

school child, schoolchild n: (pupil)
SC 小学生 xiǎo xué shēng
TC 小學生
Three school children said they saw your dog running around the playground.

spoiled child, also UK: spoilt child n: (child: unpleasant, greedy)
SC 被惯坏的孩子 bèi guàn huài de hái zi
If you always give in to him, he'll become a spoiled child.

stepchild, step-child n: (child of your spouse)
SC 继子女 jì zǐ nǚ
TC 繼子女
Marcia never had children of her own, but she has a stepchild with her husband.

wild child n: UK (undisciplined teenager)
SC 野孩子
SC 没有教养的孩子
Sheila had a reputation for being a wild child.

wild child n: (feral child)
SC 兽孩
SC 野孩
The film is about a wild child who was found in a forest.

with child adj: dated (pregnant)
SC 怀孕的 huái yùn de
TC 懷孕的




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