

单词 chain

US   UK  
chain n: (links)
SC 链 liàn
SC 链子 liàn,liàn zi
The prisoners' ankles were bound together with chains.

chain n: (necklace)
SC 项链 xiàng liàn
Ida wore a simple silver chain around her neck.

chain n: (company with branches)
SC 连锁店
TC 連鎖店
This city has more chains than independently-owned shops.

chain [sth/sb] to [sth/sb] vtr + prep: (connect, link)
SC 用链条将…栓在…上
When you park your bike, remember to chain it to a bike rack or tree.

chain n as adj: (chain-like)
SC 链状的 liàn zhuàng de
TC 鏈狀的

ball and chain n: (ball chained to prisoner's leg)
SC 铁球
SC 铁链 tiě liàn

ball and chain n: figurative (restraint, obstacle)
SC 束缚 shù fù
TC 束縛
SC 累赘 shù fù,léi zhuì

ball and chain n: slang (wife)
SC 妻子 qī zǐ
TC 妻子
SC 老婆 qī zǐ ,lǎo pó
TC 老婆

bike chain, bicycle chain n: informal (roller chain on bicycle)
SC 自行车链条 zì xíng chē liàn tiáo
The cyclist had to pull over because her bike chain had come off.

chain drive n: (mechanism: roller chain)
SC 链条传动 liàn tiáo chuán dòng
TC 鏈條傳動
My first motorcycle had a chain drive and I had to remember to check the tension. The chain drive on a bicycle transfers power from the pedals to turn the wheels.

chain gang n: (prisoners chained together to work)
SC 被铁链锁住一起干活的囚犯 bèi tiě liàn suǒ zhù yì qǐ gàn huó de qiú fàn
The prisoners on the chain gang were sent to break up rocks in the quarry.

chain letter: (ongoing letter)
SC 连环信
SC 连锁信件

chain mail, chainmail n: (type of armor) (一种盔甲)
SC 锁子甲 suǒ zi jiǎ
TC 鎖子甲
The knight wore a bronze helmet and a suit of chain mail armour.

chain of command n: (hierarchy)
SC 指挥系统 zhǐ huī xì tǒng
TC 指揮系統
Orders travel along the chain of command from the headquarters to the soldiers in the field.

chain of events n: (series of occurrences)
SC 一连串事件

chain reaction n: (sequence of cause and effect)
SC 连锁反应 lián suǒ fǎn yìng
TC 連鎖反應
In the blinding snow, one car hit another and caused a chain reaction; the accident ended up involving six cars on Highway 40.

chain smoker, chainsmoker, chain-smoker n: figurative (person: smokes heavily)
SC 烟瘾很大的人 yān yǐn hěn dà de rén
SC 老烟枪 yān yǐn hěn dà de rén,lǎo yān qiāng
SC 吸烟过度的人 yān yǐn hěn dà de rén,xī yān guò dù de rén
I would class myself as a heavy smoker rather than a chain smoker.

chain smoker, chainsmoker, chain-smoker n: (person: lights cigarette with previous)
SC 一根接一根抽烟的人 yì gēn jiē yì gēn chōu yān de rén
SC 连续抽烟的人 yì gēn jiē yì gēn chōu yān de rén,lián xù chōu yān de rén
Chain smokers smoke non-stop all day from the moment they awake to the moment they go to bed.

chain smoking n: (lighting cigarette with previous)
SC 连续抽烟 lián xù chōu yān
TC 連續抽煙
SC 一根接一根地抽烟 lián xù chōu yān,yì gēn jiē yì gēn de chōu yān

chain smoking n: figurative (smoking heavily)
SC 过度吸烟 guò dù xī yān
TC 過度吸煙
SC 大量吸烟 guò dù xī yān,dà liàng xī yān
The first step to improve your cardiac health, Mr. Johnson, is to cut out the chain smoking.

chain-smoking adj: (lights cigarette with previous)
SC 连续抽烟的 lián xù chōu yān de
SC 一根接一根抽烟的 lián xù chōu yān de,yì gēn jiē yì gēn chōu yān de

chain-smoking adj: figurative (smokes heavily)
SC 吸烟过度的 xī yān guò dù de
SC 烟瘾很大的 xī yān guò dù de,yān yǐn hěn dà de
He was a typical fast-talking, chain-smoking, streetwise hustler.

chain stitch n: (ornamental embroidery stitch)
SC 链状绣
SC 链状针法

chain stitch n: (crochet stitch)
SC 链式缝法

chain stitch n: (machine stitch)
SC 链式缝纫

chain stitch vi: (sew or crochet using chain stitch)
SC 锁针

chain stitch [sth] vtr: (use the chain stitch)
SC 用锁针编织

chain store n: (shop with many branches)
SC 连锁商店 lián suǒ shāng diàn
TC 連鎖商店
Chain stores have been the death of independent retailers.

chain [sth] up, chain up [sth] vtr + adv: (secure with a chain)
SC 锁住...

chain [sb/sth] up, chain up [sb/sth] vtr + adv: (restrain with a chain)
SC 拴住...

chain up vi + adv: US (vehicle: snow chains)
SC 装上雪地链
SC 装上防滑链

chain-up adj: US (for snow chains)
SC 上防滑链的
This highway provides a chain-up area, so drivers can stop and put their snow chains on.

chain-link fence n: (wire enclosure)
SC 铁丝网围栏 tiě sī wǎng wéi lán
Private tennis courts are usually surrounded with chain-link fences.

chain-smoke vi: (light cigarette with previous)
SC 连续不断地抽香烟
SC 一支接一支地抽烟

chain-smoke [sth] vtr: (light with previous)
SC 连续不断地抽
SC 一支接一支地抽
She chain-smoked three cigarettes as she waited anxiously outside.

chain-smoke vi: figurative (smoke heavily)
SC 连续抽烟 lián xù chōu yān
TC 連續抽煙
SC 不停抽烟

chainsaw, chain saw n: (motorized cutting tool)
SC 电锯 diàn jù
The cat and dog ran when they heard the sound of the chainsaw.

chainsaw [sth], chain-saw [sth] vtr: (cut with a chainsaw)
SC 用电锯割 yòng diàn jù gē
TC 用電鋸割
The crew chainsawed the downed tree branches into small pieces.

daisy chain n: (flowers linked together) (本义)
SC 雏菊花环 chú jú huā huán
TC 雛菊花環
The girls made a daisy chain from flowers they picked in the meadow.

daisy chain n: figurative (devices, actions: linked) (比喻)
SC 链,环,(相互联系的)一系列,(有内在联系的)一连串 liàn,huán,xiāng hù lián xì de yí xì liè,yǒu nèi zài lián xì de yì lián chuàn
TC 鍊,環

daisy-chain n as adj: figurative (linked, repeating)
SC 环环相扣的
SC 相互关联的 xiāng hù guān lián de

door chain n: (metal security device for a door)
SC 门链
Don't depend on a door chain as your only lock.

food chain n: (hierarchy of organisms)
SC 食物链 shí wù liàn
TC 食物鏈
Plankton are at the bottom of the marine food chain.

island chain n: (archipelago: group of islands)
SC 列岛 liè dǎo
The Hawaiian Islands are an excellent example of an island chain.

key chain, keychain n: (fob for attaching keys)
SC 钥匙链 yào shi liàn
TC 鑰匙鏈
I got my dad a souvenir key chain from Paris.

mountain chain: (geology)
SC 山脉 shān mài
TC 山脈

off the chain adj: UK, slang (wildly entertaining)
SC 狂野的 kuáng yě de

pain chain n: informal, figurative (vicious circle or cycle)
SC 恶性循环 è xìng xún huán
TC 惡性循環

pain chain n: (tedious procedure or process)
SC 冗长乏味的过程

retail chain n: (shop with multiple branches)
SC 连锁店
TC 連鎖店

straight-chain n: (chemistry: unbranched chain of organic molecules)
SC 直链

supply chain n: (process of manufacture and sale)
SC 供应链 gōng yìng liàn
TC 供應鏈
All it takes is a truckers' strike to break the supply chain.

value chain n: (business: series of activities that add value to final product) (指商业)
SC 价值链

watch chain n: (metal chain of a pocket watch)
SC 怀表链 huái biǎo liàn
TC 懷錶鍊




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